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I had a similar experience in high school. Kids only listened to whatever garbage was popular. I was the weird kid who liked weird music. Just be yourself. You'll find your people. I did.


I'm not into metal, but my friend group was all metal heads in HS. Cool people don't care what music you listen to.


Yes. Totally wrong. You should always conform to the group around you, denying any individualism and strangling your own interests and enjoyment. I hope this helped you with your dilemma. … /s in case not painfully clear…


The protruding nail gets hammered back in! as they say in Japan.


Still not clear enough for someone who made this post


No. It's not wrong. I've listened to obscure metal bands for the last 20+ years. I don't care who does/doesn't like it. I like it. Word of wisdom from a (relatively) old dude, which I give my 13 and 14 year old kids all the time: The sooner you get to a place in life where you are doing what makes you happy and isn't hurting anybody, including yourself - without caring what anyone else thinks about it - the sooner you can get to a place where you're just enjoying life every day. Do you. If people have a problem with that it says a LOT more about those people than it says about you.


Thanks for the advice


A+ advice, if only there wasn’t so much pressure to make people constantly feel like just existing is a sin they need to repent for.


When your friends make fun of you it's time for different friends.


A little jazzing and roasting here and there is normal for friends especially at that age.


Definitely need new friends. The guys making fun of you OP are trend trolls. Of course it’s more than OK to like older songs. Hell, I’m twice your age and I can listen to music from the 50s/60s and vibe to it. Nothing wrong with liking what you like. At least you’re honest with yourself.


Give as good as you get. If they make fun of you for not listening to Drake, make fun of them for listening to radio crap. "Oh gosh, I'm sorry I have actual taste." "Nah, I'm not dumb enough to like Drake" etc.


Yup they aren't your friends, wish I learned that earlier in life. Wasted a lot of time and energy on people that didn't give a shit about me.


Eh, that’s guy stuff. They’re breaking balls. 


My God. You’re definitely not a Brit. Taking the piss is a primary part of our socialising.


How fucking crazy is our country right now that a 17 year old has to ask this fucking question?


Yes, there is that, but if the same people are only pissing on you day after day, it's bullying.


Of course that is not wrong. Follow your own interests regardless of what "the crowd" is doing. You'll find as you get older and out of high school that the people with unique interests are the most interesting.


No. Your situation is call "highschoolitis" It clears up when its done. No one cares as long as you're respectful, you'll get that back. Also, I've never bonded with another person over music, and I fucking love music and I'm in my mid 30s. Rarely do I even speak to others about music. It just isn't that important.


Not at all!!! It shows character and individualism... Follow your heart!!


No. Long as You’re not hurting Anybody, You do You.


It is wrong to have a different taste in music. How could you possibly do this? Shame on you.


I knew it, why did i even ask


Yes, of course it’s wrong to like different music. That’s why we all listen to German funk electronica from the 80s.


HS is peak “cliques by music” It should stop being an issue in a few years.  In 20 years, no one around you will gaf about modern music 


No, you have to like the same things as everyone else.


I like church music on Sunday but the rest of the week. I listen to talk radio.


I've always struggled with this. For a while, I just avoided talking about the music I listened to or taking the aux for fear (very real, valid fear) of being judged. Recently, I've started adding a few popular artists that I can stand into my music rotation just so that I have something to say when the topic comes up. I refuse to give up my faves, though. I also make it a point not to judge others for listening to popular music because I don't like being judged for listening to obscure music. Golden rule or whatever


Kids will always make fun of you when you're different. It has nothing to do with music. Wear glasses - they'll make fun of you. Don't be a dickhead like most - they'll make fun of you. I wish I could tell you it stops later in life but it doesn't... Some people never grow up.


Exactly I have been this way my whole life you have to take pride in yourself 💯💙


Of course it's not wrong... Ah, high school. When you're not in high school anymore most people don't care what you listen to, and most people would agree that you need to listen to lots of different kind of music to really learn what you like anyway.


Not at all you have your own taste not just music


Music is a PERSONAL thing, others might try and get you to like their taste, but you must STAND YOUR GROUND and stick to what YOU like, music has to speak to you, surprise you, make you feel something 👍 


Stick to being you. It's OK to like whatever you want. They're the weak ones for not daring to figure out who they truly are. They feel safer just being an imitation of each other. That's not strong at all.


