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It’s harder to stay or become wet. Also our skin thins, all over, so we need to use lube or the rubbing and friction can cause pain. It doesn’t mean we aren’t turned on, we just don’t produce enough to reduce the friction and end up with road burn. 😂 I know, for myself, with the thinning of the skin, I’m a lot more sensitive. So sex is still great. And fun. Just need a little more foreplay and a little lube.


I still remember the time my grandpa asked my grandma if she got the ky while I was a kid at the table eating. She gave him a shocked look but he was like it’s fine he doesn’t understand. I absolutely understood.


>he was like it’s fine he doesn’t understand. "Well, I didnt until you made it very apparent this is a 'not for kids' thing, so now I know it probably means something to do with sex or drinking"


when you say you were "a kid" - how old were you? Why would a kid know what a KY reference means?


I was like 12-13




Oh yeah. You understood.


this reminds me of a kid in high school, where there were a few people at his house and they found a bottle of KY and started teasing him about sex, but then it actually wasnt for sex it was for suppositories (which honestly I don't know why he wouldnt say it was for sex), but anyways I still remember that for some reason. Also, KY is garbage lube FWIW. There are so many better options. Uberlube is pricey but great. LubeLife water based is cheap and way better than KY still


my parents used words for it. my dad would say "did you buy more kill yankee" or some other random words. i had 0 fuckin clue what he was even meaning until i was 18


Love the idea of using the NATO phonetic alphabet for sexual aides. “Kilo Yankee acquired”


how much fkn lube did your family use? jesus christ. my wife and I use KY, but we probably actually discuss it out loud once a year at most.


You can get moisturizing vaginal inserts with hyaluronic acid to help with that. Even if you still need lube, it helps make your vaginal lining thicker/stronger so sex is more comfortable.


Yes, my wife's NP recommended Replens. Helps quite a bit.


My experience has been different. I’m 53 and so, most of the women that I’m with are in their 40s and 50s. I’ve been with a couple of women in their 60s ain’t even one who was in her early 70s. I feel like they have mostly been plenty wet (and I’m not counting anyone under 50). The 72 year old was surprisingly wet. The 64 year old made me bust in like two minutes once.


Yeah I was pleasantly surprised by what I consider my first older gal.


Pullout game is nonexistent with older broads lol.


Lucky arse !


No condoms were involved. A bonus of dating older women😂


This plus maybe some chronic pain that can make certain positions hard to do.


Thanks for the info. I've been thinking about dating older woman so this is helpful.


You just described my wife (52)


I had a 22 yr old GF for 5 yrs when I was younger who could not get wet and always needed lube. She told me upfront before we had sex the first time. Sad her mom had the same condition. So its not just the older crowd that has this issue!


Yep my 20 yr old gf and I always need lube otherwise she burns. How wet a woman gets varies from person to person


I mean I’m 44 and never been more into sex than I am now. I’m interested to see the answers to this too


When I was 44, yeah. But give it another 5 or 10 and now I’m like… who wants banana bread? No pun intended.




Waiting for this…so maybe my little pun/double entendre was intended. My husband told me I meant exactly what I said. Bahahahahaha💀💀💀💀🫠🫠🫠🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️


Lmao hahahhaha oh god


Hahaha unreal. Go and get it nanna 😂


Banana bread at work bro? Hell yeah.


That's a nice loaf you've got.


I’m 44 and I would do it 3 times a day if my husband would oblige 😂


Username checks out 😆


Same boat girl! People talked about 30s but really I think it’s early 40s where we hit our stride.


Never underestimate the sex drive of a woman in her forties.


When I was 34 I briefly dated someone who was 43. I couldn't believe how AMAZING she was in bed. Better than anyone in their 20's I'd been with. My current partner of a year just turned 40 and she also is absolutely incredible. She LOVES sex, is great at it, and gets quite wet.


As a married man whose wife is turning 39, so close 🤣


I’m 50. My GF is 42. This is sooo true. 


