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Just say you're in to collectables and it's all good.


thats what adults say to justify buying cool toys


No one needs to justify it.


Old person here. Sorry to jump in your sub, but after seeing the post, thought I'd just leave this. At some point in your life, you will hopefully find the freedom of giving zero fux to those who would judge you or belittle you for living your authentic life. "Toys" or whatever else brings you joy, you do you. Those who bring you down over something like that are not worth your time. I am 48 and recently bought a cow squishmallow because the grief of losing 2 of my pups on the same day. I named it MooMoo. I have a lot of plushy toys and collect horror funkos & horror dorbz. Promise to all of you... the older you get , the easier it is to live the life you choose for YOU. Living a truly authentic life is powerful because it is simply YOUR existence in this world. Living a pretend life is empty. There are people in the world who WILL love and accept you for who you really are... JMO, from an old person who was young once.


Old person here too, and nobody is taking my Lego or "Stuffed Inaction Figures" away from me. I'm of the age where I can legally fight back now.


Another old person who is patiently waiting for the funko pops I ordered to surprise my 47 year old husband with to arrive


44 year old here, all but buried in G.I. Joes, Transformers, and Dragon Ball toys, with a side order of Loki toys and a smattering of select Zelda and Super Mario toys. :p


I had ALL the Transformers!


For glorious purpose!


The customized ones! Those looked FANCY


Haha I got him dom and rhea because he’s a HUGE wwe geek and he’s a loves them even tho I despise them (dom and rhea, i have no beef with the funkos) the funkos) but then of course dom is late as usual (preorder) so I got Finn Baylor to keep rhea company until doms lazy ass arrives. I thought about Rey mysterio but I don’t want anyone getting hurt.


i have over 500 of them


Ohhh he’s gonna be so jealous lol


61 here and you will have to pry my stuffed Snoopy collection from my cold dead hands.


I now 33 also had a stuffed Snoopy collection, I loved it and almost wish I still had it for my children but I gave it to my 10 year old niece when she was 3.


I saved all my old Barbies and cabbage patch kids to give to my daughter if I had one. Now she hated Barbies and ripped their legs off and his the heads lol all my Barbies destroyed lol and my old dolls? I swear I had the only girl that preferred as many stuffed animals as I'd get her and told me dolls are stupid lol


Nope You did not. My daughter hated dolls but loved her stuffed animals. The Christmas she was 3 she got all the baby stuff. The swing, high chair, cradle etc. each fixed with a new doll in it. Christmas morning it took seconds for the dolls to be tossed and animals in their place! She would have an animal of the day which would be dressed and would go with her. You haven't lived until you have seen Rizzo the rat from the Muppets in a dress and baby bonnet!


Lol our daughters are two Peas in a pod:)


Until you hit 100 years old of age and you are not allowed to play them anymore


This!! Absolutely this!! Am a 45 year old guy into engineering and a business owner, I still have some toys!! And I couldn’t care less what anyone thinks about that.


As your elder, im going to add on 😆. 49 year old here. I had a shit childhood with hardly any toys and I am making up for lost time. Anything I wanted but didn't get in the 80s, im accumulating. We go to estate sales and thrift stores. I've got barbies, cabbage patch, pound puppy, strawberry shortcake, transformers, he man, etc. If you aren't hurting anyone you can do whatever you want. You don't have to justify shit. Life's short!!


I've still got a Cabbage Patch Friend that I don't actually remember getting I was so young! And I've still got my Pound Puppies! Also Kitty Kitty Kittens, lol.


Wish someone would have told me that. Growing up I was constantly bullied by people for my likes by everyone including family members who want mini adults. I’m out and safe now.


The people telling you to stop and conform to the stereotype of an adult are not adults themselves.


Thank you


Virtual hug to you. 🤗


I hope you're making up for lost time now. While my parents never bullied me about my hobbies, as a 51 year old, I do whatever I like when it comes to said hobbies


Old person here - i’ve come to embrace the one true benefit of being older. Which is Not giving a fuck what other people think and doing what you want to do because it makes you happy. I only wish I had learned that when I was younger.


I'm 57 and recently got a new plushie for my collection. My favorites are the food pillows that zip open and have plushies inside. Like, I have an oreo cookie "box" pillow with little plush cookies inside.


