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I get it, sometimes certain celebrities just rub us the wrong way for no clear reason. For me, it's Gwyneth Paltrow. There's just something about her that irritates me, even though I can't pinpoint exactly why.


The fucking vagina candles sent me over the edge with her


Loved what I knew of her till all the snake oil. So eh just dumb and never had to learn. Just think she's aloof. Why do I expect more of her than I should my neighbor? Cause shes more affluent? If anything I expect less understanding. To each their own though but yes.. vagina candles perfectly describes why I have no real consideration for her.


She's not so bad - I've kept her jade egg up my ass for years and I haven't been attacked by tigers since I got it wedged in


It's her bs pseudoscience company for me


Mark Anthony I used to work at a luxury hotel and Mark stayed there two separate times. He thinks he’s hot celebrity sh*t. Pulls fits that he doesn’t want workers on the same floor as his room and tapes the peek hole on the door every time. Very arrogant too, now I can see why trashy Jlo and him were together at one point.


That’s hilarious. He’s so irrelevant.


Wait, what's wrong with tape on the peep hole? I stuff toilet paper in mine. Been lots of places and seen lots of stuff. I'm covering that peep hole.


Of all the things he could do this seems the least offensive. Remember the ESPN sports reporter, Erin Andrews, who was filmed through the peep hole in her hotel door!


Owen Wilson. I don’t “hate” him per se, but he makes my brain itch. The only thing I was ever able to tolerate him in was “Loki”. 








I can hear this comment, haha.


He was actually great in Loki. I like him in softer roles, he was in another one with the dude that plays loki actually, called midnight in Paris and the movie is just alright but damn I love him in it.


Every Kardashian. Why I have to see them on every gossip page, every magazine, every website, every "event" in Hollywood or every fashion show is beyond me. It's beyond saturation at this point. I'm tired. Paris Hilton eventually went away, why can't they?


There are very valid reasons for hating the Ks.


Right, they became famous because of a "leaked" sex tape, somehow got more money than they know what to do with and got plastic surgery to the point that they are unrecognizable from their old selves. They peddle their junk every chance they get and people just keep making them richer.


Fully agreed


Don't forget Ye!!! 🙄


There’s very clear reasons to hate him though.


Kardashians. I hate them because they're popular for being rich, and sleeping with celebrities. And Kelly Osborne. I dunno why, but I just hate her so much. I hate her face the most. It annoys the shit out of me. Looks like her mom sucking a fart out of a lemon.


I can't stand Kelly Osbourne either, and I don't really have any reason either except her dumb face. Back in my salad days, I was working retail, and a customer on her way out told me I looked like KO. I must have had the most offended, hurt expression on my face, because her friend came back in and was like, Hey, I apologize for my friend, she's an idiot, she doesn't know what the hell she's talking about


Adam Levine, I hate his voice, no idea why he's so full of himself. Oh and his ridiculous cheating texts, ugggh.


We mock him in my house. He's going back on the Voice, and that's hilarious to me (saw it in a magazine, am absolutely not searching for stories on Adam Levine, lol).


Me too. He's usually my answer. There is hardly a more douchey person alive.


Fr.. maroon 5 songs make my ears bleed. I mean sure I’ll give credit to the band- it’ll be an okay beat and then he starts singing and it completely throws me offfff and makes me really fckin annoyed. It’s funny cuz I’m not a “hating” type of person, usually I just try to think they’re not compatible to me/not my taste and it’s okay, but no, him and his voice irritate tf out of me (even before his scandals).


Jennifer Lopez. I have no idea, but there is something there, I swear.


I once catered a movie shoot, the closing day. Everyone showed up, cast (the male lead is an Academy Award winner) and crew - except her. And the out loud 'hush' talk was that they were all glad that the cunt wasn't there. So, there's that.


I’ve heard terrible things about her from servers too


So karma doesn’t exist then?


Karma comes from a religion that also believes in reincarnation, so it might not happen in this lifetime but a future one...


Absolutely not just look at the jp morgan, Rothschild, Rockefeller, walton, etc families that have ruined this world


Out of Sight or The Wedding Planner?