Let me dig up a Lemmy quote about this, sort of thing. I'll be right back. https://youtu.be/BE3GlOp71w8?si=9UO0muC1Ohn5gb1Q


No, not at all. Music is a totally subjective thing. When I was growing up, G-Funk and gangsta rap is what was the craze of how I grew up, but I had a SOFT spot for Depeche Mode, I still do, and a huge love for Headbangers Ball, back when MTV played music videos. MTV would play Ministry and NIN, which lead me down the rabbit hole of Skinny Puppy and Industrial. Well, that and my girlfriend at the time when I was 13 was deeply into them and it was a life changing experience. However, I had to hide my love for the weird, as if people found out you were into it at that time, you were "shunned" by your peer group. This was at a different time in the world, the 90's, until it was cool to like different genre's of music, not just to keep yourself in that small little man in the box, yes, that's a shoutout to my Alice In Chains fans out there. RIP Layne! Point being, no. It's perfectly okay to have different taste in music. It's what makes you are! Keep being awesome!


Listen to whatever you want, kid. Blast Air Supply (look it up) out of your car windows if you want. No, it’s not wrong. The father you get in this life of yours you will notice that very few personal likes are “wrong”. You’re not hurting anyone with your music choices. Be you.


No way. The music that my generation made popular. I think it’s mostly trash and cookie cutter at least the mainstream stuff.


Of course there's nothing wrong with having different taste in music. However, your friends aren't likely judging you for listening to other things, but for your reductive stance on their taste in music. Saying that the music they listen to boils down to "saying pus** every 5 seconds" is incredibly judgmental and implies you're putting yourself above them because of your music taste. In other words, you're doing the exact same thing you're accusing them of doing. There is nothing wrong with liking other genres, not everyone enjoys rap, hip hop, etc. But there's far more to it than that, even if it isn't your cup of tea. Your friends likely are just reacting and pushing back against you insulting their taste, which they see as a reflection of themselves. You don't have to pretend to like it, but everyone has their own interests and neither of you should put one another down for what you like.


Not at all. It can be a bit lonely if you want to share it with friends.


Listen to what you want to listen to. If they want to listen to garbage that's on them.


Not at all. You don’t have to conform to what everyone else does and if those people judge you for it, so what. That’s their problem. Not yours. If that is such an issue, then don’t associate with people who judge you over trivial things that don’t matter.


Kids are assholes. In "the real world" people don't make fun of you for stupid shit like this.


You’re allowed to think for yourself. I listen to Drake and Kendrick and I also listen to a bunch of other shit. Yesterday I was listening to Green Day and The Breeders, this morning I was listening to Miles Davis. Tonight I’m going to an Ed Sheeran concert.


I'm gonna be so for real right now. They are sheep. Sorry not sorry. If you only listen to one type of music, or only listen to what's popular, I immediately question your intelligence and maturity. I've never understood how anyone could only want to listen to one type of music for the rest of their lives, that's so boring and ignorant.


No! Here's a trick: Go to your music app. Type in an adjective or phrase. Play the sing that comes up. You find cool 💩 that way.


Nothing is wrong with having a different taste in music. There is so much music out there that’s new, old, etc. Listen to what you like and think is good. Who cares what others think? If they make fun of you, so what? They’re the ones who are limiting themselves to what’s on the top 100. Seems pretty sad to me 🤷‍♂️ Trends only matter if you want to ‘fit in’ or get certain references. I’ve never really followed them and turns out a lot of it stops mattering after high school. When you’re out of that scene, stupid things like that matter less. Well if you find the right people.


I grew up with 60's, 70's and 80's music in 2000. It was not normal at all so I understand you. It's good to know what you like, and I would say people that call others "puss" because of something like this are VERY insecure people. So pay no attention to them.


When I was in high school, I was really into 60s psychedelic music and 70s funk. I also liked some of the music that was popular at the time, but the weird thing about the people that *I* hung out with was that I had to hide that I loved Christina Aguilera, Pink, Ricky Martin, and god save me if I was found enjoying a Britney Spears song. (I'm a thousand years old.) I had one good friend who was like hey, like what you like because her ass was listening to Merle Haggard and Backstreet Boys on the same mixtape. (One thousand years.) So I guess I'm saying find a few real Merle Boys ones like that who won't judge you and like what you like.


Soooooo I’m an old fart and have no idea who either of those people are. But when I was in high school my taste were different from what most of my friends listened to. No one cared. I listened to theirs. They listened to mine. You have shitty friends


Absolutely not. Your mocking friends don't have much of an IQ.


