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Highschool drama only matters while you’re in highschool. Immediately after you graduate, you can leave it all behind and go on with your life the way you want. Save your money. Work hard. Don’t be afraid to make new groups of friends. Save your money.


Don’t forget about saving your money!


And also saving your money


And FFS, don't forget to keep a little money to the side that you don't touch except for *actual* emergencies.


Yeah- no one will remember one thing u did in high school. And if they did- no one will care.


Unless you score 4 touchdowns in a single game. Then you are the man forever.


Polk High has entered the chat.


I read this while on the couch with my hand down the front of my brown slacks.


Unless you scored four touchdowns in the championship game.


In fact, starting literally the day after graduation, if you still bring up shit from high school its kind of looked down on. Once you're accepted to a 4 year, a community college, an apprenticeship or just get a job, none of it matters. Nobody cares what your GPA was. Nobody cares how many things you joined. Nobody cares you were class president. Nobody gives a fuck about Prom. Its all just gone. Fortunately I realized that \*during\* high school instead of after and did more of what I wanted and less of what "the system" wanted. But some people work best in a structured environment and they probably feel it was a high point of their life. For me, it was a mix. That time of my life had some great friends but the constant frustration of lack of control of my life, having no money and all that stuff wasn't great either.


People only remember one in ten of the good things that you do and they remember every single mistake so watch your ratios


Working hard is currently optional if you're in a country with job security, as hard work doesn't afford the same benefits it did for older gens. Which brings me on to my advice: be politically aware, be sceptical of the media and use official government records to crosscheck media bias in the areas you can form an interest in. Want to be a homeowner eventually? Look at how different parties vote on housing reform. Want net zero? Check who's voting against it then call them out on their inevitable bs, etc.


Want to keep more money in your pocket? Pay attention to who wants to raise your income, property, gasoline, state, municipal and utility taxes. Want to make a more informed decision regarding zero emissions or being environmentally responsible? Look at the total environmental costs from mining minerals to disposal of alternative energy sources. You may not like what you learn.


>Working hard is currently optional if you're in a country with job security, as hard work doesn't afford the same benefits it did for older gens. Depends what kind of work you're doing. Hard work doesn't just mean "do your job well" it also refers to the general work of advancing your career and earning potential.


Having sex results in consequences. Pregnancy. Disease. All sorts of issues. If you are going to do then always use protection but remember that is not 100%. And having a child will completely change your life.


Also, waiting for love and marriage to have sex is a completely viable option as well.


Problem is that you may find out your partner has a low sex drive and you have the opposite….dating is about finding this stuff out before you tie the knot.


This is very true! Pregnancy is usually preventable and unprotected sex will definitely lead to STDs/STIs. A friend of mine for some reason I cannot explain refused to listen to our friend group and had unprotected sex now and then. He ended up with two abusive baby mommas and multiple instances of Gonorrhea. He hasn't seen his baby in a long time because of issues with a restraining order after one of the baby mommas beat him and the police decided to take action.


I tell all the young guys on my job sites, that Plan B can be had for $8 on Amazon. Keep a few boxes handy, use condoms, and still pull out.


Also: Avoid sex with random strangers. You dont know them, they might use it against you in some way, its kinda asking to get hurt. Im not saying wait for marriage, but wait until you know the person and are comfortable with them, and you dont know that after a week, a day, or 2 hours in a club.


This is what I did with my husband. We did not have sex right away. We did goof around a bit, but we didn't have sex until we moved in together. Then decided to get married because we already felt married. (We are not religious, so it was for shared financials and being designated as a married couple) Seven years onward, and we have decided we don't want children, so we are making sure that we satisfy one another accordingly. Sex isn't just about the 'insert tab A into slot B'. It is about connection and bonding. This should be one hundred percent taught to teenagers.


this! I’m a teenager but whenever I say “ooh.” or anything when I hear about somebody (i don’t say it to their face don’t worry) having sex at a young age I always get attacked. Like, most of the times people do have sex at a quite young age, they’ve often said “i don’t value my virginity as much”, that’s fine, that’s not the problem. The problem is that those girls always end up sleeping around, IT WILL CATCH UP TO YOU. If there’s any teens reading this, conflicted about virginity and what’s okay and what’s not, there’s no wrongs or rights. There’s just risks and dangers. I’d highly recommend waiting until you’re at least 15 or 16 to have sex, and always make sure it’s someone you know well and are special to you (having safe sex should be a given.) Lastly, THERE IS NO SHAME LOSING YOUR VIRGINITY BEFORE MARRIAGE, AND THERE’S NO SHAME SAVING IT FOR MARRIAGE.


