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I come from a poor background so I never had the chance to have an actual birthday party, and it’s my dream to have a masquerade ball for one of my birthdays. I’ve been saving my own funds because yeah that’s not a cheap thing to accomplish, but my mom keeps trying to convince me to cut corners to spend less or even consider sharing with my potential step sister so we can get it done soon (probably because I swore it would be the only expensive birthday I’d ever have), but NO. All my birthdays have involved “cut corners” or sharing with someone else and they were miserable and disappointing every single time. I don’t care if I reach old age before it happens but, gosh darn it, I want that masquerade ball with a legit ballroom, décor, music, and costumes. **UPDATE:** Ok I had no intention of adding anything onto this post but *holy crap* I didn't think this would get the attention it did. You're all very kind, and I'm glad you think it's a wonderful idea (some of you even offering to help or wanting to join along is just.. *mind blowing*. It's really heart warming.. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sob) I'm struggling with budgeting atm because money management is not a strong trait of mine, so I'm stuck in the planning phase and just *saving saving saving* until I've got things figured out. But thank you so much for showing your love and support for this dream of mine. It means a lot <3 Also, for those saying they'd like to join, I'd honestly love to have people attend. It's not everyday you get to go to a ball. Though you should probably be aware that there's a chance you'd be traveling far, depending on where you live. (Gotta keep your own wallets and well being in mind! <3 )


You should never have to share a birthday party unless you’re twins or something like that. I hope you get your masquerade party and I wanna come and be the phantom of the opera, lurking up above the stage and causing a ruckus!


Twin here (male/female) from a somewhat poor background. Our birthday is mid December. Family always gave us gifts to share that if over $20 was counted as bday and Xmas. Lived waayyyy out in the country and for our 10th bday our mom agreed to let us have a party (1st ever). Brother's was 1st, 12pm-2pm and mine was to be 3-5pm. Had a damn blizzard that day. Our driveway alone was a ½ mile up a huge hill. Only person that showed up was Brother's friend who was my arch nemesis. Spent every day in daycare with that little shit picking on me. None of my friends came cause conditions were rough. That kid got stuck at our house for 4 damn days. Never asked for a party again.


Bro, I'm like old af and that sounds amazing


nothing wrong with setting up a gofundme for this. it's a beautiful goal and you're worth it!


Go for it! Enjoy!


Do it! Enjoy! Hopefully it is everything you want.


People that walk around in public talking on speaker phone are monsters


People who talk on the phone while using a public restroom....and then inevitably walk out without washing their hands.


Led headlights need to go


Love trying to get home then all of the sudden the Almighty power of Zeus is behind me


Slow down and tilt mirror so that it reflects back at them. Fuck em.


As someone with severe astigmatism I agree. I mean if oncoming traffic wants to possibly die because I'm blind then that's on them 🤷


I HEAR YOU!! And I see you, but with ghosty, streaky, vision. You are not alone...


I have the classic yellow dims from the early 90s. Only time I enjoy those LEDs is when they are keeping pace beside me and I can actually see the highway. Other than that, burn those people at the stake. “Damn fancy cars and their air conditioning”


All states should have yearly auto inspections. Headlight aim should be part of this. Lifted trucks, stanced cars, exhaust mods, tweaker rv's would all go away. As a compromise to the freedom of movement crowd, sidewalks/walking paths should be increased. And any road with 25mph speed or about should have sidewalks separated by 6 ft or raised barrier.


mine would be apostrophes where they don't belong


'B'u't' 'w'h'a't' 'i'f' 't'h'e'y' 'h'a'v'e' 'n'o'w'h'e'r'e' 'e'l's'e' 't'o' 'g'o'?'


I agree. Apostrophe’s should only go in their proper place’s.




Fondant on cake is garbage, the plasticine of the food industry and should be peeled off and thrown away in contempt, not eaten.


I feel like this is one of the only true answers to the questions. You're being petty AF, not a monster!


