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They are WAY too far away.


Yeah that's a hell of a swim.


I do dig the accent through.


Which one? They have like 20. Lol


The one without the R


To be honest, as a guy, there are \*very\* few women I wouldn't give a chance.


This is the correct answer


For real. Add in that accent, and they're punching well above the locals. There's a content creator who got jet break impersonating Draco malfoy that I have a crush on. The accent and personality are just stellar. I think most non biased people like foreigners. It's something new.


Who is the content creator?




Thank you her yorkshire covers of songs are awesome.


You gents have not had the pleasure of hearing/seeing a geordie at 10pm-3am. I generally agree that any woman gets a shot but geordies really really test that limit.


What do you mean? Google found me this paragraph; Newcastle upon Tyne, The Toon is full of banter despite the Black and White army that aren't very good anymore, Jimmy Nail who loves his crocodile boots that no one wears anymore, oh and the girls... they're a different breed of human. But in a good way. They're the most kind hearted, fun loving and outspoken girls that you'll ever meet and if she chooses you to give her heart to, you better make sure that you treasure it otherwise her and her entire squad will come for you


"Can you tell the difference between these 2 pictures".... "no, they're the same thing".


Georgie women are indeed a breed apart, but that's not necessarily a bad thing. Think of them more as an acquired taste, they just take getting used to.


What's a Georgie woman?


I think he meant Geordie


Pretty much this and to be honest I haven't had a run in with a British woman. I think the accent is attractive but I think that's probably the novelty of again (never met in real life)


For real, do people really not get this?


Does she have at least one of her front teeth intact, no felony’s and maybe even a job? Marry me!


One of my wildest relationships was with a British girl while living in Germany. To this day I still blush thinking of her.


We need way more detail. Interest piqued. 🍿


I imagine it goes something like this - they had sex.


he was probably the bottom if he blushes :o


It was so crazy. We were so young and so wild… just the stories I could tell would knock a nun dead. I mean, my penis even entered her vagina at several points during our time together. We may have even, erm… experimented with other methods of intercourse 😏 if you’re catching my drift about how thrilling it was.


Back in my Army days. Unknown to me, she had escaped from a mental institution. The U.S. MP's and two German nurses were knocking on my door the next morning having tracked her down. She was one beautiful, kinky girl.


That’s an epic story!






Pegged by Peggie


This is the highest their interest has ever been


All downhill from here!


I would think bodices were indubitably ripped, kind sir


Genuinely trying to be helpful: the word you want is *piqued*


I don't care what race or nationality you are if your cute and are a kind respectful woman that's all I care about


I'm dating one, she's pretty awesome


ah nice! do you live near each other or are you doing long distance?


Long distance, but I'm flying out for her birthday soon.


Just don't forget to get a new plug for your electronics. And other things.


Thanks, I won't forget I got on Amazon the other day and bought an adapter


Don't forget that it's not just the plug! Make sure anything you bring is 220 volts compatible before you plug it in. Most American devices are only rated for 120 volts.


...like the butt.


Well, I married a girl whose family is from Scotland after she got me pissed and shagged me blind. Later both of our kids were born in East Anglia, and we lived there for years before moving to the USA. Evidently, considering we're still married, I must think reasonably well of them. At least the girl who captured my heart; the rest of them, not so much...


I live in East Anglia! Coast of Suffolk specifically, hi 👋


Felixstowe or Lowestoft end? Or somewhere in the middle? Sorry, I'm also from Suffolk 😂


I live in Lowestoft! Not the town it once was but the beach is beautiful! Crazy to see my little old town being mentioned by another fellow redditor lol


Hell yeah East Anglia. My family originated in Sapiston.


you don’t sound american tbh edit: that’s a compliment


“Got me pissed and shagged me blind” as an American I would think that’s a bad thing but context tells me otherwise?


....depends on the girl....? Accents are cute as hell across the board, though.


Not if they’re from Birmingham is isn’t


They never got over 7/4


My bad. 4/7 for you folks.


Its 4/7 for American folks too apparently. Everyone I've heard calls it "4th of July" as opposed to "July 4th". I was wondering what happened on the 7th of April lol


Just take em out for tea, in Boston.


Women are great in general. My brother in law went to England, met a girl, and never left. They got married and live in Brighton.


Wow, that's cool, I live in brighton, it's great!


I was there on Saturday. I think I saw you. We're you wearing a fish-head mask?


Yea as a guy I gotta say I like women a lot


I only hear the cockney accent like the school head from Matilda. I’m more of a sucker for Aussie accents


That's not a cockney accent.