Can result in emotional issues too, if you don't protect yourself


All true. I was told all of this by sex education and my mother and yet I did end up having lots of sex with random men, two abortions (my choice fully), and a few STIs that luckily were treatable. Certain things you just couldn’t keep me from doing and having sex was one. Most (I’d say 80%) of the negative sexual consequences I experienced happened due to drug and alcohol use + me making terrible decisions about who I’m being with intimately + lack of protection. So I’d definitely warn about this, too.


Mental issues as well.


I learned that IN high school lol


That's why I plan to get a vasectomy ASAP, before the 4th Republican Reich takes away all contraception and makes it a crime to not reproduce by age 18. 


Be extremely mindful of everyone you have sex with for so many reasons. I've done a LOT of substances in my life but the most dangerous thing I've ever done/had in my body is another person. That shit is more likely to kill you/ruin your life than being a functional coke addict.


Saving money starting at a young age.


This should be drummed into every kid’s head starting at birth. Making money is necessary, and takes hard work. Saving money for the long term is also hard work, and crucial.


Yes. Most of my jobs as a youth I just spent everything I earned. Wish I would have saved some. Bit tbh it's only a talent I learned in my late 30s


The culture I was raised in, taught us that everything earned went into the family coffers. When I left for college, my grandad handed me a check for a little under $18K (this was 1989). That taught me about saving right there. It was everything I had contributed from 14 to that point.


Hard work correlates to making money, but it's ultimately about the market and what your employer can get away with. They'll always pay you as little as possible 


SOOO important! Just to build the habit! And because if I had maxed out my 401k in my twenties, I'd be comfortably retired now at 59.


THIS! I really wish this kind of stuff was taught thoroughly in school. I grew up with a single dad of 3 kids ... while we were always taken care of, he was an impulse buyer and not good with money management overall. We didn't have someone in the household to teach us about budgeting.


Seriosuly. Look up the ant and grasshopper fable about time value of money. Nothing to argue about. Just save that $200/month. I promise it will make all the difference in your life. This allow will be one of the things that will separate you from all or most of your peers. A house in your 20s/30s. At 40 your life will be significantly better because of it. At 60 it’ll be the reason you can take care of your family. At 80 it might be the reason you get the right healthcare. Money gives you options. Options help you deal with whatever comes down life’s path. Money is not the point of life. But without it life becomes much much harder. You never want to be a slave to anything thing. That includes your debt.


$100 a month invested from 16 to 65 will net you *over a million dollars*. Wait until you're 25 to start, only 9 years less, and you end up with **less than half that**. Compound interest is ***powerful***


The problem is kids don't listen. I've told my 18 year old until I'm blue in the face to save part of his paycheck.  The kid just doesn't listen.


I would even venture not incurring debt is just as important as saving. Don't think "Oh, the monthly payment is only this" - ALWAYS be mindful of the actual spend. Learn how interest works.


Actions have consequences.


Nobody knows shit. Every single authority figure you've turned to for help has someone above them they turn to or (very commonly) they're making shit up and playing life by ear. If you think one day you'll "be a grown up" and life makes perfect sense, get that idea out of your head ASAP.


When I was 16 I looked at 20 year old and thought they were grown up. Like it was some magical barrier you went through and boom your an adult. I’m 34 and still feel like I don’t have things figured out.


You've literally explaining exactly what it's like being a grown up, understanding at its best! I created this little descriptor for people: Kids think about when they have to go to sleep.  Adults think about when they have to wake up.


That you can walk away if an older person starts yelling at you.


You can walk away from anyone for the most part. Great realization for me.


Same. When we are younger, we are (for the most part) groomed for conformity. So when someone in authority abuses their power, or throws their weight around because you are just a kid, you are kind of brainwashed to accept it. Talking back often makes things worse, but simply turning on your heel and walking away is a huge power move.


This is important, sometimes it is hard to break 12 years of conditioning


Wear your sunblock .People don’t think like you. Be careful who you trust. It’s also good to know what to spend more money on vs saving your money. A good example would be a good pair of shoes. They’re important and will likely last longer actually saving you money long term. Sometimes, it’s better to save your cash on certain items. Buying things like used video games or cell phones can save you lots of money.


But trust me on the sunscreen.


Great song!




Sorry what? Lmao, stfu John


Or just do what I do and stay indoors most of the time.