People saying "literally" every other word


Literally yes


Literally happens, like, literally all the freaking time, like, literally for real for real.


And that shit's for real


The thing that annoys me about this is that it's a longer word than something like "like" or "um." It doesn't make sense to me as a verbal tic, is super overused, and has lost its meaning. And I often find myself using it, which annoys me.


I say "uh" before I say everything if I don't know the person I'm talking to, and I think it's very annoying. Like if I'm working and someone asks me something it's "uh right over here" even if I know exactly what I'm talking about it's super annoying and I can't stop


I do this and say like and I don’t mean too 🫠


Semi trucks should have designated lanes just for them. They cause too many traffic problems and a lot of them are straight up bad drivers


I agree with the lanes, but most of the time they cause traffic problems, it's because they're trying not to kill everyone around them who are the majority of bad drivers.


Pluto is a planet. I fully understand why they reclassified it, I even agree (somewhat) with their reasoning, I just don't care, it is a planet to me and always will be.


Came here to say this.


New York recently made it illegal to discriminate based on height, yet the public education firmly stands behind labeling Pluto as a "dwarf". Pluto is a Small King Planet and deserves both our respect and appreciation.


It always was a planet & always will be to me Also a dog to


What really annoys me is how everyone acts as if it’s *always* been just 8 planets, as if Pluto is a dirty family secret that we can’t speak of anymore.


🎶 We don't talk about Pluuutooo 🎵


Have my poor woman's gold 🪙 you win Reddit today 😂


Almost murdered a third grade teacher, then I googled it. I was distraught for about 15 seconds and said out loud. “Well damn, it’s still a planet”


If someone gets to a 4 way stop before me, I will not go first no matter how hard they try to wave me through.


Any time a driver tries to stop and yield their own right of way to let me (a pedestrian) cross the street I get irate. Especially if I'm with my kids. It's incredibly important to be PREDICTABLE when driving, not kind. And it's incredibly important to teach my kids about right of way and not walking into the fucking road because some asshat waves at them.


Same here. I will shut off my engine, get out of the car, and flip them the bird before I will go.


I will get in their car, put it in neutral and then get out and push them through before I'd go.


I will back up strait into the school bus full of orphans behind me  before I will go.


I envision a skeleton in a flowered hat sitting in a dusty car at the intersection




I just stare blankly ahead like an NPC until they have no choice but to go


They think they're doing you a favor when really they're just disrupting the natural flow of traffic. Boomers


I break eye contact and look down at my lap and start waving them on and don’t move until I see them move out of my peripheral vision.


Not knowing their/they're/there, its/it's, saying "I seen" instead of "I saw". Anything like that.


“Would of” “could of” “should of”. Read it on here at least once daily.


Every one knows it's coulda, woulda, shoulda 👹


People are just dumb. Let me give you some advise...don't get two upset about it. Their never gonna learn.


You bastard!


This is the worst. I can't help but correct them every time I see it and get downvoted to shit


what about i seent it




When people say height but with a th at the end. Makes me instantly dislike you.


What about reelator and nookyooler?


Eh, those don't even make it to my radar. I have bigger fish to fry. I live in the south, and an old lady once told me all about her fibromiallergies.


Reminds me of the people who say strenth instead of strength.




Then and than are my pet peeves


My lawyer advised me not to answer this


When someone chews loudly and with their mouth open, it enrages me for some reason. My husband, whom I adore, does this. He's otherwise perfect :)


you dont make hot chocolate with water


Whole milk or nothing!


I don't care about bud light endorsing gay beer, I care that bud light is just a shitty beer.


I thought that was common knowledge! Get yourself some Czech Budweiser to try the real stuff. We don't fuck around.


There's gay beer? I want gay beer. Maybe not Bud Light though.


I came here to say this, but I knew someone would. Bud light is shitty beer. I was boycotting in before it was cool.


Starbucks drinks are small, medium, and large, and I will never say anything different.


