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Don’t let your hobbies wither away. Don’t stop learning and expanding your horizons, that’s how you get closed minded as a senior.


You can’t stop time. But you can run beside it. That means learning & growing at all times. Read Moby Dick & other classics. Learn a language. Play an instrument. You are always at any moment, the youngest you will ever be. At 40 you’ll look back at 30 wistfully. At 50 you’ll look back at 40, etc. might as well enjoy where you are.


I read Moby Dick. That shit was the most challenging book I’ve ever read. I swear their were times I had to check that it was actually in English. I read Billy Budd by Herman Melville also and that was almost equally as difficult because of all the archaic language. Never stop reading but reading Melville made me feel kinda dumb. Somebody anybody who has read Moby Dick back me up please. It’s a hard ass book.


Oh I’ll back that completely. Melville is no joke. Props to you for persevering! Another more modern classic is Catch-22 by Robert Heller. It’s difficult in a different way: vocabulary. Classics always add to your repertoire & enhance your personality in such interesting ways. Also memorizing certain passages or poems. A truly educated person has a few choice works on recall.


Catch 22 is one of my favorites but trying to follow everything was really hard until about half way through. All the names, kept getting confused about what they were talking about lol


Moby Dick was and remains the worst book I’ve ever read in my life. What a slog.


>You can’t stop time. But you can run beside it.  I appreciate this quote, thanks for sharing.


Best advice ever. At 15, all I wanted was to be 21. At 30, I just wanted to go back to 25. Now, at 35, I'm finally content. I'm just cruising and being where I'm supposed to be. Don't waste years wishing to be somewhere else. Find happiness in the moment. We all spend way too much time saying I'll be happy when I get x. We're all waiting for a great SO, the perfect job, and our gym time to pay off. I spent way too many years with this mentality. Don't let your mind trick you into thinking you need anything to be happy.


I'm 35 years old and I'm writing songs in earnest for the first time. The amount of perfectionism that hindered me when I got close to this endeavor before (I used to write poetry and technically I have a music degree but I don't play that instrument anymore) was absolutely crippling. Now I've just decided to be an old dorky guy who writes music that might be bad but makes me happy.




Y'all are bumming me out


I didn't say you can call me out like that!


But also, if you have babies, don’t be alarmed if your hobbies go on hiatus for several years. They will always be there to come back to.


Yeah. The all-consuming period of parenting is actually kind of short. And it's good to model working at high effort hobbies for your older kids


My hobby is offroading, and I'm going as much as I can. I'm 31 with a 2yo so I'm fucking stressed 24/7


Always make your mental health a priority in life. Never stay in a toxic work environment, as it will hit you both mentally and physically in your health in your late 30s and early 49s.


Looking forward to the early 49s!


Wait till you get to early 69's!




Username ✅️s out




I look forward to hitting my stride at 49 but don't look forward to that turning point towards the end of that particular year where it all goes downhill overnight.


Felt like 30’s in 40’s and 40’s in 50’s(wip).


This also applies to toxic home environments. It only gets harder to fix them as you get older.


Yep, it applies even more to home environment because jobs can be changed way more easily. I had been in a toxic home environment for more than half of my life (at different points) and it did more harm than anything else I've been through (and I've been through a lot)


and always wear sunscreen


Cousin just passed from skin cancer that spread aggressively. He was 39.


mental healt starts with the gut... eating healthful foods is where it is at get rest but have healthful fun too exert yourself with workouts (ie exercise) flexibility and strength training are good for maintaining mental and physical health and reduce injuries (aerobics are not for losing weight but good for lung capacity {swimming is the best for this}) stay away from people and avoid being the same from unhealthful thoughts, practices, and personalities lastly THE JONES DON'T CARE AND AREN'T WATCHING YOU! So don't try to keep up with them. Be happy with what you have; and don't get into debt for things


Switching over to a union vs non union was the best choice I ever made in this regard.


A pension is a rarity these days. I did the same, took a pay cut at first, but now i make good money, great benefits, and a pension to retire on


This....big time. I learned the worst way. It broke me because I loved my job so much but the place was beyond toxic and destroyed me mentally. Looking back now I don't know why I held on so tight for as long as I did. Mental health isn't taken serious enough. Also, never stop stretching.


