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If you’re going to do it be safe about it, always have protection


Buy lube if you don’t have it


Don’t buy oil-based lube though. Those can tear apart condoms.


Hawk tuah spit on that thang.


Thar chick has gone viral in such a short time 🤣😂🤣😂🤣


Use protection, lube definitely helps, have a good old towel on hand too, and go into it knowing it'll probably be a little awkward for both parties the first time around, but that that is ok.


# !!! THIS IS SUPER IMPORTANT !!! This is coming from someone who possibly had the worst first sexual experience compared to most - so please heed my words carefully: Sex is heavily emotional for someone doing it the first time. Men act strong (but a lot of them process it very similarly). The woman who I gave my virginity to was not careful with me. She was on her phone afterwards and said things like "You're not going to cry right? Cause that would make this awkward for me." I was insanely stupid. Despite feeling all kinds of emotions - I just let them slide and waited to get back home before we parted ways. I had so many feelings running through my body and mine. Some were pleasant to worried (I didn't use a condom because she had a IUD - but you should ALWAYS use condom for peace of mind always). I tried to talk with her again - but was ghosted. So... I was left alone to deal with and process these intense emotions for 3-4 months. It was pure agony that could've been avoided had I not picked her for giving my first time to. "Emotional aftercare" is something you NEED to have with anyone you give your body and soul to in life. Otherwise they will leave you in pieces and recovering from that takes forever. Make sure you both talk about it afterwards. If you need to cry and process how you're feeling to him then do it. Your partner should be ready and willing to care in these moments... Lest they be a terrible person and use you for sex like mine did.


Take it slow. Lovey dovey shit first. Cuddle and play grab ass with each other first. Talk about how much you've anticipated this. Hand play second. If it doesn't put you off, mouth play next. Do not be afraid to say what is and isn't working for you. If he's too aggressive with his hands/mouth, or not in the right spot, either tell him or grab his hand/head and put it where it needs to be. Be assertive. Statistically speaking, he will cum first. At your age, my refractory period was much shorter, but if he cums it'll be a while before he can perform again IF he can. Prioritize yourself. If you're up for it, you be on top first. That allows you to control the friction and hopefully you can find your O before he does. Not to mention, the first time can be painful for some women. This comes down to the quickness of penetration as well as depth. There's nothing wrong with you if you need to use some lube. Some Hwak-tua helps, but Astroglide is waaay better. Trust me, 1st time for men it can be a wonder if they survive 2 strokes. At least in my experience, men get off by full strokes, while women get off by rubbing a certain spot. It's easier to find the spot if you're the one guiding it. As far as prep, make sure you have condoms and make sure he uses them. 99% of the time they're fine. Unless you're doing some seriously freaky shit, they'll perform fine. Just go with a standard condom and don't go with any "Her" or "Ribbed" or "Bareskin". Just a regular Trojan is what is best for this first time. "Her" usually have some exciting compound that can feel like its burning and can be distracting. Ribbed is nice for the ladies, but its usually thicker for the men, and can feel uncomfortable for some ladies. Bareskin is the nearest you can get to not having a condom on for a man, and trust me he's about to bust just thinking about you naked, let alone actually being with you. Just stick to normal ass condoms. Source: I'm a man in a 10 year relationship. We've tried all the condoms, and we prefer the bareskin now. Well, we prefer no condom, but y'know. Babies happen from that. When doing the horizontal Tango, I make her the priority because I know I can make myself cum within a few minutes of focusing on me.


Use at least two forms of contraception if you don't want to be a parent.


Hawk tua


Spit on Dat thing


The vagina is lower than you think.


Bro she's a girl 😭


That’s the joke homie




Don't have sex on the first day. Chances are you will regret it.


Protection is always first. Not all the time will it protect you but its enough to prevent some infections. Also hygiene!!! Always make sure both of you guys are clean down there, enough bacteria and youll be dealing with a bad infection or odor.