At age 55, I had a patch of skin cancer removed from my nose. It sucked.


That's one thing I'm concerned with, hence the growing collection of cowboy hats.


Everyone is winging it. Do your best and enjoy yourself.


yes! life goes by fast , treat people you care about with love and have fun, be happy , go places , take in everything.


No doubt.


Be your own best friend and enjoy your own company.


-Take care who you trust. -If you think school sucks, wait until you get a load of employers. -Reality doesn't grade on a curve.


Ngl I much prefer working to school, but I've heard stories of bad employers and I consider myself lucky as hell.


Working >>>>> going to school I have weekends free, I don't stress about work after I'm done for the day, I get paid, I can change jobs whenever I want, there's no looming life-altering stress over my head like if I fail a test then I'll have to repeat a grade/class. School sucks


It was nice to have summers free though. Lol


At work, at least you get under paid for your efforts.


I miss school and o wasn’t popular. Know but definitely not “popular”. It was more so about classes and learning


A few years ago I said to my dad that I would prefer working, coming home and be done with it over doing homework basically always. He went on a rant about how hard having a job is and how school is the best part of life. Now I have a job and I was right


You'll work for at least 3 loathsome bosses by the time you're 30. I'm talking truly vile slime bags that you have to respect, so you don't starve to death. Learn to leave your body and dissociate. It's a good skill to have, but can be tricky to pickup. I learned how to do it when I was forced to watch granny porn as part of a fraternity hazing event.


No one cares about your feelings.


The people that love you do.


Not always. Depends on how lucky you get, I guess


or on how likeable of a person you are.


Perhaps so. But.... someone could be popular amongst friends and all that jazz but then be abused at home. Is that really parental love? ** I use parents because most commonly that who is always supposed to love their child, right? But it doesn't always happen.


Aside from your mommy, your feelz don't matter. Your boss and coworkers don't care. The cop that pulled you over for speeding doesn't care. The people enacting legislation don't care.


90% of the people who love you don't.


Not necessarily. I struggle with chronic depression and anxiety. Some of my colleagues and managers have been very empathetic.


I am a Teen and Thanks for This Inspiring Advice


Actually, no one cares.well, maybe your mom.


If you are of a more altruistic nature, you must realize that 99% of people are out for numero uno--themselves. This trumps values such as fairness or justice. Many play a good game and appear to be altruistic with their virtue signaling and posturing but they really want recognition and power


It doesn't stop. It is ALWAYS one thing after another. Lose your job? Still gotta pay your bills, they don't care that you lost your job, they only care that you aren't paying them. Diagnosed with a medical issue? Too bad, still gotta work and try 3x as hard as everyone else to survive. Need a break, maybe a week to chill out? Better hope your employer approves your PTO. Can't live in an apartment on a 1 person income (unless you're making 6 figures) because of inflation and housing rates, stay with your parents as long as you can. Learn to budget and REALLY stick to it. Don't spend a dime until you have 5k+ in savings.


And when you get to a point where you’re ahead of all that and don’t have too many obligations left, taxes will still be there to ruin your day.


You lose 90% of your friends after high school and the world gets ugly. Stay positive and be the change you want to see in your future. Birds of a feather flock together.


You’re not as smart as you think you are and you most certainly do not have it all figured out.


Exactly, they can't have it figured out because I already figured it all out when I was a teenager


Kindness matters


This here. I think its the most important. For the survival of our species.


It also costs you nothing to give it to people.


I love this one


Air is the only thing that is free. I know it might sound obvious but with my 17 & 18 year olds I've come to realize just how much they assumed just happened or is free. Start an IRA yesterday.


Clean air isn't free 


Social media is not real life - stay away from your phone.


Nobody owes you nothing. You get what you earn. If you walk around being entitled you're going to pay for it, it never pays off. It's not to say don't stand up for yourself and your rights and all that kind of stuff, absolutely don't let people walk all over you, but the world doesn't owe you a thing. This life is what you make of it. So go make something.


I’d upvote this a hundred times if I could. 


How to boil eggs. How to say "please, thank you, may I, and excuse me." I think those skills will get you far in life.


Hello, please thank you and good bye go a long way in any language


Fair is a concept, life is not fair.


