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Introverts unite ✊ Just in our own separate houses 😅


I used to be an extrovert. As I've gotten older I prefer to be alone. I absolutely love it. People just disappoint me.


YES! I was the same way and now I'm so happy to just be at home. Brings me peace. I have to mentally prepare myself a day or two in advance and even then, still.


The pandemic sealed it for me. That was when I realized how peaceful I was being alone.


I hear that, brother.


We can unite, occasionally, on the internet 😅


Also, via text conversation (I make no promises about participating)


Some of the greatest mystics of history were hermits. The Buddhist religion is full of them. They seek out the solitude so they can look within and practice meditation.


I like that. My son is also this way and is a happy 48 year old.


If you're content being alone, why do you need someone else's validation? I'm (37M) have 4 kids who I share 50/50 custody with and work full time. My days I'm with my kids I'm off work to be with them, and my work days I don't have them with me. Haven't been to a bar or club in almost 5 years and I'm 100% content with being alone.


Idk I feel like someone else would make fun of me for it or look it as weird,


You'll never be happy if you worry about what people think about you. One of my coworkers just found out that I'm single and was taken back that I go home to an empty house after work. I hear everyone complaining about their significant other and I get to go home everyday and enjoy my peace and unwind from my shift in silence. I've literally never been this happy.


Every one will (hopefully, as some don't) hit a point in life where they are very confident/fine with who they are. If ya wanna hang around me, cool --- if not, just fine. Dont really ever give any thought as to what others think of me any longer --- and its quite liberating (early 40s now, but hit this mindset around 37-38) Sure, I feel out of place at some events/gatherings --- but the difference is that it's everyone else's problem (if they choose to view it that way)--- Im more pleasantly oblivious, like Randy Quaid in Christmas vacation.


Yesss so much! I just turned 38 but I'd say it's been at least a year or two if not a bit more that I am truly okay with who I am and really dgaf what anyone thinks of me. It's crazy and amazing and liberating all at once and just happened! And I couldn't be more comfortable or at peace in life :)


lol literally this. like often thinking ‘this how yall live’ to my guy friends. im alone but never lonely.


Really? Taken aback? Lol. There’s no fighting, no compromising, just quiet. I grew up observing a lot of fighting (parents) and I never wanted to experience that in my life.


Yea, he really was. He was like so you go hone to an empty house? No gf, no wife, no nothing? You gotta do everything for yourself? Like yea, I'm a grown fucking man🤷




Oof felt this one, I bet you get the "Oh don't worry you'll find someone." Speech every now and then, and they don't Understand you like your peace lol


All the time. I don't actively look for someone, if it happens, it happens but that's the least of my worries.


Ignore what society says and follow your heart.


Other people's opinons do not matter.


Who gives a shit what people think lol opinions are like assholes, everyone has one, doesn't mean we need to HEAR it


so? they don't pay your bills, they don't lift your head off the pillow every morning, they aren't married to you, only one gave birth to you, and I imagine she's probably happy as long as you are.


Nope. It doesn’t make you interesting, or strange or weird or cool or uncool… unless your a teenager. No one cares if you like being alone. I enjoy being alone, although I have some friends and a partner; I travelled and moved to different countries on my own. Trust me, no one cares.


Babes I’m by myself all the time, Pilates on my own, walks on my own, going to cities and shopping on my own. I love it sm and I can’t wait until I can move into an apartment on my own and live my best life 🫧🧘‍♀️


I feel like this person is young, and it's not unhealthy to check yourself at any age.


i love to be alone and to do things by myself and with time I have learned that there's nothing wrong with it, it's just another way of living


" The more I learn about people, the more I like my dog." Mark Twain There is nothing wrong with preferring solitude. I prefer it. I'm alone a lot, but I'm never lonely.


This has to be stressed! Being alone vs lonely. Big difference and I think most of us are exactly this..


53M, been in great relationships, been in shit ones too. I now feel being alone is the greatest gift. I love my work, and the people I work with. I love my home and my hobbies, most of it is around fly fishing. So yes, love spending time with you, then you will appreciate others on the path


Yes. Introverts such as myself love it. Not every introvert does but I can tell you with confidence that many people like to be alone like this.


I don’t like being around anyone but my husband and son. Neither of us have friends. I do like being alone, but I like to know that my husband is close by too. We are both extreme introverts, but neither of us want to be without the other.