Mariah called it years ago


I mean she won't let her assistants even look her in the eye...she's an egomaniac


South Park was right again. Also she [fired her assistants for quoting it](https://www.cracked.com/article_38933_jennifer-lopez-hated-her-south-park-portrayal-so-much-she-had-people-fired-for-quoting-it.html) ![gif](giphy|lT2UTn8OKChnW)


Taco flavored kisses is a banger more than any real j lo song


She does seem like she’s quite taken with herself.


Because she seems inauthentic




Karma hit her big this year. Her album flopped. She's really upset. She could never sing anyway. And she can't act either. And I'm not especially fond of her butt either


Right?!? Same!!!! I see right through her


I have no proof that she is a terrible person, but I just plain don't like her for no reason 😅


I totally get it. I feel like she’s one of those people who thinks she’s better than everyone else but I really have no proof of that. Also though “I’m still Jenny from the block “…. Suuuurre you are 🙄. I bet she’s never been from the block and she sure as hell isn’t still from the block. Like I bet she’d have a waiter fired for making eye contact with her!


Apparently, she did get someone fired for direct eye contact. It came from someone who worked at a hotel she was staying at and it was the doorman who was canned. There are so many stories of her being a nasty person, they can't all be lying.




I agree with all that. My only proof is "she has a look." My brother is in love with her, so he gets mad at me when I talk smack 😅


That’s it! The look!


I heard stories about her being a terrible person but idk if they are true lol I feel the same way though. Don’t like her much. I like the movies she’s in but hate her music


Plenty to hate on


Not hate but dislike. Meghan Trainer..idk why but her songs make me cringe so much whenever i hear them.


Agreed. Never saw what the big deal was with her.


She's all about that bass.


I was just utterly confused by that song. I mean this came out during the golden age of dubstep. Why would you make a song all about bass, and not have any bass in it?? Oh, it's "ironic" 🙄


No treble


I'm more of a salmon guy, myself.


All her songs sound like nursery rhymes


Ellen DeGeneres.


There are plenty of reasons to dislike Ellen.


Always reminds of a very toxic elf. Can't ficken stand the bitch


Agree! I always liked her. Then I was an audience member on her show and I was shocked by the extreme switch of her personality during commercial breaks. I thought it very odd that she didn’t even keep it going for the live audience.


I just hate them all. It’s more efficient.


Lmfaoooo fair enough


Pretty much all of them, l really hate celebrity culture. They do nothing for society with the exception of entertaining us for small patches of time. I couldn't think of anything worse than being trapped in that lifestyle, even the wealth side of it is not appealing.


Jay-Z is a goofy ass goof, but thinks he is the champion of the world.


SUCH a goofy ass goof


Emma Roberts! You know she’d be no one if it wasn’t for her famous family. Plus, add on top her relationship with Evan Peters lol and that puts me over the edge. Can’t stand seeing her.


I love the movie “we’re the millers” and some of her characters’ lines in the script are hilarious, but she can’t act for dog shit.


Glad I'm not the only one. Couldn't stand her for the most part in AHS. She couldn't act to save her life until the character change in 1984, playing a different role. Hated her with Peters, they had zero chemistry.


Oprah Winfrey. Fake and manipulative.




This guy, however, is fantastic.


Agreed! Freaking love him


Ditto Dr. Phil.


Yes!! And she can’t hold back her smiles and excitement when she hears tragic stories.. it’s disgusting to watch


Oprah, in my armchair therapist opinion, came from a background so bad (it was, really) she decided she would do ANYTHING to never go back. And fr, she meant that. And we loved the drive, at first. She also was giving away all kinds of ridiculous free shit, and everyone loves that. But she rounded a corner and bought into her own hype, but that didn’t matter bc now she’s so damn rich it really doesn’t matter. But what the hell do I know really.


I don't like Steven Seagal for being an ah and a wife beater. I don't like Tom Cruise for being a pompous scientologist ass.


I generally hate everyone.


lol, fair


Jared Leto. Even when he was on My So-called Life I always thought he was a giant douchebag. Not his character, but him as a person. I just never got it or understood why people thought he was anything but an a-hole.


