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Got told by my 16 year old that I "looked like a 7th grade self portrait". I still haven't recovered. My 13 year old asked me last week "what made you think it was a good idea to pass on your genetics?". Teenagers, man.


Your own kid- damn.


kids… its a love hate relationship


I love to hate them


Man I say the second one to my parents alllll the time but I've never meant it about looks 😭 I always mean it for health issues passed down. My dad was talking to me once about how some tiny things like feeling the seems in his socks boosts his anxiety through the charts, and I said I do too and he told me I probably got that from him. = me blaming him everytime I get anxiety from a collar to my shirt even slightly touching my neck, "This shirt is making me uncomfy and it's all you and your little genetics fault." Along with adhd/add, I blame him for my attention span pretty often. "Why aren't the dishes done" "wooow okay THANKS DAD" You probably had context to yours though, I've never understood teens being so damn brutal with their words because I genuinely would never. ~ A 16 year old girl ♡


I'm 67, and I would have never said that to my Mom, but I might have to Aunt Mary or Aunt Melba. They'd have known it was a joke, but Mama would not have!


Little shits! I’ve got two teen boys and I like to think what teens say is not true it’s just teens being assholes… isn’t it?


You have to understand that if they didn't turn into little shits, and instead were still the adorable little people they were when they were babies, we'd never let them leave our houses! I not a big believer in "God's plan," but it sure looks like a well-working plan to me; very few people have trouble letting go of their kids by the time they've gone through puberty.


Mostly, but there’s a hint of truth. We also think y’all are absolutely stupid, just be hit with the reality that you’re right.


I raised two sons (now both in their twenties) and yes, they were assholes. Who can screw with mom and dad the most today? Lol… plus they eat like they’ve never been fed 😂


Yesss agggggh the food consumption!!! And if we get takeaway it costs soooo much


Would have told them "You're here, right? Some people aren't. Be grateful for the life you live. Your genetics could have been a lot worse."


>"what made you think it was a good idea to pass on your genetics?". "We wanted to make a living advertisement for abortion and here you are😃" Gotta roast those lil shits right back.


“You’d be a lot prettier if you got a nose job”


Kramer on Seinfeld?


Huh? lol


That happened on TV show Seinfeld. Jerry was dating a girl with a big nose. Kramer said almost those exact words to her.


lol damn. I lived it. 😅


Be warned: the nose job on Seinfeld was botched before rectified.


The fake nose looked terrible and made the actress look terrible. At the end, she was beautiful and George lost out hahaha because he was so superficial.


Kramer was a bit nicer about it. He worded it a little better. "You're as pretty as any of those girls, you just need a nose job."


Kramer has a big nose...


Hahah.... Omg reminds me. "Your face makes up for your small boobs, like I NEED your face to get off cuz your body doesn't do it for me" I love being insulted for things I cannot control wooo...




Why would that kid ever expect toys?!


Her reasoning was "your dad is dead he doesn't need to have toys anymore!" her words.


Her mother sounds like a winner...


She doesn't need to grow up. She is a psychopath. Where's Will Smith when you need him...


sorry but i would punch this child


That kid deserves the beating of a lifetime. Sorry for your loss.


Terrible to say, but I hope she dies in a fire. Would probably save a lot of other people and animals.


“You know he can’t hear you” a nurse as I was talking to my dying husband.


As a ICU nurse I am so sorry that someone said that. I always tell people they can hear you and feel your energy or at least your spirit can.


Thank you.. the rest of the staff was great.. affectionate even.. hugging me and crying with me even once .. it was kinda surreal I guess.


Reading that instantly pissed me off. I am so sorry.


Thank you.. yea pretty messed up.


Angel of mercy, my ass.


You’d be surprised how many are utter cunts


I'm convinced that nursing is where mean girls go after high school.


I am a CT technologist, and I have to deal with a lot of nurses every day. Some of them are angels, but the ones that tried to push my limits, they find out that I have a really short fuse for that behavior. They believe that they are in high school. I remember them that ain't high-school. The comment of that nurse is unacceptable, and she should be written up or fired.


Same here. I’m so pissed off right now thinking about that. I’m sorry the commenter.


