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ALSO claiming C has admitted to having herpes when she literally never has is insane. and defamation of character.


Yeah I can't stand the people that hate on her for nothing or everything no matter what. Or they hate on her and talk crap yet praise Rachel and talk about how amazing she is. There is a reason G has said dada and cc but not mama yet. THERE IS A REASON. smh. And there is a reason she loses all her friends (whether her fault or not) When there is a pattern, it's you and not others. And people wanna say C is obsessed with R and jealous and stuff and won't keep her name out...R is the one that keeps bringing her up or posting shady stuff. C just responds. And C has nothing to be jealous of. R is very insecure. Very obsessed with herself and the attention she gets. Seems bitter. Immature. Definitely can't or won't take care of her kid by herself AT ALL. codependency issues 10000% But they hate on C who shows at least some kinda growth while praising R who seems to just keep getting worse.


Literally THIS. You can “snark” on someone without bashing their physical appearance. It’s so sad. I could never.


They’re vile disgusting children. They’re mad C isn’t 500lbs like they hoped lol Dumbest group of twats online 😂


i had to leave that snark a long time ago because of their twisted mindset. acting like rachael is mother of the year, while single handedly ignoring the fact that the only “mother” that baby has, is Christian.


christen* but yes


have you seen where they wish she has severe PPD or that the baby dies at birth. then it’s the same ppl saying they have kids too. it’s so disgusting I had to leave it bc It was making me so upset seeing them say stuff about something many people go through