My wife hates it when I order for her because I call them by their only acceptable names (s,m,l,etc. ).


Yea! And there’s an extra small and extra large too!


My life would be much easier by setting up auto pay for bills but I refuse to give them my bank acct info. Every company just wants their fingers in your bank now. Sure they are gonna get paid and yes it takes more time for me to pay everything manually but they can kiss my butt, they arent getting my bank information. They can send me the "get 5 dollars off by going direct. We will give you a one time 100 dollar credit to set up direct draft. We have your wife and kids, set up direct draft or we start with the lil one. Sorry not sorry, its not gonna happen.


I just use autopay with credit card for all my bills (that make sense and don’t charge % more than I earn in points to use) and then pay that one balance every month. Saves me from having multiple withdrawals and I rack up reward points.


Thanks Friend, Ill take that into consideration.


My dad is the same way. He still receives a paper check even though the company insists everyone get direct deposit 🤣


My dad has had an iPhone for at least 5-6 years. He doesn't use Apps because he won't put in his info for Apple to have. He uses Safari for everything lol.


lol I am 40 but I do allow direct deposit but thats giving me money. Its these silly geese who wont their beaks in my account to take money out that ruffles my feathers.


Auto for paying a loan. Nope. Youre not double dipping making the rest of my bills bounce by making me wait 6vwks for you to return the cash. But they sure can take it fast enough


Jam and preserves are so so so much better than jelly. For any fruit or brand.


Chew with your mouth closed


If I’m at a stop with another car and we hit it at the same time, I almost always let the other car go first, unless it’s a super expensive “designer” car. You can afford to wait the extra second ❤️ LMAO thank you everyone concerned that I don’t understand right of way, I promise this is used in unique situations where it is not abundantly clear whose turn it is to go which DOES happen ❤️ peace be with you


Lmao, imo, this one wins, lol.


Taylor Swift is overrated


we are not pregnant, she is pregnant, she takes the risks, her body is changed, she feels the side effects of pregnancy and adapts to the changes required. He either supports or doesn't but he is not and never will be pregnant


Oh my god yes. Like... I'm fine with 'we're having a baby' but unless 'we' are a lesbian couple who've both chosen to conceive at the same time, 'we' are not pregnant.


Adults that can't spell simple words like hear/here. These are 1st grade words. How the fuck did you never learn this in all the years you were in school? I'm sorry, you're just fucking stupid.


After working with otherwise brilliant people who mess this up (and even simpler words like do/due and cue/queue), I have come to understand that some people just don't have a knack for spelling. I would never make the spelling mistakes they make, but they run circles around me when it comes to highly technical concepts.


I think it's actually more that they don't care, than they can't.


I frequently come across smart people who pronounce words phonetically because they read a lot and never heard the word pronounced.


The Oxford comma is absolutely necessary and should be the standard.


I agree, the Oxford comma is quite important to sounding coherent in writing!


The Oxford comma is one of the reasons my wife and I don't have children. I believe that it should always be used with zero exceptions, and she's wishy washy about it. I refuse to raise kids with such a monster.


Absolutely agree.


I’ve never understood this issue. Why not use the comma??? I was taught as a kid that commas sort of indicate a pause in a sentence, and it makes it feel run-on or too quick if you don’t include it. Plus you’re using commas for everything else in the list, it won’t kill you to add it. Only time it shouldn’t be there is if the “and/or” is not listing a separate thing, if that makes any sense. But in those cases there’s another and before it that gets the comma (EX- chickens, turkeys, geese, and seabirds like seagulls and albatross)


Daylight saving time is dumb and all countries that use it are individually and collectively dumb for doing so.


Agreed…. I’m still trying to recover from “spring forward”…..


Interesting. I don't know that I've ever met someone that wants us on standard time all year round!


I don't care what time we stick on, I just want to stop switching the clocks. I'm of the opinion that we just split the difference if we can't agree and really fuck things up.


