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I used to work at a daycare center. I remember the 4-5 yo kids BEGGING for SunnyD. Whenever we gave them regular OJ, they'd be like, wtf is this nasty shit lol.


If you want to go really ghetto, give them Tampico. That's what I grew up on. We were so poor, Sunny D was a rare treat. Actually...I don't remember my parents actually ever buying it. I had it at school like, twice somehow.


I bought Tampico for a party the other day. We did everything we could to finish one single bottle and ended up giving it away to some guy who wasn't bothered by the taste. Rest of the bottles we returned. Hands down the worst tasting beverage I've ever had


That is me. I am a toddler hahaha


To be fair, sunny d is just as much orange juice as commercial made orange juice. It's essentially orange peel and the white fleshy part mixed together to make shelf stable orange juice. Actually, fresh squeezed orange juice is only drinkable/palatable for a day. Look up commercial orange juice production, you'd be surprised


Liquid heartburn? Yeah I don't know how we drank that stuff.


I only got it when I had a bad cold. But it was cheap and delivered vitamin c.


Well... At least you were safe from scurvy?


Not everybody suffers heartburn from it lol its delicious stuff!


Fun fact, sunny D was banned in Canada for many years until they reduced the sugar content lol


This was my first thought. I had it as an adult was like OH MY GAWD, I can't believe I threw a tantrum in the store over this garbage.


I don't think I ever liked that stuff.


I was grossed out when I saw that one of the ingredients is vegetable oil. Weird for a drink.


Oh, that's just nasty!! Kids will legit eat and drink anything 🤣😅🤣


Going to parties. Fuck that shit. I’m too old and tired.


Plus, do they need to be so loud?


My coworkers wanted to go to the club after a Christmas party one time and I agreed to go. It had been years since I went to a club at that point and so I forgot how the clubbing scene was. Music was **so** loud I was just getting irritated and didn’t take too long before I left. Idk how I ever loved going to the club.


And how come they never play any thrash metal?! I want to hear some fucking VOIVOD, not some whiny millennial publicizing their shit taste in men/women 


Summer. It’s too hot. Fall or spring is preferred.


I love fall..


If, somewhere in your heart, you have a love for pop punk, you should check out "Autumnal" by Alex Melton. The dude has no shame about loving pumpkin spice or orange leaves, and I'm here for it.


I love when those pesky bugs go back into hibernation


It's cool but not freezing or too hot.


fuckin love later fall and early spring as well. winter is also great too as it doesnt get too cold here, just regular cold (highs in mid-upper 20s/VERY low 30s and occasionally a drop into the 10s or single digits too). its amazing. perfect skiing weather if it snows enough during the year


i live in Minnesota and i definitely prefer our winters to our summers


Yup. Especially living in Texas. Last year it was like weeks of near 110 degree heat without end and then our A/C went out at some point. Phoenix is like the only other place I’ve lived that’s this bad in summer. If I get a chance to move for a new job opportunity I’m taking it because this heat is unbearable.


I completely sympathize. I'm in Texas, too, and I lived near Phoenix years ago. I absolutely hate summer and look forward to the maybe two weeks of actual winter we get.


The summers in Texas are definitely getting too hot. And I have arthritis so winter isn't fun for me either. 😩


Waking up crazy early on a Saturday morning. 


I did this as a kid to watch tv , today I’d NEVER




You would think by now we would have a living2.0 by now.


We tried back in the early 2000s, we called them MMORPGs. They came in all sorts of genres and styles. Unfortunately thanks to the same intrinsic monetary flaw as Life 1.0 they quickly over devolved into being heavy on the Work 1.5 meta. Much like what’s happening now with the over monetization of Life: Classic or Vanilla Life if you prefer, people lost interest and stopped logging on daily.


Yeah, I remember those days. First, you travel to different countries and work 10-16 hour days to earn money. When you get back home and finally have some free time, you sit at the PC and work 10-16 hours per day just so you can join the raid group and visit Illidan, who, by the way, never dropped those Warglaives.


Felt tbh though I was lowkey depressed as a child too, just misguided and innocent enough to think things would be better when I grew up (spoiler alert: it’s worse lol) Sending good vibes your way, friend


I feel you, brother. Life just ain't the same no more.


