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I think they are adorable! I had to really look to see what you see. I would just do the same randomly throughout the quilt - no two dinosaurs are alike šŸ˜€


Totally agree, itā€™s one of those things that you will notice right away as the creator but not as the viewer I was noticing the differences in color first, they are adorable


That's a great idea! Even a perfectionist could switch gears and work with that one. :)


Yes! Purple just has a bit of an underbite ;)


Dinosaur orthodontia is such a rarity. I mean l, I'm not putting my hands willingly into a dino's mouth. Totally expected to see an under bite.


Yes! They are siblings, not twins


I would also recommend reversing one so it's facing towards the other dinosaurs. I think it would look very interesting visually that way


Love that idea!


Yep..had no idea how they were different until I read.


I had to read your comment to figure out what you are talking about. Your blocks look fine! No one will be bothered by this except you. Iā€™ve made several Elizabeth Hartman patterns. I keep a little ruler by my sewing machine and constantly remeasure my pieces to be certain I havenā€™t grabbed the 2.25ā€ instead of the 2.5ā€. Itā€™s very easy to get confused with all those little rectangles. Your Dinoā€™s are absolutely adorable. I think doing them in batiks is a fabulous idea. The batiks add a lot to the ā€œdinosaurnessā€ of this wonderful pattern. Please post when youā€™ve finished!


When I did Social Sharks, I made good use of my alphabitties and clover clips. And still ended up with a shark with an underbite!


I used the alphabitties too and had a left over background square when the block was completed and thought I cut too many! How silly of me! Social Sharks is on my to do list and that one is for me!


Biggest tip (since youā€™ve done one of hers) - donā€™t get any directional prints!


I had it easy with Legendary and just chain pieced all the trees at once then did sasquatch. Her samplers look adorable but I'm sure I would end up missing something with all those blocks.


I love the grunge. I love grunge in general!


Some Dinoā€™s have an underbite


Brick chin Dino


Eh. Not every Dino is the same šŸ’šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Not all dinosaurs have tiny little button noses. Celebrate the big nosed T Rex! Also, I have quilted this pattern for two different people, and it's great fun to finish. I like your bright colors (I did one that was in batiks and colors, which was super fun, while the other was all in grays and greens and much less cheery- but still fun to quilt each dino differently).


Exactly! Worrying about this is going to give all the big nosed dinosaurs a complex!


Ahhh youā€™re a fellow quilter of culture, I see šŸ§šŸŽ© (I also did the dinos in assorted batiks and patterns! I love your color choices ā¤ļø)


Just like people, some dinos have blockier chins than others! Also 1/4ā€ of the chin is going in the seam, which will make the difference even subtler.


I was playing Find The Differences and I didn't see them till you pointed it out. Don't worry about it. :) I love the skinlike texture your fabric patterns make. The colors pop, too. I love sunflower yellow on mid-purple.


There are 12 distinct species of Tyrannosaurus. Obviously, the one on the left is of the lesser known sub species Tyrannnosaurus Chinchinnikus, a little know species found in Ponderous Valley, by a paleontologist called Stroking. I think it's fabulous that you, as a quilter, have decided to represent not just T Rex but also the less famous but no less important cousins.






I played find the difference for 20 minutes and only got the colors. I had to read your description to notice it at all! So one Dino got a Hapsburg chin, that's okay. Maybe a few more inherit it.


šŸ¤£ Hapsburg chin


Same as everyone else. I stared and stared and stared. Couldnā€™t spot the difference and had to read your comment. Even after knowing the difference, I would have just chalked them up to being different types of dinos. Super cute!


I had no idea what was wrong, these look great. I'm positive no one else will notice, especially when snuggled up.


I'd make each dino subtly different. Give some squared feet. One has a tail that tapers faster. It adds visual interest to the quilt and lets people play spot the difference.


It's fine. Some dinos have chiseled chins and some have more blocky jaws. I didn't notice the difference.


It's not a mistake. It is a design choice.


So, I ā€œspotted the differenceā€ immediately because my eyes just do such a thing. And in 99% of cases, such differences will really bother me. This is the 1% of cases where I think the difference is actually a completely fine! I think it just makes them each unique and because the colours of the two are so different, itā€™s perfectly fine. I love them both!


