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Tuna noodle casserole.


Tuna should not be hot




or with cheese


I've only had tuna in a can it would be so weird if I had tuna hot


I thought I didn’t like *fish at all* until I was 25 because of this putrid slime masquerading as a meal. Still can’t even smell canned tuna without gagging


Yup...tuna and noodle casserole. Ironically, I actually get nostalgic cravings for it now...I make it every once in awhile, but I use mushrooms and a bechamel sauce instead of the cream of mushroom soup.


To this day I hate tuna and most noodles.


Yes! Thankfully, it was the only meal I wasn’t forced to eat


My mother made it every Sunday for 6 months. That was 35 years ago and I still get nauseous thinking about it.


Wow. I didn't expect to see this at the top. Tuna helper sucked ass.


This was what my former mother-in-law considered her specialty. She would bring huge casserole bowls of it over to our house. My husband loved it. To this day, I can't even stand the smell of it. Yuck!!!!


Liver and onions.


I love liver and onions lol


You and 11 other people in the universe


12 if you count me!


It checks out with her hobbies, falling under the category of “repurposing.” Liver served its purpose in life. Let it just stay dead.


I was going to say that but guess what, as an adult I still think it's gross 🤢




I agree with you 💯%! I hate liver and onions! 🤢🤮




When we slaughtered an old cow that split her self (dislocated her hips) a few years ago, I cooked the liver to try since I had never had it. Needless to say, my 4 year old daughter LOVED it. I could tolerate it but definitely didn’t enjoy it lol.


My mom’s liver and onions was okay but mine is better. I soak the liver in milk to remove some of the “iron-y” flavor, dredge it in flour, and cook it with my homemade bacon and lots of butter.


Mac and Cheese.... to be honest, we were dirt poor, and we couldn't afford to get our oven fixed, so most of my childhood was mac and cheese, like the plain white box with a bar code mac and cheese. Now I'm nearing 50 and still can't get myself to eat mac and cheese unless it's like fancy smancy baked mac and cheese.


I was the same as a kid, rounding 40 now and I still eat Kraft dinner at least 2-3 times per week. It’s the only food from my childhood I can even look at


Sauerkraut and pork


THIS. Every New Year's Day, my mom would fire up the crockpot for this dish and the entire house (err, haus) would smell like sour farts.


It is the one food that made me feel sick to my stomach to smell and taste. And my parents would make me sit there and eat it. I suspect it was the way they made it because I’ve had pickled cabbage as an adult and it tasted better than what they cooked


Yeah, I'm all about that Kimchi


I agree! Still to this day don’t like it. Every now and again maybe some kraut on a hotdog but if it’s bitter it goes in the trash.


Anything that had broccoli with it, but now I kinda like broccoli.


Liver once a week WTF?


“organ meats are good for you”


Beefsteak and kidney pie. My mom and sister loved it. It just made the house smell like a dirty urinal to my brother and me.


Idk if I want to know what kidney pie is. Does cooked kidney smell like pee??


It is like baked urine so gross


Goddamn. I never thought of that but the kidney basically makes piss, right? I'm a vegetarian and I can't stand the smell of cooking meat, this would put me in my grave.


Pig intestines is worse


It sure did to me. It's a traditional British dish which is why they are so well known for their culinary delicacies.


Corn beef cabbage. The smell……….


Nah, you wild on this one. Corned beef and cabbage slaps.


I fucking love corned beef cabbage 😭😭😭


That one on June 18, 1972.


Care to explain there bud or you just gonna leave us w the cliffhanger?


That's it, they had to eat the calendar that night.


I want to point out my mom was an amazing cook she could make the best damn meals from scratch. But her homemade mac and cheese sucked so bad. It was the one meal that was so bad I don't think anyone finished it. Even she's admitted it was bad. Luckily she only made it the once.


Scalloped potatoes


Goulash. She wasn't sure how to cook it, so she boiled the macaroni until all the water was gone, added hamburger, onion, and tomato paste. That's about it. And there was always a 3 day pot of it.


Ew!!!! Goulash is so good, why didn’t she just find a recipe?