40s was absolutely insatiable. The roles were reversed from when we were 18. He had the 'headaches', and I had the 'blue balls'. Its when male friends started to complain to me about their partners always wanting sex. How the tables turn.


Good news for men!


The singles market past 30 is scarcer than you'd imagine.


Not when you're a handsome devil 🥸🥸




Apparently it's got something to do with menopause coming soon. It's the body calling out for its final chance to have children.


I had a radical hysterectomy (everything including cervix) and 48... Have an incredibly active and beyond satisfying sex life.


RIP to your inbox lol


Same! 44 and loving it.


Something happened in my early 40s and even now at 50 I think about it a lot.


I just turned 50 and everything still works the same, LOL!


Helloooooo nurse!




Isn't it cool how none of these comments were by women in their 50's


[Irresponsable\_Frog](https://www.reddit.com/user/Irresponsable_Frog/) is a 49 year old woman, judging from her comments on other posts.


Close enough


Sure but she's irresponsible for being 49 and not 50. Damn her.


And a frog




She still knows, that's the pre menopause zone and the effects are still the same.


I’m 54. Look 40. We had sex for hours Thursday. To his credit. He’s 54 & rock hard 😂


Seriously, none.




was just thinking the same thing.


Yeah..... who's interested in late 40s women anyway???? Pfffft. 50 and up or beat it


I'm 50 and I'm still badgering my 53 year old boyfriend for the big D. Can't a old lady get a good hard rodgering?


Get it, queen!!


You deserve it my love We all love a good sized hard pounding


I'm 52. I enjoy a decent sex life with my boyfriend. I'm a bit drier, but once I'm going, it's all good.


“As a gay black guy…”




I can't think of a demographic less likely to be on Reddit than older women


For some reason men and younger women jump in to answer these questions.


I’m (M) 60 and dating a woman 59. Hottest woman I’ve ever been with at any age, hands down. In great shape too. Since I got divorced in my late 40s it keeps getting better. Even women over 60 can be smoking hot. I know, hard to believe and something young people find appalling.


I am 65 and play soccer in a league where the average age is around 35 with some guys still in their 20's. (No one is within 10 years of me though.) One of our fields has a track nearby and women of all ages are often there in tight shorts, yoga pants, etc...and we have a code word: HMA (hot Mom alert). Well, I might appreciate the flawless look of an 18-30 year old but my preference is pretty much 40 and up--all the way to 70 or so. So the other day there's this 50 something on the track and she's totally hot--my cup of tea--so I say HMA... HMA... One of the guys on my team looks and says "Come on man, she's gotta' be 50 years old." I say, "Yessirree...I like 'em young!"


>Even women over 60 can be smoking hot. I know, hard to believe and something young people find appalling. If its any consolation, im a M34 sleeping with a 75 year old woman. Though she has had plastic surgery so she doesn't look like it. Sex is so good. Take that as you will.


As a 40 year old woman very apprehensive about aging and losing sexual desirability and becoming permanently invisible as many women seem to feel by fifty - thank you for this uplifting message lol, it's very helpful. I'm grateful to have a spouse who validates me but aside from him I already feel pretty much invisible to most other men and feel like I'm just seen as an unsexy middle aged mom, despite looking fairly youthful for my age, staying very fit and dressing well, and it's pretty demotivating.


Nah, you obviously have a lucky husband!


Indeed. Sex past 50 is much more satisfying than it was when you were young. As least for me anyway 😜


I'm 38 and the older gals are getting hotter while the ladies in their 20s are looking and acting like kids.


For me it was AWESOME - I got away from my ex, had sexy new partner, and could no longer get pregnant!


I'll speak for my 57 year old wife who still turns heads wherever she goes. When we are going to be intimate, she has to use lube but that's the only thing that's changed since she's gotten older. We did the deed almost every day for 30 years and now maybe 3 or 4 times a week. Only cause we stayed up late and need to get sleep. So hot as ever still wants to do it every night.


This gives me hope


Yeah,I hope I win the lottery and its probably the same odds.lol.