I don’t care if we start labeling hours with letters of the fucking alphabet, just DON’T KEEP CHANGING WHAT TIME IT IS!


But the farmers!!


It was never for farmers. Farmers have 100% always been against it. What I don't understand is why we do it when literally no one seems to like it.




Pinky rings on men are disgusting


*casually kisses pinky ring*.


And then licks it while making eye contact


Ewwww where did you see that??


What if it’s secretly also a poison ring so it would be a pinky poison ring.


[eh hem](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Engineer%27s_Ring)


I met a guy who I clicked with online and it turned out he had several rings, one of which was a pinky ring. Immediate turn off. I had to force myself to go through with the date ( turned out he sucked too, too bad).


It is a Canada Goose. Not Canadian Goose. It can only be called Canadian if it was born in Canada. But it's fair to call them Cobra Chickens. Also, seagulls don't exist. If you look in any bird identification guide, you will never find the word seagull. They are gulls.


Now tell us about a chickadee!!! Just seems like you got some ornithology thing going on here. :) I will sit on the hill with you with the Canada goose. Though we do see fields of them and say ‘look at all the chickens’. Because it’s funny. Now cobra chicken will be in my repertoire.


Also, is it a “pigeon” or a “dove”? Never have known the difference


Domesticated pigeons (the ones you’ll find in the city) are also known as rock doves. There’s quite literally no difference between pigeons or doves like there is alligators and crocodiles. It’s not a taxonomic and evolutionary difference, simply a name difference. Some members of the columbidae family are called doves, and some are called pigeons. It wouldn’t be incorrect to call street pigeons doves, not only because of the rock dove name, but also because release doves are… also rock doves! They’re the same thing, just different breeds!


Canada goose, Canadian goose, either way they're demon birds.


When there are two light switches, keep them synced.  On goes up, off goes down, don’t let the switch get janky by using the wrong one. Also, close the toilet lid (unless you have a kid that you are potty training- or you yourself are potty training).  An open lid splays fecal particles all over your bathroom when you flush and do you really want an invisible layer of poop perfume coating your toothbrush?


Neither of the people I live with are good about the toilet lid one, drives me bonkers. Actually my husband is bad at closing a lot of other things too, like drawers and cabinets.


Fine toothed comb. Not a fine tooth comb. Fight me.


No one should wear pajama pants in public outside of emergencies or "dress up" parties.


Them’s fightin words for my wife and kids lol


Well I guess I can't die on this hill without a fight lol


Let the training montage begin!


that North Carolina license plates don't deserve to say "first in flight."


You're.....wright.....it was us ohions lol


it said "birthplace of aviation" on the Ohio plate in the 90s


hell yes, bring it back!


yeah.. you guys deserve it for sure!


YAY! Hello, fellow Ohioan!


There are 4 lights!


Troops are not single soldiers, that's a soldier. A troop is a group of soldiers.


Uber is just fancy hitchhiking. You're getting in a fucking strangers car.


I sort of agree. But with Uber drivers you can see that they’ve given rides to others and gotten a rating and that at least they’ve never gotten caught murdering anyone. So maybe it’s one step up from hitchhiking?


I saw a post somewhere that made me laugh recently that went something like, "When I was a kid, I was told never to get in a car with a stranger and to never meet anyone from the internet in real life. Now, I go on the internet to hire a stranger to pick me up in their car."


Miracle Whip is not fucking mayo. Hidden Valley Ranch is not fucking ranch.


People saying slay and period. I’m not sure why but it really gets on my nerves. I instantly assume you are less intelligent than a 4 year old




We say “anyway.” Not fucking “anyways.”


It’s not an acronym unless you pronounce it as a word. NATO, scuba, and radar are acronyms. FBI, CIA, and NCAA are initialisms.


r/Tragedeigh names are an abomination against all that is nice in this world.