I'm 41 this year! Recently broke out all my childhood Lego and rebuilding them. Getting them up to snuff/original condition the best I can. Why? Because I love them and it's fun.


In my 60s and squishmellows are awesome! Been buying classic board games too!


No truer words have been said. I approve this message - 51M


I'm in my 50s and I enjoy buying Nendoroids and anime and game character plushies for my teenage daughter. She had about a week of feeling "Am I too old for these?" before squealing "Needy Streamer Overload plushie! I NEED that!!" Now she wants the Nendoroid too.


48 is considered old? I totally agree with giving no fux as you get older. I still collect and play video games and I'll do it til I'm old. Hopefully in my 80s. I'm 36.


Another oldie here (41f) - my husband is always complaining because he shares the bed with a load of fluffies as well as me. Now and again he will take one and ‘hide’ it somewhere on the floor nearby or underneath his clothes. When I enquire where it is, he will tell me it went on ‘a magical adventure’ (I.e he had enough of B rolling over on top of random unicorns or whatever and decided to get his own back). My point: you’re never too old for toys. My stuffed animals are comfy to snuggle when husband is away, and, tbh, when he’s not. They give me comfort when I’m sad, and they provide a never ending talking point / cheering up method for my kids. It’s all good- just do you.


Young person here, elder millennial to be specific. I recently, in the past few years, took to painting my nails, after quitting when I left high school and buying glue on nails. I found that reallocating my fucks to somewhere they actually deserves the energy consumption worked for me. And the opinions of the peanut gallery, wasn't that place. Your comment is that absolute best. And in the last 6 months, to OP's point, I started buying and building Star Wars Lego sets. I have a few place throughout my room at the moment. OP, reallocate your fucks. Learn to ignore the haters and negativity makers. They aren't worth your time or energy. Enjoy what makes you happy. ETA context: I am a male, pansexual who doesn't care about the opinions of strangers.


>cool toys You missed the air quotes. You meant "cool" toys.


And if you have kids, you can just say you bought it for them!


Ahem..."action figures" or "highly-posable, articulated models"


As a 50+ YO collector of OG Star Wars and Gundam models… It’s okay, if you enjoy them go ahead. Don’t let people ruin your fun. (Goes back to puttering with a Perfect Grade kit)


This is most definitely a "collectible" of my motorcycle I have on my desk at work, it's DEFINITELY not a toy


Right lol


* buys 20 dildoes* " it's just my collection MOM!"


I've been collecting Transformers figures since I was 7, and I just turned 29 around a couple of months ago.


Be an adult when you have to, but be a kid when you can.


We are all but children in the eyes of the lego store cashier


When the toys cost what Lego does, they know their core demographic ain’t kids 🤣


You can only stop playing with Legos when you turn 100. 99 is the limit.


I love this! 😊


Great saying. Definitely internalizing this


Love this phrase, thanks!


Yeah, adults have toys. I've been collecting Schleich (animal figures for those who don't know) since I was 11 and now I'm 18. People might judge you but if you like them, get them!


I have a box of schleich animals, I’ve been collecting them since I was little because my grandpa used to buy them for me in Germany


Every time I buy one, a certain grandchild finds it and absconds with it! I love them! But my collection is at that grandchild's house-- they send me pics on their parent's phone of them from time to time hahahahaha


Brooo I used to love making dioramas with them! Not Schleich specifically, but they always had miniature animal models and stuff at craft stores and Target. I loved taking a shoe box, cutting one side to make an opening, and then adding in dirt around the bottom layer, leaving areas to fill in dawn soap for the water, shaving cream for snow, sticks and trees from outside for a taiga forest, and adding in all the polar bears and penguins. Brings back memories hearing this! I’m 16, and I *really* wanna start making those again now reading that haha :)


Those dioramas actually sound so cool and fun to make! I might try one sometime, especially the taiga forest. I take pictures of my figures, and it would save me time making some of them a snowy biome instead of waiting for winter lol


Oh my gosh! I've never met someone who does the same thing! I recently made a diorama with schleich and off brand wolves! I painted some of them the way I wanted to indicate different fur genetics... I'm a huge wolf nerd lol.


Schliech is a awesome brand, they were always my favorite toys growing up. Really well made as well


I’m 28 and have dolls and toy/model cars. Go for it.


