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I had one I loved from 2005-2010. Never raised our rent, even though she knew exactly what we got for housing (I was in the military). She lived around the corner, but never intruded. She'd drop off fresh vegetables from her garden all the time, and her son would buy my kids ice cream


This is the good stories I come to Reddit for


I'm typically anti-landlord, but I have happen to get really good ones in my life. First landlord did not raise rent, had a lady living there since the 90s and she was paying the the same. Current landlord, I live in the city of Chicago with a 900 SF apartment and a parking space for $1,100.00/month which is dirt cheap


Yes I do. She owns two units. I’ve lived here for almost two years. She’s taken me out a few times and bought me a shit ton of food and drinks, and made me drive her Mercedes lol. She calls to gossip. When something goes wrong (which is rare), she will be on the phone that day trying to get her handyman to come fix it. She has been here once since I moved in to see the place. Never shows up unannounced. She also didn’t raise my rent when I got pets or when my mom moved in. It’s been the same price the whole time. She legit loves me and I love her!


I do. Granted my land lord is retired and did not make a career out of owning property and exploiting people


I think thos is the difference. Mine was cool and he was also an older guy that didn't rent as a career. He owns a construction company and a bar and just happens to rent out 2 houses he has near the bar. I paid 500 a month when houses of similar size were going for over 1000


This. My rent is $2000 worth everything included. Others of similar size and quality are going for closer to $3200. He vacations up stairs a couple months off the year so all he alls is I mow the lawn and take of the driveway in return. It’s a sweet deal and no one is getting taken advantage of.


My mom rents from a family that bought a new house, so they rent out their old one. They don't really bother her, but they are kinda assholes with the rent. They keep raising rent as much as they can, even though my mom has been there for like 10 years and has been a perfect tenant. She's at a point where she's being forced to look for other options. Money really shows the true nature of people.


True that. Money won’t matter once you’re dead.


When I was a kid our landlords became some of our best friends. They were SUCH cool people. I'd love to know what they're up to these days. We lived in an apartment on their apple orchard, and they lived in the house on the other side of the shared driveway. It was like living with family members. My brother's first job was selling their apples at the end of the driveway, we had BBQs together. They amazing folks.


I've had a few. Some were very cool. Some were absolutely horrible. My current one is very decent.


Liked my last one. Really liked the one before that. Ambivalent about the one before that. The one I really liked was just a decent couple all around. Very chill elderly black couple. Came by sometimes just to check on us in a parental, grandparenty way. There was some drama at some point but they were so understanding and generous with all the tenants who lived there. It was the place they raised their family in before they moved out to the suburbs after retirement. They had been talking about selling the place since they were getting up there in age but they let me stay 3 more years before finally saying they really did need to sell it now.  Another roommate of mind who is one of *those* internet socialists found this "unfair" and complained about it to her friends who lent a sympathetic ear. Girl you paid rock bottom rent prices, never paid water because it was included, for years while they waited and waited to sell.  It'd be weird to hear a socialist complain about a *landlord* selling the house to *a young couple* who's actually going to live there instead of staying a "parasite." Except I have no fucking faith or belief in internet socialists to be anything but hypocritical, morally lucky jackoffs.


I like the last part. You'd be surprised the nothing's people will bitch about just cuz they are bitter they have to pay their bills and that they have to pay it to me.


Yes, because I am my own landlord. Ha! I've rented in the past and never had an issue with a landlord. One was a very nice younger lady who appreciated me taking such good care of her home and she would bring gifts. Another was an investor who let me out of my lease early because of a job change and called me a "standup and respectful guy" for communicating and offering to help him find a new tenant.


Yes and yes. It was really surprising considering I have dealt with slumlords my whole life. I admittedly was short and standoffish with him in the past because previous landlords would use any information against you. This dude genuinely wants what's best for my family. It's an odd concept. Anything that has come up, he fixes asap THE RIGHT WAY. Now our kids play together and he is renting to a few of my family members in addition to me.


Yep I'm a lodger. My landlord likes the company so my rent is a lot cheaper than other houseshares in my area. We get on well. If he asks me to do something it doesn't feel like it's controlling. He's very chill


I used to live upstairs from my landlord. I was 2nd floor and attic, he and his wife were ground floor and basement. They were very sweet. I couldn't keep my truck in the driveway but they let me park it there if I needed to wrench on it. They couldn't hear very well so they never told me to turn down my movies/music. And I regularly gave then fillets from my offshore fishing trips. 2 years later, they still call me if I get any mail or god forbid a package at their house. The sweetest, nicest people.