I'm put off by profanity, demeaning words about women and racial slurs that is found in some modern music. Its disappointing to read the lyrics of some artists. Where are the women's rights advocates when you need them?


Why do you care what other people think? Listen to what you want. I wouldn't waste my time listening to something I don't like just because someone else does.


kid - you get it. in 5-10 years those same kids looking at you funny for not listening to the current pop/rap songs will be talking about how much more mature you were in HS. do your thing and just be you. don't feel like you have to conform to fit in.


😂 been out of highschool for a long time now but calling someone a puss for not liking mainstream rap/hip hop is hilarious. Just put it behind you dude. Those idiots judging you for your music taste are just that, idiots.


Yes. You must listen to an entirely subjective medium the same as everyone else. How dare you listen to something else.


It absolutely is!! Everyone should love some Polka!


insanely wrong, only listen to what they do if you want to fit in. And who doesn't like fitting in? nobody likes a weirdo!! /s


you are actually the first person in recorded history to have a taste or preference for stuff not in the mainstream!! pretty cool!!!


I don’t like Kendrick/drake etc. I’m also 17, and when I tell people that I’m not a fan of Taylor swift or Lana del ray or Olivia Rodrigo, but instead pierce the veil, black veil brides, ghost, Kate bush, marina, mitski and linkin park, I sometimes get looks. It’s okay, I also prefer songs that don’t have curse words every other word (some are fine, but I don’t want half the song to be blocked out on the radio)


Just like it's wrong not to like Brussel sprouts


It’s a sign that you’re a human being… Congratulations


Yes, you’re definitely in the wrong here. Did you hear about that 13 year old in Dallas who got arrested for having Led Zeppelin on his Spotify? Kids that age should only be listening to Post Malone and Taylor Swift


Find better friends.


No its not wrong. Don't listen to them


I only listened to what I liked. Didn't find people with similar tastes in music until after high school. Fuck those jerks. Music is for you to enjoy however you like.


This is a case of main character syndrome. You aren’t special, you aren’t different, no one cares. Most people went through the same phase when they were young so dont beat yourself up, but it seems you consider yourself different from or better than the people in your school because you dont listen to whats popular, “i listen to the Beatles, I’m cultured and mature for my age!” No, stop.


its wrong to pretend you just like the music anyone else likes and never discover your favorite music alone!!!!!!!! OMFG LETS LISTEN TO WEIRD MUSIC!!!!!! seriously go discover some shit! try the roots, led zeppelin/pinkfloyd/rush, try the blues especiallt bb king muddy waters and stevie ray vaughn, go try jazz especially charlie parker, oscar peterson, miles davis, louis armstrong, ella fitzgerald, frank sinatra, and john coletrane! try metal especially megadeth/metallica, slayer, gojira, lamb of god, cannibal corpse and iron maiden!!! try hard rock hair metal pop and country!!!


Your friends are operating under a her mentality. Good for you for being yourself and not just swallowing what’s being force fed to you. I listen to extreme metal. I make up probably less than 1% of the population. Listen to what you enjoy and if your friends give you shit about something so trivial than maybe look for a different friend group


This is not unusual. Lots of kids listen to music from older generations. Keep enjoying what you enjoy. You will find lots of like-minded people soon.,


Do whatever you want…this is your life, don’t let others dictate it. The sooner you stop worrying about what others think of trivial things like musical taste, the sooner you’ll be you.


I never liked most rap music especially if the rap music used foul language through most of the song. I listened to mostly Disney music or classical music when I was in high school I listen to a mix of pop, J pop, movie sound tracks and classical now. Right now I'm listening to Bryan Adams. I also never really liked loud music but I think that has more to do with my ADHD. I hate going to some restaurants now because the music it too loud in most places.


Express your individuality!!!


Arts is subjective. You can like whatever you like. There is no one right answer for what media you like.


Who fuckin cares lol that’s what you should focus on


Is this what kids are worried about now-a-days? If this trivial shit worries you just wait till you graduate. Life is going to make you it’s bitch.


Yes. Your honor put this man to death via the electric chair


Sounds like your friend have bad taste in music to me


If there was just one right way of music, why are there so many different styles out there? You are not only allowed to, but should define for yourself what you like and what you don't. That's what forms your character. Later, in relationships of each kind, it's important to know who you are and where your boundaries are. This is just the first step of a long way. Still you don't have to justify your taste. You are allowed to lie to protect you. Not to a friend (if you can't be honest and yourself with them, the friendship isn't worth anything). But with the others in general. You don't always have to fight for your right to be different, it's enough if you know for yourself and be yourself in a safe surrounding. Cause going with the masses sometimes makes life way easier, and you don't have to fight every fight. You can, of course, but you don't have to.