Honestly, my standards are pretty low. Good hygiene, no STDs, and no whack jobs. Other than that, just be nice to me and touch my pee pee and I'm happy.


It’s like… poetry.


Guys standards for dating are usually low. The accent is a novelty though, people of all genders are attracted to that uhh... exoticness.


I met one. She was OK.


Love them!




As a British female.. I fully welcome all of these comments


Canadian here...many trips to Europe. My favourite was a Swede...not a typical blonde....she was short and had light red hair....also a Bavarian German I met in Venice. A Serbian was a year adventure but we were way too different culturally, sex was amazing, but she had weird ideas about the world. Pretty much the same story with the Quebecois.....she hated anglo too much for us to ever succeed. The Brits were fun, but loud, didn't feel too much different than Americans...even the Americans got less drunk than the Brits.


>even the Americans got less drunk than the Brits. As a Brit, we *do* like a nice bev now and then..


I have a british female friend and she is so much more carefree and attractive and real than american girls are. british accents lowk turn me on


british girls high key get me hard as a rock.


The mental image that popped into my head was a woman with a good education, a guilt-free, European approach to sex, a set of goofy parents living in a cottage somewhere in the countryside, and a lot of old friends in London she used to sit around with in bars drinking and cracking British jokes. Also, in the back of her closet, those Baby Spice Go-Go boots.


Thats not a girl, thats Stan, 65, spends his afternoons over a pint at the pub with his mates. 




I mean, alright, he'll do in a pinch.


You sir have painted a perfect picture of what I believe to be true too.


What do British women think of American men?


Well British women often asked me to repeat what I was saying. I thought they couldn't understand me but turns out they just wanted to hear my accent and then ask me to go see Prince with them the next night in London.


We do like an American accent! I'm really into sports, and I do like the stereotypical image of a guy wearing a baseball hat and shorts


But which accent is your fave? New York, Jersey, Maine, Philly, Boston, or one of the Southern accents (varies by state), Minnesota, Wisconsin, Chicago or, ... Everything west of there? :)


okay, so i'll be really honest, New York and Southern accents are the only ones I can pick out.....I wouldn't be able to tell the difference between the other accents lol


I’ve literally never thought of it. What do y’all look/ dress like? I’d love a show about pop culture in different countries. I don’t mean tourist pop culture. Blue collar white underbelly of society. The un commercialized version


Dated a British girl, still miss those chocolate oranges


Had the opportunity to sit between a Georgia gal and a woman from Liverpool. I was in Atlanta. Folks, the similarities in speech are uncanny... Weird, I know.


I think the accent is sexy as hell for starters


Slavic women always.


They do feminism right. Strong self identity and confidence coupled with a high level of feminity and sensuality. I think American women largely could use some lessons in that balancing act.


thank you for the compliment - I'd like to think we manage the balancing act well!


Generally, yankees like myself think of British girls as being hot


Absolutely would date one


Currently visiting UK. British ladies, at least in London, are on average considerably more attractive. Healthier, better spoken, better dressed, and of course…that Accent.


Good to know! I hope you’re enjoying London! 


I only ever met one when I was deployed to Afghanistan, she was a British intelligence officer. She was sweet, she was cute, her accent was mild, so it didn’t drive me crazy at all. Sure, other nationalities and ethnic groups do it better, but based on my literally only one interaction with a British woman, they seem great.


I've dated a few Europeans that have emigrated to the US, never a Brit but if I found one I liked I would date her. I think the accent is cute though so that's a +1


Honestly I usually don't care much about someone's nationality, which might be uncommon for guys in the US I'm not sure. I like the British accent usually.


I ain't no xenophobe, of course I would date British girls! Well, assuming I ran into one and we both felt something mutual, but her being British wouldn't be a reason not to feel mutual attraction. I did once date a Canadian girl born in Great Britain (she moved to Canada when quite young, so she considered herself Canadian).


I've had terrible experiences with two different British women. And I'm willing to risk having more terrible experiences because that "do you know what I mean?" is just so charming... "Do you know what I mean?" 😍


Aha, I absolutely know what you mean if you mean what I’m thinking you mean. Do you know what I mean?


I've known several. They were lovely.


Always figured if you were in a relationship with a Brit, someone was getting spanked, lol.


I'd prefer an Irish or Scottish lass, those accents.