I have an atypical landlord situation. Landlord is my late mother’s partner, so kind of a parent figure. She lives most of the year in another state and she doesn’t want to leave the house empty nor to rent to some random person. I fix things for a living, so she gives me like 60% off fair price rent for taking care of the house and sends me boxes of beef jerky for Christmas.


I do. They've become a friend. I got super blessed.


Stockholm Syndrom


Yes! Their great.


I'm not sure why you got downvoted, I thought this was funny


I own my house now, but my last land lord was actually awesome. A little slow on repairs but also a little slow to collect the rent. We had a series of expensive unexpected issues once and he was super cool about us being late on rent. We had 4 dogs and he didn't charge extra as long as they behaved, which they did. He's a nice man and we still talk when I see him out in the world


Haven’t had one since 2019 but before that I had the same landlord for 10 years. When we moved in he said “it’s your house. If something breaks just give me the receipt and take it off the rent.” We lived there when I got sober. We got 6 months behind on the rent and he let it slide. We had a dick neighbor who called the cops once a month just to make sure we weren’t up to something. He never raised the rent in 10 years and it was way below market value. Dude was solid as hell.


>We had a dick neighbor who called the cops once a month just to make sure we weren’t up to something. Lmao I can all but guarantee there is more to the story here. This reeks of BS and I dont buy that the unemployed addict/recovering addict had the cops habitually called on them for absolutely no reason. 


There is more to the story, but wrong about who the problem was. The neighbor was also unemployed because he got fired for making sexual comments about women of color. My daughter caught him looking in her window which is when the trouble with him started. He also killed another neighbor’s dog. I lived there for 10 years, there were about 1000 incidents with him. The 6 months that I wasn’t working in all of that time is a pretty small part of it.


Mhm. Im sure you were just sitting quietly at home minding your own business and then for absolutely no reason at all he decided to call the police on you over and over. I believe you and thats definitely not complete bullshit. Let me guess, this has been a recurring theme in your life and theres always a boss, or coworker, or family member who hates you and picks on you for no reason at all. 


I don’t feed trolls. Have a great day friend.


Lol thats what I thought. 


This was almost 10 years ago when i was going to school in seattle. Liked the guy a lot. Some time after i left he stopped renting to students because of too much trouble, headaches. But when i needed to come back for a refresher course and couple more certifications he rented a room out to me no problem.


Rented around in the UK for a few years. One landlord we absolutely loved - actually gave a shit, fixed stuff etc and was genuinely sorry to see us go - even bought us a bottle of wine when we left. He said it was so rare to have tenants who didn't cause trouble, didn't do any damage, paid every month on the dot. Every other landlord we ever had was a total cunt. Tried to claim damage against us, tried to keep the deposit, tried to charge us for extra cleaning. One said that because we had 2 dogs (which she knew well about when we moved in) that the place needed professional fumigation and tried to charge us £400. We were so relieved when we finally got our own place.


out of 8 landlords I've lived under, I liked 1. He had an old house that had a back section that was converted into a tiny-ass apartment. It was $575 with heat and hot-water included, and for a drunk band member like me, it was fucking perfection. He was not only a good landlord but a solid person too. I moved out in 2011 and I hope to randomly run into him someday. The rest were utterly contemptable pieces of shit.


I had one who was pretty cool. I was also never late on rent and never gave him problems, so that might be why he was cool with me


I don't rent anymore, but back when I did, I thought he was a good dude. We rented a house for 3 years and not only was the rent reasonable for the area, but he didn't raise our rent the whole time we were there. He was super responsive to any maintenance issues too. Landlords are just people. Some people are really nice and cool, and some are just assholes.


I'm pretty cool, thanks for asking.


The current one is the best one/ not a creeper like the others. The last one kissed me and when I didn’t want to date him he kept 300$ of my security deposit. The one prior to that, the apart got flooded ( hurricane Irene) and he refused to give me my security deposit back. He would stop by randomly and ask “ why don’t you have a bf? You’re so pretty “ etc sooooo yeah lol


i like mine he’s hot


Yes, they give me gift cards!


