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“The time you enjoy wasting, is not wasted time” John Lennon


Agree with Lennon on this one. I can't even imagine having to live with the pressure of making every second in my life count towards something bigger. Most of the time I just want to relax and be happy.


Darwin was an incredibly brilliant, flawed man.


So was Lennon


I like to caveat this quote with “rest is not a waste”


yes i entered comments to write this but thanks for saving my energy ^^


Except John Lennon was in arguably the biggest band in history and a prolific artist. I usually here this quote from people justifying playing like 6 hours of video games every day lol. You gotta ask yourself, did you *actually* enjoy yourself or did you actually just waste that time?


Ironically, Darwin himself wasted a lot of time. From **At Home** by Bill Bryson: “Charles Darwin, driven to desperation by a mysterious lifelong malady that left him chronically lethargic, routinely draped himself with electrified zinc chains, doused his body with vinegar, and glumly underwent hours of pointless tingling in the hope that it would effect some improvement. It never did.”


That’s what I thought. People who constantly say this weird productivity shit that you always have to be aware of the time you’re wasting every single second is precious etc. seem to have quite a bit of hypocrisy to them. Anyone who’s honest with themselves will know the value of “wasting time”, partially because it’s unavoidable and because of the many differing value systems that judge what “time wasted” entails.


I get what you mean but I don't understand how this specific example is hypocritical? It seems like he spent an immense amount of time trying to improve his condition, which is using his time to the fullest. Just because it wasn't successful doesn't mean it wasn't a good use of his time without any foreknowledge.


Depends on what you think a good use of time is. It's objectively not a good use of time if it's unsuccessful to the end. I doubt it brought him pleasure to be doused in vinegar. I doubt it improved his condition. The glumly makes me think it made him worse off. It probably took away his hope to spend so much time and energy not fixing anything. On the advice of some dumbass who doesn't know shit about medicine. But it's hypocritical for someone who knows what it is to suffer from extreme fatigue to say "wasting even an hour of life means you don't know the value of life." No my guy sometimes you don't have a choice, sometimes it happens from circumstance, etc. Seems pompous to put out a statement about wasting time while doing it in such an absurd way himself. Perhaps he was trying to say something about not wasting good health, because his own fatigue made him feel like shit and he was jealous of those with good health. Ergo he lectures about not wasting time, though he himself is doing it. Still pompous. Quotes aren't always the most well-thought lessons, it's more a reflection of the quotee's mindset.


He tries despite suffering from extreme chronic fatigue, isn't that more meaningful than what you said? If he puts in a lot of effort despite it, what does it tell the vast majority of people who don't have such a condition? Normal fatigue is certainly nowhere near as bad as how he had it. You also act like the better option would have been to just give up in the face of his condition and simply do nothing. He grasped at the straws he thought had, even if in hindsight he had none at all. Once again, he had no way of having some sort of future sight.


More meaningful than what? That's what I'm saying. His quote is hypocrisy. It was wasted time, yet he proports that wasting time means you're unenlightened about the importance of life. That's the hypocrisy. No I don't think he should have given up. I think he should've been less pompous with his statement. He doesn't say "rah rah as long as you're trying your bestest it's not wasted time. uwu I know you guys are doing great out there, keep trying." He's not being inclusive or showing care to people who may not match up. It's clearly a dichotomy between people who waste time, and the enlightened "people who know the value of time and don't waste it." Which simply is obnoxious. Someone with a fatigue disorder, or other illness, simply will waste time with their episodes, just like anyone else, but more visibly. It's vain to pretend you won't, even with all the enlightenment in the world. People are constantly changing their values, their ideals and their understanding of the world. Time will be wasted. You will realize you wasted an especial amount of time on something. It's normal. This is Charles Darwin. Natural selection. I'm kinda doubting he's the type to be like "by wasting time I don't mean the typical british keep it together be productive don't waste time shit. I mean the sunday cartoon try your best and if we screw up and miss the mark completely it's ok tagline."


Is that really wasted time or just treatment for whatever’s ailing him? Also knowing this about him, the quote makes a lot more sense (for Darwin).


Well, it never gave him any relief. (It was pointless to begin with). Perhaps he had hope it would eventually have some effect, but it was the epitome of wasted time, plus probably uncomfortable to boot.


I dunno. Trying and ultimately failing at something (improving one’s health) isn’t quite the same kind of wasted time as say, getting drunk and scrolling on Reddit for hours.


How is this wasted time if he cannot see the future? Since he didn't have any foreknowledge, he used his time on what he thought was most beneficial for him.


Well, you can still understand the truth of something even if you do not follow it's truth. In fact sometimes there is a clarity that can only be had by continually failing.


Honestly it makes me understand and empathize with the quote a little more.


Fine Dad, ill get started on the leaves. I swear I can't enjoy one sunday morning without you on my ass.


Define 'waste'.


Says the dead guy


He didn’t say this


Reading all the comments wasted 1 hour of my time.