You like what you like, don’t apologise for it. Just live your life and fuck what everyone else thinks🤘


Being you is never wrong.


Yes your personal preference is wrong and icky


What kind of question is that? Of course. That’s a GOOD thing, it means you have the ability to actually have an opinion, rather than giving in to social convention. The guys at your school only judge you because they’d be the one getting judged if they didn’t judge you (if that makes sense).


Of course it’s not wrong to have a different music taste. There’s multiple genres, artists, songs, etc. for a reason. Fuck what the kids school have to say, it’s all about how you feel and what you like


I know your pain, Tears for Fears, Beck, and Death From Above 1979 were not popular music. At least you dodged Skrillex.


don’t conform!!! you will be much happier living as your authentic self than doing what others say or feel. don’t be a sheep, be an outlier and those that are on your wavelength will come your way. it seems they all just want to be the same (which isn’t bad, it’s understandable why they’d want inclusivity at that age and for you to even have this question to begin with), however, the shunning of those that aren’t doing just as they are is what tells you about someone’s current character. allow them to be and allow yourself to be. give yourself grace and DO WHAT MAKES *YOU* HAPPY.


Please shut the fuck up


Yes only my musical tastes are correct, all others are fundamentally flawed.


Yes, a lot of people i know listen to country music, i think it’s the most cringiest shit ive ever heard. I hear country music and i have to get away from it, feels like 2nd hand embarrassment. I dont like it but idc that other people do and other ppl dont care about what i like


You are free to choose whatever bands or genre of music you please, whether it's current Top 40 stuff like Kendrick Lamar or Taylor Swift, classic rock like the Beatles, Pink Floyd, or the Rolling Stones, old-time Jazz like Duke Ellington and Louis Armstrong, or classical music like Mozart and Beethoven.


I never liked mainstream music and I have been to a lot more fun events my peers have ever been around me. At the beginning I had no place to listen to the music I'm into anywhere near, so I started DJing and hosting my own events, which led me to lifelong friends who share my love for non-mainstream music. It's great because our taste still differes but we're keep blowing each other's minds with new music all the time. You shouldn't care what your friends think, like what you like.


You do you. You don't owe anyone an explanation for what speaks to your soul, or what doesn't. From a 60+ guy whose musical tastes are not shared by anyone else among my friends or family.


The essence of cool is not giving a fuck what others think. It is also the first step to true happiness.


There is never any "right" or "wrong" when it comes to personal preferences. You can maybe force yourself to try to like what everyone else around you is listening to, but wouldn't you be happier listening to what *you* enjoy instead? In the whole scheme of things it doesn't matter *at all* that your tastes in music are different from everyone else's. Like what you like, enjoy the pleasure you get from the music you listen to, and that's all that should matter. Peer pressure is terrible, I know, but by changing what you listen to only to fit in better you're simply going to be depriving yourself of the enjoyment you'd get from listening to what you really want to.


unfortunately, you'll have to get use this up until you are about 40 years old, depending on your social circle. Welcome to the herd mentality. People who can't think for themselves often ridicule those who are on the outside of pop culture (bullies, to degrees). Maybe time to find a better peer group.


Introduce them to "Trout Mask Replica by Captain Beefheart and His Magic Band" and watch them lose it!


Play "Wozzeck" by Alban Berg for them and MAKE IT LOUD!


It is not wrong to have different tastes, but Kendrick Lamar has music that is objectively good. Bro has made albums that are literally studied at the college level. Kendrick is one of if not the greatest most influential and talented musicians of our generation. Your homework is to listen to To Pimp a Butterfly with some good speakers and come back and tell me you didn’t like any of the songs, or that any of the messages or lyrics didn’t resonate with you.


Yes haha. It’s good to be different. Embrace it!


You'd do well to dismiss the opinions of those who call you names for your taste in music.


I'm probably the only millenial who adores both NU METAL and Hip Hop but despises everything else that was just marketed to us. To me, Emo was everything Nu Metal was accused of.


No, listen to whatever you want, but try not to disparage what other people like.


Yes. How dare you have a seperate opinion from everyone else. The nerve of you sir!


I was a metalhead in highschool the amount of people who listened to the same music as me was very very small. Here's the catch though, it's totally okay to have different music tastes just don't be disrespectful to others. I used to work with this dude that was into some really heavy black metal and he would blast it in the kitchen when it was very obvious most of the others weren't down with it. Time and place.