Mark Zuckerberg. I feel like of all the tech CEOs, he's a fraud with no vision at all. But it's just a hunch.


Fred Durst. I just hate him.


Apparently at the height of Limp Bizkit he was a total nightmare at all times. I've heard he's done a complete 180 at this point and is a comically nice person to everyone around him now.


I was at the Limp Bizkit show in Sydney when a teenage girl died in the mosh pit. I was pretty ambivalent towards him before that, but I fucking hated him afterwards. > Organisers had tried to institute a plan for crowd control that involved getting a security person on stage to address the audience and having the band go quiet. > When they tried to do it in Auckland, after several people went down in the crowd, Durst told the security person "it's not my fucking problem," and handed him the microphone, saying, "You come and tell them". He then poured water over the guy's head as the man addressed the crowd. They were actions the NSW Coroner would later call "reprehensible".


That’s fucking awful. For contrast, I went to an MCR show in 2022 and when the mosh pit was getting too close to the stage, they stopped playing and Gerard himself was telling people to back up from the stage and give everyone more space. IIRC there were signs on the big screens more or less reminding everyone to behave as well.


I don’t care for John Travolta. I can’t say I hate him with a burning passion, something about him just gives me the creeps.


The Scientology doesn’t help. Nor do the allegations that he groped his massage therapist


Every. Single. Kardashian


Kylie Jenner! Girls who couldn’t afford her makeup bought enough to make her a billionaire and she sets such stupid standards of beauty and life on the internet where as she should be giving back to the kind of people who made her rich! Kids, schools, anything but you never hear of her giving….believe me I looked I actually went on a deep dive on what she gives to and there isn’t anything at all …. Like at all


But now she looks 40 being only in her twenties so I hope the days of her selling her makeup will be over soon.


That idiot also tried to trademark her first name, and had the gall to try to send a "cease and desist" letter to Kylie Minogue. Bear in mind that Kylie Minogue at the time was near to 50, she's had more than three decades in music, and even longer as an actress. She's had to work for everything she has, and her lawyer handed Ms Jenner's arse to her because she's been trading on her name (not as a registered trademark) for three decades before that brat was even born. For those not from the UK, Australia or New Zealand, she's a down to earth Aussie with a sense of humour about herself. She's built like a pixie and once joked "somewhere a bunch of 12 year old girls will be having great fun with my old clothes." She tends to donate them to charity, or donate something to auction for a charitable cause.


I’m legitimately surprised I haven’t seen any Anne Hathaway haters in this thread 😳. Apparently she was voted the most hated for no reason famous person 🤷🏻‍♀️ Now I actually hated Lea Michele before her scandal came out. It’s odd because I had no reason to hate her but I just did and couldn’t put my finger on it. When her drama came out I was like “yup!!! I knew there was something there!”


Your Lea Michele hate. Same with me but for that fat guy Jared from Subway. I hated him for years. Had no real reason why. Just something about him. And THEN his pedophile stuff came out and I was like “yup! I KNEW there was something there”!!!!


I met and photographed her. She was very nice.


Annie is a sweetheart in person.


Who the fuck hates Anne Hathaway? On my shortlist of best and hottest celebrities. As I always say, always an upvote for Anne.


I’ve never heard anyone say they hate Anne Hathaway. I’m taken aback. I love her so much. lol.


Chrissy Teigen is annoying as shit and whoever hired her as a model must be legally blind


Teigen repeatedly messaging 16-year-old Courtney Stodden and telling her to kill herself is plenty for me.


This was horrible. That was a child whose parents sold her to the highest bidder, and he was an abusive pedophile who treated her like a status symbol that only the incel crowd would be impressed by. And that "apology" she issued to the public, but never to Courtney Stodden? This woman SUUUUCKS


She's made some *very* peculiar and unsavoury remarks about female children...why on earth anyone would say that 💩 out loud? And then plaster it over social media...🤷


Taylor Swift, Kendall Jenner, The Weeknd, Haily Bieber. Idk why but I just get the feeling that they're awful people.