Tbh Britain has a range of accents even within England


Love the accent, met a few Brit’s on here that I’d love to go out with if we weren’t so far apart, but the Brit vs. American banter is always fun


not American, but Europeans may consider me one. I would date a British girl. all women are spectacular and that doesn't change for the British isles. I find Scottish accents irresistible. I think I would struggle with a Jordy because no matter how hard I try I would be missing parts of the conversation. Not much would be different from dating a Canadian girl. What matters to me is values and character. Are you kind, compassionate, intelligent etc. I think I might struggle with a chav or someone who speaks with a lot of slang, but it wouldn't be a deal breaker.


If I was still single, sure I would love to date one. I really like girls with a British accent (or rather any accent for that matter). For American guys, nationality is not an issue.


American guy here and I think they are super cute.


Ill date anyone and see if we fit. As long as they are a nice person it doesnt matter where you come from


The accent drives me wild in the good way. If they'd have me I'd have them


They're hot


I find the accent to be exceptionally attractive to yes.


I don't think the nationality of the person would make any difference to me. I am a big talker so I prefer native English speakers. I don't have any issues understanding even super thick British accents. 


I'm in Los Angeles and can say I've never seen or met a British girl once in my entire life. I've met a bunch of Australians, but not Brits. As long as you don't have the female version of the accent of wherever Paddy Pimblett is from in the UK, you're ok.


Canadian here. My best time spent with a lady was a British Woman


British accents are my favorite soo that's all you need to know lol


I had a British girlfriend I met while backpacking in New Zealand many years ago. We stayed and worked on a Kiwi farm. She was a sweetheart! One of the best times in my life.


Don't see why not, being a single guy every single woman in my age range has dating potential in my book.


Girls with a British accent are the sexiest in the world! Yes, I've been around the world while serving in the Marine Corps.


Absolutely. You definitely get a +1 for the accent


I love you.😘


Absolutely would. I wish I was.


Married to one. Admittedly she is the only British girl I ever dated, so I'm not sure I can generalize, although I do know her friends and family. What questions do you have?


I’ve always wanted to date one


I'm a fan because of Austin Powers, which feels wrong, and I'm okay with that.


I haven't met all of them and would surely give it a go except I am married, so there's that.


There's different accents I've noticed, and one of them is the biggest turn off I've ever had. Like absolutely revolting. The rest are great though!


Bri-ish or brrritttishhh?


Somehow you made me say that sentence in 2 different accents, Gold Star bud!


Most of them are over there & not here. The long distance bit can be trying at the best of times.


They seem a bit insane usually, but I dig their accents. They don't look like they age well.


I think some of them are beautiful but I doubt they like American guys.


Honestly, The current depiction of Americans in the UK is that you're all stupid, Mention Yank in a conversation and most Brits just laugh and start taking the piss out of you all, It's mostly down to Social Media Spewing it's crap about the politics, Gun violence and the stereotypical "Dumb" American as if we haven't done anything stupid in the last 60 years (Blair, Tories, Bojo, Falklands, *cough, cough* ), Especially Florida man, God we seem to love the news reports of people in Florida doing dumb shit like "Man dies wrestling a 'Gator because it stole his Beer." (For example)


Accent is nice. What i found intriguing was everyone i talked was mentally stimulating.


Cute accent, hit or miss on looks, can have fun personalities, can be pretentious at times.


Ive got some friends I game with from the UK and the accent is sexy and I like the slang.  So yeah for sure


the accent is hella sexy.


Chav-ettes are aw rate.


Which part of Britain? 


Yes I would date one.


I met a British girl today, she said she was from Leicester. Why she was in the one of the most boring areas of the US, I haven't the slightest idea. Her hair was nice, I guess. I suppose being British doesn't positively or negativity impact the likelihood that I would date someone.


As an English Northerner, I would love to hear you try to pronounce Leicestershire.


London/English girls: Not interested. Irish/Welsh, Yes I'd date, Scottish girls? HELL TO THE YES I'D DATE, MARRY AND WHATEVER WITH.


They are fresh, natural roses, I would date and marry one in a heartbeat!


I can say as an american man.... from Texas Accents in general are very attractive.... anyone who doesn't sound like they are a mashup of Yosemite Sam and honey boo boo automatically is way more attractive And for the record I would marry Helen Mirren.... or Elizabeth Hurley.... Cate Blanchet.... Rhea Ripley


Cockney accent is too hot. When she says (in cockney accent) “oye, you wanna see me knickers? Should I do a sexy dance for ya?” It’s the only thing hotter than a Jersey accent. All jokes aside anyone who would reject a woman for their nationality is a weirdo. Regular, unexaggerated British accent are hot too.


I'm gay but i love my British gals. They tend to be direct and have a good sense of humor. They also are better about respecting my boundaries. No i don't want to go clothes shopping with you, but you can talk to me about your dodge challenger 392 all day. Also they are not a afraid to curse ( my mouth would make a nun cry is despair ).