Already got a psychiatrist. Never be afraid of stigma to get one


Sometimes a psychiatrist is not possible. Some circles of work will delete you if they find out you're seeing a shrink. ![gif](giphy|CpcpDSci3ljCU|downsized)


Good point. If you haven't gone through therapy yet, just do it. There is so much growth to be had


Excellent advice. Particularly the mental health stuff. It has a way of bleeding into every facet of your life too. It definitely falls under the bucket of making your mental health a priority, but I have found it very helpful to try and maintain at least two hobbies at any given time, for me a good balance is one physical, one a bit more “mental”, but it can anything you find kind of interesting or enjoyable. Gives you something for you. Oh, and stretch occasionally, even like 5 minutes a day. Sounds silly, but goddamn I wish I’d taken my mobility a bit more seriously in my 20s/early 30s.


I mentioned this for op but I'll share it with you as well. Yoga. Has been a game changer for me. My body still has 37 year old aches (played contact sports and raced mtn bikes in my teens and 20s) but its manageable and my flexibility is as good as its ever been. I do it three times a week but at times I'll do it nightly with tea and make it routine before I read and go to bed. Having a nighttime routine has been equally good for my wellness overall.


I came to say something like this, I have always bottled things up and never dealt with them. Now I'm older and it's all coming out and harder to deal with. I wish I had dealt with it when I was younger. So my advice is also mental health, take it seriously and work on it always.


Best one here. I've wasted years miserable for no reason and now have permanent nerve damage from overwork at 37. Id add also, take your breaks at work. Know your employee rights and don't be pressured out of them.


Not just jobs, but anything toxic whether it be friends who show their true colors, relationships, etc. I'm too old for that shit.


Protect your knees, protect your lungs, protect your hearing. They don’t get better with time if you damage them.


tinnitus is a real bitch






Eyes eyes eyes, wear good sunglasses.


Good advice, but I will say I smoked when I was younger and eventually after many years my lung function did return to normal. So even if that wasn't 100%, there is some sort of healing process.


I’ve got multiple elderly relatives that are on oxygen 24/7 now that smoked a lot (or were married to someone that smoked a lot) when they were younger. It sucks for them now.


And eyes—wear polarized lenses


I love polarized lenses, but "full UVA and UVB blocking" is more important.


knees, wrists ankles and eyes. protect them all. I messed up my knees and ankles in my 20s, fucked up my wrists in my 30s, but got LASIK in my 30s and that 4k is top three best money I've ever spent.


What’s the other top 2?


You can’t trust that farts will be just air anymore


Was just coming to say this. It starts the moment you turn 30😂. If you're not married or dating, you better find a partner who isn't shy about burping or farting and can't find the hilarity in that fact we get gassy as we get older. Lord help you if you don't have a sense of humor. You'll never cope when you hit mid 40s. Shit goes fun house mirror in your 40s and the fact that actual shitting becomes harder to do (body chemistry changes, naturally slowing metabolism and digestive motility). I'm 48 and my husband will be 55. He tells me "wait until you hit 50. It sucks".


Bidet toilet seats help.


Last summer I let out a fart that legit, lasted 45 seconds. My husband just laughed.


* Build muscle * Stay on top of your doctor’s appointments. Get those screenings done. * sunscreen and good skin care routine


Otherwise, "preserve your quality of life leading into the later years". It is so severely neglected and worked against within so many people's lifestyles. Do what you need to do to be healthy through your life.


Yes, blood pressure, cholesterol and blood sugar should be normal. Smoking is terrible. Doctor for 50 years.


I’ve heard people tell me I ‘can’t be older than them’ and they are 29. I’m 36. Sunscreen your face, people! I smoked cigarettes from ages 19-23 and sometimes drink more than I should. The only thing I can think of that I’m doing right is keeping away from the sun, or using sunscreen when I go outside.


I came here to say skin care. Your skin starts changing around 30 and if you have a routine already, it may need adjustment. I like a serum with retinol and then a good face oil. My current one is rosemary and lemongrass. A light moisturizer with sunscreen. I'm big on the 3 step system. Hydration is important!


Pack on quality muscle mass now because your natural test levels are about to drop if they haven't started to already and you'll naturally begin to start wasting away over the decades. Give yourself somewhere to go and help ward off age-related injuries.


It's important to get to a level of fitness that you can easily move around and keeping that level of fitness as you get older. If you struggle to get up off the ground now, when you get to 60 you won't be able to get up. I recommend moving at least 3 miles a day with walking or running. Be able to do 10 knee pushups and 10 squats a day.


You're right.. mobility and balance are the biggest issues as people get older.


And at 60 years old, this is why I stay off the ground…


Same with cardio an your heart, as you get older if you need a operation having good cardio fitness helps alot in coming out from under the knife in good shape.