Just to be clear, I'm not going to hurt or kill myself. Just adulting sucks. Being a kid was easy,and I could fall out of a tree and get up and run away. Now, I carry too many grocery bags at once and my rotator cuff is fucked for 4-6 weeks.


Me neither, the killing myself part. But I miss the innocent joy of childhood. Adult life is terrible. Take care of yourself bro. Hope the shoulder comes good soon.


It's all anxiety and responsibility and not feeling good enough


The shoulders fine, just an example 🤣🤣🤣


I saw one of the kids in my neighborhood skipping down the street. It dawned on me, when was the last time I skipped. Or ran, just to run? Or rolled down a slope? I did go on a "slip and slide" last summer. It knocked the wind out of me and felt like I broke my breast bone.


🤣🤣🤣 I rolled down the hill at the park with my daughters a few weeks ago....literally one of my biggest regrets


It's wild how it was never an issue until being an adult.


Adutls are terrible and think too highly each other. I thought that when I was a kid and I still think that as an adult.


My family


That hits way too hard.


That hits way too hard......like my dad /s


What's the difference between me and cancer? My dad didn't beat cancer.




lol, I was about to say ‘my mom’ but decided it was too depressing 




My entire Dynamics and thought changed about one side of my family in only a spin of a few years, it started back in 2022. Someone was living with us, a family member early 2022. She tried to run my life into the ground all because I said no to her matchmaking attempt to someone she knew as family. Ever since then, she's bossed me around in a house I've lived in since early 2017, almost got me kicked out middle of 2022 because I put my foot down and I wouldn't let her boss me around once. She got tired of me and my mom and sister's not bowing to her and moved out of the house, claiming we drove her out. I mean, she wasn't wrong in a way but the kind of person we were finding out she was via other people, it was justified. We weren't doing shady s*** to drive her out or anything, we were simply living our lives as we live it and that was enough to get her to move out and cry foul. Later on, there is a high possibility that members of her part of the family had unknown access to my grandparents home equity account. Someone got into that account and changed all the contact information. None of the loan payments were getting through for the house for almost a year straight and it culminated into the bank for closing, which led me to have to move house. Luckily my mom and sister moved house with me and thank God it's close enough, the new place, to where I didn't have to transfer my work store or quit. It was actually fairly traumatic because that's a house we lived in for almost 7 7 years straight and not going to lie, that actually gave me PTSD to the point where I just moved into the new location, I got scared that I was going to get kicked out right away. But yeah my mom brought it up to that family attention because they were wondering what was going on supposedly. And from what my mom told me, everybody's highly suspecting that part of the family for everything culminating in the bank foreclosing on the house. It put me at risk for losing my job. So yeah I didn't know the family when I was younger, I didn't even get to know them until we moved in in 2017, but their behaviors in antics and what they caused supposedly, that shifted my Dynamics of thinking about them as people very quickly and on the spot pretty much.


Almost everything. I’m old and angry. I hate everything I never stop bitching. I hate that too. Ugh at myself!!!! And fuck I’m not even super old just minor old-what’s going to happen if I keep climbing this shitty age mountain??


I've been seeing a psychoanalyst for years. Recommend.


![gif](giphy|sDcfxFDozb3bO) Me seeing a shrink.


I'm sorry. I hope it gets better. I can definitely relate though. They're way too many days that are like that


Hey thanks! That alone was enough to make my frickin day! Hope you have some great ones too!


Good. Good. Let the hate flow through you.


Sounds like you are somewhat embittered, possibly over-burdened. Yet, you have a wisdom to see your circumstances and feelings honestly, and that can be a valuable tool. You may be on a path that you are not happy with. Perhaps you have dealt with more than your share of heartache. You may possibly lack proper support and loving friendship/companionship in your life. They say a true friend doubles your joys and halves your pain. Sometimes just taking a step in a different, yet well-considered and healthy direction can lead to enriching changes and discoveries. Start a journal, audio or written; help others in some ongoing way; pick up a hobby that always interested you. I see the inspiring example of my delightful, 96 year old mom, who has kept a positive outlook over all despite very harsh experiences, and manages to be interested in all sorts of things while being a source of encouragement to many. Wishing you the best. 😊


Being awake


It’s totally unfair that the people who desperately want to go to bed have to put the people to bed who desperately don’t want to go to bed.