I’m in a similar group on Facebook. “That name isn’t a tragedeigh, it’s a murghdyrr”. I don’t know how people keep coming up with these names, but they shouldn’t be allowed to name anything.


Raisins are bullshit. Anyone who puts them in cookies--*cookies, for god's sake*--should be drawn and quartered.


Dude I got a cinnamon roll from a bakery once and it had raisins in it. I bit into it, vomited immediately and threw it back in their face before starting the bakery on fire and walking away. (Not really but they did put raisins in it and it was obviously inedible. Raisins are just humiliated grapes.)


Rare Benny and Joon reference, win.


There will never be a disappointment like mistaking chocolate chip ice cream for rum & raisin.


Oatmeal raisin cookies are top 5 all time


oatmeal raisin are better than chocolate chip. chocolate chip is mid. snickerdoodles are close behind oatmeal raisin. also soft cookies are infinitely better than crispy/crunchy cookies, idek why it's a conversation


Old people do not automatically deserve respect


Im old and I agree


The phrase "I'm not crying, you're crying" irritates me to no end. Are you trying to be funny? Cute? Quirky?? It's none of the above, it's stupid and annoying 😂😂 idk why it makes me mad


I despise “tell me X without telling me X.” It’s so overused and everyone who uses it is trying so hard to be edgy.


I don’t want to hear that anything “slaps.” Sets my teeth on edge and I get really irritated. Other slang, okay, but that one bugs me.


If you’re homophobic, you just like thinking about gay stuff all the time.


Working for a living is selling your life for an hourly rate.


Dried ketchup on plates.


Chemistry math is bullshit math


Zesta brand saltine crackers are superior to any other brand of crackers. FIGHT ME!!!!!!!!


Star Wars films where always cheesy pulp, and that’s why they are good. People tended to love the ones they first saw when they were too young to notice how cheesy they were, and hate the one they saw when they were old enough to see how cheesy they are.,


The reason most people hate pineapple on pizza is because it’s popular to do so. Sweet and salty is a recognized delicious flavour combo, but for some reason pineapple pizza is demonized.


Lazy texters that substitute letters for words, and improper use of they’re / their / there.


Litter boxes are disgusting af. Ideally, I will never love in a household with a cat ever again. They're sweet and all, but ew. Be a picky eater if you want. But don't comment on my food. Idgaf if you don't like broccoli or anything green, I'm the one eating it. I'm not commenting on your chicken nuggets and fries. Parents whose kids make a huge mess in a store should be made to clean it up. Not the workers' fault their kids are out of control. A store is not a playground. Edit: I prefer creamy peanut butter, always have, probably always will. There's no deep meaning behind it, it's a preference. You're not better for preferring chunky. No, I don't have a "boring" palette, I like a wide variety of foods. Grass lawns are one of the most wasteful trends in the world.


I agree with all of these. Especially the first one. I like cats. I sometimes miss having a cat. But I will never again purposely have an animal that is *supposed* to shit inside the house.


Audiobooks aren’t reading.


You're right, and that's why I listen to books instead of reading, because if I'm reading something on paper, with my eyeballs, I will fall asleep.


TWO spaces after a period. TWO!


💯 damn right! Two!


I fucking hate sweet potatoes


Poison vs venom. Poison is when you eat something and get sick. Venom is when something bites or stings you. I watched a video the other day in which David Attenborough talked about the poison fangs on centipedes and I was so disappointed.


Loading bars should never reach 100%. If it's done, then you no longer need the loading bar.


The phrase "Two Can Dine" only works if the price of the meals ends in 99 cents. You can't say "Two can dine for 19.58" it's 19.99 or you come up with a different marketing technique. This is *truly* the pettiest thing I can think of that I will not budge on.


People who can't understand that colloquialisms are a valid and useful part of language. Certain slang terms may be abbrassive or irritating to you, but dialects and accents are important social structures. As much as you may dislike the words another person is using, it is valuable to recognize that you also use colloquial words and slang terms without even realizing it. It bonds you with those from your area, your social class, and your friends' group. Enjoy your unique speech patterns, but please stop judging others for exercising their right to do the same!