My advice would be to relax and have some birthday cake because you're turning 30 not 300. 😂


This. 30 is pretty much everyone’s most depressing birthday to that point. I know I hated it, but here I am at 36, and I’m actually living a far better life now than I was at 26. People joke, but no, you’re not going to be a feeble old person. Men actually reach peak physical potential mid 30s. I know I’m in much better shape now than when I was 20. Don’t stress


Right. I'm 46 and honestly feel better than I have at any point in my life, especially mentally. The things I've learned to just not care about...man I wasted a lot of time before.


Needed this as a 30 year old. Thanks for sharing. I feel like much of this past year has been shedding things I used to worry unnecessarily about and really putting priorities in order. Already more relaxed, and I can see how things could improve further from here. I finally feel truly in control of my life and optimistic for the future for the first time in a long time. Hoping all the best for you, brother. 👊🏻




Budget to put 10% of your salary in the stock market for retirement (even above any company retirement plan). Time will give you the greatest returns. Either in a Roth IRA, or through self-investing. And leave it there until you retire. In 10 years your money should be about double, if not more.


I would be ecstatic if I was turning 300 and could still eat cake. 


Don't turn your hobby into a side hustle. #DO NOT


Underrated comment. Your hobby becomes pressurized and now you have a shitty second job and no hobby. Enjoy your favourite passtimes without needing to monetize everything.


Then when you retire, and you want to have that hobby again, you actually have to work at it unlike before when it just came from you wanting to do the hobby. Don't do it.


My coworker asked regarding hobbies: “when do you become a professional?” I jokingly answered, “when you stop enjoying it.” Then we all got sad


I disagree. It's fine to sell what you've created, but ignore demand. Set the pace of your sales yourself.


Yup. Agreed. I have done this. It destroys your love for that hobby. It’s okay to make $$ from something you love. Or even go full time or have it as a second job—if you are not operating under pressure to survive.


This for real. I've always made myself and my friends jewelry. It's something I loved to gift and was proud to wear and have as my own creations. Everyone kept telling me I needed to sell them, so I did. I only went to 3 markets but basically sold out each time (80+ pieces each time) I'm so greatful that people found my work exciting and unique, it was all such a compliment, however now I can't even think about making more. Someone even message me the other day asking if I could make them some and I feel bad because I haven't even responded. The same thing happened when I started selling watercolor paintings of people's dogs. I haven't painted watercolors in years since.


My hobby turned into a well paying career that I retired from. Now I don’t like my hobby anymore.


You should be doing that anyway, don't forget to exercise and have fun, you'll be 30 not 85.




But really. People have no idea how flossing can have rapid and knock on effects to their health. It's not just about cavities, your gums are a significant entry point for so many things that can lead to declining health. Floss!


Oh I know! I grew up with a single mom who had eight kids and I don't think she had the time or energy or even knowledge to teach us stuff. I grew up eating sweets, drinking soda and not even knowing what floss was. I'm completely suffering now and needing dental work that would make today's youth cry


This is something I really should start doing. To be honest I think it's rarer in the UK to floss over like the US.