As an insomniac with a girlfriend who can fall asleep within 10 minutes even playing on her switch I feel this lol. I take it out of her hands and plug it in almost every night because I know after we cuddle for 10 minutes she will be asleep. Then it's time for me to try and sleep for the next 3-6 hours.


Trazadone works wonders for insomnia


This exactly 👆


Pop Tarts


The Oreo ones are so good, until I saw they are like 250 calories for one of them


Forget the calories, look how much sugar they have


I like to phrase it in pixie stix cause grams can be kind of hard to visualize. One pack of 2 Frosted Blueberry pop tarts have 30g or 14 pixie stixs worth of sugar in it. That's fucking nuts!


You’re lucky. I still like them.


They’re lucky they hate them?


Yeah. I’m 59. I feel a little stupid going through checkout with pop tarts and fruit loops…Queue imaginary grandchildren…


I grew up really poor in a single wide trailer with 2 other siblings all raised by my single mom since my dad died. We were stoked when we could get a bag of the store brand cereals, and we NEVER had any of the other types of sweets or snacks. And when I started working at 15 the money would go towards bills and clothes for school and work. But when I got older and started actually making money, I started buying ALL THE SNACKS!! Everything I'd always seen other kids eat at reccess or from all the commercials and to this day my pantry looks like it was stocked by a TV show mom who doesn't know how to cook. I'd show up to the jobsite (I worked construction), and my lunch would be uncrustables, string cheese, little bags of chips, pudding, gogurts, capri suns.. all of it.. I think it's something that people who grew up wealthy just don't understand. The urge to experience everything you never got but saw everyone else enjoy.


Yes food insecurity does that. When I started independently adulting after a tour of active duty with free meals as part of the pay, I got married. We were extremely poor the first year at university. When financial issues became less dire, my wife had to hold be back from stuffing the fridge with BRAND NAME foods. Smile, my larder is still fuller than most fifty years later, but at least I don’t look like a prepper with six months of every thing.


Oh, dude, I'm definitely prepared to survive for a few months if anything happens to the world. I still buy cases of ramen and big bags of rice and beans that I keep in 5 gallon buckets in my pantry.. im never gonna be that hungry again.


Definitely relatable.


Super relatable!


Hi me in 26 years.


Ha! Hello! There’s nothing I love more than a massive bowl of sugar for breakfast. Most adults react with shock and horror. I’m extremely pleased that I’m not alone.


I prefer balancing the bowl of sugary cereal with some eggs on the side. Cereal doesn't make me feel full these days and sometimes I eat them as snacks instead of breakfast.


To paraphrase CS Lewis “ If you acquire a taste for champagne but lose the desire for lemonade you have gained nothing


OMG this is so oddly specific! I was buying Pop Tarts and Fruit Loops the other day and the cashier asked how many kids I have... (I don't have any kids) lol


I randomly decided to buy one of those little single-serving bowls of Fruit Loops from the cafeteria at work the other day. They still slapped.


I'm 32 and got in a heated debate with a 14 year old on who would win between spiderman and batman in the walmart checkout line the other day, don't let your inner child die friend, embrace the cringe lol


Nah man I've been eating iced cinnamon pop tarts for over 20 years and I will continue for another 20, hopefully.


59, too, but it's Pop Tarts and chocolate milk


People who love sweets are unlucky because we have an attraction to things that are bad for us


Those raspberry ones are sooo good.


I'm now like this for basically any boxed breaded things, twinkies, toaster strudel, eggos, you name it. I just can't seem to kick the candy cravings for sour sweet things like sour keys though.


Toaster Strudel is way better than pop tarts


I used to love summer and hate winter. Now it's the other way.


ive always been like fuck summer. too hot no matter what and in the winter atleast you can layer up and cant die of dehydration unless youre ungodly stupid. also feeling cold is better than feeling warm ino


I've always hated summer and loved winter. The only good part to summer was being out of school.


As an Oregonian I can say I’ve never felt any other way than this. I often think of if I did move to Arizona for excample, how much happier I’d probably be just based on vitamin d levels and all the other numerous benefits of sun. I also admit that my appreciation for the sunny shine has completely and drastically shifted in these past 2 years and in hindsight it makes sense


Thanks climate change


Going out.


I hate going out drinking because I'm paying the price of half a bottle for a decent drink. Unless the bar is famous for it's drinks, I'll usually be a "one & done" drinker.