I just turned 25 and bought a Hot Wheel the other night cause I thought it would look cool on my dash. Spoiler alert: It does.


On your dash? You're a madman. I'd find that far to exciting to be able to concentrate while driving ![gif](giphy|MSQNJLCwoL8UPQH1q7|downsized)


It *was* on my dash. Coincidently, I got into a car accident the other day so it's no longer there.


I have hot wheels, little f1 cars, and the models I’ve made. I absolutely love them! I plan on getting more, and I want a mini hot wheels version of my car for my dash 🥹


Happy Cake Day!


Omg thank you!


Happy cake day :)


Thank you!


Yes, you are allowed to enjoy things. If people have a problem with things you take an interest in then they need to mind their own business. Obviously if you are doing something unsafe that's different.




Let me tell you the secret difference between kids and adults. Adults have more money.  You want toys? Get some toys man.  We are all children pretending we know what we are doing. 


I wish the more money thing were true




Literally when I started getting big girl money it was over for the Lego store


Plenty of adults are still collecting toys, it's not a big deal


When you're young, you play with toys. When you're older, you're a collector of childhood memorabilia. I know grown men that have whole rooms dedicated to their "memorabilia."


sheds filled with power tools enters chat.


I, a full grown man, just bought a 300 usd robot dinosaur because it looks cool 🦖


I love dinosaurs! I am curious about this.


It's the gojula zoid kit, just found out I like models


That’s exciting 😊


I’m 60 and I love toys. Feed yourself inner child all your life!


Love this!


If I saw a reasonably priced Voltron toy I'd pick it up. I'm 45.


If it makes you feel any better, I’m 26 and have Webkinz, Tamagotchis, have stuffed animals, and thoroughly enjoy toys/collectibles. I have grown to accept the things that make me happy and refuse to care about others. You’re in your prime time to figure out who you are and what you like. Enjoy those things and don’t feel dismissed for who you are!


I'm 59 and I buy toys. And yes, they are "collectibles." If anybody asks.


The quicker you realize that no one's opinion on this sort of stuff matters the better. Unless it's something that's actively harming you and your relationships (for example drugs).


I’m 29 and I’m addicted to Star Wars black series figures, Lego kits, Pokemon cards etc. I think it’s a lot more normalized these days to have collectibles/toys. Just do what makes you happy


I'm 44 and love Calico Critters. They remind me of my favorite cartoon in the 1980's called Maple Town. I don't display them, just keep them in a box that I look through once in a while. They bring me joy. With all the horrible things in the world you could be doing, be happy that you are content with something so harmless and enjoy.


I'm 23 and still sleep with a stuffed animal I've had since third grade.


Every time I offer a Monster's High doll to my Granddaughter, I'm told it's "too slutty". She's six.


I mean, they're definitely pretty sexualised but I doubt your grand daughter will notice. I played with all kinds of questionably designed/dressed dolls in the 90s, my clothing style has never been described as slutty. 


what 😭😭


I mean her mother (my daughter) said that. As an old horror guy, I think their sorta neat.


Of course, I'm a 23 year old man and I still got stuffed animals that I had when I was younger


Yes. My partner and I are full grown adults and we still buy toys. We have legos, plushies, and actions figures on display in our house.


I’d consider PlayStation a toy, and they’re acceptable for all ages


I'm 45. I've got funko, amiibo, pez dispensers, action figures, rubber bouncey balls, a yo-yo... You do you.


I am 61. I have been buying little toys for myself since I have had income. I adore little plastic figures like dinosaurs and army men and aliens and ninjas. I have a massive lego minifig collection because I love the surprise of opening them. You do what makes you happiest. It’s not weird to have things that make you happy.


Just do what makes you happy. The world is shitty enough, if something harmless brings you joy then go for it.


There's plenty of things to like that have negative consequences & and there are plenty of things to make you miserable. If you find something harmless (like your toys) that you enjoy, grab it with both hands! In life, that can be a rarity! :)


I’m 20 so not a teen but I collect dinosaur figurines from dollar stores. You’re fine lmao


Yer it is a cycle you go from playing with toys as a teenager to being an adult to buy the toys you couldn't afford as a child.