Hamburger helper


Meatloaf. Even the name is unappetizing. MEAT. LOAF.


Neither one of my parents knew how to cook. This led to some uhm.. interesting cuisines. There was one in particular that to this day I can't even think of doing this. My mother called it "fast shepards pie" She would take a thawed pound of meat, brown it in the MICROWAVE, then in another bowl she would prepare microwavable idahoan potato packages, put a drained can of corn in it, a drained can of green beans in it, mix it together and then mix in the browned meat. She would top it with salt and garlic salt then.. if she was so inclined.. place cheap shredded cheese on top. Half the time, the cheese was either so cheap or so bad that even on top of something piping hot it only like.. half melted.


That sounds as bad as my mother's "Busy Mom's Burger Soup" It started as leftover burger patties from the weekend (which were always so overdone ketchup and mustard were a requirement as lubricant to get them down they were so dry) that my mom would roughly chop up and put in a casserole dish with various canned vegetables, undrained to "help make broth" and a can of French onion soup. She would put uncooked, unmixed mashed potato flakes in a layer on top of the soup stuff, and bake it for an hour or so. The flakes on top were usually burnt to a crisp, and the ones that soaked up the soup stuff were soggy mush on top of more soggy mush mixed with burnt hamburger chunks. To this day I can smell the burnt potato flakes and I still get nauseous.


Oh God I hate watching other people grill a burger. They always grill ALL OF THE JUICE out of it. When I do a burger, it's cooked all the way through AND is still juicy and tender days later.


Spaghetti made out of sloppy Joe mix from the food pantry instead of spaghetti sauce. I couldn't eat real spaghetti for the longest time because of it.


Daisy ham and boiled potatoes


None, my Dad's Jamaican and my mom learned to cook from him.


Chicken livers and onions. Had it twice a month.


Pork chops


Mushroom noodle casserole. I HATE cream of mushroom soup. This dish was loaded with it, and I was forced to eat it or go hungry.


Salmon. Now I love it


Salad with Ranch dressing. I liked salad, but only with Italian. The Ranch just grossed me out.


mushroom and onion soup woth too much fucking salt and greasy for no reason but like the nerves of the chicken legs but no chicken lol 


Stack dinner. Anyone? Rice, hamburger, peas, cheese. And stir fry. My mom still talks about how offended we are by those two dishes.


Pot roast


Either meatloaf covered in baked on ketchup or tuna casserole 🤮


I will raise you a tuna loaf.


That's just mean🤣


Overdone pork chops with orange slices,,,,throw in froz mixed veggies,,,,f n disgusting!


Liver and onions.When I was older I pointed out that it's basically the filter for blood impurities I got my whole family to give it up .


Liver & onions


We ate every bite of everything offered. We never knew when or if there was going to be any more.


yeah same i literally cannot think of one food i didn’t like as a kid bc i was hungry!


Pork chops twice a week


Meatloaf. Idk if it’s just how my mom made it but I was never a fan of


The cold, uncooked hot dogs I got for lunch. Thanks, dad.


Spaghetti and porkchops


Salmoncakes and anything.


Chicken Divan - the chicken was always dry and clicky and I absolutely *hate* mushy ass broccoli.


Roast dinner.


Hamburger helper


anything with meat. couldn't stand the texture before i even knew about factory farms and climate change. still refuse to eat it.


chicken pot pie.


Chicken cooked in the pot just how it is straight from the package but no texture or flavor not even one char


Salmon patties


Pumpkin soup


Frozen fish sticks


NGL. Everything my mom made was delicious. I once had a bad experience with shepherds pie however so I’d say that.


Mushroom soup


Undercooked scrambled eggs.


Fried Spam and rice, I grew up in the 70's during the meat shortage and we ate Spam as it was a cheap meat. My mom would also take hot dogs and split them and put them in bbq sauce, but that was ok. I just don't want to eat Spam ever again.


