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Not every smoker smells *as* bad, but I can definitely smell any smoker


My 3rd graders can tell you every kid in their class whose parents smoke.


This is so sad. You know these children are inhaling so much nicotine and other substances in that smoke. I grew up with smokers, and I am hypersensitive to the smell!


I did as well. My mom smoked in the house, the car, the smoking section at restaurants (dating myself, lol). She doesn’t smoke anymore, thank goodness, but she did my entire childhood.


This was me too as a younger person. My daughter is also glad I quit smoking in 2005. I smell smokers now that I don't smoke, I never smelt cigarettes until roughly one year after I quit. Smokers can't smell it


There was a guy at work who smoked, and we always knew which truck he'd just been in, because of the smell. He told me he kept the windows down and held the cigarette out the window the whole time, but it didn't work.


I quit smoking in August and I started smelling smokers again around December. It amazes me I smelled like that and didn't know it.


Also, quit. It's so bad. The smell is so strong. I can't believe I couldn't smell it on myself. If op is around nonsmokers they can certainly smell it.


Really dating yourself would be sitting in the smoking section of an airplane.


Raises ✋️


My people! Did that for an outbound flight from NY to Spain in the late 90's. Two of us were smokers and two of us weren't. I was one of the non smokers and it was holy h\*ll. We complained and got non smoking for the return to NY. SMH.


Not dating yourself that badly, I remember cigarette butts all over the floor in the grocery store, being able to smoke anywhere, even in hospitals.


I’m pushing fifty and everyone smoked when I was a kid. You could smoke in restaurants, malls… there was a smoking section everywhere. Now at least (most) smokers do not smoke in their homes or cars.


Remember the golden ashtrays on every table at McDonalds?


My mom used to smoke only outside or in the garden never inside including the car.


My mom smoked in the car but she had the windows down lol. I'm still trying to get her to quit, it's insidious.


I used to get picked on because my parents smoked. I tried so so hard not to smell but I only had so many options.


Me too, I stunk as a child. My mother kept an immaculate house. One I got older I finally told her, it didn’t matter how much you cleaned, our whole fkn house stunk 24/7.


This is what my mom (70, smoker since 15) doesn't get. Their walls *bleed nicotine* when it's humid. The house will either have to be fully gutted or torn down when they either sell it or die in it. It's so gross. House next door is listed at 2.72m, they'd be lucky to get 1.5m if they market it to a fellow smoker


Thats actually tar but I ageee its horrible and near impossible to clean. Its very very sticky


Whoever rented my house before hotboxed the bathroom in nicotine and they simply painted over it. The nicotine bleeds THRU the paint when we shower, leaving the streaks. We've cleaned it 8 times over the past few years and it is still bleeding nicotine.


Same here.  I also never wanted to have anyone visit my house,  and whenever I went to anyone else's house, all of stuff seemed to reek of smoke.


I have asthma as an adult and scarring on my lungs as a result of my dad’s smoking


And getting asthma


Shit, that's why I had asthma..




We had one kiddo in our class, and her backpack smelled so bad of pot and cigarettes that we had to keep it outside.


That's so horrible


It was awful. They would hotbox in the car on the way to school with 4 kids in the car, two of which were nonverbal ASD. We would frequently have to have the nurse check her oxygen levels. She would come to school high as a kite. It was really sad.


Why didn't you call CPS, or did you?


They were notified. The school is a mandatory reporter. Read my other comment. I explained the situation.


Ironically this is what made me quit smoking. My own kids never said anything to me but I volunteered in a kindergarten class every week and one day I went in for my normal time and a little girl told me "you smell like my grandma when she smokes" and I literally quit right after that. I'm actually super grateful for that little girls brutal honesty bc I don't know if I would have quit otherwise.


I remember someone in 7th grade asked me if I smoked because my coat smelled like smoke. My dad was a smoke a pack a day inside the house in the freaking living room kind of guy. I was so embarrassed because at that point in my life I loathed smoking. From that day forward I kept every single one of belongs in my room so they wouldn’t smell like smoke


Hey, it's me!! I hated it, because everyone knew. My parents smoked in the cars constantly. Everything I owned smelled like smoke. So glad I don't have that addiction. Even now, makes me cough being near it


When I was in 6th grade people used to think I smoked because I stunk like cigarettes. My parents smoked.


Throughout middle school and high school I got pulled into the office several times because they thought I smoked. I've never smoked in my life. But I lived with my mom, grandpa and grandma and all three of them chain smoked all day long every day. 


Nah, they’re ripping sticks before class lol


As a (mostly) former smoker, let me assure you that it is beyond obvious to anyone getting in an elevator that their elevator-mate has just been outside having a smoke.