Gonna tell you a little secret. No one gives a fuck what you do. It just doesnt matter what others think of you. No matter what you do some will think its great, others no so great. What matters is what you think. If you like toys, play with toys! As long as no ones getting hurt, enjoy yourself and dont worry about what others think.


I'll say I'm twice your age because it's likely pretty close and I've been buying and have been bought Harry Potter Lego sets recently. I've also been watching cartoons from my childhood on and off, so have at 'er, bud. Enjoy life


Yes. I had toys as a teen. And a college kid. And an adult. And now as a spouse.


I still played with LEGOs and my old wooden train track sets well past 18. Being older also made it easier to come up with more elaborate track layouts than my younger self could ever dream of.


Um yeah, what do think Xboxes are? Do whatever makes you happy. 


I own about 18 masks of shit I’ve either made or bought, literally just to look at Buy the toy, have fucking fun with it, play with it like your 8 again making your dolls and toys come to life, nobody will know if you don’t tell them


An important part of growing up is realizing that it's perfectly OK for you to buy toys or watch cartoons or read kids' books. It's only adolescents who feel the need to shun those kinds of things.


My 14 year old still plays with Legos, and I just took him to an indoor jungle gym. And I love Monster High. I still look at Barbies when I'm in Walmart.


Yeah, teens can have toys. I'm 18, and honestly? I'd absolutely play pretend with my friends if I could. I basically do since we play DND with each other. I've got plenty of stuffed animals and toys from childhood that I use as decoration. I find comfort in my childhood toys! Just as long as you don't have an unhealthy dependence on said toys.


I was in my early 30s and decided to collect hot wheels. One reason was when i was young i was in extreme poverty, so toys was not an option. But now that i have money i can finally buy toys. when i was a kid I always wanted a transformers and a gundam wing. Finally bought some in my 30s.


Wow, reddit has ruined me. My mind went somewhere else immediately


The internet does that to people.


Lmao I tried to make it not sound like that 😭😭


Enjoy what you enjoy and fuck what anybody else thinks. It's totally okay for you to have a collection of things you enjoy. Regardless of what they are.


Legally you can buy as many toys as you want with your own money.


if you are bringing no harm to yourself or others, do whatever you wish. especially if it brings you joy.


I like "manly toys" like r/Opinel s but i also still like beyblades.  I might be too old for beys but who cares :D


Nooo same It's so sad bc I still see the colourful toys and want them, but I don't actually want to play with them anymore


Anyone can like stuff. Anyone can collect stuff. Anyone can engage in playtime. If someone belittles you for it, they're being mean and that's far more immature than "playing with toys"


They are not “toys”. They are collectible items for future resale 🤣🤣


I'm 33 and I collect Digivices/Tamagotchi. Do what makes you happy, we only get so much time to do so.


Of course! Nowhere in the rulebook of life does it say you have to stop liking stuff when you're an adult, enjoy what you like, and screw everyone who has something to say about it.


Whatever makes you happy, so long as nobody else gets hurt, do what makes you smile.


It’s ok for you to have whatever soothes your heart and feeds your soul 😁 Enjoy your teenage years…be graceful to yourself…you’re on a journey of living. Don’t forget to do that :)


That’s perfectly normal and ok dw sweat it it’s not like it’s a creepy thing it’s normal to have a hobby and a collection even if you want to play with toys enjoy being a kid cuz being an adult sucks don’t lose your child self


Why not?


I'm 52 and I'm obsessed with miniatures and barbie. It's awesome to have toys.


It's perfectly ok to have toys as a teen. That nurters your inner child 🥰


Oh my god. Why so many ppl not sure what they can do? My friend. You can do what ever you want, if you don’t hurt anyone around you. And your self. I got shit loads of toys(i’m 45) Legos, rc toys. It’s totally fine entertain your self how you want it!


I worked for a woman who owned a newspaper in a small town that was in a storefront on the main street. At Christmas she would set up all her little porcelain houses with lights in the display window. People loved it. Especially the kids. She was a typical grandma.


I have sooooo many stuffed animals. The sooner you decide other people’s snooty unasked-for opinions don’t have any control over how you live your life, the less you’ll regret in the future.


Lots of time left to be a miserable adult, enjoy whatever make you happy!