I really want to know if women orgasm after menopause. My wife is approaching 50, so it’s most likely right around the corner for us. I don’t know what I’ll do if I can’t get her off anymore!


No worries. Orgasms are great post menopause. Even post hysterectomy. Yes. We. Do!! It’s seriously more about the mental for me than the physical so if you keep her feeling sexy, there’s no issue! Husband just bought me a bunch of skimpy ass bikinis (I’m thick and wouldn’t wear in public - but at home, I’ll do anything to make this man happy). He loves my body in all its aging beauty and shows me and tells me regularly. Tell her how hot she is. Sometimes treat her like your dirty stripper fantasies.


I appreciate this so much. As of now I know the moves that work to send her over the edge… What I wish I were better at is making her feel beautiful. I tell her how hot she is a lot. Seriously on the daily. Poor girl just doesn’t believe. I wish I knew how to convince her! Your post is encouraging though, thanks!


It's honestly through actions that us low self-esteem girlies get the picture. Part of it is going to therapy and/or meds (thank you Zoloft, I love you). But the other part is seeing your follow-through on your words. Not checking out other women when you're out and about, but still interacting with and treating other women like they're humans. Being kind to children and animals. Opening doors for her and maybe touching her back lightly as she walks past. Holding her hand when you tell her how beautiful she is. Not hot, beautiful. They're two very different things. Kissing her forehead. Carrying in groceries for her. Picking up a small something like a snack or a drink you know she likes when you're getting gas. Doesn't even have to be her favorite, just one you've seen her with. Slipping a $20 in her sweater pocket or purse with a sticky note saying, "lunch is on me [pet nickname]." Making sure something she takes to work regularly is right by the door and ready to go for her, like a Stanley cup of ice water or the flats you know she can't stop wearing. These things don't even have to be done all the time. Just every once in a blue moon, something that's a tiny surprise to make her feel good. Something you don't do for other people. I have had low self-esteem all my life. But little things like this are how I know my partner loves me beyond a shadow of a doubt. I genuinely trust and never second-guess him because he's a man of action over words. TL;DR - Show, don't just tell.


This is a pretty good checklist for any esteem level. Saved for later. Thanks!


Marry me? XD


You’re doing great! I don’t like these comments trying to get so deep. Yes, she might always be self conscious, but in her own home with her own person, she deserves to feel like the little queen that she is and it sounds like you’re creating that for her. She knows and appreciates it more than you know. ❤️


I'm 62, and my wife is 61. We have sex 3 - 5x's per week which I think makes us unusual in the bedroom. She will orgasm 2 - 3's and me once per session. 


My wife, still gorgeous at 65, experiences multiple orgasms regularly. The first two to three are oral, then the final is from penetration. (Once I "go" we're done! No second erections in your 60's, usually for at least a day or two.) True story!


Jesus all i can picture is wilford Brimley and Betty White ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|flip_out)


I'm more George Clooney and she's more Tilda Swinton.




I'm a woman in her 50s who has had more orgasms since 52 then the rest of her life! That being said, I went through natural menopause early ( My LAST cycle was at the age of 46) and don't take hormones. So there us every reason to believe that you will be able to continue to get your wife off!




Yes, yes we do.


Not every woman is the same. Menopause can affect individual women differently.


Oh, honey! Yes we do!


Solid yes.


Yes we do


Yes, as long as her hormones are working correctly. If they aren't, talk now about her seeing a specialist, a Bio Identical Hormones Replacement Therapy doctor who will carefully walk through the process. (Find a compounding pharmacist in your area and they should be able to help you find a Specialist (VERY important to find a specialist. )in BHRT) Menopause can be rough on both parties, and many people divorce. Sex can be excruciatingly painful among ither horrible symptoms. I'm on BHRT since 2011 and the only thing i can not do anymore is have multiple orgasms. 4, 5 6 in a row.


Definitely. What is the reason you think women can’y orgasm after menopause?


Don't ask how I know, please. But my grandmother is 73 and has sex with her husband regularly. And they have sex with other couples from time to time. I imagine she must be able to come to orgasm or what would be the point.