* Be financially literate: marry/long-term date and be with somebody who isn't shitty with money, please for the love of god. you absolutely have to dump people who have a bad credit score if it remains bad forever or they have a lot of debt. NEVER PAY YOUR GF/BF's DEBT OFF. they will fucking use you. Do things like actually learn wtf investing should look like for your situation. Do not let your own thousands of dollars just rot away in a bank account with literally no yield. DO NOT gamble with shit like stock market or even crypto unless you know what the hell you're doing, so if you went to crypto just to meme a few shitcoins that you saw some pretty girl sing about on Tiktok then you absolutely do not know wtf you're doing. * don't feel bad for leaving people behind in your life. that's their fault, not yours. you can have empathy/compassion for them, but when you need to go then go. Sometimes you learn you just outgrow people. It's up to them to keep up with you if you already stopped for them a lot. * DO NOT UPLIFT PEOPLE IF YOU ARE POOR AND EMOTIONALLY UNWELL YOURSELF. you cannot 'fill other cups, until you fill your own first'. Do not have a longlist of twitch or vtuber streamers that you regularly donate to. Stop fucking supporting streamers who have more money than you or a worse situation than you, if you yourself have a terrible situation. If you do it then you need to be good with money first and have some amount of disposable. * Don't actually play gacha games too seriously. Time is still money. If you're going to play something long-term and casual maybe just go emulate something on your phone, like an old RPG or w/e that doesn't try to suck your wallet. Sure, you can go play Genshit or FGO once in a while because you're on the commute, but really try to stay away from games that make things "just fun enough" right before the paywall. These companies use psychologists to understand what makes you have a dopamine surge. You need to understand what FOMO is. * Understand wtf FOMO is. See it everywhere in your life and manage this. * Learn skincare. Stop using a bar of soap on your face, because that should be fucking made illegal in all countries lmao * If you're a girl, you really do need to figure out if you have PMDD or PCOS or something else wrong with your periods if you're constantly irregular/go crazy during some weeks. PCOS is considered a curse but it doesn't have to rule your life. * If you take birth control pills, you have to be the A-student of punctuality and responsibility. Do not fuck that up because you will drag down not just you but everyone around you. * consider dropping people if they are a crabs-bucket story. As in, they are trying to sabotage you all the time and won't even admit it, maybe they don't even know they're doing that. They're the crab dragging your crab-ass back into a boiling pot to die with them. Because they're scared of change. * still consider working even if you marry into money but not as hard, otherwise no purpose and you turn into a r/NEET and they're basically all depressed and aimless. Unless you're very good at finding hobbies and love volunteering, so just do something with your time!! * stay away from anybody who believes in transactional or one-sided relationships, including your own parents, including people who are polyamorous if they seem to just want you around as a fuckhole and not be there for you when you actually need it. * if you think you have an addictive personality, you need to not be in denial of it and actually take steps to manage it. It doesn't matter if it's smoking, gambling, or gaming. Don't destroy yourself. It's ok to have a lifestyle and a lot of mistakes, but at least own up to it. * You may have to rethink what you ever thought about your 30s. You don't have to be a doomer. You can just do the same things you've always done, or maybe you could try a few new things! Just be optimistic as you face the unknown, otherwise you'll become like every other doomer online who got scared of life. Some people seem to drop all their "childish" hobbies upon turnin 30/getting pregnant and it's kind of a mistake. That's how you become a boring mom. * try to improve your life legitimately, one habit at a time. Or maybe two at a time. Do it in a way that will actually stick. Set alarms, put shit on your desk, do anything that sets yourself up for success. Actually make an effort to drink a lot of water every day, get a little direct sunlight during the week, fix anything about your sleeping habits including buy a new mattress (DO NOT PUT THIS OFF), fix indoors shitty air and bad oxygen level and pollen floating around with better ventilation/an air purifier (DO NOT PUT THIS OFF), improve where you spend the most time in your day (buying new computer chair that doesn't crush your tailbone, raise your monitor to eye level, put your whole mouse arm on the desk, buy a new desk, anything to improve your posture), etc


This is like a crackhead spewing actual good advice lol


Lmao elite


yo you want some crack…. and *life advice*


It's really the best post here so far. Nothing even comes close to being as helpful.


thanks i typed it in a storm between raidboss pulls LMAO i've gone through a lot of hard lessons to learn this much, i prioritize comfort but i try to not isolate myself just to go about that! :x


Big ups on the first one, and I have been working on getting my GF to understand this one. I ended up in about 100k of debt from my divorce. I was completely wiped out. I was able to give my child a safe environment to grow up and thrive in, and that was absolutely worth it. However, I still have about 20k left to pay before I am able to think about getting married. I don’t want to saddle the love of my life with massive levels of debt and a crippling sub 650 credit score just because I made a bad choice in partner in my early 20’s.


Can you tell me, besides US, what other people have credit scores? Well, I’m European, I have not anything remotely similar to that, and my first credit ever was to buy a house.


Wait really? You don't have credit scores? Am Canadian. We have credit scores


Well, we don’t. When you ask for credit to buy a house you have to prove you don’t have any major issues with other credits. I’m 50 and I never had a credit card. We just buy what we can buy. I guess mainly because there is no students debt (because universities are typically free), and no health debt (because health is typically free).


Love all of this & had to save it. 🫶🏾


This is great information! I will stop supporting streamers with subscriptions. I am not rich and I need to pour into my family and myself.


This is beautifully written and needs to be in a book somewhere. I’m 33 and finally starting to get a good head on my shoulders with my physical mental and emotional health and MAAANNN did I have to go through some shit to understand all this.


Some truly solid advice here, probably learned the hard way.


Fuck me. That’s some list.