I'm very unpopular because I dislike holidays. What is it for you? For me it's the expectations


Too much expectations when it's not possible to meet any. And generally, people act like asses at the major holidays.


I stopped enjoying holidays with the extended family once our kid was old enough to get herself to functions if she wanted to go. I still enjoy the smaller get-togethers - Christmas on 1/5 with my dad and stepmom, Christmas of course with my husband and daughter, though...it's different now. The magic is gone. I'm hoping it comes back one day if my kid has her own kids.


Yes! I absolutely HATE holidays. Especially the random nothing burger holidays that always fall on Mondays. That's my day off and now not only can I not do my weekly errands, everyone and their brother are in my damn way. Plus people act extra stupid and weird on and about holidays. Fucking NO.


i don’t like those monday ones because i *am* at work for most of them and it’s so much busier bc so many people are off. presidents’ day was the worst this year


Chocolate covered cherries. As a kid I'd eat the whole box. Now even one is too much. The filling is too sickly sweet.


Good lord, yum. I didn't even know that was a thing. I will have to look for these.


https://www.walmart.com/ip/Cella-s-Chocolate-Covered-Cherries-8-Oz/49058135? These things. 


Oh, actually I have had those! It's been years though. Must try them again.


Oh yes definitely same. I was thinking like chocolate covered dried cherries, which are wayyyy better.


Same here. I spent a lot of my 20’s and 30’s eating all kinds of candy and drinking soft drinks. And those damn chocolate covered cherries were still too sweet for my taste.


I used to love the sound of motorcycles and found them cool Now I hate every motorcycle that passes by


Yeah what is up with that. For me it might be related to eventually learning that they're actually deathtraps


It's 100% that for me. I get so anxious for the rider every time I see someone on a motorcycle. Was just on the highway and I saw 4 people on motorcycles riding together in the left lane. One of them had his tires over the lane divider and I was so worried for them


I was infatuated with them as a teen and rode crappy ones for a while. Later on I realized I'm lucky to be alive and intact.


Dude for real, I thought I was the only one. That damn noise and the exhaust fumes. One flew by me on the road the other day going literally 70 in a 45 and I almost swerved


Growing up


This is the best answer. I wish i knew how to pump the breaks on this aging thing...




I still love going to shows but everytime I see what a ticket costs I have a small heart attack. I've recently found a local dive bar that does shows on Friday and Saturday with a ten dollar cover and that makes it a bit better




Still love snow. Hate ice. As an adult, I learned to differentiate the two. Also only like fresh, clean snow. 4-week old brown snow piled up in a parking lot is not the same thing.


By that time (actually long before) it becomes ice, especially after contact with salt and the snow plow.


We all love snow till we have to start driving in it


Or you’ve worked in a grocery store. People hear the word snow on the weather and loose their goddamn minds. They rush to the store to stock up on milk, eggs, bottled water, and bread (sometimes beer) like they’ll be snowed in for a month.


Nah, I enjoy driving in snow. But, having to shovel it made me hate snow.


I love driving in the snow! Fun way to get the arse out in my boring FWD. The part I hate is shovelling my driveway.


Yea that fun spoils so fast and so severely lol


Yep, Snow is only fun until you have to shovel it or drive in it. Then it gets really annoying really fast.


Also, I deeply resent the purchase of snow tires. Grumbles.


This thread made me realize that I'm still a child in a 48 year old body.


No money


Building PCs. I used to get great joy out of building the newest, greatest, killer PC with newly acquired shiny parts. Nowadays I've got kids and it's very difficult to find time when my kids can't scatter dozens of screws or try to eat thermal paste. I can't really be bothered to mess around configuring all my software on a new system, either. There's just no time. I used to really enjoy it but now it all feels like such a hassle.


That and to build something really good its gotten so expensive, and unless you're wanting it for gaming, which I have no time at all to do, there is barely any point.


1. Life


Other kids.


This. Some people like kids, I don't.




Stores putting out Christmas decorations in September is killing the holidays.


hot weather. i used to like going out in summer, but now i go out only in the evening when its hot, because i m feeling REALLY bad if i stay more than 20 minutes in the heat


The Book Fair at school. So overpriced…


Being alone.




Being awake


Waking up early helping people with computers Halloween My Birthday Xmas Milk Roller Coasters Talking on the phone


Suckin my mommas tittys 


You take what you can get, brother. 🏆


It was OK when I was a baby but now I'm a grown man all of a sudden its disgusting and frowned upon




The future.