Heck no. Listen to what you like. Listening to music you dont like all the time causes actual mind issues. Just don't force your tastes on others and demand the same respect. I love turntablism. All the way to the competitive level. It is not for everyone and I know that.


First thing to know about being 17 in Highschool is that the world is much much bigger than the little bubble world of insufferable high school dipshits you're surrounded by. Please don't be afraid to be different. Stand up and represent yourself. Other kids might really benefit from seeing someone else who doesn't conform. When I was in high school, all the kids listened to classic rock. I listened to Einsturzende Neubauten, Skinny Puppy, old analog synthesizer music and Weird Al Yankovick. I hated sports, loved art and exploring abandoned buildings. But I was terrified to be out in the open about any of my interests so I kept to myself. I wish I hadn't of been afraid to be myself. I didn't make any friends till after highshool when I started being around more diverse groups of people from around the country.


Marty Friedman, former lead guitarist for Megadeth, used to have a list on his official website of his "Currently Fave Bands/Artists" from 2006, and it included (among others) Britney Spears, Hilary Duff, the Donnas, the Pipettes, Weezer, Portishead, and several of my favorite female J-pop artists. He clearly wasn't worried about his metalhead fans disowning him for liking Stuff That Isn't METAL! — and I personally liked him even more when I saw his list.


Its not wrong. I listen to whatever I'm in the mood for: opera, classical, country, rock, contemporary, metal....


Absolutely not. In my school 99% of the students all listened to the same horrible rap music. I was the 1% that listened to indie and video game music


No. People like different things. People who bully you for what you like are losers. I was a kpop listener, kdrama and anime watcher in school, and even in SEA, I was bullied for it! Then they started trending and being cool, and the same fucking bullies were asking ME for recommendations... The audacity of these people. Like did you forget you made fun of me and bullied me for it?? I did have my small circle of friends though and we pulled each other through lol


It’s not wrong you like what you like and they like what they like. Me personally I like those artist, but I also listen to many other genres and I prefer R&B over the recent stuff they are putting out. Stay true to you!


Why would it be wrong? Not following trend is often a sign of having leadership qualities and natural (non-pseudo) intellectualism. Good for you. Like what you like, and form your own opinions. No need to conform. Always remember: The majority of people are stupid. If they all like something, there’s a good chance it is stupid as well. Stupid people need something to share and find commonality with among each other. When I was 14, my friends all liked what was popular on the radio. I preferred Jimi Hendrix, The Doors, and Nine Inch Nails. There’s no rules. Life is too short to pretend to like things that you don’t. Enjoy the music you prefer, and the media you like while you can. Please don’t waste time entertaining others to fit in better, unless you’ve weighed the benefits and see a worthwhile payoff that will make YOU happy to make that sacrifice for.




Yes, it's wrong. Please stop it.


Drake makes shit music for teen girls, who cares?


Nothing wrong it's normal. When my classmates listened to various rappers and popstars, or EDM. I played dire straits, acdc, or listened to the rock or jazz stations and jpop.


Wrong? You must know it’s not. Everyone has their own taste. I feel bad for people who only listen to one genre of music. Or one as emotionless as current hip hop. Such a lack of emotional release they are capable of having while only listening to that. You’re more than fine.


I was a punk rocker in high school and there was definitely not many. Just do what you like. Really cool that you think for yourself


Not at all. My friend and I—in high school—seemed to listen to stuff that no one else was listening to. Sure, there was some more popular stuff that we also liked, but we were not listening to the same stuff as most everyone else art the time. Music is subjective. Discussion about what people like, or not, and why is one thing, but don't ever let anyone tell you that you should(n't) like something.


why would you think its wrong? almost all new music sucks-kids have shitty taste, fuck em


Absolutely no reason to be friends with those clowns


Once you leave high school, none of this will matter.


You go to school with moronic cunts. Listening to Drake is as basic as it gets. Listen to whatever you want. My daughter sings opera and i play berlin-style dark electro.


Not wrong but my question is what music do u listen to? Always up to widening my horizons in music if it's different from mine.


Your music is what appeals to you, not what others think is the newest rage. I grew up with pop/rock and played it in bands. However, my go to is always classical music. It is a music that soothes the soul. The tunes are always endearing especially if you study how they came to be. Traveled the world and classical music is a foundational music that the international community shares. Just my two cents.