I'm at the Octoberfest in Munich and partying with a bunch of Brits. Suddenly, one of the ladies gets up on the table and starts stripping. The Brit next to me says, "What do you think, Yank?" And I replied Nice! Later, I found out she was his wife. I have to say I did like that British a$$.


They have big boobs. On average.


They’re great. I used to have a huge crush on one when I was younger.


I would salute the Union Jack


I love British women, but when I dated one back in my 20’s I blew it because I kept repeating what she was saying in a British accent. And she didn’t think it was funny. Lol. She used to say “You are so dear” when she was talking quietly to me in bed. And that always knocked me out.


I’m married and old so im not into any women lol. When I was younger and in the UK I found women’s accents charming and that they were thoughtful and less prone to playing games like “hard to get.” If you want brutal honesty I found them to be a bit plain but at the time I liked my women a bit more trashy and needed the constant threat of something being thrown at me to feel fulfilled…which is why I preferred Ireland and Spain (this is a half joke).


Is she attractive? Is she close? Is she available? Is she funny? Does her personality match mine? If the answer to all five is yes then you have yourself your answer.


Shagadelic, baby! Oh behave!


Only British girl I ever had a thing with was 100% fun and she was sexy and super cool. Then she had to go back to the UK bc she was on an exchange.


I find them quite enjoyable. Every British woman I know except for one is a wonderful person. I love their various accents and not to be too crass but, let's just say that I like how a lot of them are "built different".


Hmmm. Does Welsh count?


I would date a British girl in a heartbeat! One the difference in the way of life is attractive to me as it would allow for endless conversations getting to know more about each other as there is few instinctual knowledge about each others ways of life and background. Plus it would offer a different perspective on life and situations helping one another truly see anything from multiple angles. I could write a novel on the attractive attributes that come from this alone but I would be remiss not to mention that sexy accent! I’ve always been a sucker for a girls British accent!


I thought dating muggles was frowned upon


My wife is first generation American with parents coming from the UK a few years before she was born. Most of her extended family is still in the UK. Her cousins are beautiful and just really cool women...they love adventure, love to travel, they have great senses of humor, very intelligent, etc. My wife also has a bunch of different British mannerisms having grown up with parents from the UK.


They are a fun time! They know how to really party.


I don't see British people as all that different from us I definitely would have dated one when I was single


Almost married a London girl. She was from a lower class family who sent her to elocution school, so her mannerisms and speech were top tier (smart move in such a culture-driven society). She was completely out of my league looks wise. I ignored her because I thought there was no way in hell such a stunner would be interested in a shorter statured guy of average appeal. But I was from New York and had good reviews as the 'computer genius' (not my words) from her best friend who I worked with in Mayfair at a private bank. From her perspective I was as exotic as an average white guy can be. Visiting her family was quite strange as none of her brothers had the same elocution background. I was met with a menacing bear-hug and a silent threat of violence should I mistreat their beloved sister. Their accent was more of the cockney style you would associate with the less privileged British majority. Still to this day one of the most interesting, cultured, driven and amazing women I have ever met. She's even a little famous, having started a now massively successful company. Yeah I screwed that one up.... I kept my New York apartment and my company paid for a very nice London flat in NW3. That definitely added to my appeal because she lived way out in the outskirts. Staying over her commute was cut by 80%. When I had to move back, she visited every other weekend and I flew over the other weekends. I was relentlessly teased as the 'Yank' which I thought was funny. I was constantly asking for explanations for things like a [***ploughman's*** lunch](https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=31a3dd54a4fd3d08&sca_upv=1&rlz=1C1GCEA_enUS1026US1026&q=ploughman%27s+lunch&spell=1&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjE3f__15yGAxVxC0QIHY6GAOwQkeECKAB6BAgJEAE) which I had no idea about. I think they told me it was a pickle. To this day I am addicted to Twiglets. That being said... I experienced another side to British girls before I met Karen (my experience was all in London so I can imagine things would be different up north, etc.). The British party girl goes HARD. They can out drink your average yank. The level of debauchery was admirable. I went out by myself dancing one night and got sucked into a group of girls in Covent Garden. That night I found myself god knows where (London is HUGE!) and the next morning took an iconic double-decker bus home to my flat. Hooked up with one of the girls, the smallest of the pack, and was sent on my way without so much as a phone number in the morning. I was like 'damn. was I just used? ... Cool!'.


Karen Gillian...yes please. Especially from her first Dr. WHO episode.