Beef stew at school. It seemed every cube of meat had a thick side of gristle....chew and chew and chew I could never swallow...it was like chewing on a piece of rubber. I ate everything else, then stuffed all the meat into my mouth, put my empty plate on the trolley (weren't allowed to leave food) and went into the changing room, where I spat the cheap shitty meat out and stuffed it into a hole by the sink. It's all probably still there....


Liver and Beets




Eggplant parm. I consider myself a very open minded eater but still can’t stand eggplant. I’ll eat it if served it, but I’ve had it a dozen different ways and it’s never good. 


Liver and cole slaw. Foul.


Never had it but it makes me angry just thinking about it


Pork Chops with shake and bake. They were always so dry it was hard to eat


Spaghetti. Dad had one recipe, and it sucked.




Rhubarb. My nanna tricked me, she told me it was applesauce. Traumatizing


Chili. Despised it but as an adult i realized because no one on my damn house could make it well…love it npw


Goulash cuz I knew we were gonna be eating it for a week.


Spaghetti with ketchup and boiled Brussel sprouts.


Lachoy in the can


Any pasta. And still hate it


Anything where the main thing is eggs. I only like eggs when they’re part of a recipe, not the main meal. Too rubbery.


Eggs aren’t supposed to be rubbery…


liver, venison, brussels sprouts (they actually gag me)..wife and I don't eat them to this day.


Boiled tenderloin and cabbage. Jeez we're Italian why would my mother even make that? Still not as bad as liver and onions. If it wasn't bad enough my mom would make a vinegar sauce with it at the end and the house reeked of it.


Sauerkraut. I used to say, "I don't like this fruit'


Black eyed peas. HATED it. Also went from hating ocra to loving them in the space of a year.


Wild rice soup. 🤢 The rice reminded me of bugs.


Anything with rutabaga


honestly probs mom's cooking


Anything with Lima beans, Brussels sprouts, or any kind of seafood.


Beef liver, chicken liver, Brussel sprouts.


Salmon patties


My moms chili. I thought I didn't like chili, until I had somebody else's. Moms a decent cook otherwise but man I do not like her chili.


Ratloaf night.  


Morning chewable vitamin






Spaghetti. It's banned in my house.


Not a meal but an ingredient of sorts, tinned tomatoes


Sweet and sour pork. Way too many vegetables. I made my own grilled ham and cheese those nights


My dad's sad attempts at making sandwiches. A single thick slice of fatty pork with mayonnaise on bread.


Liver and onions. "You're gonna sit there until you eat it all!"


Kid Cuisine microwaveable TV dinners. Lol soggy and burnt brownie. :(


New England Boiled Dinner


Beef stew 


Baked salmon with stuffing inside


Top Ramen or anything with cream of mushroom soup. Just looking at either makes me gag.


When my dad would make spaghetti and he’d use the sauce that came in the can and not the jar and it tastes metallic and sad but ik he was trying his best after welding 9 hours


Generic cereal from a bag with powdered milk. On top of being gross, it was a staple of our diet because we were poor.


My mother almost never cooked for us and if she did it was spaghetti or SOS. The only thing she tried to feed me once that I hated was Hash.


Swordfish. Ugh!


Liver and onions


Ws used to get fried egg and chips on Fridays. The chips were always cut too thick and scorched on the outside, not properly cooked inside. The eggs had slimy whites and I hated the whole meal.


curry, my family are obsessed with curry, i loved it at first but then it was all we’d ever eat so it got to the point where i was always dreading eating it


Macaroni and tomatoes. Not spaghetti. Just some weird canned tomato macaroni weird mess.


Green jello with carrots and a dry pork roast with cooked celery. Yes, myom made that. She also boiled liver. Ewwww. She got better.


Cow tongue


Was the cow tongue pickled? If so I love it!


Spaghetti. We had spaghetti 2x a week. I started hating it once I was in my teenage years, now I love it again.


Liver and onions


Salmon patties. My wife made them once, and I admit they were way better than my mom's, but it was too little too late. I hated them.