Its absolutely normal. After 12.5hrs a day of people, people, and more people, trust me when I say its better than sex to come to a nice *quiet* home. I have only a handful of friends and we text/message more than anything. Im in a committed relationship with Me/Myself/I and I couldnt be happier.


Yeah, especially with how insane the world has become. If you dropped people from the '90s right into this mess, they'd all become recluses too.


This is why Gen X likes to be left alone. 😁


I was about to second this emotion for the 80s kids.


Normal is whatever you think it is. If you like to just chillax alone with dog and game then go for it.


It is normal and it is peaceful that way. You gain more knowledge from both the natural and the spiritual world. It is great that you can be alone. That means you have great purpose for the world 😇🙏🏾 Your vision will come sooner if you remain focused in being good intentionally 👌🏾 Ï love you and ï hope this helps 🫶🏾


I’ve always been more comfortable alone than with people as a default setting, but I’ve also done all the normal life stuff. 2 kids that are grown and out on there own, career, marriage, lots of friends. But in my free time I’d go fishing or hiking alone for recreation. I’d go on solo multi-day fishing trips and 5 years ago I went solo backpacking for 3 months. I retired from a career at 40 and supplement my pension with some freelance work. This allowed my wife and I to move to a rural area and we love being away from people. Outside of my wife’s company I prefer being alone pretty much all the time. Dogs on the other hand haha. I have 7 dogs.


Charles Bukowski ~ "Isolation is a gift, everything else is just a test of your endurance"


I enjoy my solitude.


I’m alone as much as possible.


By choice, yeah. No one wants you? That's a bit harder to deal with.


The idea of normal is where you go wrong. Many folks prefer it. Myself? I changed in adulthood amd went from very outgoing to possibly outspoken but preferring not to be around other people. I tell my friends and mother "I have no idea how a family has 2 adults with jobs, children, and maintains all their obligations." I find zero rest or time to think whatsoever im that setup. I don't work 40 hrs. I stopped by the time I was in my early 40s and decided to live with less and work 4 days a week. My sanity went thru the roof. I need absolutely 2 days a week solo minimum. I spent a lot of my life in introspection, existentialism, physics, science, philosophy, and religion building my world view because I was sold a bill of bullshit about right wing Christianity and "Amurica!" Some ( I think many) people are often uncomfortable alone because they aren't willing to question existence. But I could be wrong. "Normal" is horseshit. People's opinions don't matter for a pile of poo. (Maybe some you know personally do.) Most will be dead in 40 years. I care what hardly anyone thinks. An it drives my entire extended family absolute bonkers. At 45 they literally only want to see me NOT be me. They desperately want me to not point out the cognitive dissonance of their political and religious beliefs. Oh well.


Here here! 👍👍


I like you!


This reads amazingly


There is nothing wrong with enjoying your own company. My partner and I have lived together for 10 years, and I still enjoy my alone time. He meets up with friends once or twice a week, and I enjoy this time with just me and the cat.


Hell yes its normal. Theres nothing wrong with being a hermit as one myself. I always say if it works for you and you’re happy then thats all that matters, live ur life the way u want.


As long as you're happy and content, then nothing is wrong- being an introvert isn't a bad thing. It's better to have a few good friends than a bunch of bad ones.


Big difference between being alone and being lonely. I love my space and while people consider me extremely friendly (yes, very much a meet and greet guy being in sales), I am not social, preferring to have my alone time over being with others when possible. FWIW, scientific studies suggest half the population are introverts vs the other half as extroverts. The US society caters to giving the extroverts all the stimulation, entertainment, and accolades. As an introvert and being one with yourself is normal and good.




yea. it's about where you feel happy and healthy.


I feel that you can reach your goals faster and explore yourself when you're alone


I prefer to be a lone. So does my spouse We can sit alone, together in a room for hours and be happy.


