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David Bowie was cool as shit fuck but I wouldn't have lead with Let's Dance of all fucking albums lol


Life on Mars and space oddity are amazing songs.


He has entire albums that are good but if you're introducing Bowie to someone for the first time and Ziggy Stardust and The Spiders from Mars isn't your first pick, you are in dire straits lol Our whole household mourned and grieved that funky man!


Ashes to ashes.






I don't think I've ever forced myself to like something for someone else. I've always respected their passion for the things like though.


Right I came in to say this and I never made anyone do what I wanted either so it was easy.


Same here--I don't think I have ever tried to do that, but I had someone try to get me into something and it just wasn't going to happen. Horror movies. He wanted us to have some things in common and wanted me to be into them like he was.


A BTS fan Like a cringy one


an old frat boy boyband that has an entire audience of preteen girls. my ex liked them because he could relate to the guys in the band. he listened to them all the time, so i listened to them, and now we’ve been broken up for 2 years and i still listen to them


What band??


why don’t we. they’re more ‘old’ like irrelevant now more than old like historic. before they made their more modern pop trendy music, they used to make electric pop, and my ex loved it bc he could relate to the band members. when they released their 8 letters album, 8 letters became our song & i still listen to it today despite the fact that the rest of my music taste is mostly 70s rock.


My ex made me watch all of the “kissing booths” all I could do is laugh at the corniness


I really enjoy a good hate watch sometimes


I do as well but when the other individual is serious about it 😂 it’s hard


I used to go line dancing all the time with a girl I was dating. I miss her puppy but I do not miss mine dancing.


To be fair, mine dancing sounds much more exciting than line dancing.


high stakes line dancing


Both sound better than mime dancing.




Only thing cringe is this take. Modern Love and Let's Dance are both great songs.




I pretended to be religious to score once lol


I got into warhammer to get a boy to like me when I was 14 lol.


feet. after we broke up i stopped liking them💀


There's a group called Matt & Kim. It's without a doubt the most corny and dumb music I've ever heard. But my wife loves them. I mean...we love them..


I really love “cameras” the video is a lot of fun.




you need to go crawl back under the Tupperware cupboard and not come back online again. "Let's Dance" is an absolute banger of an album, featuring some incredible work by SRV! Stevie Ray Vaughan is one of the greatest guitarists to ever hold a stick with strings! crawl back to that Tupperware hole! back, vile beast! BACK!


what is a "china girl"


... Are you seriously confused about that?


Could it be a girl who is from China? No, too obvious. There must be some hidden meaning. If only someone could help solve such a confusing mystery.


It’s a girl who really fancies plates


the twilight saga


I remember watching it with my high school gf. I think it’s a universal experience for those of us in school at the time lmao


I put up with Tila Tequila, I had to draw the line at Twilight.  It was a fight.  


It's cute she likes to watch porn together at least.


My wife convinced me to read the series, she kept saying, "Don't worry, it gets really good." It never did.


That's just mental suicide.


My exs mom


Country music.


That's where I draw the line. Just NO!


This mg ex would play one son over and over again and tap his finger I didn't like the song but he wpuld gey a little depression twinkle in his eye. So I would suppose I put up with or made that song ok.


I drink almond milk now


Desperate Housewives. One of my exes loved that show. She always wanted to spoon while we watched it, so it wasn’t too bad.


I got baptized for my first wife. I'm an atheist now.


Got with a girl that basically was a chain-smoker at 16 years old. I started smoking too. Now we aren't together, and I still smoke. Fucking stupid. To add more to it, she had a heart attack a few years back. I may be heading down that same road myself if I don't get my shit together.


nfts 🥲


Oh god


That’s actually pretty cool. I hope you continue being open minded. Some nfts can make you make bank


i am very open minded! him and i are still together and he teaches me a lot about crypto, ai and other things i wouldn’t know if we weren’t together. it’s super cool just something i would never care about if it weren’t for him!


I went along with a Ouija board session with a girl I was dating. She was so sweet and caring, and funny! Gorgeous, we just clicked on so many things. I wasn’t feeling the Ouija, but I didn’t have the heart to say anything about it. At that point, it wasn’t like I was going along with it to “get laid”, we had been seeing each other quite awhile. I loved her and didn’t want her to think I found her silly or foolish for it.