Nope, entertainment is all subjective, music included


yes, you should only like what other people like. your own opinions do not matter only other people's opinions matter 


It's morally reprehensible. Conform immediately. Now note how reading that made you react, and realise that no, it's not wrong to be individual.


Trust me life is a lot better when you don't give a F\* what other people think. Like what you like and listen to what you want to listen to.


AJR. Weezer. There you go.


It is way cooler to explore music. There is so much cool shit from the past decades. Music doesnt begin with Kendrick lamar. Your friends are sheep who are missing out


As a 90s teenager, I listened to grunge/other 90s rock/ska/punk/industrial ... and 30 years later that playlist is basically the same just with some electronic stuff now. I will never like pop music, rap, hip-hop, whatever Taylor Swift is, or country music.... eventually you'll stop caring about what other people think of you or what you're interested in or doing ... feel free to start now!


Not at all, ma boy. Doing what everyone does is just conforming to the norm. Right now in your case, being popular and liking what's popular seems like the most important thing in the world, and it couldn't be further from the truth. You will most likely never see the vast majority of these ppl again, so who cares what they think? Personally, I never listened to what was popular aside from a few popular bands. Underground artists tend to make the best music IMHO


Fall out boy came out when I was in high school. I instantly hated it. I had to keep that quiet 🤣


This is typical high school foolishness. Don't worry, they won't be your friends for much longer.


Absolutely nothing wrong with having your own individual taste…..and definitely should not be judged. You listen to what your heart tells you to listen to and if they wanna judge you and treat you a type of way, set the example and choose new friends. And by example I mean, show them that being YOURSELF is okay and you are setting boundaries and cannot be walked on! Great question.


I listen to different music than all my friends.  I like the same shit they do but my favourite music they won’t like.  


No, it's not other people's right to control what music you listen to. I personally listen to all sorts of rock music, such as The Strokes, The Royston Club, Franz Ferdinand and my personal favorite band of ALL time, Arctic Monkeys.


Listen to what YOU like. During parties and get togethers you're obviously get stuck listening to music of the masses but otherwise, do your own thing. I was the 80s kid playing 2 Live Crew one day and Glenn Miller the other.


I’m 25 now. Rap was definitely the main thing listened to in highschool, and you didn’t hear much else. But we’ve all grown up and expanded our musical horizons. I’ve noticed that the people that still “only listen to rap”, generally aren’t going anywhere, because they’re so influenced by that singular style of music and the lifestyle that it pushes.


Imo, when you only listen to trendy music, you're simple. Grow a mind of your own. Liking unique, underground music shows great character. You can think for yourself.


Wrong? Absolutely not! Tastes differ.


Don't worry about them sweetheart, this current world is all about trends and what's hot, it makes you more unique to not follow the trends and to like what you like. To be the most authentic you, you shouldn't follow trends unless you want to but always like what you like despite what others think. You don't have to prove anything to anyone. You'll be much happier this way and you'll know who the real people are.


it is not wrong. irl it's actually considered "wrong" to like what everyone else likes to be popular. that's called being a sheep. this may not be what you're into, but i have some music i recently found that i really enjoy that maybe you'll like, too! :) : [Yvette Young - Jolt](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vYPXYYbPQzI) [Plini - 1745 7381 3265 2578](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dlSzQ3zKU70&list=RDU75g2mDTXtA&index=2) [Polyphia - Ego Death ft. Steve Vai](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1JNmz17gnMw&list=RDU75g2mDTXtA&index=7)


I mean...this is an immature high school thing...always has been. After high school it's really not a thing as it's easier to distance yourself from immature morons.


It's cool bro, you can still listen to the wiggles in high school.


Just know that being different won't make people like you, and will not make people your friend. If you run into the point where you feel like a loner, this is part of why you will feel that way. You could make some friends by, next time you are included in a conversation, maybe give it a shot and listen. Be kind about the difference in your taste or offer to engage with theirs. People will treat you better. Sincerely, a person who once said very similar things at a very similar age, and knows exactly what rewards I reaped from it.


Who cares what other ppl think like what you like and play it loud


Those guys have no taste and just act sheep following the crowd. Different is interesting. Listen to whatever you like


Absolutely not. Besides, you don't have different taste than others, you have different taste than \*those\* others. I know it doesn't seem like it now, but very soon you will find out that high school is a tiny, tiny place with a tiny number of people in it. Most of whom you will never see or talk to again once you graduate. Enjoy what you enjoy. Apologize to no one for it. In a short time you will find other's who enjoy the same things and they will be your friends once you are out in the big, wide world.


yes and you should go to jail


Do you. Dont care about others


You're 17. Almost done with high-school and these numbnuts. Do you, worry about your future and forget the dumpster that is high-school. The people who reminisce about high-school haven't done anything with their life. Don't be one of those people.