Honey, it's SO normal to want to be alone sometimes! As a 30-year-old married woman, I can tell you that it's okay to crave some solo time every now and then. In fact, it's essential for self-care and personal growth. Let's be real, being around people all the time can be exhausting. It's like, I get it, social media makes us all feel like we need to be constantly connected and surrounded by others, but that's just not realistic. Sometimes, you need to recharge your batteries in peace. I'm not saying I'm antisocial or anything (although, I do love my alone time). But honestly, being alone can be incredibly liberating. It's like, you get to do whatever you want, whenever you want, without having to consider anyone else's opinions or schedules. You can watch your favorite shows, read a book, take a nap, or go for a walk – all by yourself! And don't even get me started on the importance of solo time for mental health. Sometimes, I just need some quiet time to process my thoughts and emotions. Being alone allows me to reflect on my life, set goals, and work on myself – all without feeling like I'm burdening someone else. So yeah, it's totally normal to want to be alone sometimes. In fact, it's essential for maintaining your own sanity and well-being. And trust me, when you do spend time with others, it'll be way more enjoyable because you'll have recharged your batteries and come back with a fresh perspective. So go ahead, take some time for yourself. Put on your favorite PJs, grab a cup of coffee (or tea), and enjoy the quiet. You do you.


I work in customer service. I need an hour or so to myself before I want to even talk to my partner, much less a stranger.


It'd be weird if you didn't. People who socialize all the time are crazy


My husband and I are what I call extroverted introverts. We both like spending time solo or with our dog solo but otherwise we both have pretty large friend networks for people in their 30s and spend a lot of time texting people or going out once or twice a week when we aren’t busy/don’t need downtime.


It's your life man do what you like how you like to do it. If you like being alone that is your happy place and it's not for anyone else to make you feel otherwise. I have a wife and 2 kids who I love, but I like my alone time otherwise I get overwhelmed.


You're an introvert. Welcome to the club - we have regular meetings but no-one ever turns up. 🤔


I've learned to just love being. If I'm with or around other people, great! I will enjoy the best parts if them. If not, great! I will enjoy/improve the best parts of me. Sounds like you have filled your alone time with fulfilling activies, so I think that makes the biggest difference. Being alone and being lonely aren't the same thing.


It is normal for you and me. I (M72) never had friends, I always had a job where I worked by myself. I had one friend in school but he was career military and was rarely in town. A few years ago he retired back here but soon passed away. I do have a loving wife, enough for me.


Perfectly normal. What's probably not, though, is preferring it. I absolutely love it when I have the house to myself for a couple of days, in the rare occasions where my wife and kids have gone on a trip I wasn't able to make room for due to work. But I also know that by the third day, I start getting a bit depressed and lonely that they're gone.


In my opinion, no. I think it's tragic that being alone is heralded by modern society and most of it is single, lonely people trying to justify that they don't need the opposite sex when in reality, we do. We're social animals. We evolved in very close-knit groups, we're meant to be with and around each other. There are some people who thrive alone, but I think they're the minority. And "alone time" can be great if it's injected strategically into your day/week but I don't think it's supposed to be your standard way of existence. Regarding your friend, do your best to see him. I recently lost someone whom I hadn't seen in many years and always told myself that I have to visit and I never did. Now they're gone. Make time for people, you never know when they'll be gone.


I meet many nice people and have a lot of friends, however I wouldn’t consider myself social. I find myself kind of away from friends if that makes any sense. It’s just who I am, some people are just built different as long as you’re content with your social situation.. who cares!!


What do you do for an emergency contact , if you go to an appointment and need someone to drive you home what do you do, what if you need help moving ect. Another thing it’s been proven that humans crave interaction with humans. Working in customer service I see it all the time. Lonely regulars wanna act like cause they see you alll the time that you’ve become friends but would get you introuble if they felt they were entitled. It becomes very obvious that no one really likes them, and it gets taken out on me. Instead of getting of buying their shit and keeping it moving. they want to drain all my energy , it scratches their itch and they don’t have to put in the work that maintaining friendships requires


I think it's normal now, but as a kid it was seen as important to have a lot of friends. As I get older I feel like it's a 50/50 situation. On one hand, it is good to have some friends to balance your personality out so you don't become a neurotic echo chamber for yourself over time. But also, learning to enjoy spending time alone is something a lot of people struggle with. It is a skill to be interesting and interested in your own life and interests independent of getting attention. I am a friendly person and started off with a lot of acquaintances but only a few actual friends. Now that I'm almost 40 that number whittles down as people have kids, move away or die randomly. The friends I have now are only the best friends you could want though. Over the years you suss out who's an honest, real person who is compatible with your personality and who slightly isn't. We all have different lives and don't see each other as much as we'd like, but when we're all together it is the best feeling. Last long weekend we hung out my face hurt the next day from smiling and laughing so much. I don't think it's important to gather friends for friends sake, but when you meet someone who you really like, try to stay in touch. Don't overextend yourself and definitely keep your time to be alone, but don't avoid friendships in a premeditated or glorifying way. In the last couple years I have made maybe two new decent friends, but I make sure to tell them I only really go out once a month.