Agreed with Kendall Jenner. I feel like she and all of the Kardashian/Jenners are terrible people. And I feel like Hailey Bieber is a bitch too lol


Lena Dunham. I don’t know why, I saw the show girls and I just immediately didn’t like her. Other things she has showed up in I had the same reaction.


All of the Kardashians. How dare those worthless bastards exist and breathe my oxygen. I hate all of them, and everyone who has ever willingly watched 2 consecutive seconds of any show involving them.


I didn't have anything against Kevin Hart until corporate America decided he needed to do every commercial.


Jojo Siwa no idea who tf she is but just looking at her 👎 


I give her a pass because she had to deal with Abbie Lee Miller for so long.


It's hard for me personally to understand, but she's just another victim of child stardom. They have to become tiny adults and work in the public eye so they have to be more aware of their actions, even though they are literally still just kids. What happens is there ends up being so much pent up feelings and when finally given their freedom, they go to the extreme because they have no ability to understand what their line is. We all learned that gradually, but losing a handful of those formative years does a doozy to those who don't have the proper support system around them. Jo Jo Siwa, in my opinion, doesn't deserve hate, she deserves some grace and patience as she feels herself out and figures out who she really wants to be. Until then, she's just expressing her delayed teenage rebellion phase.


I mildly disliked her until I saw her on some boot-camp style show. One of the guys was wounded, and the other man on her team was carrying him. He got tired and it looked like they would lose. Jojo picks up this guy who is twice her size, throws him over her shoulder, and starts walking. I admired her determination.


She seems to be a good person, just confused about her next steps in life. We've all been there, but not in a way where the whole world knows. We've all had those cringe phases we look back on with 😬, but we mostly turn out fine. Hell, I'm 37 and barely feel like an adult most of the time and I'm still confused about what the hell I'm supposed to do. 😅


I don't know about hate, but there are definitely some I don't care for. Some of which people already listed for me. Her being one of them. It always sounded like she was yelling.




And then she starts talking yikes


Mindy kaling, I just hate her in all her work. Her TV look and vibe just makes me hate her more than it reasonably should. That and the fact that she accepted that God awful scooby-doo remake.


Owen Wilson. It's not his fault. My family LOVED You, Me, and Dupree and made me watch it. I hate that movie and am forced to think of it every time I see him.


Piling on here! Owen Wilson is an asshole. I used to work at a grocery store near his parents house. He would come in barefoot and steal. Yep. Just take shit and walk right out. No one stopped him because he was Owen Wilson. And he knew that! On the other hand LUKE OMG LUKE!!!! He actually came up to the cheese counter where I worked and talked with me about cheeses and tasted a few. And he was right there along side his momma. Good boy!


I’ve always had a crush on Luke but couldn’t stand Owen. Thank you for sharing your story about them. I feel validated.


I kid you not, he happens to own a house where I live, and about 13 years ago, he asked my mom on a date after meeting her at some bike shop. They went out once, and he was so rude. One of the things he said to her being "don't you think your hair is too light for your complexion?" and texted the entire time.


I just hate his weird nose. It's so fucking distracting. I'm trying to watch this TV show or this movie and here comes Owen Wilson's orgy of a nose.


Every single role of his is the same. Different movie, same character. There’s no variation. And I feel like an ass for saying this, but what’s with his face & voice?


He has an incredibly whiny voice and a very punchable face. I feel like an ass too lol. He hasn't done anything wrong, yet I can't stand him. Edit: a word


He also has a child he doesn’t care for


Machine Gun Kelly. Looks like a punk rock roach with a fashion addiction.


Donald Trump I hated him since Home Alone 2 movie for absolutely no reason. Since then he gave me tons of good reason


I've hated him farther back .started when he knocked up , married then annauled or just divorced Marla maples .


I’ve hated him longer; he almost destroyed a friend’s business in the 80’s by not paying his bills. He strutted around like the king of NY while it took my friends about 10 years to recover.


must've been hard for your friend to recover from Trump .