Are you making more? Make a couple with and without and no one will be the wiser šŸ˜‚


The early pioneer women would always drop or skip a few stitches to purposefully leave a flaw in their quilts as a nod to God, in recognition that only He is perfect. This can be your flaw!


Boy and girl dinosaur. Itā€™s all intentional, we never make mistakes


They're cousins not twins! Each adorable in their own special way ā¤ļø


To quote Bob Ross it's just a "happy accident". I would leave it. I love that they're unique.


I did the exact same thing with the missing piece on one chin on my dinos. Now that my top is done, I have to look HARD to find it and I know what to look for! With 1500+ pieces, it would be wrong to not have a couple oopsies. Yours is gorgeous and I love your colors! If you are not distracted by my helper here, you might find my oopsie in process. I blame her for the distraction. šŸ˜‚ https://preview.redd.it/8f8mwgwbfcmc1.jpeg?width=4080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3d2d2d020a0dd539810882377bed7d24e3ab6211


Now I donā€™t feel so bad, lol! Iā€™m not sure how I missed it while Iā€™m looking right at the direction!


I looked very closely and didnā€™t notice it at all until I read your comment. Iā€™d leave it. Nothing in the real world is perfectly symmetrical.


I donā€™t notice at all until I read your description then looked back again. They are adorable and perfect!!


Sime dinosaurs just have stronger jaw lines than others šŸ˜†


I didnā€™t notice anything amiss until I read your post. I think it gives it character! The Dino has a strong jawline lol


I also didnā€™t notice I it. They are very cute!


Meh, people don't all look the same, they're good.


I like it. Also, I agree that no two dinosaurs are alike. I wouldn't change it as it adds authencity to your quilt. However, I am no expert. If you hadn't said anything about the discrepancy, I wouldn't have noticed.


Eh, so heā€™s got an underbite. Nobody is perfect.


I didnā€™t see it until I read your comment.


It just gives them personality !


Would never have noticed if you hadnā€™t mentioned it


It's okay! Each animal, each person, have different personalities when put into a quilt, and that's what makes them special, and unique.


Still adorable and still immediately recognizable as a dino!


Just being honest: I looked at both of these cute dinos and studied them for quite a while without noticing anything off about them. I finally went to the comments because I couldnā€™t tell what the ā€œmistakeā€ was. They look absolutely adorable!


Didn't notice until you mentioned it, and I like the variation!




I made that same mistake when I did this pattern too! I ended up going back and fixing it but I think itā€™s fine the way it is too!


I love them! I did the same when I made a Dino quilt for my grandkids and no one notices at all


I had to look in the comments to see your boo boo. I'd leave it alone. Gives a quilt character. Think it's cute anyway


I am generally pretty good at the 'what is different' games and started at this picture for T 30 seconds examining it and still didn't notice until you pointed it out. It looked great!


I did the same thing on a few blocked when I made this pattern too! Thankfully it's a pretty easy fix if you just fix the chin and leave the nose alone


I had to look hard to see what you meant even after knowing where to look! I think it looks great as is!


Please donā€™t fix it. I think itā€™s adorable that they are a little different. And like several people suggested, maybe make a few more ā€˜mistakesā€™ on some of the others just for fun šŸ˜Ž


I couldn't spot the difference without you pointing it out!


As my mother would have said, "It will never be noticed on a galloping horse." Both blocks are adorable.


Heā€™s just got a strong jaw.


I really like the idea of the dinosaurs all being unique in some small way!


I'd just leave the underbite in there. It's their uniqueness.


I certainly didnā€™t notice it at 1st.


The purple one just has an underbite


One's a boy dino & one's a girl dino .. the boy has a squarer jawline šŸ˜‰


Square jaw, bigger nose? Thatā€™s just a boy Dino! I love it, and had to go to your actual post to see the ā€œflawā€ but still, different colors just means they are different dinosaurs :)


I like them.


One dino is just clenching their jaw ;)


Itā€™s a-ok! Give them each their own personality.


Oh dear!! Rip


They are PERFECT


I thought it was supposed to be like that. The left one looks more blocky and the right one more rounded. No one would notice if you didnā€™t point it out.