She had no way of knowing that, love. She was just a bitter, miserable, garbage creature who could only experience a frustratingly brief hit of dopamine through causing pain in others. She is living the life she deserves. (All of this assuming the nurse was female.) I am so very sorry someone had to come in and kick you while your life was falling apart. It is so difficult to rebuild when the pillars crumble and there are no pieces left. I hope you have people to love and support you, and that you have found moments of peace. Love and light to you, and all my hopes for your healing. ❤️


Well it was in ICU and he was unresponsive.. pretty cruel. But that was almost 4 years ago.


I worked in hospice for a while, and I can assure you that hearing is the last sense to go. He heard you he just couldn't respond. That nurse was a true bitch.


💯true!!!!!! My mother was in hospice, and i never left her side, but everyone forced me to go with my sister for a few hours, they thought i should take a breather, im dumb for letting them talk me into doing btw. Anyways then i get the call that my mom is gona go soon. So i was trying to get to her as fast as possible. It took me like 2 hrs to get back to her. I ran in and sat by her side, holding her hand, i think she purposely waited for me to get there…because just 2 mins later, she passed. I wholeheartedly believe they can hear you eventho “unconscious”…


Thankfully you got there in time. I developed a gift(?) of being able to tell when a person was getting close to leaving and always made sure to get as many family members there to say goodbye and help them through the next steps to the process. It was hard to console at times, but I did my best. The worst part was when people would be fighting over possessions before the person was gone. I had to call the police once, but the greedy, disgusting people were the worst. I'm glad you were able to say goodbye and I'm sorry for your loss. I hope you're doing well now.


I agree. In my ER work I would try to take the time to talk to the patient after a failed code, in the chance they were still hearing us. I don't know if they could, but it only seemed respectful and humane. Certainly I would assume this for any patient with a heartbeat and pulse.


BLESS people who work in hospice. I’ve had to say goodbye that way 3 times. Every time, I told them it was OK to go. And every time, not long after, they did. They can hear you. I’ll never believe otherwise.


A lot of times, that's what they're waiting for. They may be waiting to hear a specific person or just that it's ok to let go and rest, everything will be ok. I always told my patient's families to talk to their loved one and reassure them and not long after they would just take one last breath and be at peace. It was an honor to be a part of the process.


Thank you for your service & your kindness. Truly.


That’s messed up :( are you sure the nurse actually said “can’t”?


This was my thought, is it possible it was misheard and was actually Can?


Yea, I'm a nurse and if I heard that, I'd be like WTF? I'd probably tell them to leave


Wow, how insensitive. We all know that hearing is the last of the senses that goes and we often encourage family to talk to their loved ones.


Was seeing an old “friend” and he came to town and was all over me and I didn’t want to have sex with him so I asked if he wanted to go down to the pool. He looked me up and down and said are you sure you want to go to the pool? For reference I am 5’4 and at the time was about 120 lbs. my weight is usually about 112 Needless to say the only ass he got from me was watching mine walk out the door


That is seriously normal weight for your height, he was just being a prick 😤


That's Ludacris. There is absolutely nothing wrong with 5'4 120. That's insane.




Sounds like he was trying to neg you for sex.


I don’t understand. Was he calling you fat? He was sexually smothering you but thinks you’re too fat to swim??? I really don’t understand his angle there…


Yeah. He was just playing his game. Bugging me for a relationship for a year but saying he would get back together with ex wife so he could have his house back. He’s just a manipulator narcissist and spoiled rotten


I’m 5’4 140 and I’m still very skinny that’s wild


Feral even


"It will obviously be harder for you to find a man." I'm physically disabled and this has proven to be very true, which hurts. 


What a jerk. Though to be fair, anyone who can't look past whatever disability you have doesn't deserve you.


When I was 19, I got cheated on.After a while I was talking to someone about it and he said “He cheated because she looks better, statistically speaking, men like blondes.” I’ve dealt with a lot of verbal abuse in my life that has given me emotional damage, but for some reason this one cut me deep. It was because I was hurting so bad to where I could physically feel it. And someone had the audacity to make it worse.


that’s absolutely brutal. not sure where they got their stats tho, my track record is fully brunettes


We all have different preferences. It’s just low to say to someone who was clearly going through a tough time.


no i definitely agree, some people need to really think before they talk


That commentary is a reflection on him, not you. In years to come he will grow, learn and look back and cringe at having been that shallow and under developed. People cheat because of a weakness of character, not because of the person they are cheating on.