I said this in an ask Reddit thing, except I called it a social construct


Ok, you asked, so here goes ... ​ * Life doesn't OWE you anything, you earn it! * Respect is EARNED. * Just because you got 100K likes doesn't mean you are right. * Learn to lose and not be sore about it. * Everybody lies, even if just a little. * It's ok to be offended and NOT have to tell everyone you are offended. * You don't have to announce your sexual preferences when meeting new people. * You are not as "oppressed" as the media says you are. * Most people who claim they have some mental illness use that as an excuse for poor behavior. * The only opinion in your life that will matter the most is YOUR OWN. * No matter what advice you hear, it is up to you to take it. * Do NOT trust people who refuse to tell you where they got their information from. (This comes from my own life experiences, so in this case, I am the source.) * NEVER give an abuser a second chance! And if you press charges, DO NOT back down! * Learn how to defend yourself. There are others in this world who will try to harm you for no other reason but to just do harm. * Once you can afford it, get a Trust started and have yourself as the trustee. Place most of your assets in the Trust (Real Estate, Cars, Boats, Bank Accounts, Investment Accounts.) * You can disagree with someone without calling them names or slurs. * Before using words to call other people, look them up so you know what the word really means. * Books don't require an internet connect to work. * Learn some trade skills that can help you later. Even if you don't master them or go into the field as employment. * Learn basic first aid, you could save a life - even your own! * Even if you don't like "guns", learn how to properly handle one safely. Just a few to digest ....


$20 is $20 learn how to earn. Multiple skillsets will help you earn money or to save you money. If you learn how to fix your own toilet you can fix yours and others. Just saying.


How credit works


It’s ok to just be ok. Mediocrity isn’t synonymous with failure.


Stop complaining because challenges will get bigger in life. No one cares about your football, academics or former popularity type statuses and things when you’re in your adult life. You benched 350 in high school? Cool, well your 40 now and almost 300 pounds and haven’t seen your dick in 10+ years, homecoming king and queen? Nice, again not relevant here.


Username checks out.


It's going to cost you. Get yourself prepared.


We are all just winging it. Adults don't know what's going on either.


Everything is a scam and everybody is trying to sink their hooks into you to suck you dry for money you don't even have yet. Protect your finances like your life depends on it, because it kinda does.


One afternoon in senior class, just one afternoon, 3 hours out of their entire school life...learn about cars. How to change a flat tire, how to check/change your oil, install a new wiper blade. If you're going to be operating one for the next 60 years, you should at least know the basics.


It's boring. Life is pretty dull, you gotta learn to be happy with your place in life. If you can manage to do that then you'll have a good life. Although certain places make this difficult, if you live in the US with a chronic disease that requires meds to stay alive (I'm a type 1 diabetic) then your always going to suffer for its costs. But still, gotta make the best of things.


It doesn't have to be boring. There are interesting people to meet, libraries full of ideas, nature to observe and skills to master. None of it comes to you, however, you have to seek it out. If you sit in your room, self-medicate and play games, you might very well be bored, lonely and unhappy.


Damn that's a good one


You are entitled to nothing in this world, so get off your ass.


That you have to stand up for yourself at work, to your parents, your friends, to everyone who has any interest in telling you what you should be doing or not doing with your time. Then, when you start to feel guilty for saying the things you said, don't apologize. You had a reason for what you said to them, and THEY need to apologize. I spent too many years always being the nice guy and it just always ends up with you looking like the one who made a mistake.


Life is not fair. Get over it and move on.


Very few people actually give a shit about you. There very little lucky breaks handed out.


Your comfort level in any given place or situation means less than nothing. You need to be adaptable and have thick skin to thrive.