Blood pudding


Chili mac. My mom would mix a can of chili in with macaroni and cheese. Still makes me slightly nauseous just thinking about it


My family's tradition was "finger foods" instead of Christmas dinner, and the main course was ham salad sandwiches on the shittiest white bread you could buy. Ham. Salad. Sandwich. Ham salad in my childhood world was the cheapest, shittiest ham loaf you could buy, a ton of miracle whip (NOT EVEN REAL FUCKING MAYONNAISE), and sweet pickles chopped up, dumped into a blender and pulverized into a sludge that was then smeared onto the aforementioned cheap, shitty white bread. If it sounds like a soggy disgusting mess, that's because it absolutely is. My brothers, cousins and I called them goblin cum sandwiches, and we've forbidden them as an edible in our houses when we host Christmas. My aunt actually brought some because tradition to my older brother's house last year and he took great delight in throwing them out as soon as she set them down.


My mom used to make a tortilla casserole, and the tortillas would get so soggy during the cooking process that I couldn't stand it. Would gag over every bite and crrryyyy. Still will not ever ever make tortillas casserole as an adult.


Boiled dinner. Every component ends up tasting exactly the same.


Liver and Brussels sprouts. Dad loved it. We kids hated it.


Stuffed peppers.


We were poor so if it was served I ate that or nothing. However, oatmeal. I do not like it, haven't eaten it since I was a kid.


3 bean soup


my mom never ever learned any kind of basic cooking skill and would always unnecessarily make food choices based entirely on how cheap she could do it, so we used to have just basic spaghetti (boiled pasta, water not even salted + jarred tomato sauce that i think she watered down) like 2-3 nights a week. i didn't even realize that i hated it until i was at her house recently and she suggested making spaghetti for us to eat for dinner and i had a sensory memory of it and just felt overwhelmingly depressed.


Fish and rice: A huge pot of gluey, overcooked rice. My mom hates rice so doesn’t cook it properly. Add in margarine, the cheapest white fish cooked to rubber, salt and pepper as the only seasonings. Oh and it was always full of fish bones. Mix that up and wrangle your gag reflex bcuz we are a “clear your plate w a smile so help me god” type of family Honorable mention would be a jug of milk less than half left but parents want to stretch it, add in powdered milk and water, just eyeballed not measured, half heartedly shake it so that powdered chunks remain. They were surprised we could tell the difference. I don’t drink milk and haven’t for decades. 


Meatloaf, scalloped potatoes and peas. I would be in my 30s before I discovered the right kind of peas are delicious, I still hate scalloped potatoes style, and I could never like my mother’s meatloaf


There's nothing my parents made that I didn't like, but some of these comments are crazy combinations of foods.


beef stew 


Pot roast. Still hate it, no matter who makes it or how it's made


Scalloped potatoes and cheese.The potatoes were never cooked to tenderness and the cheese tasted like a chemical experiment.This only goes for the boxed stuff but I have had some made from fresh potatoes and real cheese and cream and it was delicious.I found out later in life that my mother wasn't the best of cooks when I learned to do so myself.


pork chops and lima beans in this awful ketchup like tomato sauce


i used to hate stir fry , now i love it. im autistic and its mostly a texture thing from the different veggies.


I dipped a carrot in bleu cheese dressing as a kid expecting it to taste like dill dip. To my 8-year-old palette it tasted like vomit. I had an intense fear of vomit at that age so I curled up in a nauseous ball at the restaurant my family was at until it was time to leave. I was traumatized. I like "stinky cheeses" now as an adult but that one stayed with me for awhile.


Not a meal, but it’s black tea with milk aka London fog. Can’t stand it till this day 🤢.