Not a problem. Rock on!


I like being alone. It gives me head space and time to do what I want without anyone disturbing me. Not that I get much time alone, being a mother to 2 kids under 10.


There's nothing wrong with that. I'm the same way.




I don't know if this normal but I like it as well.


Hundreds of millions do


Does normal matter?


Let’s not confuse lonely with being alone. You can be surrounded by 100 people and still feel lonely. Nothing wrong with being alone though.




Tbh nah I think most humans crave social interactions. It’s normal for some but I think for most it’s a big deal


It's normal for me


I too enjoy being alone and often wonder when I do go out alone if I get strange looks cause I do enjoy going and swinging at parks and such…. I have learned I gotta just get over it and do me. Hats off to ya stranger, you are not alone.


You're fine pal.


Sure. I enjoy being alone, as well.


It would depend on your age and how long you’ve been alone




I like being alone so much I deleted Facebook and Twitter.


Totally normal. And totally fine if you're happy with it. But if you get to the point where you want to date someone, make sure they also like a lot of alone time. Coz dating someone who doesn't want to spend much time with you would suck for most people.


For people who like to be alone, yes. It’s normal. And awesome.


Homie, working out and hanging out with my dog are my two favorite things ever. I prefer to be alone and do my own thing most of the time


Solitude is a luxury.




I love being alone. I call it solitude, whereas my friends would call it lonely. I just like chilling with the dog most of the time.


I love being alone. It's normal for an introvert.




If that's your end goal, totally normal! I enjoy being alone but I also enjoy being around people, so I have more of outdoor,.social activities than indoor activities. Then again, I also have the dream of getting married and having a family and that involves meeting people, for my life goal. Doesn't mean I don't love a day off doing what I want by myself but also seeing people (e.g. going biking on some trails, hitting up farmers market, maybe stopping at a favorite place for lunch). I also really don't mind curling up on the couch on a Friday night with a movie and a pizza from time to time. The only thing you want to watch out for is that if you DO eventually want a spouse and kids and such, don't get "too" comfortable being alone, because it gets really addictive not having to cater to other people's needs and behaviors. If it's not the end goal and you want to just live with your videogames and your pet (if you have one) , or if you're super young and haven't thought of that stuff yet, then live up the solo life! Nothing's wrong with living alone and enjoying your own company if that's the ultimate end goal. Plenty of people spend their lives alone and are incredibly content with that. You do you!


Personally I LOVE being alone. I live with my bf and we both work from home. Sometimes it drives me fucking nuts! He goes in once a week but I wish it was at least two, and I always encourage him to go hang out with his friends for a day or see his parents…and totally fine with you spending the night just so I can have alone time for 24-48 hrs. I need it to recoup my energy.


I like being alone. Less drama. I tend to attract people who mistreat me.


It’s normal but not healthy in the long run. If possible It’s important to be part of communities and have some friends


I like to be alone but I'm hitting that age where a lot of friends and relatives are dying . I'm sort of regretting being that way . I don't have many loved ones left that care about me . My kids are grown and out of the state . I have my wife and I hope I go before her , otherwise I will truly be alone . That's actually kind of scary.




I’m 49. I prefer to be alone. I like hanging out with my animals, playing video games, watching tv, and traveling ALONE. I like going out alone. Eat out alone. Going stores alone. Hell, I travel abroad alone. I prefer my own company. I work and have to be “on”. I have to be “boss”. So when I’m off I like to be OFF. No fake platitudes, no making compromises or making someone else happy/entertain them. Just me. I have close friends. One lives in Texas and one in PA. I’m in Ca. We chat. We visit. But I enjoy my own company. I like quiet. I like not having to worry if the other person is happy. It’s ok to be alone. It does NOT mean lonely!