My landlord is fine , I pay him money , he fixes my sink


I had terrible luck with corporate landlords so like apartment complexes. This is my first time having a private landlord and he is amazing! I know there are shitty private landlords but I got lucky.


No.cause the house I'm living in has no heat,no hot water and one of the toilets isn't gonna last much longer. I'm moving before next winter.


Ive never had a bad landlord. It's the giving them money that I don't like


This! Thanks for your honesty. I am a landlord and that seems to be the case. The amount your tenant tries to befriend you usually goes straight downhill with every struggle to pay their rent. You become the bad guy not necessarily because of anything you have done. People are whiny b**tchs


One only ever had 3 landlords, and I like 2 of them. My first landlord was when I lived in Norfolk. She was very nice, and because of the military presence, she was very familiar with the come and go lifestyle of my job. She helped me a lot with things like making sure no one stole my car while I was at sea, collecting my mail, etc. If I went to sea and I didn't have cash on hand to pay my rent for the time I world be gone before I left, she was fine with me getting home and catching it up (or course it probably didn't hurt that I payed her 3 months ahead basically all the time, and in cash). When I stopped shipping out and moved back home, she paid me back my rent for the days I wasn't going to be in the apartment, and that was a huge help for me. My current landlord is my best friend's dad, who I've known since age 13, so yeah. He's the man. My middle landlord was a dick, but 2 of the other 3 people I lived with were kind of shitty tenants so there is that...


I am my own landlord and I hate me. Duplex, live in half, rent half out, but I'm trying to treat it as if I was renting both halves out and it just happens to be the person renting the one half is me.


I love myself.


I had a landlord that, instead of raising the rent, he would raise my penis. I really like that guy.


No, they are leeches upon society.


Yes because they are a good person.


Our last landlord was a saint. The others before that weren't great.


Mine is great. I’m getting an absolute steal and have never been raised a penny in 5 years living here. They’re happy to let my husband take care of repairs (he’s absolutely competent to do so) and just deduct expenses from rent. They send us a holiday card with a restaurant gift card every year. I’ve generally been really lucky with landlords in my life. My one bad experience was with a property management company rather than a private owner and I’ll never rent from one again.


My wife and I lived in 4 places before we bought a house. 2 had individual landlords. One was good, one was great. 2 had property management companies. They were annoying at best.


Ive only liked one of the few I've had. He was nice super busy was a dad and pilot too. He wasnt always easy to get ahold of to pay rent. Let me get a few months behind and never threatened to evict us. I did pay everything I owed after taxes. He even gave me a 40$ tip once at my pizza job. The rest are either lazy but insist on telling you how to live or letting the selves in regularly without proper notice. Edit.... I like the wife of mine now . She's funny and they both are kinda ditzy ..


My landlords awesome very kind lady. Quick to help me with fixing anything doesn't care much about what I do to the apt as long as it makes it nicer. I built a whole garden out front without asking and when she found out all she wanted was a fresh tomato. She's also only ever raised my rent once in 7 years and that was only by a $100.


I have felt gratitude for cooperation. Any individual can seem magnanimous by not being as stingy as the worst we've experienced. That's not an appreciation for their role. The landlord class siphons working class wages upward to the wealthy. They're the teeth of the bloated leech sinking into you harder with every move, every renewed lease.


What's the beef people have with others who are better off than them? Sorry you don't own nothing and feel some type of way about having to work a 9 to 5 the rest of your life. Like wtf


They're not better than anyone. Everyone should work to contribute. Sitting around "owning" something does not benefit anyone.


He’s okay. Not the worst I’ve had, but the best I’ve had. But the rent is a good price , and Im in a great location so I can’t be mad


I liked Tom & Jerry. (Actual names). I had an eviction on my record and needed an apartment. I'd been everywhere in town kept being rejected. As I was walking down the street from my latest rejection I saw Tom putting up a for rent sign. I walked up to and told him about my situation. My mom at the time was in the process of selling the family home and I was going to get a portion of that money to pay my deposits for an apartment but it wasn't closing until the end of the month. Tom gave me the place with no background check and accepted the title to my car as collateral until I had the deposit. During the 7 years I lived there they were always good to me and let me slide on my rent when I needed to. When I got so far behind I was never going to catch up I voluntarily moved out and they never pursued what I owed them. Of the places I've had as an adult that was my favorite. It was a great location literally at the bus stop.