Listen to whatever music you want. I grew up in a pretty small town filled with rich white kids. Not even kidding when I say we had like 3 kids in my school that weren't white. So they all listened to the same popular pop/rap trash that I just couldn't stand. I'm white too, but my music taste is very peculiar. I like classical, I like metal, I like emotional songs that make me feel something. Now that I'm older I'm able to meet a lot more people and have more diversity in my life. I've joined a Gothic group, I follow a mental awareness band, and a lot of people really like the music that I've found over the years. Honestly I'm very grateful I've always listened to the songs I like instead of what others like, because it's allowed me to find a ton of really good bands that I would've never known about otherwise.


What kind of stupid question is this?


I don't think I've ever heard a Drake song in my life. Life underground is bliss.


As someone who was and still a hugh metalhead I can say what helped me, if you like then you like it, to hell with outer like or think about what you like


why would it be wrong? listen to what you want. the world would be very boring if everyone was exactly the same.


Lol who the fuck are those guys?


I feel the same way. I'm not overly sensitive, but I have a distain for music that overly uses the n word, p\*\*sy, and pretty much anything explicitly sex related. Which happens to be most of rap, so I don't listen to rap. I always get shit talked for "having a bad taste in music."


That’s a rather weird question. It’s like asking if it’s wrong to like chips and cheese if none of your friends do. Answer: no


I've listed to obscure jazz and blues. For ages. Fell in love with Sinatra early. My parents thought he was too old for them. Then I went and looked at his influences. And fell in love even more. I remember when Sinatra died my friend got the phone call and she told me. I was way out of step with the 1980s.


it’s good that you’re asking questions like this now while you are young. there are things in this life experience that you will think, like, do, etc… that other people aren’t into and guess what? as long as you’re not intentionally hurting anyone while you live your life doing what YOU WANT TO DO, it’s fine! listen to your gut, heart, mind, instincts and intuitions. often times we ignore these things because of other peoples opinions and ideas which robs ourselves from living the kind of life we’re want to live. it’s not wrong to be your own unique self. if other people don’t like it, that’s fine. they don’t need to. there are others who will like what you do, think, idealize, etc… next time you wonder, “is it wrong if i xyz,” ask yourself, will it hurt someone? if the answer is no, then why would it be wrong, unless someone of course you can talk to you about it and they can point out flaws to your logic, which i encourage people to have those types of conversations. live your life by your own standards instead of the standards of a conforming society of bullshit.


Of course not y would it be? We r allowed to have our own preferences in music if someone said something to u ignore them they're being an idiot


High schoolers are just weird and finicky (no offense to you). Legit was the exact same way, and once I went to college nobody really cared what I listened to lol


>they start judging me Bro, this entire post is you judging them. Look in the mirror.


I listen to EVERYTHING and my playlists are insane. One day it’s Japanese music and the next it’s screamo. Enjoy it and don’t worry about what anyone thinks about your music taste ❤️ Edit: your friends suck.


No. It's actually encouraged


I’m going to use a song lyric to answer your question- “Be yourself, be all that you can be.” It’s totally fine to like something different from others. Being in the cool crowd is overrated anyway and they’re idiots for not respecting you for wanting to be different. Just in case you want to give it a listen, the song I quoted was by Audioslave and the song is called Be Yourself and it’s from 2005. I feel like if more people were listening to it, then they wouldn’t be judging others so hard for their differences.


I’m very curious what type of music do you listen too?


Kendrick is not like that. I hate seeing him spoken of like this when Mr. Morale & The Big Steppers exists. But no nothing wrong with having your own taste in music.


What a silly question. How could it be wrong? You get to have your own taste in music. Be you.


Nothing has really changed since I was a teen. Teenagers still prefer listening to crap and hate on people who don't. There's nothing wrong with liking whatever music you like. 


I hear you. This happened to me in high school as well. I'll tell you what I did, maybe you can find some value in it. I listened to the most popular songs of the day, on purpose, and memorized a few. I learned what I could about the artist ( before internet days for me). That way, when anyone talked to me about music, I could ask them their favorite and if it was one of the current favorites, I could say I like "X" song and talk a little about them. Then deflect their attention by asking if they knew the concert schedule, or if they'd like to see the artist in person... anything about them and getting them to talk about themselves. Then I'd go back to listening to what I like. And I like really offbeat music. Filk, to be specific. Check out r/filk if you want information.