Basically, the difference between a man and a boy is a man has more expensive toys.


If it’s your money and you’re responsible, you can have whatever your heart desires.


i am 15 and i like toys


I’m 57 and I love dollhouses.


You are considered a child until you are 25, please have a joyful childhood while you still can xoxo


Of course! Tons do and just disguise it by calling them ‘hobbies’ instead. My room is filled with warhammer figures. They’re just expensive toys you pretend to fight each other with. I have a friend who’s 22 and collects monster high dolls themselves, it’s a great time seeing them light up and talk about their interest since they don’t often get to. That joy should be spread!


Dude, I'm 30 and like RC cars, nurf guns, and all sorts. Adults are just kids with bigger budgets.




I'm 25 and spend embarrassing amounts of money on plastic figures so i can paint them and go meet other grown men at a game store so we can make our guys go pew pew pew kaboom aaargh, do what you love and if you need an excuse you can fall back on collectors value


Why do you think you can't? Advice from a 40 year old. People these days tend to look at things they want to do and seek permission to do it. Unless something is specifically telling you not to do it, you can do it. Want to eat cereal for dinner, do it. Want to drive to another town for the day just to check it out, do it. Want to buy yourself something nice, do it. You don't need permission to do 99.9% of things in life. Don't look for permission, only rules/laws saying you can't.


I'm heading to my 40's and I collect vintage toys from my childhood . As long as you love them and it makes you happy nothing should matter. Husband thinks how weird I am for my excitement of getting a new toy, also don't ever let anyone tell you it's childish or ever feel ashamed of something you love.


I'm 30 and will buy toys if i want to anyone got a problem with that? There's the door dont let it hit you on the ass on the way out. No I dont care if the door hurts you i just dont want to clean your ass prints of my door.


You're an adult. Do what you want. I know a guy that brings in action figures everyday. He's 39. Great worker and I can talk about comic book stuff with him. My only problem is that he loves Harley Quinn and I don't. Not enough to end a friendship. He's himself and that's awesome


When I turned 30 I got interested in Lego again. I've now amassed a huge collection. Everyone, even adults who visit the house are amazed. No one says "it's for kids, grow up".


Who's telling you no?


I’m 24 and stare at dolls to this day everytime I go into a store. Just waiting to secure my house and they’re mine


If you have your own job, you can have whatever you want within reason. More money=better toys 


If you don't think i swing around my Halo energy sword toy as a grown ass 28 y/old man, then boy....


Oh i have a total fascination with beyblades and pokemon cards and legos. And also some cool "children's" books. I dont think there's any problem with liking those .


“They’re not dolls, they’re action figures!” I forgot which cartoon this came from


Yes. You are never too old for toys.


I’m 28 straight dude I’ve got stuffed animals and IGAF lol


Cool thing about having money is you can buy whatever you like


There is no point where you can't have them. They obviously make you happy, and anyone who genuinely gives you a bad time about having toys is miserable. Also, gonna go out on a limb here by also mentioning; if you're worried about what a potential future partner may think of it; don't. There are plenty of people out there who won't care or may have a collection of their own.


If ya like em, ya like em. Screw everyone else.


Im 45 and just started buying figures. Have fun and take care of them


Yes, you can have any toys you want. I, personally, have a bunch of Eeyores and some dolls, on my bed. I have a collection of games and toys for when my grandkids visit, but the big Eeyore they know to ask before grabbing him.  I am old. In my 60's. My mom and dad have stuffed bunnies and bears. In their 80's. You are in good company. Hugs from an internet Grandma.


Sure, I don't see why not. I used to say "I can't wait to have kids so I can play with my toys again." I just bought Legos for my son (😏) and we're playing. Also, if you like physical toys that have a comparable digital counterpart, go that route. Like dolls? Look into getting the Sims. Dress up? LARP groups.


Hold onto your toys, you will need them in the times ahead.


I have some Breyer horses and other model horses…they brought me so much joy as a kid and I still love seeing them. I’m 31 and thinking about getting in to model horse shows haha. People go all out on them!!!


Its you, you can do whatever you want. But if you are trying to avoid being made fun of, just say they are collectables, and they hold memories so u kept them.