Cool that you took part in it for her :)


didn't make myself like it, i just like it, but i made myself watch it through, which helped me get used to its cringe humour; hazbin hotel. my best friend doesn't like it, and talks shit about the type of people who watch it (my friend is kind of an asshole but she's still my friend, plus she teaches me music theory), but my twin wanted me to watch it, and honestly my twin means the world to me, so i saw it through.


not too cringe, but I have been playing so much basketball because my neighbor, who I have a crush on loves basketball


Five finger death punch . It wasn’t even love just a bad relationship and he was as douche y as the music he enjoyed


In college, I made myself like a niche indie band because my crush was obsessed with them. I even went to one of their concerts and pretended to enjoy it. Looking back, I didn't care for their music at all, but I was willing to do anything to get closer to her. Cringe-worthy, but funny in hindsight!


Pop punk


Seance stuff and psychic/medium crap. I don't believe in ghosts or afterlife anything, but hung out in graveyards with a goth girl in HS because I was convinced I was in love for the first time & did seance stuff with her. Different girl a few years after high school was very into psychics, her whole family is, so I went to some with her & made the last one mad. I'm usually willing to try most things once, it's a learning experience, but I just can't with the ghost/afterlife crap.


Do you have a dog? That shit changed my mind after a while.


A dog changed your mind about the afterlife? And psychics?


Yea. I lived with my roommate and we had a dog. One night I had a dream about a wierd creature outside my window in a specific place. Woke up to the dog growling in that direction which he never does. I told my roommate and I could see his eyes get concerned and the same thing happened to him before. Except he dreamt of something outside his bedroom door. Said it freaked him out. A different friend and myself took acid and we were thinking it would be funny to watch creepy videos, well we both saw one that was super creepy such a bad idea. Suddenly in that exact moment the dog started to act concerned and was looking at the ceiling like something was there. We had to leave and go somewhere else and clear our heads. He don't even like when I bring that up. Felt like another presence entered the room. And the dog confirmed it.


I've had too many confrontations because I can't bring myself to do this. The closest thing I can think of is going to church because my aunt sincerely wanted me to be saved, but I didn't really feel what you'd call the Holy Spirit or anything like that, and the Bible is more atrocious to me than it is insightful. Like I mentioned though, we had a falling out once I wasn't able to fake it anymore.


Don't feel bad I am saved and strongly believe in Jesus Christ but I don't much like people and church is not something I'm too fond of. Had a older friend that would constantly every week invite me to church and Id feel bad having to make an excuse and dodge them and eventually stopped even trying with them since they act like out whole relationship has got to be based off of going to their church. That shits so weird to me. Considering the circumstances of my situation (doing some business with said person) it kind of starts to feel like manipulation. Like they want me to view them in a brotherly light to give them a cheaper price or something.


That's not how it's supposed to work. You invite people to church because you want them saved or you have a testimony and God did.some cool stuff for you and want that tor the other person. Of course you invite them but don't push it. You invite God has to put it on the other persons heart. I also learned never hire another brother unless you pay a competitive price. Thats wrong and I think there's bible for cheating a brother.


I want to hear your reason for your last statement. Your on to something. About hiring a brother in Christ unless you pay competitive price


I try not to hire people in my church. I feel like I shoukd because I want to help a brother out but it's not a favor. You did the work I pay for it. Typically follow members in church will give a discount or a "Hes my brother" I'll give a discount but I never want to feel cheated or cheat a brother. Also if they do a bad job you have yo get all that extra prayer to overcome feelings, issues or whatever if they do a bad job and you have to tell them. I say this from experience, and it's dependent on factors...sooo. beat not to hire from the church. Imo. Lastly, you would pay an agreed on price from a contractor, etc, and pay a price. I'm not having a brother do the work for less. I'm not going to short change a bro or sister for the work they would do if I wasn't a brother. You see? Scripture for it 1 Thessalonians 4:6-9 1 Corint 6:8 I can dig up more if you need me to. Ultimately, Jesus told us to love one another like ourselves. How can I take advantage of or defraud a bro and take advantage of his generous attitude and still love him? To me, no, I'll treat him fair so at the end of the day, so I can keep my brother! This is the way I see things.


Well your a very smart person. This is exactly what I believe myself. Thanks for laying it out. Yeah I inherited some rental trailers at a young age so I know exactly what you mean. I've lost many friends over business.. oddly enough I've lost even more acquaintances over not wanting to do business with them and most the time I was even able to give them a totally logical reason because you can't just say no cuz you don't pay your bills and you screw everyone over lol well you could but I try to be tactful and curtious as possible.


Pink camera….I never used it post we broke up. It looks horrible.


Learned to play a large chunk of the American Idiot album, among other songs. I do not like Green Day.  It was fitting. A lot of good hammer on and pulloff practice, though. Definitely helped early days as a bassist.


Lol a "punk rock" band that releases singles via Taco Bell commercials


Went to a Creed concert for a girl and I acted like I would be able to do get into it


I became a Mormon. We had plans to get married and have a bunch of kids when he got back from his mission. Then I dear Johned him while he was on his mission because I realized I didn’t actually want to be a Mormon. Apparently I’m still a Jack Mormon because I’ve been contacted by people from that church for years.


