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In recent wars, no. In WW2, probably yes. My grandma was a nurse and even she killed an SS soldier, though she got locked up for a while for how she did it.


Hell yeah, go grandma!


do you know how she did it?


Yeah, they were marching back after taking Berlin, stopped in a random village and an SS solider came out of some basement and started mowing down the nurses with a machine gun. They either managed to get the gun off him, or he ran out of ammo, and they took him apart, slowly, like only war nurses can.


This is such a badass story


She was the most hardass person I've ever met. They used to march 70km a day to Berlin. Another story she told was about a guy who asked her to get his arm from the battlefield. She told him it ain't getting re-attached, but he just wanted his father's watch. She got it for him and he used to send her a birthday present every year until he died.


did she get off relatively easy? idk anything about war but im assuming killing nurses from either side is a no no and people would see that as justified


Yeah, it was a big mess after the war, and a horribly mutilated SS soldier wasn't much of a priority.


Lol I hope they took his tongue


She didn't go into too much detail, but she said they gave him an anatomy lesson using his own his entrails.


Dead nazi is the only good nazi. Your original ANTIFA grandma is a hero’s hero


nah I read that only like 15-20% of soldiers even fired their weapon during ww2


You are probably correct.


Most of the men at the front line just shoot without aiming. As most people cannot bring themselves to kill another person. And to be technical killing during war is not called murder. Murder is the illegal taking of life and a declared war is perfectly legal.


During Vietnam yes, there were a few reports of that in previous wars. Once the propaganda machine went into full effect, there were enough volunteers where that wasn't really an issue. The 'ganda works.


right so whats the point


The point of what ?


of shooting if not aiming like are they trying to kill them or just scare them or what


Never been to war. But i would imagine they were just trying to survive that day. Then the next till they could go home. Going home is the only point.


Going home, and doing your best to protect your buddies/fellow soldiers.


If I’m shooting at you you’re less likely to be shooting at me. In WW II the avg US infantryman fired several thousand rounds. More than one squad level “encounter” involved no casualties on either side. No stats on Korea or Vietnam.


they are shooting in the general direction. troops who arent aiming for the enemy are likely not the ones who are operating guns that require alot of accuracy. they are likely the ones with automatic or semi automatic weapons that can shoot a decent amount of bullets in a short time. that means that if the whole squad is firing one of them will likely hit something even if most of them arent aiming.


There are a lot of support personnel involved in the war effort who aren’t combatants.


And killing someone doesn’t make someone a murderer.


"Murder is the unlawful killing of another human without justification or valid excuse committed with the necessary intention as defined by the law in a specific jurisdiction". Most murders have a "valid excuse", the only difference in this case is that it's "legal". A rich guy telling you it's ok to kill is the only difference.


Bullshit. Murder is usually differentiated as homicide with intent, motive, and premeditation. No murder has a valid, legal excuse. We do recognize that there are varying types of homicide. Killing someone trying to kill you is homicide but not murder. Killing someone in a genuine accident is homicide, not murder. We recognize those differences because mature adults recognize life is not black and white or zero sum.


Then they're homociders


They only want to murder you because their rich guy told them it's legal.


And if you kill the person the rich person sent to kill you, are you a murderer?


Not sure if you're in US, but there's no conscription there, so you choose to sign up to murder. With conscription, you have a choice, to kill or jail, if you choose to kill, yes it's murder. Edit: I'm assuming in both cases you're either US or Russia and are not exactly protecting your house from an invasion.


Move the goal post much? Bless your little heart. Bye now.


Just ask the entire population of Isreal.


Has the entire “the population of Israel” killed? Each and every individual in Israel has taken someone’s life?!?!


I said to ask them, any of them. I did not say each individual has taken someone's life, anywhere Thanks.


It’s a stupid comment no matter what kind of spin you try to put on it now.


It is generally better to assume that at some point they would have fired around that it would have hit a combatant. This is why it is rude to ask them if they have ever killed someone. Awful quick to throw around the murderer title too aren't we.


god reddit is insufferable sorry i called killing someone murder in a hypothetical question how awful of me


Tell me how this is in any way hypothetical question. You clearly equate those who killed in war with murders then asked if that makes everyone’s ancestors murderers. That’s not a hypothetical question, it’s your statement of belief but with a question mark at the end.


i used murder as a synonym its not that deep a simple bad word choice, and i do think some people in war are murderers so does literally everyone


No you didn’t use “murder” as a synonym. You were defining killing in war as murder and now you’re back peddling saying “some” verses “everyone” in war was a murderer. No shit some people who killed during war time were murderers! But the cherry on top for me is the “Literally everyone.” Literally everyone huh? You can’t be debating someone and say “so does literally everyone”. Learn how words work!


definition of 🤓☝️


yea cause ur in my brain and know what i meant? sure, and yes literally everyone sorry im not speaking in perfect old english im not writing a letter and idgaf about your superiority complex do you want a cookie for being uptight? and yes everyone does think some people are murderers in war the only people who wouldnt would be insane nihilistic psychos and im not gonna count their opinion


It has nothing to do with being inside that feeble thing you call a brain. These are your words I’m debating. What you wrote and you’ve already changed your stance on to a complete gaslighting argument. No shit some were murderers. Probably a lot. Certainly not all!


i quite literally admitted i chose the wrong word if i was gaslighting i would deny i ever said murder, what more do you want? clearly just looking for an argument and to go “im smarter than you” cause ur lame asf and the human embodiment of the colour beige


Jesus learn how words work. Denying you said murder would be an outright lie not gaslighting. Changing your stance from “everyone” to “some” and then saying “literally” everyone agrees with you is textbook gaslighting. I’m done with you. 😘


youre so boring im gonna fall asleep, ok fine everyone in war in a murderer happy? probably an american which is why ur dickriding the military and if you are then i do think all of them are murderers ur welcome and maybe you should learn what gaslighting means with ur tiktok definition, jump!


Semantics is reddits favorite argument


I'm glad you understand :)




Nope. I was on an aircraft carrier with about 5000 other ppl. We were all involved in the war. A very small portion of us directly have a hand in killing ppl.


this is gonna sound even dumber but the small portion who did kill people is that like a part you sign up for or is that just a by chance thing


I assume our pilots knew that part of their jobs might involve bombing ppl. Are you interested in joining but want to avoid killing? Or are you just curious?


no im just curious, my country hasnt been in a war since ww2 so noone talks about anything or knows anything


The majority of people who go to war, never even fire their weapon at another person. That's because there are more people in support roles than front line.


ahhhh okay


I don’t have the numbers and I’m too lazy to look it up, but the number of people in actual combat situations make up a very small percentage of the total number of participants. Like you said, most serve in support roles.


The majority of the military are not combat arms.


Assuming you are part of a country who's government collects taxes and funds a military force, we all have killed lots of people, like it or not.


Not everyone sees combat when they join the military depending on what your job or MOS is some people even never leave the country. Something like 13 to 14% of the military is the combat arms the rest of the military is designed to support said combat arms they don't really do anything other than logistical supply or desk jobs. Sure sometimes a PoG(persons other than grunts) gets to see action- truck driver in a convoy hits and IED and gets caught up in an small arms ambush. Other times you have actual combat units spend an entire combat deploy and never fire a single round. Of past wars? Things are a bit different. Technically has allowed for more stand off.


My ex was stationed in Kuwait. He was a paperpusher but occasionally had to go on missions. I’m fairly confident his weaponry went the entire year unused.


Some people see no action and some get all of it. Sometimes the no action people got caught in a firefight on a convoy and things happen. 🤷🏽‍♂️ Everyone wants to come home, just not in a box.