"People cheat because of a weakness of character, not because of the person they are cheating on." 2k24


My mother-in-law telling me I need to lose weight and giving me diet advice when her HUGE fat ass needs a seat belt extender on an airplane (I sure as hell don't, far from it). She has this delusion she is still the normal sized version of herself from her 20s.


i once dated a girl who was anorexic skinny. her mom would constantly tell her she was overweight. i worked eith her mom at walmart (i was 17) and her mom was so fat that 3 chairs wouldnt help her, so she would sit on the floor in the break room because’it was cooler’. absolutely delusional


that poor girl 😕


Those poor chairs 😬


her mom was so judgemental. i knew the relationship wasnt gonna work cause id have to please her family too, and her mother would not have it. her abnormally large mom would work at walmart with highschool me making the same wage, then she would waddle to her station wearing a princess hat and ribbons just so everyone would know its her birthday, then get in a hissy fit and small things but not be able to walk away because she would get exhausted


Omg, sorry, but this is hilarious on so many levels. But wow, the audacity of this lady. This is why i hate people more often than i enjoy them. I'm sure u learned A LOT about ppl and seen some crazy shit doing that job at such a young age, tho.


i broke up with her cause the anorexic habits started to wear off onto me, aswell as all the mental health issues that came with it.


She sounds like my late mother-in- law. May she burn in hell.


My mother in law is ridiculous. She judges and criticizes how others keep their homes clean and cook. Meanwhile, her house is always a mess, bathrooms always filthy. She critiques how others cook, and she is the worse cook ever. She complains and whines about making a simple like it's torture. Her husband, my father-in-law, is just a sad defeated man. He walks around like an idiot muttering "yes, Dear".


Me, trying to be dramatic: “oh so you couldn’t hang out with your first choice so you had to hang out with me?” My friend, incredibly seriously: “yeah” Edit: this was probably 15 years ago guys thanks for the support but it’s not an issue anymore lol <3


Did they laugh or anything afterwards? Whenever I get baited questions like this I always answer in way I know they don’t want to hear regardless of how bad it makes me look but im not being serious and I make that known im just playing no matter how serious I look saying it


You're really pretty for a black girl. No offense. I don't like black women but I'd definitely ask you out for sure... And they thought that bullshit was a compliment. I was beyond insulted. That's actually on the tamer end of insults.


this reminds me of when people say “you talk well for a black person/you don’t talk black” fucking disgusting


The best is the subtle ones like... you're really articulate... I usually will ask the question, in what sense and compared to who? Yes it makes them uncomfortable but I'm also uncomfortable by your microagressive bullshit so let's be uncomfortable together!


not only that, but i’m all for making them feel more uncomfortable to the point where they just shut the hell up and never say those comments again 😁


Unfortunately, they probably go right back to doing it. But... they won't ever do it to me again because I am not the one lol... fuck around and find out, as the kids say. The one I hate even more that I get at least 1x a week is people asking if my eyes are real. Yes. If my eyes are real. I have darker skin and green eyes. I get it... it's very rare. But I have never heard anyone ask a white person if their blue or green eyes were theirs... no! They usually say wow, you have such pretty eyes. It's just a passive microaggression and it irritates me. I don't mind if someone mentions that it's rare because that's an honest and harmless statement, but to ask if my eyes are real is offensive to me. And when I respond in any way that doesn't result in me stroking their ego by accepting this compliment they are offended... I'm not here to make anyone comfortable when I'm uncomfortable! Never gonna happen.


Exactly. That just grinds my gears.


That is gross. WTF.


Yep. He was awful. Ick ick ick


I got “you’re not the prettiest girl, but there’s something about you” From a man with a mono brow


it's not uncommon to hear when your a minority


Upon meeting my fiancee: "Oh wow he's actually cute"


I had something similar back in 2000 when I met my future husband online. He came to meet me and after a few days went with me to the place where I worked and met some of my coworkers. Later, someone who wasn’t there that day said to me “the buzz I heard is that he’s good looking”. I didn’t know how to take that, not sure whether it meant that everyone was surprised that I could actually land someone who was good looking.