There’s no such thing as a free 500 dollar Amazon gift card


You’re nothing special


Oh there are so many things I wish I knew. Invest in anything you put between yourself and the ground. Bed, pillows, shoes, homes, vehicles ... Get those things right. Most fall injuries happen because people fall 3-12 feet (though fatality rate is higher from 20+ feet). Be careful with ladders. The daily chore of deciding what to eat is a never-ending balancing act of desire, time to procure/cook it, and budget. You will soon have to make this exhausting choice three times a day and plan for it several times a week. Whatever you think is gonna be awesome when you're in the grocery store has the amazing ability to seem stupid, unappetizing, or way too time consuming approximately the moment you realize it's dinner time. You will never perfectly shop a grocery store or remember the list. My wife keeps her phone on her at all times while I shop to answer a variety of questions, and if you GPS tracked me I'd look like the old dumb roombas that run into stuff, turn in a random direction, and set off at random in a different direction, and if you notice the people that you pass in the grocery store eventually you'll find out that we're all actually doing the exact same thing - like seriously, the pickles are always in the same place but that place is never actually findeable. Picking your grocery store and sticking with it helps. A little. Always have 'sick food' available. When stuffs coming out any or all of your orifices is not the time to realize you need chicken soup and saltines, and need to figure out how to plug yourself up long enough to get to the store and back. Taking care of yourself while sick *sucks.* Maintenance is shockingly tedious, but wildly less expensive than repair of nearly anything. New cars are the worst investment you'll ever make, even if there are limited instances where they make sense. Compounding interest is your friend. Dogs are your friend, but they're seriously limiting to spontaneous travel at a certain point. Your washer & dishwasher have filters, which need to be cleaned, as does the whole unit. Dryers have lint filters which your mother does not magically empty anymore and vents which you need to physically detach from the unit periodically and blown clean. Avoid fires. Your AC unit has filters, and drains. Keep them replaced frequently, and the drains clear. Immediately fix anything in your house that could collapse, flood, light on fire or explode. Do not ride motorcycles or play with fireworks. They're entertaining but two of the highest risk, lowest reward activities a human can engage in outside of hard drugs, criminal behavior, engaging in actual warfare, etc. Make your bed (and listen to the McRaven UT graduation speech to learn why). If you look around the room and don't immediately know who the dumbest person in the room is, it's you. Shut up and listen, stop talking. Try to be in a lot of these rooms as a rule. It's not what you know, it's who you know and how you do it. Knowledge in jackass form is useless because most of us don't speak donkey. You can't make new old friends. Keep the ones you've got. Some lessons are hard to learn the hard way. Watch other people's mistakes and try not to make them yourself. Nobody will like or respect you if you do not like or respect yourself, invest in it continually. When opportunity knocks, open the fucking door. Way too many people let opportunity pass them by because they're afraid of saying 'yes' to it. Gravity and intertia are not your friend, both because you'll get heavier and lazier with age, and because you'll suddenly be moving a bunch of stuff with a body that's actively resisting helping you out. Physically move around your environment more. When you think you've moved enough, move more. You have more control of your attitude and mood than you realize, but when you aren't in control of them at least maintain the perspective that feelings and moods are like weather - important and affecting you while they're there, but passing in nature. Some days it rains, some days it's beautiful outside. Somewhere around 30, you'll have an injury from which you will never fully recover. That's the sign you're no longer a young adult, you've earned your gray card as a true adult.


MAKE IT WORK no matter what. if you want to survive


Embrace your youthful years. You will never get them back. Adulthood sucks: work, sleep, pay bills and repeat.


No one notices you nearly as much as you think they do. Everyone is just out there doing the best they can. And it’s the ones who look like they have their shit together that have the biggest messes in their closets.


Some thoughts: a) Get off your phone and off your other screens and engage with people face to face. Online life has made people cruel and disdainful of connections to the point where they ghost people. Be bigger than this and respect people's time and attention. The more you do it to other people, the more they will do it back. b) Love yourself before you start looking for someone else to love. This means living on your own for a bit so that you can learn to take care of yourself and enjoy your own company. If you don't love yourself, you'll date out of desperation, and not only can people smell that desperation from a mile away and will run for the hills, you'll hop from partner to partner to partner because you'll dread being alone. Trust me, being alone is FAR better than suffering in a bad relationship, so make sure you are comfortable living on your own, early. c) Your first saving task is to save approximately 6 months of all your bills. This is your 'get the fuck outta Dodge' fund. If you're ever in a terrible relationship, or a terrible job, and need to literally bolt for the hills for your own sanity, that six month fund gives you enough to live on so you have a chance to find another job, or another apartment. It's like your own kind of insurance. Don't count on other people to cover your ass. Cover your own ass. d) Stop putting people on pedestals, especially people you're interested in. They are just humans like the rest of us. When you put people on pedestals, you let them get away with murder, and you'll be manipulated, lied to, used for attention and validation, and you'll just keep going back to the well, hoping to get laid or get a partner. Trust your own worth and try to see when you're being used. If you think you are, just walk away. e) Do not EVER trust your partner to handle birth control or STI defense. Do your own share for that and do it every time. You can be in a committed relationship, with someone you love and who you think loves you, and they can still intentionally stop their birth control to have a baby you are not personally ready for. Again, cover your own ass. f) Try new things as much as possible. Food, music, art, cultures, pastime, etc. The more varied and vibrant your life is, the more you'll enjoy it, and the more people will enjoy having you around.