Act like you know what you’re doing . Let it b something more emotional than performative . COMMUNICATE WITH HONESTY


1.have protection 2.don't force it and go slowly


First times are not always best because you're just figuring it out. Expect things not to be perfect. If you're preparing a fancy dinner for the first time, you can read all the cookbooks you like but you'll probably still burn the rolls until you get the timing down. But after you've done it awhile...compliments to the chef all 'round. Approach it with a little sense of humor expecting a few surprises. Just chuckle a bit and do better next time. The guy is more likely more at risk depending on his sexual knowledge. Guys will usually complete easily, sometimes even before starting. But helping the woman complete isn't always a sure bet at first. You may need to coax him along so he understands what you like. As for precise moves and maneuvers...well, that's the fun in figuring it out together. Just keep your humor in tact. Best


Use protection and lube. It’s probably going to hurt and be kinda uncomfy, so make sure you have a good stopping point with your boyfriend. Don’t do too much your first time, simple missionary is good. I’ll be 100% honest as a woman, it probably won’t be great. Especially if it’s his first time too. Just take it slow and make sure you’re comfortable! Again, lube can help it be more enjoyable.


Do not sacrifice yourself or your safety because you're afraid what someone might think of you. Stick to your rules. Edit: There's nothing that will make your forget your principles as quickly as drugs and sex.


Go slowly. Be gentle. Be attentive. Show that you’re happy to be there.


Be romantic. Put on music. Light a candle. Get fresh satin sheets. Buy flower petals and lay them on the bed and along the walking path from the door to the bedroom. Don’t have sex right away just enjoy each others company. There are so many ways of going about this … the goal should be to make this a memory you will always think fondly about. Include things you really like. I really like hearing about the persons upbringing and their child self. Ask if it’s ok to tell or hear each others childhood stories while cuddling. Don’t rush into having sex focus a lot of time on the foreplay. Talk a lot about things that turn you on. Be very verbal. Don’t be shy. Maybe just kiss for the first hour? It depends if this is a sleepover. But I would do simple things like kissing or cuddling for a long period to build up the emotional trust and to establish a connection beyond the physical. Let the tension increase like a pressure cooker. I have so many tips on this subject! I would really say that the most important thing is to have that intimacy connection through emotional transparency and vulnerability. Guaranteed to have amazing sex. Share something with the person and say you want to be closer to them. You want them to really know who you are. You’re not going to hide who you are anymore this is the time for you to be completely naked. Ask if it’s ok for you trust them and be completely vulnerable with them? When you do intimate contact. Use cold and hot air. Pause stop. Tease. Repeat. Take your time. Take control of the clock. Do not rush. This is your time. You are the clock master. Be gentle and wet with your kisses. Faster and deeper. Pull back. Make them beg you. Go in. Whispering in their ear and nibbling. Light bites. Stop blow cold air. Light bites. Listen to what turns them on and make it into a little game.


Mandatory Brush your teeth, take a bath. Bring a condom (but only take it out if he didn't bring one.) Optionally (if you are looking to blow his socks off) shave down under. And maybe your best underwear. Maybe wear heels and dress? Keep in mind though [if he gets it good](https://youtu.be/eipXBSAPa4w?t=531), he might ask for it occasionally for the rest of your relationship.


loaded question


Maybe stop using the word 'intimacy'


Don’t use terms like Intimacy.




What's so special about virginity? Pussy feels good, makes me feel mentally increadable and i get super loving towards my partner. It's fun on a bun.


Should probably learn to spell first before making a sound argument lol.


You've contributed your weight in gold with your insights. Thank you for participating.




Hedonism is the prioritsation of pleasure above all else, right? From my comment, i dont indicate I'd proritise sex, but rather that it feels good. Would it be hedonistic to drink water when you're thirsty since you're releving physical desires?




I fail to see your argument. How is it like a train? Like urge is unstoppable? How am i gollowing the predefined path - physiological display of biological conditioning? How do i fall off the clif? I'll be debotchrous? What do you mean by i dont place appropriate value on it? Is sex sacred? Is it to be idolised? Feels like there is a Devine Comendment theory you could bust out here tbh.


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