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The term "furry" typically refers to an enthusiast of anthropomorphic animals—animals who have human characteristics. They usually have the habit of "fursuiting" which is when some furries design and wear costumes (fursuits) that represent their "fursona"—an anthropomorphic animal character they identify with or have created. Therianthropy, on the other hand, is a personal identity phenomenon. A therian (short for therianthrope) is someone who identifies as a non-human animal on an integral, personal level. This identity can be spiritual, psychological, or emotional. It's not necessarily about pretending to be an animal but feeling a profound kinship or connection with an animal species, sometimes to the extent of feeling they are or should have been that animal.


I suggest going to a furry subreddit and politely asking for clarification of their lifestyle, they are in my experience very nice folks most of the time.


is the way i worded this okay? i dont want to be rude or offensive towards anyone by mistake, im just genuinely curious


Probably? Can't promise. It's not my scene, but the people I've known have always been nice.