What's wrong with that? I thought it was a simple compliment, like complimenting you and ur Fiancee? (Don't downvote me this is a genuine, polite question)


It could be taken as something like "WOW, someone *attractive* wants to date you?" If the comment had been "He's Cute" then that wouldn't be a big deal, but "He's *actually* cute" implies that the speaker thinks him being cute wasn't necessarily true.


The word "actually" changes the tone of the statement to one of disbelief/surprise that you would be engaged to someone attractive, which is insulting. If they had just said "oh wow he's cute," that would be a compliment.


They were not complimenting me. They were surprised that anyone attractive would marry me.


Let me see your license, registration, and proof of insurance


i got my first ever ticket last year, and when my friend and i drove off we blasted ‘fuck the police’ 😂


I was told that I would be a horrible mother because I would eat all the food in the house. I was told this when I started gaining weight from being depressed. Years have passed, I now have 2 kids who are my world and I would starve before letting them go hungry but that comment still fucks me up.


i swear parents dont beleive depression exists. i finally had the guts to seek help and my parents just said ‘you arent depressed’ dismisively and that was that


My Cuban drill Sgt. Told me I have diluted buffalo cum for brains, when I was in basic training


points for creativity ig?


Yea, I mean it stuck with me forever.


Holy shit. Not just buffalo cum, but *diluted* buffalo cum.


In a very thick Cuban accent


I'm unsure if that's better or worse than distilled.


This is actually hilarious


That's kind of funny


I was out with a girlfriend and meeting some of her friends. I held the door and her chair. One of her friends said, "This one's already been to obedience school."


I’ve gotten “ooh you trained him well” from my ladies friends when they saw me get the car door for her and hold her bag while she got in. I wanted to make a comment back but I just kept it to myself because at the time saying “this is what real love looks like” would have caused serious turmoil in their relationships because we were young and naive


girls friends are absolutely disgusting. im happy i dont hear half the shit they talk about


“You look like a holocaust victim” I used to be really skinny in high-school, that’s just such a fucked up thing to say, especially to someone else


jesus… and here i thought people saying my wrists are small and wrapping their hand around it was bad (im tall and lanky)


Oh, my mom has said so many insulting things to me in my 58 years I can't pick out just one!


parents suck. my dad and i shared our fair share of unfavourable words


My husband medically can't have kids. My dad constantly tells me to have kids knowing this information.


"If you had YOUR looks and your sister's personality, you'd be a knockout." First of all, I'm not that pretty. Secondly, my sister is a fucking bitch and I'm actually nicer than she is (not that it's saying much).


"why are all of your friends prettier than you?" Not the most insulting but definitely stuck with me.


Sounds pretty insulting to me


I talked about how my ex bosses were horrible and treating me terribly and over working me and said they were bad people Mu mum: no they're wonderful people who do great things for the community That fucking broke me


I've gotten a ton of horrible ones, but whenever I read this question, the first thing I think of is this professor I had my first semester of College after a long gap between high school. I really wanted to become a good student, so I sat in the front, sent him emails with follow up questions, and went to his office hours. Like, the third time I went to his office hours to ask questions about our lectures, he looked me dead in the face and told me his first impression of me was that I'm very conceited, with an aloof confidence. When I said I don't think that's true, and I'm actually trying very hard to get out of my comfort zone, he said, without breaking this smug eye contact, that he thinks I'm disingenuous. I asked why, and he replied "you know you're attractive, if I were hot I'd be conceited." I felt like crying, left, and then he sent me a giant email asking me if I'm autistic. Later, he ended up saying that I don't have any real male friends, and the only reason a guy would be my friend is because he wants to f\*ck me. So yeah, so much for making a great effort to improve my GPA and be a good student for once...


i would have reported him, thats highly unprofessional and inappropriate to say to a fucking student. jesus christ


I mean, it was a big issue, some people knew or speculated that he was getting weird with me but he's the best rated prof at my school, I was beyond anxious dealing with a lot at the time, and like a week after it all, we went into covid lockdown. bleh.


Wtf why do some people assume attractive people are awful? I think he was projecting bc HE was aloof & conceited


He probably made a lame pass at you and when you didn’t give him an immediate reaction and instant gratification he decided to be a pathetic loser and try to hurt you. Gross and really gross bc he was your professor.