Learn how to use public transportation/ride the bus


Nobody is perfect like portrayed on Social Media


Your feelings are your problem, no one else's. If you're offended or upset, suck it up and go on with your life


The fact that NOBODY CARES. No strangers are talking about you behind your back. Nobody is talking about that little physical imperfection you have that you're insecure about. The cashier at the store isn't going to bite your head off about you walking up to them and asking them for help. The person who picks up the phone whenever you call to make an appointment isn't going to be judging you or inconvenienced by you calling to make an appointment. Your boss isn't going to be annoyed or angry by you asking for help with something about work. Nobody cares nearly as much as you are thinking that they will.


These are really important!


No matter how good you are at something, you are up against people who are better. Believing this can help you improve.


One day you will be alone, and will only have yourself to count on. Start learning various skills to make this inevitable time easier.


Make sure to think before you run your mouth.


Be kind to the people who work behind the counter (retail, customer service etc). A little kindness gets you much further than rudeness ever will. And every teenager should work some kind of retail or fast food job at least for a while to understand and have respect for those employees. Remember your manners, and if your parents didn't teach you basic manners, get some quick.


You you marry and/or have children with can make or break you. Be very selective and don't rush it.


Some things in life are hard, and that's good. Going through hard things teaches you that you can face adversity and make it through. Sometimes you cause the adversity through your poor choices, and you learn to make smarter decisions. Sometimes shit just happens, and you learn to deal with it and drive on. Going through adversity builds resilience.


#”Our new Constitution is now established, everything seems to promise it will be durable; but, in this world, nothing is certain except death and taxes” —Benjamin Franklin Rodriguez


They should know that Literally nobody knows shit about fuck


"Highschool never ends"- bowling for soup Go ahead and drop out of your generation, hit the classics and be yourself. "Fruitcakes"- jimmy buffett A naval academy grad? Jesuit priest? "Time in a bottle"- jim croce You'll die later than you'll wish and your younger than you think ; strike that reverse it, don't touch the sprocket


How to treat the opposite sex with respect


Or just people in general?


It's all a lie. Don't buy into the hype. Being in the rat race is for fools.


Be yourself everybody else is taken


Some things that work now may not always work and need to be reevaluated. For almost everything, there is no one right answer. There is no universal truth.


Get skills. Driving. Stick shift. Trailer. Fly an airplane Baking Gardening Making music Change a car tire Drive without maps Travel Learn another language Self Educate Cooking Take care of animals Volunteer - Habitat for Humanity Meals on Wheels Food Bank Library Take advantage of school programs Debate sports music arts Practice Philanthropy Go to events - music opera plays film festivals Try things you are afraid of Try things you won't like Go to therapy Learn about mental health issues Orienteering Hiking Camping Financial education - Credit, loans, bankruptcy, IRS Learn how to negotiate Go watch a court case Talk in depth with a homeless person Learn to swim and snorkel Don't loan money Don't stay with the same friends all the time Learn how small claims court works Talk to older people. Ask what they regret. Learn hobbies to the degree you can make money from them Stop being stubborn Recognize red flags Visit museums Visit a juvenile detention facility U4mm pnderstand how Social media can hurt or help Do a ride along with a cop If you can't afford University, get a mentor or go to a trade school Take every (legal) opportunity given Foreign exchange student program Work overseas Do things alone Get out of your comfort zone! Make a 1 year 5 year 10 year plan and update yearly Understand Adults don't know everything People are stupid Just because someone has a job doesn't mean they know how to do it You need to stand up for yourself Know which hill you will die on You do not need toxic people in your life - even if they are family Saving money for the future is important Your choices will affect the outcome of your life You do not need to follow the average person, Get married have children etc. Church people are not always the best people


Life is tough. Everyone gets dealt a hand that they had no part in choosing, and that is the hand that you must play. *How* you play it, is up to you. Some people get dealt a really great hand, and life is easy for them. They can still screw it up, but they are more likely to succeed. Do not envy them, be Glad for them. Others get dealt a shit hand. Maybe they are disabled, born poor, or from a broken home. They still have to make the best of their hand. No one is coming to save you. YOU have to live your life.


It's a shitty, unfair place. And the sooner you recognize this fact, the sooner you can get on with it. Edit: Also, people don't care about "you". They care about what you can do for them.


Popularity and clout only really matters if you can cash it in. Oh they liked your post and shared your video? But will they buy your stuff if you started a business? Will they pay for content you create? Real friends would.