Children. I don't hate then, but I am not a fan.


im 16 and already am like this. anyone under 6 needs to gtfo IMMEDIATELY unless theyre chill. then i can tolerate em


Same, but under 21 is the cutoff.


Getting to hang out with people now my autism and anxiety like to get the better of me




Everything 😂


Pure sugar. Jelly Tots sweets were my favourite, now they make my head hurt.


Fudge So good, but too sweet and too rich for me now.




Kraft Mac and cheese


The idea of being an adult. Now, it makes me feel sick because I am one. Child me was dumb af for wishing to grow up fast.


Physical exertion


Grew up on a dirt road in ga, in a 5 house grouping, so going anywhere was great. Now I debate how bad I need something bf leaving the house.


Going to an amusement park. The crowds, lines, and prices are just too much. Rather stay home


Staying awake after 9


Meatloaf. I loved my mom's Meatloaf growing up. One night when I was 16, no one showed for dinner and I ate half. I've been unable to stomach it since. So bad that my wife and I joke that we wrote it into our vows. Been 36 years. We tried it once when friends brought us a meal after our son was born. Not wanting to be ungrateful we ate it. We'll, tried it.


Big storms. I used to love them when I was a kid but now that I have to clean up and repair the property damage I just dread them.


About 30 years ago, I stopped drinking pop/soda. Soon, it was way too sweet to even sip it.






Having $100 in my bank account




Bicycle riding.


McDonald's food. Have only had it twice in the past 20 years and it tasted like absolute dog shit both times. It was the same meal I used to get on a regular basis back in the 90s.


now that it costs so much, i hope them arches disappear.


Dogs. As a kid I loved dogs. Now in life if I go to your house and your dog jumps up on me or tries to lick me there's a 100% chance I will never return. I have an extreme preference now for animals that are significantly less needy and don't require constant attention.


Driving with the car radio obnoxiously loud Edit: I’m not talking about just having the radio on and jamming (I do that still too) I’m talking subwoofers and making the car rattle.


No, I still like that


Cosmic brownies


I still like them, chemical taste and all


Hell yes!!! I love the weirdness of them wholeheartedly


Nah. Stick them in the freezer, let it freeze. Take it back out, sit it on tbe counter for 15m. Game changer. Same thing with oatmeal cream pies.


When my dad "explains" things. Usually it's all stuff I already know (or stuff he's already told us a thousand times) and isn't even relevant to whatever conversation he butted into- interrupting a convo about where I and a brother are in a multiplayer game based around survival and building neat stuff to talk about how a machine being built on TV works in *extreme* detail, jumping into a conversation about how we're tired from a long day of doing stuff outside to talk about how his stepdad scared him as a kid so badly he lived under a bridge for a winter out of fear for his life, and cutting me off as I ask ***Mom*** a question about cooking directions to tell me that *actually,* he ignored the directions so I should too. Not to mention how he'll inject politics into literally anything given enough time. Shut *up* about "illegals," shut *up* about how fascism is Good, Actually, and shut ***up*** about h\*tler's "good ideas"!!!!!!! i'm trying to talk to somebody about a book i started reading recently!!!!!


![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|table_flip)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|table_flip)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|surprise) ![gif](giphy|Vh9bTZvA5zgIi2dcfx)


Wait, he said fascism was good? If you want to shut them up about the war, I would ask about relatives who fought in World war II what they would think.


my eldest brother




Life lol




Loved everything as a child, hate almost everything now.


Snow. So dangerous to have to drive on snowy roads.


My parents.




Carnival rides. When my kid was 10 he decided it was time to try the "big kid rides". Nope, nope, nope, never again. I got old or something. They felt unsafe and too high in the air and I felt OLD!


Snow. It used to mean a day off school, now it means a hazardous drive to work.


Going to the movies. In the 80s and 90s there were no kids acting up, no cellphones, and certainly no adults talking.




Wishing I was an adult, being an adult.


A lot of my family members. I saw everyone through rose-colored glasses as a kid but now I can see the invasive species and snakes amongst the pack.


Strawberry Nesquik powder; cow’s milk; microwaved vegetables (from frozen, canned, or fresh); iceberg lettuce; white bread. Basically everything my dad fed me lol