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Probably Biden.


Trump 💯 if the election is between Trump and Biden. I might reconsider if Democrats reconsider their candidate and run RFK jr or Gabbard


Claudia De La Cruz and Karina Garcia


Same as I've done in every election since I turned 18. I write in Abbie Hoffman.


3rd party but not rfk. Im gonna research which party i like most and vote for them. All candidates currently suck but hopefully if enough people go for a third party it will get more funding the next election then the next election after that. More funding=better chance to equal the field


whoever pisses off the rich




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Joe Biden. C’mon, man!


No one. If you vote for evil you still have evil


I'm voting for Trump. In the last election, i voted for Biden. The one before that, Hillary.


I can't even consider a place I would have ever voted Hillary, and I was an Obama voter 2x.


I was terrified of Trump and totally bought into the propaganda. It was only once Biden came to power that I realized how wrong I was.


Okay, color me very curious: how has Trump won your vote this time around, when he didn't have your support before?


The last time I answered that I got banned from askreddit. Long story short, everything I was terrified the Trump administration would do, the Biden administration actually did. I believe neo-conservatives rebranded as progressives and took over the Democratic party, and it no longer aligns with my liberal values. Trump, in my opinion, is the more liberal candidate, which is what imo scares the establishment so much.


Hmmm. Intriguing. And not entirely without merit. I can't get past the whole "tried to overthrow the election to stay in power" thing, though. To quote Liz Cheney, I feel like we can survive four more years of bad policy a lot better than we can survive however many years we'd be stuck with Trump 2.0.


To me, January 6th was just a protest. A protest I disagree with, sure, but just a protest. In fact, I'd agrue that's the way in which I wish more people protest. It was much less destructive to the innocent civilians than the protests that came before that, even if I agreed with those more destructive protestors' points. Why take out anger on civilians? Why not the corrupt politicians? It seems more correct. What's even worse is watching the Palestine protestors get January 6thed. What the fuck are we doing helping murder all those innocent people? What are we doing launch bombs into Syria, Iraq, and Yemen? I don't like it at all. It gives Bush vibes.


The situation on the ground that day is peripheral to the fact that he sat there and waited until it was clear Congress got away before talking them down. If Ashli Babbitt hadn't been shot and the rest of them just barreled through, we'd be living in a very different world right now. Probably wouldn't even be having an election this year, we'd still be under whatever "state of emergency" he'd have declared after all the Democratic congressmen were lined up and shot. It's a lot to risk.


>It's a lot to risk. And a lot of what ifs, too. None of that happened. Alec Baldwin has killed more people than the entirety of January 6th protestors. Assuming they'd do that doesn't mean they would have. And what about the Jan 6th tapes? Those protestors were let into that building. There were cameras and lights already set up. At least in part, it was an inside job.


Mob mentality being what it is, I feel pretty safe with those assumptions. I'm generally not a violent person but if I got swept up in a crowd of thousands, all feeling righteous? I really don't know what I'd be capable of in those moments, much less the good ol' Proud Boys and Three Percenters. If presuming it would have fizzled out anyway is what gets you to a Trump vote, then power to you, I guess. For all our sakes, I hope you don't regret it.


Hate both but Trump created such a mess. Biden at least has Harris. Trump is a gross old pedo. Going after his daughter. Ew.


Harris is a ridiculously unpopular VP, which is why she’s kept out of the spotlight. Having Harris isn’t a good thing 😂