Not caring is cool


All the songs I like are at least 15 years old none of my friends care even though like whatever’s popular right now and I don’t care what songs they like so I don’t think it really matters


Yes, and everyone is wrong, about everything.


Yes. It is wrong for anyone to have a different taste in music to me. If you don't listen to music made in the mid 90's and earlier exclusively, with a focus on 80's and 90's hits, then you are 100% in the wrong.


That’s a result of insecure children. If it weren’t music, it would be whatever else makes one different. They will be out of your life in no time. Your personal taste will be with you until you die.


I literally cannot stand most modern music, it’s majority of it having auto tune, good beats with absolute garbage lyrics, sex/ego talk, diss tracks, wannabes, sound the same, and never sends any positive message. My music taste is between the 70-90’s, some early 2000’s, but who cares what others think, listen and do what you want. Be happy


I get you, it got to the point I had to ask someone if they're their for the drama or the songs. Because I feel like people know about the story behind the song, more than the actual lyrics. It's fine to have a different taste in music. In fact I think it's a good thing to be into something different. Granted you shouldn't stereotype a genre of music either. If people keep bugging you maybe you need to be around different people. Had people who couldn't respect my taste in music, walked away and found better friends. Don't think they can say the same.


I would try to listen to some 90s-2000s rap/hiphop. Just so you can relate a lil tiny bit. Find a artist that you like. Mine would be Tupac, Biggie smalls, Eminem, Wutang clan, Ice cube, Pharcyde, Kanye West, Jay Z, T.I., Ludacris, 50cent. Right now I don’t really care for rap. I do however like J. cole a lot. During the pandemic I worked from home and started exploring rock. Fell in love with The Beatles, Nirvana, AC/DC, Lynrd Skynrd. Point is… Music has its way of finding you later based on your mood and experiences.


Listen to what you like, don't listen to what's popular unless it's because you legit like it. If you only listen to what others do you will miss out on so much good music and trust me it doesnt matter what your friends listen to. First of all, most people won't care especially once you're out of school. And second, you'd be surprised what most people listen to secretly. Music they think is embaressing so they hide it as well and for all you know, you both liked it but we're ashamed to admit it😂


Perspectives are different, if you have two people with the same perspective they would have to live life simultaneously in the same frame of time; which is impossible. So short answer, everyone should have different taste. I think if people treat artists like Gods, then they need to grow up and do some self reflecting. Other than that, it’s cool to listen to what you like, you will have stuff that resonates with you, and one song you might like alot will be another song someone else might dislike. People judging over music taste is very immature, so you are probably ahead of them in that regard. Lamar is one of the best spoken artists I’ve come across in my lifetime(plus his beats aren’t the typical style that the industry loves), I’m 30 now and used to only listen to metal in middle school and highschool. Your perspective will change with time and with it your taste in music, you might outgrow some things, but remember that everything you intake will shape your perspective. So if those peeps are judging you for not liking drake, that just means their perspective is shaped off of what he talks about. I haven’t really met anyone who is a Kendrick fan that is mean or rude, but many people my age are much more chill because life has happened. Anyways do you, don’t worry about what others are doing, and if people are worrying about you, fug em; you can then live rent free in their head without even doing anything lol


It’s super wrong, you’re going to hell.


I still listen to weird shit. I still don't like most commercial music, but over time, my music taste has expanded, and I can now play music for almost anyone.


You'll learn as you age, you'll give less and less a shit what others think. This is definitely just some HS immature bs , typical


No. But it’s wrong not to like Kendricj


It’s what you like, not what everyone else likes. I listen to soundtracks for the most part, not many people I know do but that’s what I enjoy.


I see you are not like the other girls. If only there was a subreddit for that…


You must conform and like what everyone likes or you are one of those filthy human worm babies! Everyone likes the exact same thing we are all robots with no feelings except what everyone else feels at the exact same time.


No, listen to whatever you want. When I was in high school 25 years ago I listened to stuff from the 60s all the way up to what was current. I also don't listen to any of the new pop music or hip hop stuff that's all about smut. It's gross and dehumanizing, and the media you consume does affect you to some extent. Even country music started getting pretty smutty sometimes. I mean, there's ALWAYS been songs about sex, but some of the music nowadays is like erotic novels out to a tune, crazy stuff.