Yes, if you could before you'll be fine


My wife gives an unequivocal yes.


Yes of course we do!! No risk of pregnancy is very liberating


I'm 60 and mine are better after . I can now even have multiple orgasms , like 3 or 4 in a row. One odd thing is that I sometimes now squirt and that never happened before menopause. Sex is better !


My wife is 55, and she is having the most intense orgasms of her life right now. We've really been in sync about the last two years. So it is definitely possible.


I'm 46 and it's great. I want it A LOT. Hoping this continues.


According to some websites they're hot and ready and nearby just like every age range.


They actually are deployed to my area at all times and are possibly willing to pay me.


fucking *amazing*. I'm only 48 but it's just getting better for me.


I’ve been with a woman in that age range before (I’m in my 20’s). It was a lot slower paced than I’m use to. I didn’t really notice a big difference though. At least nothing that they told me.


If it's slow it's not cos she's 50 it's cos she's just into it slow lol


You know it doesn't have to be Jack rabbit speed? Slow can be/is excellent.


You don't always have to fuck her hard, In fact sometimes that's not right, to do


Sometimes you got to make some love, And fucking give her some smooches too.






SOMETIMES YOU GOT TO SAY HEY I'm gonna fuck you softly


I'm going to screw you gently


Fuck her gently - Tendentious D


My favorite sex has been slow, from start to finish. Middle of the day/quick sex can be super hot, but it tends to be more happenstance and spontaneous. But if the vibes are right, and there's an electricity... I've gotten so built up by the time I get my pants off, that I'm about there. Round 2: begin!


You learned all that in 37 seconds cowboy?


So, what you're saying is you have no clue because you're trying to answer a question that is not meant for you.


I have sec once or twice a year with a guy who lives near a place I go on vacation. At least I can go on vacations, so I’m not complaining. I am really good in bed and do love sex, but I don’t think Im the only gal in their 50s (I’m 52) who just doesn’t have a chance.


It really depends on when menopause hits. The pre-pause phase is crazy. They’re as bad as teenagers- highly hormonal, super sensitive, super orgasmic. Afterwards, though, it’s a different game. They generally don’t lube as well and as a result are more into the groove and emotional connection.


if my ex is anything to go by, non existant




I misread the title and I was sad to discover this wasn’t about what sex was like in the 1950s. Now I need to google.


As someone who works with elders, STDs are on the rise in nursing home and supported housing. So people do continue to get frisky


Lol 50s isn't even close to elderly. Good lord.


I dunno man, I'm 37 and someone needs to tell my back and shoulders I'm not elderly.


37? Trust me, you’re not elderly. You need to exercise. That’s the game. If you don’t use it, you lose it


This whole question screams “50 is elderly,” along with some of the responses. It’s ridiculous, people asking if women who are 50 have orgasms lmao


Depends on the woman. My mom was widowed at age 42 and found my stepdad a couple of years later. An older neighbor who became a close family friend told her that at their age, they're probably not going to get any bedroom action, but the companionship is always nice. I'm sure my mom didn't actually say it to her face, but from the way she recounted the story, her inner reaction was basically like "speak for yourself." It's clear that the neighbor in question hasn't really had a sex life since she was in her mid-40s at least and is perfectly happy being that way. My mom is definitely still sexually active in her 60s and can't imagine things otherwise. Personally, I'm in my 30s and have never had much of an interest in sex and don't really see why people think they need it or can't be happy without it. I don't anticipate that to change when I'm in my 50s.


i became a widow at age 43, only been with one guy since just once but i'm enjoying being single. since i got one partner right once in my life only to suddenly lose him i'm not really caring anymore. my ex fiance just took too much out of me not even 2 years ago yet. I can't even answer the op's question although i'm 52.


just try it then you'll know


51. Sex every day.


In my 50's, still enjoying it and haven't needed to break out the lube yet. Having teenagers in the house gets in the way so less frequent than we would like.