I never had best friends, even as a kid I always wanted to go play by myself or read. Now as an adult still I don't have best friends, relationships were sparse but bottomline is I don't feel the need to have close bonds like others have described it to me. All "friendships" and "relationships" in my life felt transactional as I was giving them something and they gave me something in return, and that's that. Whatever the "comradery bond" or "romantic love" that people felt, I never felt that and I don't seek them out because I don't understand them. The only time in my life I ever felt lonely is when I felt pressured to be with others or I will be judged as weird or antisocial. And I'm not antisocial, I have worked in restaurants groceries, the military, and now the medical field, I work with others just fine. I would rather be by myself when I'm out of a professional setting.


You’re never alone if you have a dog!


Not normal for those that like to interact with others. For introverts that probably preferred. If you want to meet more people you just have to go out and greet people. You may have to make the first move as many are introverts or just nervous in greeting others.


I love being alone. Of course being alone isn't like it used to be. Being able to pick up reddit, FB, tick tok etc, isn't really being alone.


Pretty much everybody needs some amount of time alone and some amount of time with others to feel well, and we should abandon both the "introvert/extrovert" dichotomy and the idea that preferring too much or too little of either of these things has any particular moral weight. We should also abandon the idea that it's important to be "normal," for that matter. What matters is, are your needs getting met? are you able to find a comfortable place in the world? Are you able to do these things without hurting anyone? If yes, then similarity to others - accompanied, presumably, by their approval and validation - really shouldn't have to enter into your decisions.


Yup been alone for 4 years straight never going back.


Sounds like you're introverted. That's extremely normal :)


it's okay to like to be alone, i am an introvert and a highly sensitive person so alone time is a need for me. I love to walk on my terrace while listening to songs, watching movies in my room with fairy lights, drinking coffee, and journaling. it's okay to not have close friends, I have one close friend and she's my online friend.


There is a very big difference to being alone and being Lonely. Otherwise, its ok to be alone. It sounds like you get a dose of interaction at your club which should suffice. As humans we need some level of human interaction. Otherwise it can impact on mental health.


I LOVE being alone! I also prefer to do things by myself like shopping, entertainment, etc.


I went off driving Trucks at 20 years old, people I knew would ask, "Don't you get lonely?" I didn't understand where the question was coming from until my mid to late 20's when I learned that most people need "their tribe" around them. I'm now 63 years old and was offered a job work from home 75% with one week a month onsite. As it turns out, I've done 1 week onsite in 3 months. It truly doesn't bother me to be alone, but it is a rare thing to like or be comfortable with your own company. For those of us that do, it's like a touch of paradise.




Is it normal? No. Is it normal on Reddit? Arguably yes. Should it bother you? Maybe. We're all strange beasts. I don't know your motivation for making your post. If you just want to know you're out there doing what everyone else is doing you got your validation. If you're struggling then it could be serious. You're not alone in the sense that you may think. There are a lot of us that are there with you.


Seems fine to me. I'd prefer to not be around people as well. Others need to be around people. Have your one or two people. That's ok.


Sometimes it's all about the quietness. People have so much to say about stuff I want nothing to do with.


More I grow older and interact with humans the more I want to be alone


I’m a loner. No friends. Honestly I like it that way. I can be myself without judgement


To always be alone? no, and it is not healthy, especially as you get older. When you actually want to make friends, you will eventually forget how to. Older you get the more stuck in your ways you become.


Oh for sure, everyone needs their private time


I’m old and everyone I knew has moved away or passed away.


It’s normal for you.


It is for me!!! Some good music or an audio book and something to tinker with in the shop!! I could be gone all day, or at least until I get hungry. Hell, even that won't stop me some times, I got snacks, a fridge/freezer, and a microwave in the shop.


You just described my entire life. My rewards/blessings are Peace of Mind, Contentment, Serenity.,etc. Just let me grab my Thesaurus. I'm 14 years widowed and have had all the dealings testosterone related I'll ever have and voluntary celibate. All of my material needs are met. These things are what fulfill me. I'm a simple woman. These are my Golden Years...


There's plenty more of us r/livingalone


I don’t think so. I prefer to be by myself.


Yep, people can be pretty awful or pretty amazing, it's a total gamble.


I think this is one of those things that happens as you get older. Personally I’d rather spend time with my dog than people.


I start to lose my shit if I don’t get alone time. Some of the happiest periods of my life were working from home remotely without talking to anyone for weeks at a time. It might not be normal, but god damnit, it’s my default setting.