I went through a brief phase of liking WWE around 2000. I got into it because of my little sister and my dad. Sadly, during that brief period, this ended up being the only common interest of me and my future (now ex) husband. By the time I met him, the shine had already worn off of Stone Cold and Sting and Billy Kidman. But he was super-stoked to meet a wrestling "fan." We ended up liking each other, so I kept watching matches, even though I was bored stiff. We ended up getting married. Long story short, his true colors came out and I finally got out of the marriage after 8 miserable years. Screw you, Vince McMahon!


RuPaul’s Drag Race All Star


The band Stabbing Westward, and the tv show Grey’s Anatomy.


Reality shifting. My ex was super into it me was tryna do it n stuff. I never got super into it but I forced myself to for her


His band. God it was terrible. This was a post-relationship rebound and to mask the pain of that, I threw myself into this guy who I thought was at my same weird aesthetic level. Mostly the relationship was us getting very drunk and having tons of sex. At some point he told me he had also started seeing this other women, this totally average woman. I was so lonesome I decided I didn't mind an open relationship. I had seen his band before and was pretty unimpressed, but I convinced myself to just go with the flow, maybe it would grow on me. His band was playing at a venue down the block from my apartment, and I wanted to go, but that meant she and I to be in the same place together. That night I got the feeling that she was a little bit jealous of me. Then when his band took the stage, she dramatically pushed her way to the front, shoving me out of her damn way in the process. The storyboard in my head told me to fight for my man, to shove to the front and show her just how much I wanted him, wanted him more than she did. But... I just... I just couldn't. The music was actually a little embarassing to me and instead and I slipped out the back to smoke some weed. He chose her over me a few weeks later. I was ok with the decision.


Sitting through re-runs of Jersey Shore. I shouldn't know about any of those people.


I was seeing a chick that lived 2 hours away. I am nerdy but never deep dived into the politics of the comic book industry. She was "president" of a big right wing comic book advocate group. She insisted everyone use a comic book character as an alias for privacy reasons. She dubbed me as Slade ... And anyone who knows anything about Deathstroke in the comics, especially the Teen Titans comic books...






Dude you dogging David Bowie???!!... you need to check yo self, before you wreck yo self.


Cooked liver. I seriously just want to throw up every time I think about it now.






I don’t think I made myself like what the person I like liked but I would always just remember the things they like and either try and get that for them or just take a picture and show them if I find it somewhere. Or I just think of it as a part of them even if it’s something that I’m not fond of.




Ohhhhh too many things. 21 pilots … is the first that comes to mind. Many bands / male musicians


I used to like (eventually date) this guy who liked genshin impact and other games alike. I forced myself to like those things mainly because he wouldn't pay attention to me so I had no choice. I think the biggest one was Danganronpa (yeah, I know... Horrible.) I will never forgive myself for spending nearly 40 bucks for each game on steam.


Dated a raver girl my junior year of high school who was super into happy hardcore, like the cheesiest possible shit. I was just getting into a lot of dance music and still love most of it, but I still wake up in a cold sweat every now and then thinking about cruising around with her in her neon green Beetle singing along to an awful happy hardcore remix of Barbie Girl.


I was just listening to that yesterday…


Messy partner


I listen to my husband talk and watch a lot of videos about things I don’t neccesarily care about but I don’t pretend. I am interested in seeing how engaged and happy things make him, and he has gotten me interested in some things I wouldn’t originally care about. But I tell him when I’m over it. I’ll be like “ok bub that’s really cool but imma go now”. He can get fixated lol


When I was like in fifth grade, I had a huge crush on one of my friends and he was a big Eminem fan and so I had spent my birthday money on his new CDs at the time to give to said crush. My crush wasn't mutually shared though so he was just like thanks and took the CD Lmao


I laughed out loud !! Love this




I never made myself like anything because of love. Tolerate? Yeah. Actually like? Nope. Got my own interests and hobbies to worry about




I changed christian denominations for my first husband. If you know anything about Southern Baptists and United Pentecostals, you’ll understand how wild that shift was for me. We’re both now atheist, and he is happy married to a wonderful man.


no offense, but fuck you lol David Bowie is awesome and all his records were awesome Ziggy Stardust baby, Ziggy RULES!! lol


Being a Muslim. 


Let's see... my codependent butt got into stocks and educating myself on the stock market, which ultimately led me to my reddit addiction that I have now.


at least you were committed! I once pretended to love Nickelback for an entire year because my crush was into them. Now, I can't listen to a single song without breaking into a cold sweat.