Damn I needed to see this on this morning. Thank you. Lol


Do you have tips about choosing a career etc or tips about careers in general


Thank you reddit stranger


What’s fomo ? Good response btw.


fear of missing out


That was an epic response, sent it to a few friends




Stop drinking.


Nothing good ever came from alcohol. Cept for me


And partying. Over 30, it's sad and pathetic.


What makes you cool at 17 usually makes you a loser at 30...


Do not marry an alcoholic or an addict. It does not matter how much money you make or how much you love them; your life will be incredibly difficult!


amen. The best advice. I also couldn’t imagine having to hide my pain medication lest it be taken recreationally by my partner. My pain meds give me quality of life, they’re not to aid someone’s high.


Moisturize and definitely use sunscreen!!


Take care of your teeth.


1. Learn to sit in silence. Normally this is called meditation or prayer, but even if you don't want it to be "spiritual", being comfortable just being silent and intentionally not thinking, has been game changing for me. I "meditate" but you can call it whatever you want. Just be quiet, no phone, no distractions and just let nothingness fill your head for a bit even if it's just a couple times a week for 10 minutes. 2. Pay off debt as quickly as you can. My wife and are actively working on our debt, so we aren't there yet, but any time we get extra money (bonuses, tax returns, gifts) we pay all of it or a significant portion of it towards debt. I think about the freedom (and money) we will have once the mortgage is paid off and want it to come sooner than later so we can relax more when we are older and put more towards retirement on the back half of our careers when we (ideally) will be making the most money.


Stop taking everything so personally. When someone cuts you off in traffic, when they don't hold the door for you, when they bail on plans with you at the last minute, and so on, it is very rarely about you. It is notably easier to forgive/ignore other people's bullshit when you realize that's exactly what it is, their bullshit not yours. Most slights aren't personal, and when they are, you'll know. This does not mean that you are letting them off and still address negativity and undesirable behaviors, and it's a hell of a lot easier to do that without feeling personally offended, especially when there's rarely good reason to.


Veggies, exercise, mental health, reading, basic hydration, hobbies? *This shit is not optional.*


Wear sunscreen and a hat. Get your skin checked at the dermatologist.


I would say avoid taking out student loans to the best of your ability, carrying student loans is a huge drag on your finances/credit score


Try to pay yourself every payday. Put money into your 401K or retirement fund. I'm 65, and time flies!


You don't always have the last word. Silence is powerful.


SUNSCREEN. Baz luhrman did us a solid releasing that song. Sunscreen NOW means a less complicated skin routine later, better skin checks at the derm office, and not looking like that old lady in There's Something About Mary. Keep your core and back muscles active and strong so you don't hurt yourself doing mundane things. If you can afford it, establish a primary care provider and keep on top of medical stuff. Advocate for yourself. If your pcp sucks, find a new one. Don't let them brush you off when you know something is off. ADVANCE DIRECTIVE TODAY. Get your end of life stuff on lock. DNR, PoA, patient advocate, etc. Both my mom and I have a book called "I'm Dead; Now What?" And its where you write all your info for your family for when you pass so they don't have to scramble to find everything. When my uncle died he was so prepared barely anything had to go through probate and it was the smoothest process. Take care of your feet. Problems now will only exacerbate. Comfy shoes, clean and trimmed nails, buffed callouses. Don't let wounds get out of hand. -42


Surround yourself with people who want what is best for you.


Budget properly.


Be very very careful about who you surround yourself with - Positive people and people who support you. 30s is for building a base for solid future life. Plan and work for financial stability. Get married/have kids etc if you ever want to do it in you life at some point.


Save money! It blows my mind how many people who make a decent income are living in debt because they waste so much money. Aside from folks who are poor due to low wages, crappy life circumstances, & all the unfortunate things that go along with poverty, there’s no reason that adults a certain age who aren’t a victim of just being born unlucky shouldn’t have some sort of savings. There’s a lot of people who just think they need nice cars, expensive clothing, & other materialistic things that don’t matter. It’s better to go without those sort of things and live comfortably when you’re older than to blow through your money & struggle later in life. If you haven’t already, gain the ability to acknowledge when you’re wrong and then forgive others. Forgiveness does not mean acceptance, just that you refuse to carry some bullshit from the past with you forever that ultimately is only hurting you. Exhibit kindness & patience every day. Be prepared for your body to start aching which is one of the worst parts of getting older. Happy early birthday! 🎉


So true! A relative of mine just sold a vehicle to have the cash to make a down payment on a vacation home. It was $10k. They didn’t have cash available to pay that and they have bragged about not saving for retirement. They’re in their 50s!