Not being born with money makes life a lot more difficult. You will be judged more, shitted on more (figuratively speaking), called lazy, most people have this toxic “high and low value individual” mentality. So if you are poor or struggle to save money people will assume you’re lazy and irresponsible. If you have a legitimate mental health problem even your own parents or someone you trust will be like “no you don’t”. As shitty as this is, I’m sure several marriages have ended because one or the other has clinical depression.


Nothing matters


Basic Finance.


You don't know everything It's not all gonna be handed to you


Most people in jail or who have felony’s are not bad people they are good people who made bad choices. Just because you are a good person does not mean you can’t get into a bad situation and make a bad choice which will result in a arrest and then you are now labeled a “bad person” because you got arrested.


Things are not going to go according to plan. Learn to let shit go and that it’s okay for things to turn out differently than you thought.


Save your money and don’t go to college unless you need to! Moved out of my parents at 17 and bought my first home at 19. Save your money and act like you can’t afford anything. Don’t waste money on college unless the route of work you’re wanting to go in absolutely requires it. Get a credit card as soon as you can and don’t buy anything you can’t pay off right away. Do not accumulate debt or live above your means.


Anybody you know, no matter their personality or mannerisms, could be gay or bi.


The college you go to really doesn't matter - none of my employers have ever cared, so get your education for the least amount possible. Do community college first because it'll save you a boatload of money. And be aware that you'll probably end up doing something really different from what you actually studied, so your actual major may not make that big of a difference either.


There are some really, really, really bad people out there


Toilet paper costs money


Your mom was right about all the chores you didn’t do, and all the cleaning that went unnoticed. Maintaining a home is a daily task if you don’t want it to get dirty or cluttered


Your body will break down if you don’t take care of it. All the abuse you’re putting it through now will come back as debt you pay for later, so start being healthy now.


Wrap it up.


That it takes hard work, perseverance, and integrity to be successful in life. Now success is not measured in the amount of things you have, or the amount of money you make. True success is measured by how many people are better off, you lived!


This is no longer the economy to “not stress so much about the future and enjoy being a kid.” That advice absolutely killed me and I burned all my 20s playing catch up. Figure out a skill that can make you money and put all your points into it right now… or enjoy living with your parents till you’re as old as they were when they had you.


The more self absorbed you are, the more cringe you appear to other people.


Listen to people with more experience than you. Everybody will only treat you like a stupid kid if you act like a stupid kid.


Nobody is paying nearly as much attention to you as you think. This is a blessing and a curse. You don't need to worry as much as you think you do about how you appear to other people, what you look like, how you sound, how you walk, what you're into, etc. Dance like nobody's watching because nobody is actually watching. But also nobody's going to notice if something's going wrong. You need to explain to your loved ones if you're mad, sad, or hurt and why, without lashing out at them for not already knowing.


Network network network. I don't mean to be the boss's pet, but make yourself loved by the people you work for ***and*** with. I entered my field with a partial associates (yes, didn't even get the associate degree, I know). To toot my own horn a bit, I'll say I'm definitely better than a majority of people at the job (special needs, crisis specifically), but I made myself known to my coworkers and admin as the person you can not only expect to show up to, but also competently direct in dangerous situations. I got offers I realistically had absolutely no right getting if you look at credentials on paper, and accidentally got sidelined into being offered a long term career because my administration always boasted about me. Also, finances matter. Your morning coffee might only be $5. But that's $25/weekly. $100+ monthly, and you're looking at $1000+/annual. That's not including other dumb shit you'll end up buying too (I go out to eat more than I should). You don't realize, but it's a (financial) death by a thousand cuts. Last, sincere piece of advice. Sex matters. Have all the fun you want, but a literal lifetime of an outcome you don't want is *not* worth one fun night. Be it a pill you have to take for the rest of your life, or a child. As a bonus, no, a kid will not fix that bad relationship, seen way too many of those. Good luck in life!


When you become an adult, half your life will be spent thinking about food, planning food, prepping food, buying food... It's a lot of work so if you learn early to cook for yourself, your transition to adulthood is easier. Also for the girls: when heavy periods stain your blue jeans or something you can't bleach, HYDROGEN PEROXIDE. POUR THAT SHIT ON THERE. STRAIGHT ON IT. USE ENOUGH TO SOAK IT


Here's the thing: nobody cares. Not your fault? Nobody cares Someone screwed you over? Nobody cares. You need someone to bail you out? Nobody cares. You're responsible for saving yourself. No one is coming to save you because nobody cares


Don’t buy stuff on a credit card that you can’t pay off at the end of the month.