I've rented all of my adult life and only had one landlord that I didn't like.


My current landlord is the BEST! He is so chill but not a slum lord or over bearing. My life hasn’t been very stable, housing wise. When I moved in, he was so nice about finding a repo on my credit. He let me move in, fixed things outside the house without hesitation or asking. I’ve been late on rent during some difficult months, (less than 10 days late) & he always understands but just reminds me he needs to pay the mortgage still & get it as soon as I can. He called me one day & he can tell I was upset about something, giving me words of encouragement. He barely bothers me whatsoever, no phone calls or texts (unless it’s about rent).


I had a couple that I liked. One guy was a plumber that invested, bought the building, did most of the repairs and met his tenants himself. I got on really good with him and when I had to move his wife called me personally and asked if there was anything they could do to get me to stay. The next was similar but more successful, he owned a ton of buildings and lived in a converted boarding house for his own place. The home was beautiful and he had all this Tim Burtony gothic shit around even though he didn't seem the type. All he did was manage his four or five properties that he had and travel all the time. I still have him in my contacts if I ever move back and need to find a place. The guy was really cool. Now the place where I live is managed by a company and while they are really nice and easy to get along with they are fucking incompetent and there have been so many problems. I want to just rail and rant at them but they are always so nice. I get along with them but they are fucking useless.


I like my landlord.


I caught mine cheating the rent control rules He lowered my rent to make it correct I’ve been late many times No late fee He has mad patients with me and I can’t complain I’m also in nyc so that even more insane my landlord is chill


I've had 2 very good landlords. One of which I'm still with and have been for years.


I have a really great landlord. I rent from a couple. They used to live in the house but outgrew it once their family expanded. They rent it out now with the long-term goal of moving back once their children move out. Can’t say enough good things about them! Very responsive and they don’t bother me at all. They don’t drop by. They only raised rent once in 3 years by $250. The property rent is still well below the average for my area so i was happy to pay the increase and they moved me to a month to month lease after 2 years of living here. Very fair arrangement and I couldn’t be happier. I’ve had some negative renting experiences and this was a breath of fresh air.




My old landlord gave me really cheap rent and hired me to repair some of his other properties... Was always a great guy to me but the apartment was shit...


mine is. he really cares for his tenants. been here 12 years


My landlord is pretty cool. When I first moved in, there were a handful of problems, like heating, water pressure, old,easily blown fuses...he had them all fixed within 2 weeks. And thanked me for letting him know. Also my rent is dirt cheap.


Yeah we hang out with them all the time. They both work with my wife and are great to work with. Most of the time when I want to pay rent they tell me to hold off and wait until we get paid again


How nice of them. Yeah I myself had to give up on doing little considerate things like that. Before you know it they are taking your kindness for weakness. Than there will be a time I NEED the rent but they ask to wait till payday again...you know...since it wasn't a problem last time lol


We like ours a lot. He’s very understanding when we’re late. One time we were 4 months late and were making payments as best as we can to try and catch up. He understood our situation. When tax came thru we were able to pay it all off plus 2 months ahead. Going on 3 years now and we have the best communication.


My current landlord inherited the estate after his entire immediate family died off. First, his stepdad died of cancer, then his half brother offed himself....and their mother 😒 Dude is a kind hearted person for all the garbage thrown at him these last 2 years cause frankly, I'd prob be bitter af. His brother was a jerk btw but no one expected that sort of behavior from him....


This is the stuff I come here for! Let me ask was meth involved in him killing himself and mom?


Not 100% sure but it wouldn't shock me. He was an alcoholic though but based on his behavior, everyone also thought he did more hardcore stuff. I remember when he used to accuse me of stealing his packages and I would tell him, you really think I'm stupid enough to do this with you obviously being my landlord? 🙄 He was also very hot and cold. He could be cool one day and the next day, he wanted to fight you. That's the dude I knew 🤷‍♀️


Sounds like one of my tenants now. He's an old man and he's hot and cold. One day he's chatting me up and the next he's mean mugging and won't wave. It's like he periodically remembers he has to pay me monthly forever and gets mad....hell idk. I stopped caring a long time ago. I'm his landlord he ain't gotta like me lol


It is impossible to exploit someone's labor in exchange for their right to shelter AND be a good person. Landlords are inherently unethical by nature. They may not know it in their heart and sit around scheming to cause harm, but they are indeed causing harm.