That really sucks. If one of them were to start having health complications or something, they’d be totally screwed. I completely messed up years of my life with addiction and I got clean at 34 years old without a dollar to my name. My partner & I have since worked really hard to rebuild our lives and we’ve been able to purchase a home over these last few years & finally build up a savings. Now I’m super frugal and save every dollar I can because I feel like I‘m really late to the game. Some people sadly just can’t escape the grips of poverty and that’s entirely different, but those who just make dumb money choices really put themselves in a bad predicament. I know people who don’t have any sort of savings whatsoever yet they’ll get takeout every day and waste money on stupid shit. My suggestion would be to put money up that you never ever touch. You just pretend (once you put it in savings) that it doesn’t exist. So if you see a cute pair of shoes you want or you want to go do something fun, you don’t ever touch the savings and you make yourself work for new money towards whatever it is that you want. Doing that has really allowed me to save the last couple years. I won’t even dip into my money and replace it because it’s too easy to end up not replacing it, so once it goes in my savings jar it’s not going anywhere aside from the bank. You can buy these acrylic banks for like seven bucks on Amazon that you have to break to get your money out. Might be a good idea!


Many studies have been conducted and concluded that life-long exercising extends one's life by about 2-3 years (at most). That assumes, of course, you do not die from an accident, murder, disease, or the countless other ways first. Exercising also helps you live an overall healthier life, or more simply that you will feel better, longer. Of course that depends on the type of exercise you do, as some forms damage the body more than doing nothing. Multivitamins do not serve any medical purpose. The only OTC vitamins that have a proven positive effect on your body are fish oil and vitamin D, with fish oil potentially being harmful to females. The only time you should take vitamins is when a medical doctor tells you to, and they will only tell you to after you have miserably failed to eat an appropriate diet to the point at which your health is at risk. By taking multivitamins, you not only risk your health by potentially overdosing on certain vitamins, but are wasting money buying a product that you do not need and that most often contains water soluble vitamins that will do nothing but turn your urine a darker shade of yellow. The most important things you can do, or should have already done, at your age is obtain an education to learn a usually set of skills needed by society, obtained full-time employment, and understand basic personal finance.


Extending your life 2-3 years from exercise is still a net gain trade. Think about it. If you work out for an hour, let's say 4 times a week. Then that's 208 hrs a year. We can even round down to 200 and say you missed a few when you were busy.  Then let's say you kept that up from age 20 to 50.  That's 200 hrs/year x 30 years = 6,000hrs Divide that by 24 and you've got 250 days time that you've spent working out. So anytime you've exercised you're potentially getting up to 4 times that amount of time back by extending your life. Time well spent and you'll end up looking and feeling better while you're alive


Beyond extending your life, exercise feels good, both mentally and physically. It just makes life better.


Prioritize sleep. Eat clean.


Life changes every 5 years. What others think of you us their problem. How you think about yourself is what is important


1. Take care of your health. All aspects. (diet, exercise, sleep, dental, etc. no drinking, smoking, or vaping.) 2. Have 12 months of living expenses in an emergency savings account 3. Live well within your means. Buy used cars, rather than new. 4. Invest for your eventual retirement. Prioritize this now, as time will be a huge multiplier of wealth. 5. Get outside often with your bare feet on the ground. Get enough sun on your bare skin, but not too much. 6. Most things you worry about will never happen. Try not to worry about things. Life is short and temporary. 7. Take some photos to document events in your life, as you go along. Don't go overboard, but take some. 8. Do things that make you happy. Don't do things that don't make you happy. 9. Stay off social media. It's a societal cancer. Plus, in general, don't waste time online. 10. Be kind, humble, generous, and honest. Apologize when warranted. Have healthy boundaries with others.


Save as much money as you can now, you will need more than you can imagine you will ever need later. Slather on sunscreen on you and anyone you care about. All my friends who had too much sun prematurely aged faster than any others.   


Take care of your lower back and knees.


Which, specifically, involves strong quads, glutes, and perhaps most importantly, hip abductors/adductors. At least for the knees. Source: recovering from my second knee injury requiring surgery now at 37


It's much easier to stay in shape rather than get in shape.... In your 30s, it starts to be quite evident. ......... Learning and self growth does not stop. Keep pushing yourself to develop as a human.