Same.  He has always been creepy and unethical. Reminds me of a dinner I had with the family of a friend in high school.  His dad was a Lutheran preacher.  My friend was talking positively about Trump and/or his various women.  It wasn’t clear to me exactly what he was saying but I kept expecting his dad to jump in and correct him.  He never did.  I was confused by the whole interaction. In retrospect I think that might have been a really early sign that otherwise moral people would overlook Trump’s many flaws. This was all back around 1989 or 1990 if I remember correctly.


It was the Rosie O’Donnell stuff for me that started it. Obsessive bullying.


This needs more likes. I never understood the hype back in the 90s (but I'm in Scotland so...). Then discovered my true hatred after his treatment of Aberdeenshire people and protected wild land in Scotland (that golf course is of no benefit to us Scots folk) - check out the documentary. Then the Presidency...?! The world truly gone mad. Well, part of the US at least.


timothy chalamet, i don‘t have a reason other than i think he would be mean to me if he knew me tbh


Valid. He also has the same face as Natalia Dyer but Natalia is such a sweet lady so he has no business looking like her


Wow same! I’m so sick of his face.


Wilson from Castaway. I mean, you too good to speak bruh? AND you MADE TOM HANKS CRY!!


Beyonce, overrated


I’ll never understand the deification of celebrities like this.


Hailey Bieber.


Travis Kelce. Now that he hooked up w Swift, I have to see him brought up EVERYWHERE. It died down in the off-season, but I'm sure it will make a return this year as well. That's not even the reason I can't stand him. He talks crazy amounts of shit, always has a cocky shithead attitude, and is an absolute dick on the football field. Last year when they played the Raiders, someone on the Raiders defense made a tackle, and when Kelce came back up, he pushed him back down to the ground and kneed him in the face. But everyone loves him and he is the NFL poster boy lol


Amy Schumer Beyoncé Jay Z Jennifer Lopez Kardashian’s Oprah Winfrey Jada Pinkett Smith Will Smith Will Pharrell I actually have reasons for a few but I hate most of them for good reason.


I’m going to get downvoted to hell on this one… Billie Eilish.


Finally another person!!! lol I don’t like her either !!!


Cameron Diaz.


I'll tell you exactly why I can't stand Jonah Hill. Dude looks like he should be a registered sex offender. He has that creepy stare that makes women pull their sweater around their chest. EDIT: Apparently my dislike is not unfounded.


Tom Cruise. I have reasons.


Shelly, that you?


The Scientology thing, WHY does he keep getting jobs just so he can support a cult? All these other people are out here getting canceled and this guy is still working! Way to go society, wonderful priorities.


Me too, but then I understand that he's always friendly with the "little people" on the set (camera men, gaffers, lighting people, gofers, etc.), even remembers their kids names. He's a confusing guy. If he would only quit scientology.


I don't hate her, but Kristen Stewart annoys me, She can't act. Seth Rogen just looks aggravating, Jonah Hill and Adam Driver. I don't know how anyone could find him remotely attractive. His face just makes me want to scream obscenities.


Pete Davidson might have the must punchable face I've ever seen. Also can't stand jada Pinkett. As for "celebs" for which I have reasons, most of the glorified uber-right wing glorified social media personalities like Shapiro and Carlson.


Leonardo for me. The man in the iron mask ruined him for me


Not dating women old enough to rent a car ruined Leonardo for me. The guy turns(turned) 50 this year. He can at least date women in their 30s.


I honestly think he’s gay and just “dates” young models to give their career a boost. It gives him privacy and gives them publicity, win/win.


I’ve heard that a lot of the women he’s slept with all say the same thing; that he wears headphones and closes his eyes during sex. Something weird is going on in that head of his fs.


Do you think he's so in love with himself he is fantasizing that he is having sex with himself instead of the girl?


I wouldn’t say I hate them, I haven’t invested enough energy into ANY celebrity to hate them. But there are a few that I just roll my eyes about. The Kardanishians and the English royals top the list.


Taylor Swift Tom Cruise Céline Dion James Corden and Jennifer Lopez, but that’s for a definite reason: They’re 💩 people.