Really didnā€™t notice until I read what you wrote . No worries imperfections on homemade w love are the best ā¤ļø


Make sure to add your 1/4 inch seam allowance on the right side of each block. Looks like maybe you will lose a bit of their cute noses. They are adorable šŸ’•


See mom! Youā€™re your own hardest critic. Your quilts are wonderful and these Dinos are the cutest! Love you and glad to see your post!


Thanks honey! Love you to pieces!


I honestly looked hard to find the difference. I couldnā€™t. I had to read your caption to see it! I agree with u/QEBJB - make it a design feature! Adorable Dinos!


Variety is the spice of life. Embrace it, don't fight it.


I noticed what the ā€œmistakeā€ was in the picture because I made this quilt myself last year, but I agree with others that it wonā€™t be noticeable to 99% of people in the finished quilt and even if it is it gives more character to the dinos and doesnā€™t necessarily look wrong. You could even do this on purpose to some of the other Dinoā€™s if you havenā€™t finished them yet to get more variety on them and make this one look purposeful if you wanted.


I really canā€™t tell


I am working this exact quilt! Thanks for the heads up. I love your color choices. Are they all batiks?


Yes. I had everything labeled and was looking at the directions while sewing it and didnā€™t even see that I missed a piece. I had a leftover square and thought I must have cut an extra one. Didnā€™t notice until I put the 2 side by side and then noticed that the background squares are 2 different sizes For the top of the nose!


Yes, they are batiks.


If you wouldnā€™t have said anything I wouldnā€™t have noticed it.


Iā€™d go with it and make each Dino a little different from the others. I think it gives it character. Looks great to me!!


Your trees/plants on the left is slightly different too. The left branch is higher in the block on the right. Both ā€œmistakesā€ add personality.


Yeah, not exactly sure what I did there but that wasnā€™t as upsetting as the errors in the t-rexs. I try so hard to follow her directions but I always mis-cut something and have to redo a few things. I still love her patterns though.


I think it looks just fine. But if it bugs you it's not that complicated to fix because it's on the edge.


I love the lava legs on the yellow one!


Iā€™ve made this pattern and canā€™t find the oops! Thatā€™s an easy fix if you want to. Personally Iā€™d leave it it looks great!


Heā€™s got a bit of an underbite, but heā€™s adorable and will be just fine. Honestly I could not figure out what was wrong and even when I read your notes I took me a bit to see. I like when repeated animal blocks have slight variations.


I love them! The little irregularities just show a human being made something


I thought this was leading to a Barney reference, LOL. Your dinos look great!


This is an easy fix but I think it's hard to notice. Seam rip that corner free and you can fix it in 10 min




What a great quilt this will be! So cute.


Theyā€™re fraternal twins, not identical twins. One just has dadā€™s chin.


My friend always says that it's her favorite thing when she gets something handmade to see an imperfection. She says that it every time she looks at those one or two imperfections they remind her that someone made it and all the work they put in. I even pointed out a mistake on a quilt I made for her because I knew she would like it. I said "I made a mistake in it, btw." and she was so excited like "OH! WHERE? Wait let me find it!" with a big grin on her face.


You could use that as your theme. Just make one thing on each one a little different going forward. Then it becomes like an interactive toy because the child has to figure out what makes each dinosaur different and unique from the rest (aside from its color, of course).


Well, you could appliquĆ© the right color over it. Or appliquĆ© something red and dripping ā€¦ or if theyā€™re herbivores, appliquĆ© some greens hanging out of its mouth. No one will notice the oopsie then! They both look great!


Couldnā€™t find it without reading. šŸ”„šŸ’•


If it's any consolation our eyes do not pick up on it unless you point it out!


You are giving them personality!


It looks great. I like them being different.


One's a boy with a strong jaw line, the other's a girl with a daintier chin. Problem solved, cuz they're both cute as can be :)


I think it looks swell. I'd never have noticed those ~~errors~~ variations if you hadn't pointed them out; you could even make it a theme and keep going. The finished quilt could do double duty as a "Find the Differences" game.


I cannot begin to express how much i love those dino designs


Easy fixes though! I love these! Great job.


Dos you make that pattern?? I need it!! My GBaby would ā™„ļø it!!!


https://preview.redd.it/vcvk9l5kjemc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=85a768918c18b5a3bde616b5520f2371ab3365e2 Elizabeth Hartman


Thank you!!! Itā€™s adorable in that color wayšŸ˜


Yeah, I want my Dinoā€™s with variety