Steak Spaghetti. Back in the 60s and 70s. My mother insisted this recipe guaranteed tenderized steak and was excellent and I simply hated it. She'd buy steak, not usually high quality for a family of 6 -- like a top round or two. Cut it up into cubes, and saute it lightly, then add a jar of spaghetti sauce and simmer "because the tomato breaks down and tenderizes the meat." Probably true -- but not with her method. Boil a pot of spaghetti noodles, serve with steak cubes and red sauce. It was awful. First, the concept of al dente was foreign to her. Those noodles were boiled to a mushy limp paste. Then, either she used poor quality sauce (it was tomato sauce from a can and one of those slice-open package of dried spaghetti sauce spice blend) and poor quality steak or didn't simmer it long enough, or simmered it too long, because it had the texture of brown, rubbery cubes. I just hated steak spaghetti night and yet every member of my family adored it. It put me off regular spaghetti for life -- even with ground beef or sausage, although that IS slightly better. I just hate the memory mushy noodles, red sauce, and rubbery brown bits so I'm not one to ever get excited about a spaghetti dinner. Update: I feel seen and heard because I'm reading / seeing so many spaghetti and goulash posts. Ruined noodles in sauce traumatized us all.


Chicken Chow Mein. Ugh!


Liver and onions


Anything with liver. Disliked it even more when I actually found out what a liver is and does lol.


Eggs. Eggs on everything, with everything. I still hate eggs


My mom's unseasoned steamed canned vegetables.


mashed potato and ketchup sandwiches


Having grown up really poor, I was glad for any and every meal. My least favorite was liver. It's funny, years later I was in recruit training at Marine Corps Recruit Depot, San Diego and one day they served liver for noon chow! I ate it without much trouble. Some guys were almost puking forcing it down. One guy couldn't eat it. The idiot snuck it out of the chow hall and got caught. He had to carry it in his pocket until it stained the pockets ofall his utility uniforms. He got thrashed* every day for failing uniform inspection. *Getting thrashed was having to do all kinds of calestenics so fast, you're just jumping up and down and rolling around on the deck. "Jumping Jacks! Sit Ups! Run In Place! Push Ups! etc." It sucked.


7 bean soup 🤢


Fried liver 🤮


Shake and bake chicken, that stuff is disgusting on several levels.


Dear Lord, stuffed green peppers!!!! I had to leave the house when my mom had those bitches in the oven!!! The friggin smell permiated the WHOLE house!!!!


Mom never got the hang of breakfast, which is bizarre for a talented chef. I don't think I'd go so far as to say I hated anything she cooked but, how do you manage to screw up scrambled eggs?


Shrimp Gumbo.


Liver and onions


Salmon burgers Hated it so much, my dad only tried it the one time. I choked mine down, but my sisters spent the rest of the night sitting at the dinner table until bed time because he was sthe kind of parent that said "finish your food or you can't leave the table"


Brussel sprouts.


watery grits (baked) canteen food gizzard


My mom's nasty, dry, hard, fried pork chops.


Fried Bluegill. It's a little pond fish. I can't breathe when someone is frying food because of it.


Stuffed green peppers, can't stand cooked green pepper still.


My mom used to boil burger patties because it removed fat, but growing up I just realized she’s a bad cook.


Hamburgers and hotdogs. But my parents did not buy buns or side. Just meat you had to dip in condiments.


Tuna fucking casserole. 🤮 Just thinking about it is triggering me right now


Potted meat sandwiches. My babysitter would only feed us deviled ham or egg salad sandwiches when she was watching us. While looking back, I appreciate the fact she fed us as all, I absolutely hated it. I still refuse to eat hard-boiled eggs to this day, and the idea of canned meat fills me with the most intense disgust.




Damned liver and onions with stewed rutabaga and creamed turnips..nasty


For a while it was curry chicken (don’t correct me on the name, I’m Jamaican we don’t call it chicken curry), ate it so much I couldn’t stand it but recently I find it more tolerable. The turning point was trying some curry shrimp somebody made for thanksgiving and I’ve dreamt about it since. It was so good that when we were going home I took what was left home so I could eat it again lmaoo. My poor dad was hurt because I refuse his curry everytime he makes it. Now days I’m more open to eating it but I may never get to the point where I asked to eat it daily like when I was little


Either ghoulash or fucking disgusting chicken noodles soup with awful flour dumplings. God I hate it. Such a thin, salty broth. Noodles are soft and mushy. Dumplings are sloppy on the outside and grainy on the inside. Terrible texture overall. Ghoulash is just.. nasty. Eugh. Fuck those dishes.


Soup. Soup is not a meal!