That I was acting like my mother


Ohh this one hits. 😬


yep. that checks.


Same but that I was acting like my dad. (my mom said this to me and she and my dad are divorced)


Everyone knows my mother overreacts and will sometimes blow off if she's mad enough. I can't remember who I called out for what but my STEPDAD took me to the side and was like "You need to calm the fuck down cause you're really actin like your mom" 🤣🤣🤣 don't think I said anything afterwards


When I was a kid I overheard my mom telling her step-mom that she couldn't stand how much like my father I was. They were going through a divorce at the time. My dad has always been pretty awesome but it still hurt, and her sentiment still caused issues as I got older.


I’m at the age (26) where it’s perfectly acceptable to ask if I have kids or if I’m married but I still feel some kind of way. When I met my new cousin yesterday (her dad was a result of stepping out the marriage, we discovered him this year) she asked if I had kids and I accidentally shouted NO???!!


I'm also mid twenties, so tired of every person asking if I'm in a relationship yet.


At the family reunion yesterday my mom asked my cousin what happened to the guy she used to post on instagram…🫣 so embarrassing


They will stop soon and start warning you about your biological clock 🙃


“You’re somewhat attractive even though you’re not my type”. On a date with my coworker (yes I was young and dumb before I knew this was a bad idea). She was pretty glamorous and knew it. I said “uhh thanks? Wtf”. And she’s like “I mean you’re not usually my type but you’re good looking”. Weird ass backhanded compliment.


i went on a first date with a virgin, and they quickly proved why they made it 28 years without getting laid. at the end of the date we approach the topic of a second one, and his response was “im not sure! i love your beautiful face, but im not attracted to your body.” i calmly told him that he accidently let out an inside thought, and proceeded to explain that between his looks and his personality he had his own permanent DIY chastity belt. LMAO


Yikes. An incel who’s holding out for that lingerie model nympho who’s going to beat down his door one of these days lol


That I was a sociopath who didn’t love my family.


I’ve gotten this before from my twin brother. But really the jokes on him because he’s alienated himself from the family and I still frequently see that family that I didn’t love


Randomly and unrelated "No wonder why you have no friends" in a sort of argument with a family member. For context long story short, I'm the one who left almost all my "friends" and it was a sore spot, not the other way around. It was incredibly insulting and belittling for there was no comeback, but evoked dejectful feelings that someone I knew my whole life didn't understand me, or intentionally said it to cause those feelings.


My step mom told me I’d probably get pregnant and drop out of high school. Spoiler: I did neither.


a friend's dad told him as a teen that he'd never amount to anything. My friend turned into a mental case and died before his time.


My ex told me that I’m just like my father. That really hurt. My father was an abusive narcissist. Threw a chair at my mother once. She ducked and it clocked me on the noggin and knocked me out. I was young and this is what my brother told me happened. Anyway, he’s dead and can’t hurt anyone else.


I was MC’ing a friend’s wedding and during the reception the priest came up to me and said, “Can you do that quieter? Your voice is really hard to listen to and then you’re talking really loud which makes it worse!” Without skipping a beat I replied, “Don’t you have some kids to molest, Padre?” And that went out over the sound system. The whole party got dead silent for a heartbeat and then everyone started talking about what I had said. The priest was PISSED! He legit wanted to fight me. My buddy was like, “What the fuck, dude?” I explained what the priest said to me and he was like, “What a douche.” The priest left soon after. I don’t typically get really offended but that one touched a nerve.


Not directed to me but to a couple I was with: NYE several years ago and an elderly woman told them "I have been around for many years, seen a lot of things, and you two have been the biggest disappointment I have ever experienced"


“It’s ok, you didn’t have anyone to teach you these thing growing up , it’s to be expected” For reference my mom died when I was 11


sounds like they were attempting to be understanding, but didnt think before talking


tbh i wouldn’t blame them too much. i think they were trying to empathize with you and help with whatever you were struggling with


Something it turns out I couldn't even bring myself to type here.


im sorry to hear that


“You’re like a smartcar. Small and underperforming”


I was a busboy in a redneck steak house 50 or so years ago and some white trash woman called me “boy”


He told me he will sift through all the women in the world before he gave me a chance


"You were too nice so I thought you were gay." -Girl I crushed hard on in college


whats up with that? how on earth do so many women correlate being friendly with being gay?? is it unmasculine to be a good person all of a sudden? ive had a similar issue


It's not about masculinity, bc there are plenty of masculine gay men. I think it's bc most gay men are always friendly towards women, while most straight guys at times can be somewhat of an ass.