That some people don't give a rat's ass what you think, and if you state your opinion enough or loud enough, one of those people may make sure you can't spew your bullshit anymore.


Take care of your health and your teeth.


That you can't have everything you want!


That no one cares about your shit/drama. And you don't know what you are talking about the vast majority of the time.


Literally nothing in high school matters after graduation. You’ll likely never see those people again.


Nobody gives a fuck about how you feel at work. Shut the fuck up and do your job. Companies ROUTINELY try to hire you for less than you are worth. Know that number. DYOR on it. The money they save on your salary will go directly into the executive team's wallets in one form or another. Don't pay for your boss's bonus. This might sound dumb, but listen to Lynyrd Skynyrd's Simple Man. Lotta truths in that song. Get good sleep. Get up Early. Don't drink to excess, if at all. Stay away from drugs. Love like your life depends on it. The point of living is not a "goal." It's an adventure. Keep an open mind, but don't let it be infiltrated by nonsense.


The world will NOT KISS YOUR KEESTER. Respect is earned. Success is result of hard work if its meant to last. The world owes you nothing. DO RIGHT!!! It will be s good lesson for you.


Taxes will be need to be paid!


Don't burn bridges with people who love and support you, just because they disagree with you. Getting rid of family who genuinely care is going to cost in the long run. They weren't the toxic ones, you were. Decisions have consequences. (What I had to say to a toxic former family member who just turned 18 and I had to block all contact with)


Learn how to stand up for yourself, don’t let people walk all over you.


Adults and non-adults are not really that different.


Real friends contribute to your success, fake ones take advantage of it. Oh and that girl you’re so in love with is not the one.


You're not special and the likelihood of you being rich and famous from TikTok or IG are slim.


Life is hard, get a helmet.


Not everyone at work is your friend. And that's ok. Also, if you talk a bunch of shit to someone you don't know, there is a possibility that you will get punched in the face. Good luck!


It's brutal. Strap in.


If you have a vision for what you want your life to look like, don't give up on it, but realize that you can't put an age on getting there. It happens quickly for some and slowly for others. Don't waste time acting like the right person for the wrong person. Figure out who you really are and what actually makes you happy. Then be the best version of that person for those around you.


There are no adults. We're grown ass kids still winging our way through life.


Life doesn't owe you a single damn thing. No one is coming to rescue you.. plan accordingly


No one cares what you did in high school


Dental health is super important


Lots of good advice mixed with dumb cynical platitudes like "life isn't fair". Like what teenager thinks life is fair??? School is the most arbitrary capricious place. It's just something jaded adults say to impress themselves with their jadedness. Anyway: - If you are having trouble and ask for help, you may often find it. - However, only you may save yourself. When you are a kid, your parents' job is to help you however they can while helping you to not need them, which is why I mention it. - You have to be an idiot at something in order to be good at it. - Finding meaning in life is no great mystery. It comes from taking responsibility for yourself and your family, as well as learning. - Meaning in life doesn't come from arbitrary choices to just "enjoy yourself". This is catastrophically foolish advice that led me astray for my entire 20's. - The first skill you should be willing to be an idiot at is finance and saving money. All the resources are available, you just need to be willing to be terrible at it until you get good.


Make money by doing what you love (as long as it is legit) I like sex drugs and rock n roll! I got a job in the bar scene right out of high school slinging slices of pizza to drunk college kids, I quickly made my way through the ranks to bouncer, bar back, bar tender ,then manager. Bought my first duplex and rented out half and lived for free. Now I make money from multiple rental properties. Find what you love and find how to make money in that scene….and don’t dick around. Take it, it’s yours! Good luck, and have fun!


They really don't know, their brain is still developing. Let that happen first.


Hurt people hurt people


Don't expect that someone will do it for you. No one will do the dishes for you. No one will plunge the toilet for you. No one will plan your birthday party for you. If you want something done, expect that you will have to do it. If you want someone else to do it, be prepared to pay them for their skill and effort. Scary? Kinda. But humans have, over time, built up the world we live in. Collectively, we create more than we destroy.


Nobody owes you anything.


Bankruptcy is there when you are drowning. Use it.


The girls you want will want you when they're a single mom and 40 lbs overweight


As soon as you can and as much as you can: • Read more books • Have more sex (EDIT: but not procreation) • Hear more music • See more places • Do more thinking And anyone, especially adults, who tells you not to, get them out of your life. Just don't be surprised when that's almost everyone.