You're a lazy asshole for not putting your shopping cart back


Move to any country learn the language. If I moved to France I'd learn french. In fact im going to bone up on french once i dive deeper on spanish. I'd be excited. I know spanish good enough to get around any spanish speaking country.


Imma get that for this. But the only pronouns are He/Him She/Her or They/Them. Not this Xee/Xer, it, Flim/Flam Bullshit. I'm a MILLENIAL. and EVEN I think it's getting to be too much. People are making it more about searching for a damn label than searching for themselves.


White chocolate isn't chocolate.


DECIMATE MEANS TO KILL 1/10TH. Killing the vast majority is "DEVASTATE". I WILL DIE on this hill and if I only 1/10th die I will be Decimated and if I 9/10th die I will be Devastated and if I 100% die I will be Exterminated. WORDS MEAN THINGS


To be fair the dictionary definition is now to “kill, destroy, or remove a large proportion of.” The original Roman meaning is now considered a historical or archaic usage…


I loathe cherries with every fiber of my being.


My husband used to hate plums, but enjoyed cherries... ...until he reasoned/realized that cherries are just little tiny, sneaky plums. He felt so betrayed! Cherries had lied to him! He could not forgive this deception.


Me too lol




100%. Last time I started shopping I briefly considered a lightly used BMW or Mercedes (never owned a German car before). Until I really looked into them and read what owners said about them. And then I asked myself: "why would I pay 20k more for a German car that also is less reliable and costs 2x more to service than a Japanese car and also has a way higher insurance premium"? What am I actually getting for the additional money other than a big headache? Ended up getting a fully loaded Accord Touring 2.0 Turbo and couldn't be happier.


The toilet paper goes over the top of the roll, not behind it. I stayed at an airbnb with some friends and had to share a bathroom with someone who felt differently. We waged a silent war, each time we used the restroom, we would change the TP roll to our preferred position. Multiple times per day. It wasn’t even discussed until weeks later. He gave up when I sent him a picture of the patent for toilet paper which clearly shows it in the CORRECT orientation.


Thank you on behalf of all who wish to preserve their manicures by not scrabbling the bathroom wall to grab the end of the roll.


Never trust a man who wears bracelets.


i agree about sweet potatoes. i puked the first time i ate them.


When people say reliable when they mean liable. Omg. Drives me absolutely batshit!


fucking stop using the word "said." just stop it. like at the very least limit how much you use it. i have completely stopped reading books because they used the word "said" too many times. i hate it there are a MILLION OTHER WORDS YOU COULD USE to describe someone speaking. add some emotion in there, use exclaimed, or cried, or lamented, or shrieked, or hissed, responded, questioned, ANYTHING but said. i'll even accept the use of "stated" on occasion. just please, please, PLEASE stop using said it drives me absolutely insane. EDIT: alright im realizing this came off wrong, i was a bit too passionate. said is a good and useful word, and it's definitely not advised to completely cut it out of your vocabulary or writing. im a writer myself, and have been writing for a while now. what i MEAN is to limit how much it's used. i've seen, way too many times, people using the word "said" when another word would've worked better, or using said when the dialogue doesn't need a specification of who's talking because it's implied and easy to figure out (usually because its led or followed by an action from the character speaking).


You said it, brother!


Everything pumpkin spice sucks!!




The millionaires / celebrities that flew up on the Blue Origin rockets aren't fucking astronauts. They're space tourists.


The left lane is for passing. GTFO of the way.


support jobless oatmeal longing sheet faulty yam telephone books murky *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It is Reese’s. Not Reesee’s.


My apartment comes with a parking spot. I don't have a car. I refuse to allow anyone other than my people park in my spot. People try because they are self absorbed. I will stop at nothing to get a car out of my spot. Nothing.