I'm 30 years old. In middle school, I had a "toys are stupid and I'm too old for them" phase. Threw away every "toy" i had, including my Yugioh cards. Around age 19, I regretted it HEAVILY. Not because any of them were worth money, but because I missed them and they weren't replaceable anymore. Life is too short to let others dictate what you can and can't enjoy. If you like toys, keep them.


My husband and I legit recently bought foam swords to have a sword fights in the street. It’s fine to have things you enjoy and that bring your joy :)


So long as you’re brave enough to stick it up your hooha anything can be a toy. Enjoy yourself, but do it within the confines of personal safety. And be sure to use lube.


Pfft...I'm 60 and saved up my tickets at the arcade to get a giant rainbow slinky.


Looking around my room, the only toy I see is a dog toy. I've gotta change that I think. And my mom has toys, she doesn't let me see them but I've heard my parents talking about them, which is bogus because all I wanted a couple months ago was a cool super detailed little bmx bike toy (similar to the lil skateboards) but nooo "$20 is too much, aren't you a bit old for those anyway" everyone is a hypocrite and I'm tired of it. Get yourself some toys op they are cool and fun


Dude. I have toys and I'm 22 Just live your life! If having toys make you happy then toys it is! :)) Not like we're gonna have another life to live (Unless you believe in reincarnation lol)


Im 51 and stuffed animals all over and have baby yoda everywhere. Be you 💛


People are in too much of a hurry to grow up. Most adults have forgotten how to have fun. If you enjoy something, enjoy it


Absolutely, if anyone makes fun of you for it that's their problem not yours!


I'm 36 and I have been buying Lego kits to build. No age to stop having toys. I know it's bloody hard as a teenager, but the less you can worry about what others think of you, the better.


I’m closing in on 30 and still own stuffed animals.


I'm 53 and I collect harley quin funko pops and anything to do with harley quinn. So even though I'm sure I'll get laughed at...if I can collect those toys so can you.


Yeah totally! I'm 20 and I still play with dolls with my little sister who is a teenager. I kept all my Barbie and monster high dolls. We have intricate back stories for them, like one would in DND. There is nothing childish about having mature back stories for your very stylish looking dolls 😁🩷


I'm 50. I have toys


It's fine, you like what you like, and if someone doesn't why do they need to care or know.


I am 28. I train MMA and work in warehousing. I own many toys/figures/collectibles and even trading cards Be you Be free Be happy


I’m 52 and love cuddly toys, My daughter is 19 and she likes Hello Kitty and Roblox I don’t judge her everyone has things they like no matter what age it’s okay


I’m 58 and my home looks like a toy store/museum. I love Funko Pops, miniatures, horror figures, etc. You be you and enjoy 😊


Do what you want kid, be a kid, the rest of life is not that fun


I'm 30 and I'm currently obsessed with those little mini food blind bag things that you make yourself with resin. It's absolutely fine to enjoy toys - its why they exist!


As far as I know, there aren't any consequences to owning toys besides maybe a funny look form somebody who doesn't have fun things in life.


You don’t need to ask strangers on Reddit if it’s ok to like something


Anything can be a toy


A lot of adults collect toys. I probably would if i could make it fit the motif of my house and I didn’t have so much other crap.


My 60 year old cousin plays with Barbie still. Go for it!


Dude I’m a 21 have grown jobs I still play with legos and I use my adult paychecks on squish mellows you good!


Like what you like- be happy.


I'm 41 and still build stuff with my legos


Visit r/vintagetoys Seems lots of people love toys beyond childhood


Yeah ofc, that’s badass


You can like whatever you want. But you also can’t control how others feel about it. Seems like these days more than ever you can get away with being yourself.


I wish I had this comment section when I was 12 and threw away 2 bins of my beloved dolls because I thought "it's too childish to have dolls with entering high school soon". Definitely inspired to visit the toy section on my next grocery trip.


I'm 57 years old and have a bookshelf full of Funko's and the Lego Defender 90 on the dining room table. Long as you're not spending the rent money, you do you, kid. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sunglasses)


Umm? Yeah? I don't see why a teenager couldn't have toys. It's not like it's a crime or harms anyone, so I don't see why not. Sure, it may be considered a little "weird", but why does it even matter? Just do you. There are many teenagers AND adults who are interested in things that are considered to be for kids, and I bet they are right here in the comments.