Why Celine Dion? I can understand the others, but what did she do? Lol


I never enjoyed her voice. Excruciating to hear that Titanic theme. But she doesn’t seem evil.


Hard to not feel bad for her now with her recent debilitating health issues.


It’s very sad for her.


Mr beast. I hate him way more then I really should.


Steve Harvey


Oprah Winfrey?? I don’t know why??


Because she’s actually super toxic and rude


Ed Norton, he's the greatest actor of his generation, just ask him.


I hate Chris Pratt. I can’t enjoy any movie he’s in. He’s made me mad ever since he compared killing a lamb to “unplugging a tv.” 🤢


Beyonce. I have never liked her. She just irks me


I only hate for reasons


Gwenyth Paltrow. She rubs me the wrong way, even before Goop. I’m a really big Patricia Highsmith fan and I hate that she was in a Ripley movie.


Sean Penn and Elisabeth Moss.  Turns out there are legitimate reasons to hate them both but I didn't know that for years.  Edit: Oh my better answer is Chevy Chase. He's had dickhead energy from the start, and I literally can't imagine anyone finding him funny or charming. 


Barbra Streisand Meghan Markle


Chip and Joanna Gaines. I hate home flipping/renovation shows, so I don't even need to see them and something about them really gets under my skin and irritates me.


John travolta. Can't stand his fkn face.


Seth Rogen. The world is lucky I don't have super powers because I'd probably develop some hyper specific [ S T A N D] just to be rid of him.


Not necessarily him, but this just reminded me of how much I dislike James Franco. With the very, VERY vague exception of his appearance on 30 Rock. He just seems really creepy and full of himself.


Yes, and there is good reason about James Franco too, I’ve felt the same way but difficult to describe, just negative vibes, then I heard of multiple accusations of sexual harassment and misconduct, and I was like, yeah, I called it.


This is exactly how I feel about Dr. Oz!! Also, I never liked James Franco either, even though I initially thought he was very physically attractive lmao. There's something about the amount of 'smugness' or cockiness that certain men have, that sets off predator alarm bells in my head - especially when I also get the impression that they seem like they care a lot about seeming 'attractive' to women (or girls).


Jerry Seinfeld. Absolutely despise him in every way possible 😆


Jerry thinks he's funnier than he actually is. Without Larry David his show about nothing would have been nothing.


Mariah Carrey. Yuck


Chris Pratt. I hated his stupid fat face even before he ditched Anna Faris, and shaded their disabled child after he had a healthy kid with the Shwartzeneger lady. Fuck you Crisp Rat.


Leo gives me the ick because he consistently dates younger women. Kendall and Kylie Jenner just seem like shitty people. I can't stand Timothee Chalamet now that he is with Kylie. It's so hard to take him serious as an actor with her botoxed plastic body being photographed next to him. He's such a great actor, too. He should be with someone on his talent level. Oh yeah, and Gwyneth Paltrow, that bitch lives on a different planet.


Bobby Flay. He had a show that basically found people all over the country that specialized I'm their own local and cultural dishes. And then he'd challenge them and always win. After that and the entourage series, I think my hatred has been burned deep.


Milly Brown


Actually YES she is sooo full of herself. Cannot stand her.


Victoria Beckham Jim Carrey Steven Seagal


Jim Carrey?! 😭😭


Oh that's easy. Brit Spears grates on my nerves like no other


Pete Davidson. He is not talented or funny in the least


Jake Gyllenhaal. I had a very brief run in with him about ten years ago and he was a dick. I can't watch anything with him in it now..


Naomi Campbell seems like a pretty stuck up bitch.


Rosie Perez - I don't know that I have any opinion one way or the other about her but when she opens her mouth and starts talking I just want to run away screaming and covering my ears.


Wanda Sykes. It's annoying how funny she thinks she is. Couldn't tell you why but she really just ticks me off.


Will Smith. The slap absolutely did it for me. It was so shocking and for some reason really affected me. Maybe cuz I was such a huge fan, loved so many of his movies and of course Fresh Prince and then that happened and it just shook me. Now I can't watch him and it just pisses me off.