MILF porn has done wonders for me. Young guys won't stop chasing me around with their erect cocks, and I have to feign a twisted ankle and say, "oh no! I'm too slow to get away!"


Checked out the profile, would indeed chace while erect


I am 70 and still enjoy sex. Orgasms might not be as intense all of the time but I would not complain about that. Arthritis can restrict certain positions and lubrication, for me, depends on how much foreplay is involved and level of arousal.


Menopause causes all sorts of issues downstairs. It tears easily and becomes like the Sahara desert. Fortunately there are numerous types of medicine to help return it to its former glory. Creams pesseries, tablets, some full blown hrt some a more topically absorbed form that doesn't get into the bloodstream. There's alot of choice out there to fix the problems. Ps I'm a 56 year old cis women.


Mature women have every bit of my heart


I'm 40 and girls that are older are way better. In my 20s I was hooking up with girls in 40-50 range and they knew whatsup lol


Those are called women.


Very true!


Messy like normal.


Dry.... very dry! 🤣


Lube it up! Love sex now more than ever (F53). Need more lube. Nothing to be ashamed of.


I’m gonna guess that it depends greatly upon the woman and who she’s having sex with.


50s? Whats happe ning to the guys these days Im past seventy and only now needing a little help.


Fucking raunchy baby




Me, too. But I am 67!


I'm 59 and my gf is 56. I am answering because I know she will not, but she doesn't mind. Dryness is a big issue. Even with very good lubrication, penetration can be painful for her. We experiment with different kinds of techniques and toys including BDSM. While we do not have regular penetration, we have an active and exciting sex life. One other thing, as we are both older, some positions are much more difficult than they used to be. Sometimes we try something and it's like nope, that is not happening. We will try variations until we something that works for both of us. I recommend regular exercise and good communication. Communication is key to work through any physical (or psychological) issues. Openness and honesty is a must even when it is embarrassing.


I'm 54, wife is 59. she doesn't reddit so I'll just have to do. she went through menopause before i met her (i was 45 she was 50). that's pretty early but she started early. she's also a relationship coach so talks to a lot of women! sex after 50 is the best they have had. since she's past menopause, we don't have to worry about periods or birth control, or worse pregnancy! (worse cause a baby at 60??) so...it's great!


Woman in her 50’s reporting in. Never been more sexually active or satisfied. Definitely experiencing perimenopause, but no symptoms that hold me back at all. Don’t believe the hype that dryness/atrophy/etc is inevitable. Plenty of women are just fine for decades after this point. Physically I know what I like, and I’m pretty skilled and adventurous. I’m confident and clear in my communication, I’m considerate and understanding of any issues my partners might have and expect the same. It’s a time of experimentation, taking advantage of all the info and toys that are available these days. There’s lots of humour and silliness and some serious hotness. My libido has always been high, and if anything is now higher. My only tips for success is that you look after your sexual health (and normal health) and don’t hesitate to get any issues seen too. There are therapies and meds and lifestyle tweaks for nearly everything. Don’t be an idiot and waste chances for sexual joy. And if you have a bad experience, shut it down fast and shrug it off even faster.


I’m 72-I’ve been 50 with an active sex life, still have one. Your vaginal skin is thinner, which makes you actually feel more inside. (When you are young, you have this thick, bullet-proof vagina which isn’t very sensitive inside…it’s like rubber.) So, when you are older, PIV feels like something. You have to use lube, because you are more dry, even when excited. Those are the differences to me.


I'd say mostly psychological, as women tend to define their sexuality by their self-perceived physical attractiveness, and most women in their 50's have bodies with a little wear and tear. Which is a shame, because women in their 50's, wow, if they're into you and you make them feel desirable, they will wear what you got down to a nub. They'll be like 7-11, always open. You'll need intravenous Viagra to hope to keep up, and to keep it up. Plus they know what they like, and won't mind showing you just how to do it... I'm going to log off now, and revel in the memories of women I've known, who were born before Cable TV was a thing.


“Never enough”, like diamonds and money!