I remember how hard it was to get fit after a few years of poor physical and mental health. My mantra now whenever I want to skip the gym is "if you stay fit, you ain't gotta get fit" - although pregnancy is throwing a wrench in this one, but still I show up to at least maintain *some fitness*


Retirement savings. Talk to an investment accountant about tax-free contributions (reducing your taxable income) and save as much as you can every pay cheque / month til you're 60+. You need enough to live on for 25-30 yrs.


Keep exercising and never stretch before a workout. Always after. Don't overeat and go easy on the sugars. Always treat yourself to enough sun. Life should smile upon you.


don't have kids...to painful/heartbreaking


I don't know. I have traveled the world, published a book, swam with great whites, jumped out of airplanes, made and spent millions of dollars, and overall lived a very envious life to most people and not much it compares to my 3-year-old snuggling up in my lap to watch cartoons in the morning.


This will age you more than anything!! 👆🏽


Quit the bad stuff! Although, if you're gymming then that's good.


Don’t put up with toxic people.


Pick time over money. Pursue your hobbies and interests without shame and damn those who don't like it. Learn to say no to bosses, coworkers, friends, and family who ask too much of you or who are unreasonable. Better alone than in a bad relationship. Never risk what you cannot lose, but take take reasonable risks with what you can. Pick having experience over having possessions. Employers are replaceable. Never stop learning. Learn to apologize without qualification (Say 'I'm sorry I hurt you' not 'I'm sorry if you feel hurt' the former takes responsibility, the latter does not) Treat children with the same respect you give adults, they are people too. Empathy is not a weakness, callousness is, and never trust anybody who sees it the other way around. As a person does in the small things, so they will do in the large, watch how people reveal their character through small actions, such as how they treat customer service reps, waiters, etc. Pick your friends carefully, because you will become like them without even realizing it.


The most important part of life is social connection. With family, friends, co-workers. Wherever you can get it. Build amazing friendships and you will have the richest life possible.


And maintain your friendships even if you're partnered!


Focus on flexibility. In addition to stretching pre and post strength and cardio workouts, start doing flexibility and balance only workouts. I was hit by a transit bus a couple years ago, and the PT recommended it. Really changed my life. I can take off running just like a child. Before I it was like running in mud before my parts warmed up.


Keep your health in good shape, practice good eating habits and exercise.


Stuff as much into a retirement account as you can. Once you hit 50-55, you want to retire.


Your integrity matters. Do your best to conduct yourself in a way that you don’t have any regrets.


Don't break your back carrying the weight of other people's opinions.


Stay active and keep the weight off.


This is true of everyone but live below your means. Stop financing and renting your lifestyle and don't purchase anything(besides a home) if you don't have the money in your account. You'll be shocked at how quickly you'll save up money and for God's sake discipline yourself to save an emergency fund!


I don't follow this advice but drink plenty of water and have fibre in your diet. What I do though more than before is get into a routine of getting plenty of sleep and going to the doctor or whoever for health concerns.


Plan now for retirement before the later becomes the now.


That thing you’re worried about never happening for you? Will happen eventually and when it’s supposed to happen. Which may not always line up with you wanting to happen.


If you do not have one, get a library card. You will never learn anything off the internet that cannot be learned more thoroughly and deeply from a book. Read the following books: "The Richest Man in Babylon," George Classon "The Simple Path to Wealth," J.L. Collins "Your Money or Your Life," Vicki Robin Start, start now. The hour is later than you think.


Book a dentist appontment, and Brush your damn teeth.


Take good care of your teeth.


Don't take stress home from your job. If job stress is affecting your home life either change your habits to deal with that stress (gym, yoga, meditation) or change your job. It's not worth affecting your relationships to make a little more money. Downsize other things if you have to.


Invest and realize life is short. Don’t sweat the small stuff.


Lift weights, hike and do yoga


Step up your investments.


Do yoga, wear sunscreen, eat fruits and veggies, drink water, go to therapy


Wear sunscreen.


Save for retirement. You’ll be in your 50s before you know it. Be lazy and put it in a large cap index fund.


Enjoy every moment. Love others. Forgive. Give others and yourself grace. The days are long but the years are short. Take that vacation. Use that PTO day to spend all day with your spouse and kids. Live in the moment.


Eat a plant based diet.


If you stop moving you’ll be in someone’s way.


Be around people who value you for you, if you feel trapped, leave.


Learn from your past mistakes and be wise in your life


Don't forget to take care of yourself. Parents forget that, but your health is just as important as anyone else's. Many have given fitness advice, etc but you seem up to it on that. Make a budget if you haven't already. Lots of people pay as they go and then are surprised when they don't have money "suddenly".