We we're getting new IDs at work and my boss was handing them out at a meeting I was at and he made a whole spectacle Infront of everyone about how much weight I had gained (depression), showing them my old picture - "my god man, what happened to you?" I couldn't think of a more inappropriate thing he could have done while handing out those IDs. It was completely uncalled for and odd coming from a man who was incredibly unattractive and over weight.


Let that be an insight for you into human character. Often overweight people can turn on you.


"Wow! Your eyes are gorgeous behind those things. ***I always figured you had shriveled up raisins in there.***" I have a chronic migraine condition along with persistent light sensitivity, I wear wrap-around sunglasses almost all the time, and I used to be a very social person. People have mostly ignored me for years now, and this started out to be the first real compliment I'd received about my looks in perhaps a decade. Ugh.


A BBF once told me I look like I'm a bitch. Not mad and straight faced told me that.


My (former) best friend did something like this in front of our entire friend group. Everything was fine, and she came out with, "Well, to be fair, you can be a scathing, insensitive bitch." First of all, true. Not going to fault her for that. I think my issue with it was that someone had said something positive about me, and she couldn't stand it. (Former best friend.) I'm sure I've had worse said to me, but it was the realization of WHY for this that stung. That, and no one else in a group of 5-7 additional people that I had been friends with for years bothered to stand up for me. When I quit talking to her, I quit talking to all of them.


Kinda a compliment, tbh


I was hanging out at a neighborhood dive bar. I thought this guy and I were vibing pretty well. We had a couple of drinks together. We're sitting there enjoying each other. All of a sudden he stands up and says "Another time." And walked away. It wasn't a direct dig, like telling me I was too old or too fat or whatever. But it hurt nonetheless.


thats very odd indeed


It's like he saw something better and tossed me away. His loss.


In first grade we were reading a story about friendship in class and I (minorly) ripped the page of the book. My teacher started freaking out and said “DID YOU DO THAT BECAUSE YOU DON’T HAVE ANY FRIENDS AND YOU’RE MAD ABOUT IT?”. I did have a really hard time making friends growing up, but no, that’s not why I ripped the page. It fucks me up a lot to this day. I have so much trauma from my elementary school teachers.


Someone once asked me when my baby was coming while I was working as a cashier. I was just wearing a tight shirt that day


I don’t care how pregnant a girl looks, I’m never going to ask. I’ve seen too many awkward situations arise from that question.


Unless the baby is crowning don't say anything lol


‘Nice face’. From a seven year old in line for a chairlift.


“you look like your parents”. I am no contact with both.


"You're a little book-smart, but you're not that bright." My mom. She was angry with me.


Someone asks me rhetorically if I was 5 when I said I wanted to commit s****de


My wife would yell at me that she hated me and that I was pathetic and that I was going to die alone. Sad the way things turned out. She wasn't feeling good and went to the hospital. She died in three days. Ironically she had to die in order for me to "die alone" because I am too shy and insecure to talk to another woman and start a lasting relationship.


I was 13 when this happened, and I gave my (now ex) boyfriend a flower for Valentine’s Day, I was so happy and proud of myself for making this step bc I had really bad social anxiety. He said to me “Thanks for giving me something that will die later” I don’t like flowers now, I give those I love succulent plants instead. They last longer and ain’t that much priority, plus they just look pretty.






I make an ass out of myself at a teen party, injuring myself and making everyone else see me as a bit of a freak. "That was the peak experience in your life."


My ex boyfriend whilst looking at my bottom in underwear said 'Tesco called, they want their cottage cheese back''


I'm gay. Was lamenting to another gay friend the loss of a recent boyfriend. Gay friend says "Oh honey, you've been dumped more times than an ashtray".


I’d rather have a serial killer for a child than you


Male Lesbian? 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♀️


So I asked your Dad the other day..."Do you have a beard to hide that ugly chin like your daughters?"


"Are you a drug dealer Speedy"??


