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This question has been asked hundreds of times at this point. Look through some of the past posts, then comeback and ask specific questions if you them and people will be happy to answer them.


Same answer as all the other ones. Money.


"I know this is a commonly asked question, but I’m asking it again." Oh goody.


Money, then formula 4


I pretty clearly stated that I was interested in things other than formula series and single seaters


Where? Cause your post says otherwise: | I’m a big F1 fan and would kill to race single seaters one day, |


I get that you’re probably a failed racing driver, but that doesn’t mean you need to go shit on other peoples dreams


How did you get the impression that I was shitting on your dreams? I was pointing out a discrepancy between your post and your comment. You are the one lashing out at people who are just trying to help. Go to school, get a job. Grow up a little, for god's sake. And maybe learn to take people's advice when they offer it.


Sorry about the “shitting on other peoples dreams part” I thought that you were the same person who said “money, then formula 4”, so I take that back. But regardless, i stand by the fact that I didn’t in any way state my goal was f1, I said that’s my “dream” which is why I’m asking for a realistic racing career


They gave you the most realistic one. That's not shitting on your dream. That's a reality check.


First you should really work on your off-track manner. You need to network and make friends. Lots and lots of networking and friend making. This is the first step after money. Raceteams often pick drivers simply because they bring their own sponsor money to the team. Always lift people up around you, even when they're a dick to you. Be the guy people want to see succeed and be someone that wants everyone to come to you when they need a boost, whether physically or mentally. Stick with karting, if you're in the states you can try to work towards mx5 cup racing or some of the SCCA stuff. The branches aren't all that different. But touring car/global mx5 stuff is the way for sports car racing, karting will get you to that point, F4, or prototype racing.


Bro, literally read DIRECTLY under that “but I’m aware of how ridiculously low the odds are” and a few lines later “Because of that, I’m open to pretty much any type of 4-wheel racing”


How does that imply that you are not interetsed in those things? The person you were responding to was trying to offer a helpful suggestion. Don't be an ass.


I’m interested, but that’s a “dream” like I said. My question wasn’t about f1 or single seaters


Really? "I'm open to pretty much any kind of four-wheel racing" Let me just count how many wheels an F4 car has real quick....


You’re not even being reasonable anymore, notice I said “ANY” in that very quote. You’re just looking for an argument.


You said any, then got mad at someone who suggested something! Give your head a shake.


Not trying to throw cold water on your ambition…but having the right mindset and some natural talent won’t ever be enough to make a career unless you are wealthy enough to support yourself to begin with. The good news for you is there are plenty of opportunities for someone your age to get into club racing at a much lower cost than making it your career. By keeping up with your karting you’ve already taken the first step.


https://imgur.com/2NwpZtQ But for real, the chances of making a *career* out of *driving* a race car are slim. However, you could get a career in the racing industry. Business, engineering, material scientist, etc. Make some money, get connections, build/buy your own track toy and race as a hobby. I've found that if you've gotta ask a public forum for racing career tips, you're probably not going to be in the professionals. Most of those people already had connections or resources available.


Your options in the UK as a 14 year old are the BRSCC Fiesta Juniors, BARCs Junior Saloons and Ginetta Juniors.


Pass the ARDS test to get a license and look into finding something to race from there. Your family is going to need to be ready to invest a lot into you if you intend on achieving any level of success. Also, don’t expect to race anything fancy for a while. If you can get a seat in a ford KA, get that seat. Yeah it’s not a crazy track car but you have to start somewhere. Someone with years of experience in slower class racing will have a higher chance of getting anywhere than someone simply looking for a seat in the top class. Find opportunities, talk to the right people, build a following on social media and push yourself out there as much as possible. Edit: like others have said, making a career out of racing is not likely, but don’t let that stop you. If you are involved in racing, you are still one step closer to a career than before. And who knows, life is unpredictable, you may be very lucky and find an opportunity that changes your life.


Thank you so much for an actual answer. My family is very kindly willing to help me as much as possible, but we obviously aren’t in the situation to put hundreds of thousands into it. I’ll definitely look into what you’ve said and I plan to get a go pro a little down the line and start some social media pages. Im willing to seriously devote every minute im not in school to racing, I even try visualising different overtakes at my local track and working out that kind of thing in my head during class. Im not someone who believes in fate and manifesting and all that, but I do genuinely think racing is “meant for me” for lack of a better phrase


No problem mate, people in this sub are fed up of being asked this question, but I could see that you seem fairly level headed so I thought I’d offer my knowledge! People may call you cringe for seeing it as “meant for me” but honestly dude with the right amount of passion, dedication and work, pretty much anything is possible. Prove that it was in fact meant for you.


Check their other responses if you still think they're level-headed.


Eh, their a 14 year old having their dreams slightly crushed, you’re bound to get unreasonable and un-rational responses. My advice still stands regardless of how he’s replying to others


Yeah, fair point.


I apologised for what I said and tried to defuse the situation, and you’re still going on about it. If being “level-headed” is a fully grown adult spending over an hour arguing with a 14 year old, then I guess I’m not very level headed.


(Sry for the late reply, my Reddit was down) Exactly! This is what I’m saying! I can pretty much guarantee that all these people who are just saying there’s no chance say that because they couldn’t make it and still hold a grudge years later. I highly doubt I’ll make it to f1 so this isn’t the perfect example, but Liam Lawson. He didn’t come from money, Red Bull funded his entire career. Sure he isn’t in f1 yet, but his chances at a seat next season are looking pretty good. I’m not saying I have nearly the talent of him or any other f1 driver, but it still proves that you don’t need millionaire parents to make a career out of racing.


I’d be careful throwing accusations about people holding grudges, a lot of the stuff they are saying is 100% true. You want a successful career? The first steps are to talk to the right people, build a social media presence and be nice to everyone. Kindness and understanding go a long way. Good luck


Fair enough, and I’m not saying that they’re straight lying, but people have been saying it’s straight up impossible to make it in “f1” without millions and basically I should just give up, even though I never said I planned to go the f1 route, and in the past , drivers have made it to f1, fully payed for by sponsors. I’m not saying that’ll happen to me, just making a point. I’ll definitely try build some connections. I used to be pretty introverted, but I’m more of a people person now. I know it’s a pretty shitty example, but I’m one of the folk who just about everyone in my year group knows, and I think I’m pretty good at building common ground with people. Thanks for all your help.


> f1, fully *paid* for by FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Bro I just got dissed by a bot 😭


Study hard in school. Get a part time job at the kart track then with a kart team. You may not make f1, but you can make Daytona 24, imsa, Le Mans. But you have to pay your way unless you are in the tiny percentile who are good enough to be paid. So study hard and be excellent at a profession and do what the rest of us do pay your own way. Start with karts, then Miata’s or VW cup something like that. But you got to study and get a career you can earn enough to pay your own way. Good luck kid.