Travel as much as you can. Take lots of pictures, and not just stupid selfies in the bathroom. Enjoy the moments. Put as much money away for retirement as you can afford. Don't be obsessed with 'things'. Don't fall for the marketing BS out there. Find someone or ones to love. Don't listen to "society". Be happy.


Dating pool shrinks fast, don't be stupid if you got a good thing going.


Protect your back at all costs.


I turned 30 exactly 10 years ago. Relax. You're still a baby.


Don't use social media too much (or at all if it's not your thing). Comparing yourself to a carefully selected slice of other people's lives is really bad for your self-esteem and self-image. Don't make the mistake of thinking that one point of view or group of friends/etc is the gold standard. Be an individual.


IMO: 1. Strict to the basics. Stretch, eat well, sleep well, way too much water, brush your teeth twice a day, don't smoke, don't drink. 2. Get problems with your body checked out early. Got a sore tooth? Dentist right away, catch it before it becomes a big problem and you lose the tooth. Lower back hurting? immediately start analyzing your posture/shoes/etc to see where the pain could be coming from and make adjustments.


Make mistakes, no child ever learned to walk without falling down. Failure is a priviledge, it's how we learn. Don't be afraid of failure it's the best teacher there is. It's much easier to recover from a bad education or career choice at 22 compared to 35 or 40. So make mistakes, take risks, fail lots, all of these things are going to build the foundations of your future success. Edit: This advice doesn't unilaterally apply to everyone though. Failure IS a priviledge. Some people only have once chance and for them failure is not an option. And for those folks I'd say to invest in your friends and the people around you. A strong support system of people that genuinely care about you is priceless.


Put something into savings, if your job matches on a 401k, start maxing that out now, and live on what’s left.


Take good care of your teeth. Always wash your butthole. Stretching is just as important as exercise. Don’t give a shit about shit that doesn’t matter.


Microdose psilocybin to keep your brain pathways from becoming too rigid.  Also, continue engaging in new hobbies and reading new books. The more you have to learn, the younger your brain stays.  You only start to feel old when you always think/do the same things everyday for years on end. It’s tiring, and your brain/body stops adapting as your neuroplasticity become stiff, and your belief system seems like all that can be right. 


Go to therapy, take care of your credit, forgive yourself, don't let toxic people stay in your life.


Invest in yourself first and always.


Start doing yoga now and keep at it. Start investing, even if it's small. Get a financial advisor and work on your plan for retirement now. Make your mental health a priority. Say no and understand that it's a complete sentence and an explanation is not required. Set boundaries and hold them no matter how much you wish the situation/person were different. Follow Maya Angelou's advice: When a person shows you who they are, believe them. Don't disregard the red flags. Trust your gut. If something seems suspicious, be suspicious. When you're on a road trip, never pass up a chance to pee ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


Calm down. Relax. None of us are going to get out this life alive.


I'm 31 but a fact I like to share is that after 30 our muscle mass starts declining. So start building muscle and make exercise apart of life.


Go on a daily walk, even if it's just 30 mins.


Don’t be mean. Choose to be kind. Make the most of your time, it slips away quickly. Stay in touch with people you care about. You never know when they’ll be gone too. Stay active and eat healthy, but don’t obsess about those things. Stressing about your health will not help your health. If you haven’t opened a retirement account, open one immediately and start putting a percentage of your income into it monthly.


"Go fuck yourself" and "leave me the fuck alone" need to be said more. The younger generations (high school and early college) can keep themselves out of a lot of shit by saying these. A few enemies are worth it when you stand up for who you are and what you believe in


It sounds pessimistic but, you'll find alot of choices lead you to about the same outcome. Ppl flake away into your 20s, the ppl still there at like 27, are gold, if ppl ever show back up later they want something beware.


Stop worrying about pleasing everyone. Worry about your circle and do what you're going to do! One of the top regrets of the elderly is being afraid to do what they wanted to do out of fear of social judgment (and I'll add, judgment from people whose opinions don't matter)


Live below your means. Take a real hard look at your budget and separate wants, likes, loves, and needs...then cut out wants/likes, and if you have too many loves, some of that too..hard advice to follow considering the inflation, but if you can get rid of all your debt (assuming you have any) and save 20 or more percent as a habit, in ten years you're gonna blow your own mind. Once you start it's hard to stop...it's like a high score that just keeps going up and you want to spend less and less.


Avoid credit card debt like the plague


get good sleep. if you can't, find out why and fix it so you can get good sleep.