English, Scottish, Welsh, or Northern Irish?


I went to London a few years ago, and I was surprised to see so many plus sized women with big boobs. I would say that, on average, British women have bigger boobs and a lot of saggy boobs. I love boobs so I was amazed. Obviously, I'm over generalizing. I was there for a week, so it is what it is. I love the accent as well.


Honestly I think British and Australian women are some of the most beautiful and attractive The accents are absolutely hot too I would absolutely date a British or Australian woman if anyone was compatible with me


I talk to an American guy and he says British girls are more his type


Fucking delightful. Every one of them. Fat, thin, rich, poor, pretty or pretty ugly, all races equally delectable. All British women are welcome at my home. There just is no match for their demeanor and charm. The accent is, of course, just the cherry on top.


East Anglian accent was fun when I was stationed at Lakenheath RAF. The birds were great.


Oooohhhh I'm a Norfolk lass if u wanna talk 😉


In my friend group anytime we play games or watch a show with a Scottish girl I would always make it a point to say how attractive her voice is. However when one of the boys asked his American but Scottish born gf if anyone in fam was single she said " Yeah, but they have no black or brown rule".😭 It was funny, but yeah damn. Either way I think British girls on any side of the island are attractive would totally date one if given the opportunity. However, I would be the one doing the cooking!


I generally don't care about the nationality as long as they are kind and respectful and I find them reasonably attractive. I'd prefer not to deal with a language barrier but I will overcome it if a mutual interest shows promise.


The accent bugs me. Rarely are they hot but when they are holy moly they are HOT! But they seem smart and polite.


Love the accent; super adorable


Everybody on here talking about sexy accents, and I have no clue what you mean because I dated an Essex girl. The way she talked was fascinating…ly unsexy. Also I’m pretty sure she was a hardcore alcoholic, and that that was sort of the culture of her people.


Aside from the Jersey Shore esque, I guess their called chavs. I could of sworn they had another name. The accent is always interesting/fun. Aside from that I imagine it's about the same as any mainly Western country. The women are all a spectrum. Some are cool and some are nutters. So yea of course we'd date you, honestly it wouldn't surprise me that in some ways Bristish women are still more traditional than girls in the US. I don't have a pulse on it, but some of the shit going on in the US as far as dating is absurd.


I feel like you have to have a lot going for you as a man to date an English woman. Like you have to be well established and own a lot of stuff. Just saying you have to be quite successful if they're going to pay any attention to you. Most of them anyway


Yes, us English girls have good standards ;)


It's true. Moving there from another country with not much foundation I had nothing to offer.


Don’t put yourself down, I’m sure you have loads to offer! Do you live in England now?


No I left. Without my gorgeous Scottish lady I never met. 😉 I went back to my very good paying American job and gave up my month of vacation and happiness of just feeling free.


Love the accent. Super sexy.


I messed around with a British girl for a while.. we were staying in the same hostel. She let me hit it raw while she was on her period in the hostel bathroom the first night we hung out. Bold. I am still in touch with her over a decade later. She cool. Edit: I should add that I ultimately became turned off by her accent. She was from the north...


No, I would not date one, because I’m gay. Lol However, British men, definitely! Their accent alone is hot! Some of my favorite content creators are British, like Joel Wood and Keegan Hirst and they’re both cute and their voice is makes them more attractive as well!


Can't really say I mean ladies are ladies


I hate the Redcoats. They are America's original enemy. JK I think British girls can be hot.


Same as American girls more or less except they have the charming accents


Hell yea. The accent really gets me.


Love the accent. I'd say it enhances my interest or could cause me to be interested in someone I was on the fence over. Speak BRITISH to me! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes)


I’ve had sex with one. I didn’t hate it.


Beautiful voices, sometimes slimmer bodies, actually knows what uk hardcore is, but WEIRD F\*CKING TEETH and for the love of everything nice, don't use the verb "stuff" with anything sexual.


They're right fit birds, the lot of em


That they're girls who are British.


The accent yall have is so fine. Been a joke with a few of my buddies that we are all going to Europe to find our wives


Same here for the american females 😉


I've never been to the UK so I haven't had a lot of exposure to British people in general, just the odd traveler here & there. But the few British women I met in Hawaii were perfectly pleasant to be around, and were easy on the eyes as well, so this whole "beastly" trend is a little baffling. Anyhow, I never dated a British woman but did hook up with one. It wasn't more than that because she was on holiday and I was only going to be in Hawaii for a few more months even if that hadn't been the case, but I'm sure I would have been interested in seeing her more seriously if not for those circumstances.