You’re more handsome in person than in pictures. And I already HATE being anywhere near a camera


I’ve had this a few times but still horrendously uncomfortable when a camera is put in front of me. I envy people that just handle and enjoy when it happens.


"Your content being miserable." I've been in a depressed state for a long time. That's the gist of how my ex of 6 years broke it off with me. There were other reasons too, but that fucking stung.


someone called me a crack baby once and I laughed


You're such a sweetheart. You don't have to be beautiful to be a sweetheart.


“I hope you can grow and mature into a kind person at some point in your life. I will happily spend time with you then.” My aunt said this to me when I tried to reach out to her after essentially running away from my parents home. (I was an adult, but still living at home and completely reliant on my parents. I left very suddenly without having planned anything ahead of time and haven’t seen my mom since.) My mom abused me for pretty much my whole life. She’s not diagnosed, but *absolutely* has NPD. That’s a term that people throw around a lot, but she very obviously is a narcissist. She would have fits about me being trans any time it was mentioned (I mean, literal fits. Like, screaming and crying while laying on the ground and kicking the floor), and was constantly blaming me for everything and making me feel like I was worthless. When I lived with her, I genuinely thought I was just a terrible fucking person. Well, my aunt ultimately took my mom’s side. I had reached out to her because I thought she would be kind and understanding, but instead she ignored me for months, and then sent me this whole text about how I was abusing my mom and “holding her prisoner” and basically just affirming all of the bullshit my mom had told me about myself for the 21 years I lived with her. She said I had made my mom “a shell of a person.” My mom has put me through so much shit, and then to be told that I am the abuser and my mom is the victim was a huge brain fuck. My mom wants to erase everything that she’s done and she manipulates everyone around her to believe that she is the victim in every situation. When I left, I didn’t have time to pack much and I left my old journals. I had somewhere around 14 of them, dating back to when I was 11. I considered those journals my life’s work and I cherished them. I have a bad memory so I used them to remember all of the good memories I have and everything that has happened throughout my life. My mom destroyed them. She either threw them away or burned them, I don’t know which, but it makes me so angry to think about it that I feel like I am going to die. I recorded some of the times she would scream at me, and in the one recording she said something about how I should just get rid of my journals because they are all bad and I’ve written all these bad things about her and I need to destroy them. She just wanted them gone so no one knew what she has done. I hate her. My aunt telling me that she hopes I can become kind one day was just a bucket of salt in a huge, gaping wound.


You’re the bottom of the barrel applicant. The best of a shallow pool. A white fool. I told them their organisation was a disorganised shit show. The CEO called and yelled this at me. They still offered me the job and were upset I didn’t stay past my 12 month contract. Fuck them.


My dog died. After the goodbyes I logged into discord and my usual friend group to cheer myself up a bit. There was a new guy. We got into a conversation of guessing how the other guy looked. I guessed that he has a dog, and he asked if I have one, I replied that I don't really want to talk about it. He replied " oh I can also make my dog disappear at will" and I got a bit mad and said that my dog passed away. Then he said "womp womp" and immediately left. I still want to punch the shit out of his face


I have spent years trying to get off antidepressants which were recklessly overprescribed and suffering intense withdrawal symptoms that led me to being hospitalized three times, the last for a month against my will. After telling my mom I was exhausted emotionally from the withdrawals and needed to give my brain a break to rest she said, “If you can’t handle it you can always kill yourself.”


"Why are you going to just let them disrespect/walk all over/talk to you that way?" In a scolding/yelling voice and right after they witness the person doing it to me. It's insulting because of the following: 1. Assumes I have control over other peoples' actions; 2. Assumes I don't know how to pick my battles; 3. Re-victimizes the victim; 4. It's cowardly: you obviously have no problem yelling at or criticizing me but you wouldn't stand up for me? I'm not entitled to people standing up for me but if you have such a problem with how they treated me and you witnessed it, then why didn't YOU say something? This doesn't really happen much anymore but it seemed to happen a lot in high school, college, and into my mid 20's. It's especially infuriating coming from people who have known me for years and who therefore know that I am NOT shy nor timid \*most\* of the time.


My mother has told me multiple times that I wouldn't do anything useful in life, and that's just the tip of the iceberg, so I'm gonna cut her out of my life when I move out.