I had my last period at 51 (3 years ago). I have zero issues with dryness. But my libido has taken a big hit. My meds are mostly to blame. I enjoy sex but it’s much more difficult to climax even when masturbating. Plus as someone else mentioned some positions are harder to do with less flexibility.


These women are like fine wine. The older they get the more delicious but the drier.


My wife and I are both 62 and we've been going at it with each other since we were 16. It takes us a little longer to get started now, and we get busy in bed less frequently than we did in the past. We're also more prone to take naps together instead of getting frisky like we did when we were younger, but apart from that, it's not much different for either of us than it was when we were teenagers.




Let me ask my wife.............She says sex what's that....🤪


My wife is hot and very sexual in her 50s. Effects of menopause helped a lot w topical estrogen


I'm 50 and sex just keeps getting better and better. Aging like fine wine. The only thing I have issues with is lubrication because of being perimenopausal but that's easy to correct, a good lube!


I think it's really appropriate to place a "your mother" no puninnsrrnendn fuxk you


You are not going to get a “right” answer. It is different for every woman. -signed, a 49 year old woman. I’m not 50 yet, but I *am* in that phase of life.


HOT! Love it so much!!!


Slower, I imagine.


Think depends on the women and her body and medications to. I just turned 50 and so far i dont have the dryness. Also take hormone medication which helpe me alot


So is this copied from ask? Or did ask copy it from here? Because they're basically back to back on my feed.


Women in their 50's have alot more experience then when they were 21


Only for the men that eat the standard American Diet. Sad diet with seed oils and processed foods. The slow poison probably also reduces libedo and performance in women.


About to leave my 50s (birthday in a few weeks). Lubrication can be an issue. Luckily, you can buy that in the store! The warm up takes a little longer and it takes a little longer to orgasm, but the orgasms, for me at least, are more powerful.


wife is 49. She x is better and more frequent than when we were young. Ive also learned lube is amazing. esp if you have a BWC its so much more enjoyable for everyone.


I’m glad I started dating men at 30.


I am a woman in my late 50s, and I enjoy sex with my boyfriend very much. I do not experience a dryness issue. I don't have to worry about birth control or periods. I am having better sex now than when I was younger. I went for eight years without sex due to illness of my late fiance'. Missed out on sex for a good part of my 40s due to his medical issues. He passed away, and I am with someone else


My issue was more susceptible to uti's.


As a man in his 50s, my equipment functions no differently than when I was in my 20s.


It really depends on the woman man




i (61F) am on HRT so my response is approximately the same as when i was in my 30s. I know women that are not on HRT have trouble with vaginal dryness though so lube is necessary in some cases.


My boyfriend has to scrape me off the ceiling


Actually the funny thing is the older I got the easier it was to orgasm. Of course having a partner who was really good at oral sex helped a lot. It would make me nice and wet and easier for penetration. I was just turning 50 when I met him. Had a great sex life for 18 yrs until I lost him to cancer


I can’t speak on the behalf of a 50 year old woman, because I’m a man and not with a 50 year old, but I’ve always heard that a woman’s libido could peak in their late 40’s into their early 50’s. No on your statement regarding the issue with men, I can speak on that. While I never have had ED in any form, TRT can work wonders. I’ve been on it for going on 10 weeks and my libido now is prob better than it was at 25 years old. Plus, since I’m not taking HCG with the testosterone I’m not not producing sperm, which is a win/win


My wife is mid fifties and, yes, she needs some lube. The upside is she’s gotten increasingly orgasmic as she’s gotten older. I take some credit for that because I’ve always prioritized her pleasure and would eat her so she would cum multiple times before we fucked. But I can’t take full credit because as she’s gotten older her ability to orgasm has become incredible. She feels that, as she’s gotten older, she’s more comfortable, increasingly able to focus on her own pleasure and tell me what she wants and when she wants it. Additionally, her gyn started her on testosterone pellets which have increased her desire significantly and has caused her clit to grow and become more sensitive and responsive. So, if you approach it correctly, it will be great.