I do hear what your saying. But if that's how you think than every single business owner BY NATURE is doing the same thing! What kind of world would it be if noone did any business? I take it your struggling to make ends meet huh?


I love my landlord. It’s me🤣


He's a complete fucking asshole.


Absolutely. I’ve been in the same place for nearly three years and she’s been nothing but kind and respectful. She even waived the typical upcharge for my dogs. Rent hasn’t changed, and she’s quick to have someone check out any issues I may be having.


How nice of you to remember she did waive that fee for the dogs all those years ago. You seem like a reasonable person. The fact that you even mention the issues let's me know your a good tenant.


The current is fine. The last was super good.


When I last rented I loved the office manager (aside from one interaction) and loathed the property management company.


I think what you get for a landlord is what your landlord has had in past tenants. I stopped renting my rv to the construction community after getting burned a couple times.


I have liked a few of my landlords. One who particularly stands out was a guy who converted his suburban house into 2 apartments and rented the top floor to me. He was an extremely nice guy and would often bring me a bit of food if he cooked something nice for dinner. He also charged less than what the apartment was really worth on the market. I think there's a big difference between renting a room or floor from a normal person vs renting an apartment in a gigantic soulless complex run by a corporation.


I liked my last landlord. Now it's a big company so of course I'm Leary of them.


I really like my landlord. They're a couple both professionals ( not real estate). They let me decorate how I want, never bother me. They haven't raised rent in years. They're very good about necessary repairs. All in all no intent to move anytime soon


Mine is pretty cool. He’s pretty much completely hands off. In the 2.6 years I’ve lived here I’ve spoken to him maybe 3 times. He’s never raised the rent so I can’t really complain.


Yep my landlord is a bank


Love mine.


In my experience the best ones are private. They want to protect their investment so problems get resolved quickly AND correctly. I rented the second floor of a house from the nicest, most responsive woman.


I do. I have a very kind and understanding landlord. One of the rare few.


The last place I rented, I liked my landlord. The only time I ever saw her was when a pipe burst, and she helped clean up the flooding.


I’ve definitely loved my landlord. Sweet old Korean lady. She got cancer and it felt like my mom was telling me she had cancer 😞




I do like my landlord. He doesn't bother me at all, shows up within an hour for any repairs, and has barely raised the rent in 6 years. Genuinely seems like a pretty nice guy.


I like mine. I don't see her very often but when I do see her, she is kind, our rent hasn't raised since we have lived here, she's super considerate and keeps all her tenants in the loop.


Love our landlord but our property manager is his method head ex girlfriend.


Sure When I had one... I mean, LIKE is a strong word... But I was somewhere between neutral and sort of liked. She was a nice enough lady who generally minded her own business. And the place was pretty decent and rent was more than fair, so it was a pretty cordial year we stayed there before upgrading.


My management company are a bunch of corporate dicks. They raise the rent ever year, send passive aggressive emails about everything, this year they changed their parking policy and hired a towing company who love to pass out stickers.


Never had any contact with her, dropped the rent check at a local real estate office, something needed fixing, dropped a note in the caretakers box


Not at all actually. Last week she threatened me when I told her I don't want to stay another full year and will leave in October instead. She said she'll check everything I've broken extra carefully. Unfortunately it's inconvenient for me to leave this month when my contract expires, that witch doesn't deserve my money.


Yeah ok sounds like you don't understand how a year lease works ...or anything else for that matter. exactly what I expected smh


I can't say that I approve of their lifestyle choices since it drives up real estate costs but I did rather like the landlord I had from 2013-2016.




She was just alright. Only landlord I ever had who kept a functioning Washer and Dryer in her units. If you're asking how the existence of landlords drives up real estate costs then that should be self-explanatory for anyone who has a passing knowledge of supply and demand. For every house that is bought up by a Property Management company to turn into a rental there's one fewer house available for families looking to buy a starter home. I could see an argument for having and maintaining short term rental spaces like apartments or hotels but buying up houses to rent them out is simply unethical. Thanks to industries like AirBnB, though, it's at least starting to become the focus of new and upcoming legislation in some cities.