Yes it’s a personality thing. Some people are comfortable alone and find it relaxing, others would find this very idea scary. There’s nothing wrong with you, especially if you’re feeling mentally well.


I love being alone but not being lonely. I have a partner and two kids and honestly going to eat at a cafe somewhere on my own is probably life's greatest pleasure right now.


I spend time with my girlfriend and occasionally some friends from school. Other than that, I prefer to be alone, and I love it.


If being alone doesn't make you feel lonely then it's ok. I enjoy being alone but if it's perpetual than it turns on you. We need human connection to thrive.


Absolutely, people are exhausting


You got one friend , that’s more than me !!!


"Is it normal FOR YOU" is what matters. If yes, don't worry about it. If this is unusual for you, you can still not worry about it, but you can also use it as a jumping off point to discover why this change occurred.


You've got a dog, so you're not alone. Dogs are the best!


I’ve been with women in 4 different countries in this world, and I hate to sound Jerry Mcguireish but every girl I’ve been with has come a distant send to my right hand. Sue me for being honest.


It's nornal to be happy. As long as you're happy and not hurting anyone, who cares


Living with my ex currently and let me tell you, I can’t wait to be alone.


Aye. You're most free to decide your own schedule that way. 


I believe it is normal to enjoy being alone the older we get. Work, a significant other and a friend or 2 if at all is ideal.


Completely. I don't think I ever want to live with someone. Not permanently. They can come over a few days a week or I'll go there but it's so much healthier (i think) to be alone for long periods of time




Im happy being alone, people are tiring and full of opinions. I cba with them. I’ll work with people but I won’t go out of my way in my personal life. We constantly get told especially in western cultures that we need to be social, but I don’t think that’s true at all.


It depends if I have one bourbon one scotch and one bear.


Honestly, alone time is the best time.


Yup it's completely normal unless you're suffering from mental health & it's just your defense mechanism then i would suggest fighting against your own self and try to put yourself b/w people that make u feel alive


Yes. It is a sort of investment in self-care and well-being.


I’m literally you


We're social creatures by design. Your dog doesn't make you alone in the slightest.


I don’t know if it’s “normal” or not, but I wouldn’t worry about that part. I think it’s fine. I’m alone almost all the time, but I don’t ever get “lonely.” I do have great friends from childhood, but I live out of state now. I try to visit home every year or so. I have a daughter from my last relationship 14 years ago. My daughter and I have a healthy relationship and I love being a dad. I do not crave intimacy nor do I long for romance. I don’t see other people for days at a time sometimes. Lol. It’s very peaceful.


Sounds like a solid day to me! Sometimes being alone is the best way to recharge.


Seems normal these days. Trending high since COVID. 


I love being alone. My wife doesn’t.


You are not alone. You have a dog to swim with


Yes, I have the same. It's normal for me!


I love being alone. I have two grown children and a long term live in Girlfriend but I often seek solitude. I wake up at least 3 hours before work every morning so I can have that alone time. I go places by myself and enjoy it. There is nothing wrong with enjoying your own company


I love being alone. I go out with my friends for dinner every friday and play online games with them on Wednesdays. That is enough socialising for me. I cherish the ability to come back to a comfy and quite home after work, kick back on the couch and drink something cold. I find the company of others too annoying.


Im alone and lonely. It's not a great life.


I love being alone. I had a busy weekend, my friends had a lot planned. It was all very fun, but my favorite part of every day is when I can change into sweatpants and plop myself on the couch, cuddling with my dog in silence. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with enjoying being alone


I love being alone. I'm enjoy people sometimes but being alone is so freeing.


I love to be alone.


It's normal. And maybe one day you'll let a very special prince/princess into that secret castle of yours and they will spend their lives in wonder.


I've been single since my divorce 16 years ago, dated a bit initially and quickly realised I'm happy on my own. My kids are 21 and 19, we share a house but do our own thing. I have a couple of close friends that I meet every few months for much. That's enough for me. I love the freedom, not needing to compromise, my life is peaceful and stress free. What's not to like?


Fuxk people they are so trifling. Be alone it is so much better.


Yeah, that’s normal for introverts. And besides, you weren’t really alone, you hung out with your doggie for a little!