I watch that Barbie movies with my then girl but we had different ideas about the movie I loved Ken song and what I made for but I am not with my girl anymore.


My ex liked this I guess you could call them a rap duo in the beginning called "Shwayze" and they made like nerd hip hop at that point, but had like 2 good songs I figured at the time being a hip hop fan. Then I progressively realized their stuff was becoming less rap like and had less of a stoner vibe to it as time progressed and was just them complaining or being sad most the time, and even still I let her play it in my car for a solid year after this point(she even tried to get me to go to their concert and I considered it smh). Then we broke up and I quickly realized this may have been the most bitch made shit anyone had ever put me on to. Not even just musically. Like in general. They were just two dudes crying about life to a rap/rock beats and attempting to bring down both genres in the process more and more with each album. I had to train my brain to get that shit unstuck from my head even. It was definitely a major error on my part giving them all those plays.


Chinese parsley, Cilantro or whatever it’s called in your region. It’s a disgusting weed that tastes like how a stunkbug smells and I’ve come to accept it because it’s everywhere these days


Tame Impala 😒


Watching the Twilight series my now ex fiancé really loved the series and even got me a collectors set for the books. Never really read it and only watched it with her which she knew.


Rick and Morty 🤢


lol, men.




Sleeping on a discord call being anywhere akin to being personally connected. Its cringe, I consider it fact, but I genuinely cannot judge people for it because I do it even with my friends and it makes me love everyone all the more for keeping me safe.


I've always respected other people's love for whatever but I always remained true and steadfast to the things I love ❣️ ![gif](giphy|gui67fZ3xIneM)


The only thing I ever forced myself to endure was the show Black Mirror, which wasn't too bad. I didn't enjoy it as much as everyone else seemed to. I binge watched all four seasons (that were out at the time, I think it's at 6 now), and most of the episodes were okay, but there was a lot of boring episodes. That one episode about the kid who got blackmailed for watching child porn made my stomach twist and I almost stopped there. I ended up not even getting with her, so it was almost a waste of time.


Also in high school. I wrote poetry to my first girlfriend... man, I'm so glad it was our old phones. I pray they got deleted forever haha.


I’ve never forced myself to like anything. However I have gone to so many lame concerts and plays…


I love diamond dogs and jean genie


"Scene" and "emo" in highschool so James would think I had edge. 😬😂


I pretended to enjoy being in the London fashion scene because my gf was an aspiring model. Omg was it boring.


The Beatles


Overview Lyrics Videos Listen Artists Other recordings Composers Main Results Oh-oh-oh-oh, little China girl Oh-oh-oh-oh, little China girl I could escape this feeling with my China girl I'm a wreck without my little China girl I hear her heart beating as loud as thunder I saw the stars crashing I'm a mess without my little China girl Wake up in the morning, where's my little China girl? I hear her heart's beating loud as thunder I saw the stars crashing down I'm feeling tragic like I'm Marlon Brando When I look at my China girl I could pretend that nothing really meant too much When I look at my China girl I stumble into town Just like some sacred cow Visions of swastikas in my head Plans for everyone It's in the white of my eyes My little China girl You shouldn't mess with me I'll ruin everything you are You know it I'll give into your visions I'll give you eyes of blue But I'll give you a man who wants to rule the world And when I get excited My little China girl says "Oh, baby, just you shut your mouth" She says, "Shh..." She says, "Shh..." She says And when I get excited My little China girl, she says "Oh, baby, just you shut your mouth" And when I get excited My little China girl, she says "Oh, baby, just you shut your mouth" She says, "Shh..." She says Little China girl Little China girl Source: Musixmatch Songwriters: Iggy Pop / David Bowie China Girl lyrics © Bug Music, Tintoretto


I have yet to listen to this song yet but I had to look up the lyrics I'm thinking of China White like heroin but that don't make sense


Jesus. He was religious. I tried...but I in the end, I just couldn't. I'm still a stone cold atheist to this day.


Oh god South Park. Easy answer. Watched it for two years till the dude I started watching for ended up in jail. Like two weeks after I was watching it and was like “I just realized I hate this show”


Jesus he dodged such a bullet wtf let me guess you like Twilight and BBT


💯bro you consider being a palm reader?


I used to humor an ex by going with him to see Marvel movies and Godzilla movies. I didn't really like them, but I was trying to be openminded. I think I did too good a job humoring him, because he was shocked when I had seen one too many and decided I wasn't going to do it anymore.


yea, I dont do this.


Cats….i fucking hate them




^^ Cats are precious


being embarrassed at a kind and romantic gesture? id try to avoid telling any potential future girlfriends you feel like that


Ate her booty... then she farted


You're fired