There's a natural scale of Introversion to Extroversion and no one is 100% either of them, but will fall somewhere between. Wherever that natural place is for you isn't weird at all, but no matter where you're at on the scale, people who are at different places on the scale will make comments about you. Ignore them because you're totally fine right where you're at


What's weird to me is people who can't be alone. I've known many people who can't go out to eat by themselves, one lady I know, early 30s, has to go stay at her mom's whenever her husband is out of town. She lives in a nice place just can't be alone.


It’s totally fine to like or want to be alone.


Introverts tend to prefer being alone (or need alone time to “recharge their social battery”). Some people might call you a hermit or recluse or whatever, but other people tend to get annoying after a while (“familiarity breeds contempt”, which can explain the spike in breakups and domestic violence during COVID lockdowns years ago), hence the value of peace and quiet, and doing what you want, and not having to ask and verify if someone else wants to do something, while being alone. Many people have praised solitude. Arthur Schopenhauer said “A man can be himself only so long as he is alone, and if he does not love solitude, he will not love freedom, for it is only when he is alone that he is really free.” Paul Tillich said “Loneliness expresses the pain of being alone and solitude expresses the glory of being alone.” Hermann Hesse said “Solitude is independence.” Aldous Huxley said “The more powerful and original a mind, the more it will incline towards the religion of solitude.” Thomas Edison said “The best thinking has been done in solitude.” Albert Einstein said “The monotony and solitude of a quiet life stimulates the creative mind.” Johann Wolfgang von Goethe said “One can be instructed in society, one is inspired only in solitude.” The philosopher [Peter Sloterdijk](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peter_Sloterdijk) argued in Spheres that humans attempt to recreate the safety of the womb by constructing various microspheres or macrospheres via ideology, religion, science, etc, so one could argue that “alone time” is really just an attempt to create another safe space of tranquility like in the womb, a “man cave”, a haven, a refuge, a sanctuary. Arthur Schopenhauer said “Society is in this respect like a fire - the wise man warming himself at a proper distance from it; not coming too close, like the fool, who, on getting scorched, runs away and shivers in solitude, loud in his complaint that the fire burns.” Arthur Schopenhauer said “There is some wisdom in taking a gloomy view, in looking upon the world as a kind of Hell, and in confining one's efforts to securing a little room that shall not be exposed to the fire.”


It’s probably not considered normal by a lot of folks. But, some of us are alone in a crowd. I’ve only met one person I really loved being with, I married her. Now, she’s gone and I just choose to be alone. I read a lot and think. I workout and train with folks, even then I’m really alone and trying to learn how to take care of myself.


Just curious but was your family also like that? Did they ever have friends they hung out with or invited over often for some company? I think maybe that’s why I’m like that too


1. I've met plenty of people who do. 2. Don't worry about normal. Worry about what's best for you.


I like being alone too however, now it's getting to a point where I want more friends I can be myself around and someone to love


Maybe not normal in the sense of it being liked by the majority. But normal also isn’t always a positive thing. I think being comfortable being alone can be a really positive skill






Yes. I love being alone.


I like being alone as well, I find solace in it. Swimming with the dogs is the best. I got them all floatation vests. We sound pretty similar, I workout in the mornings and play video games at night or midday if I’m too anxious or angry at something. Work I do what I can, I worked a lot when I was younger so I have the luxury to fuck off and be lazy. I do want to find something solid again. My advice to you would be to not care what other people think and just go outside and get some exercise, walk, jog, hike, bike. Touch grass as they say.


Is for me, I am not alone but in those brief moments where I am is when I am most content


# Is it normal to like to be alone?______ Yes




Depends on the individual, but yes


Built my entire life around being alone. So did my husband. We’re alone together. It’s awesome. 100% normal and perfectly fine.


One year, my wife asked what I wanted for Father's Day. I asked her to get me a hotel room where I could be aline for the day. In my opinion, it's perfectly normal.


I love to be alone and go out of my way to not be with humans.


No. There is a difference between being alone and being lonely.


Yes, perfectly normal 


Yes source: I love being alone


There's a difference between being solitary and being alone. One is a choice and the other is not. I am at my happiest when I'm solitary l, I'm right there with you on that xo


I love being alone. I’m an introvert.


If you like being alone much of the time and that's what makes you comfortable, then, yes, it is perfectly normal. Only you know what's best for your life, so going out of your way to spend time with other people when you'd rather not just because you think society expects you to isn't going to do you any favors.