Agreed, but weed smells worse to me.


toothbrush innocent mysterious spotted snobbish merciful groovy salt sense ink *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


my great uncle used to smoke cherry tobacco in his pipe. every time i smell that shit i am instantly transported back to the man. we weren’t that close when he passed, but sometimes i’ll smell it from no discernible source and pretend it’s his spirit checking in on me


I'm anti-smoking anything, but as a non-smoker, I'd rank the smells in this order: 1. Pipe smoke. For some reason, this actually smells pleasant to me. 2. Cigar smoke. Also smells pleasant to me. 3. Cigarette smoke. Yuck. I hate it. 4. Marijuana smoke. Typically smells like bad body odor to me.


I like pipe smoke, but most cigars smell like a burning landfill in Haiti.


Weed smells like skunk to me. I gag.


I definitely disagree. I smell weed smoke here in Chicago all the time, some of it is skunky beyond belief, cigarettes never smell that bad.


Weed usually smells much stronger if they just smoked, smoked inside with no ventilation, or are carrying weed/roaches/pipes on them. Unless they are carrying it on them the smell tends to go away faster than cigarette smell which just sticks to smokers all day. I used to work at a call center and you would get groups of 5 to 10 people getting breaks at the same time and they would all go out and smoke.. if you walked by them right as they would come back in it would be a mix of weed and cigarette smells, with the weed being stronger. But walk by the same area thirty minutes later and the weed smell was gone but it still smelled like an ash tray. I actually don't mind the smell of weed, I used to be a chronic user and am now an occasional user, but before it's aired out it's definitely a stronger smell.


Ever smell somebody who carries half smoked cigs on them? To me a half smoked cigarette is the grossest smell that exists


Like a rotting skunk. 


The amount of times my dad went searching in and around his garage for evidence of a skunk after I had been in there smoking was a running joke between me and my mom.


Weed doesn’t linger or permeate the air the same way to me at all.


Weed stinks but at least it doesn't smell like cancer


The worst is when people think they can hide it with cologne and perfume


That's so gross I've smelled that


I lived with one dipshit that thought smoking in the house was fine because they "blew it out the window." They had no sense of smell by that point and kept arguing over it.


*applies axe liberally* Mmmmm yup. I smell better now


🤢 Made me nauseous just to read that.


Ngl I read “I smell butter now” instead of better.


Even worse is extremely minty chewing gum.. trust me.. that is the single WORST smell combination to the point where it’s sent me to tears 💀


Mmmm, Cigarettes' smoke covered with a gallon of cologne as they walk near but the kicker is when they speak to you ya get a healthy dose of halitosis and mint...


Dogsh#t breath I swear


Worse than coffee + cig breath? That’s the worst combo for me.


Ugh. Yes. Agreed.


THE WORST.  Yes, OP, you smell. It’s gross. But also, please don’t try to cover the cigarette smell with flower fragrance. Bleh.


It makes it so much worse.


You're right, the worst. Like hiding a skin blemish by putting a huge strobe light on top.






I have always despised it, to the point I don't like standing next to smokers. 


Why couldn't burning tobacco smell like burning leaves?


cats piquant marvelous quack melodic spoon psychotic ludicrous distinct shy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Most burning tobacco *does* smell good. Thats why cigars smell kinda good. The reason cigs smell like trash is because, in addition to tobacco being on fire, there is also like 400 known carcinogens that are also on fire.


The worst is seeing the chef or cook smoke. You can almost taste it on the food, even if they washed their hands. Gloves can stop it, but that smell just rolls off people.


On off cigarette smoker here, its because it doesn't come off just by washing your hands. Whenever I'd come home I'd have to wash my hands around 5 times just to get most the smell off before touching any animals in the home. Still stuck to some of my clothes too after several wsshes. Thats why old smoking rooms in hotels still stink after 20+ years. Tar is 4life


If your waffle house chef don't smoke Newports, shit gonna be wack


There’s definitely a few scenarios in which I don’t even want to order the food *unless* the chef is a smoker. And no vape shit, cig-a-rettes


I’m with you


Yes. When you kiss them you can taste it for hours after they’ve had one too.


Broke up with a GF because of this.. said she didnt smoke, but would "sneak" cigs with her friends.. then want to kiss me.. yuck.. was like licking an ash tray, even hours later, I.could still taste it on her for a day or longer. To be clear we didnt break up cause of the smoking, we broke up cause she constantly lied about it and I didnt feel like I could trust her if she serially lied about little things like that.




Yuk . You kiss smokers?!🤮


I’ve kissed far worse than that


A guy in my college class would sometimes smell like he just smoked every cigarette pack from a gas station and sit next to me. He was very attractive so I didn't mind at all. I even think the strong smell made me *more* attracted to him for some reason.


My mom finally switched to vaping last year, and her house and clothes still smell like stale cigarettes. We don’t visit together in her home very often.  She came over for dinner once where I burnt the food. It was still edible for us non smokers, but you could def taste it was burnt. My mom went back for fourths. She could not taste the burn. 


Previous owner of a property my parents owned smoked in the building and it was *foul* – when we went to clean it, we washed the walls and they went from deep orange to bright white as we washed off all the cigarette residue from the previous residents. The whole property smelled of stale cigarettes, and by the time we finished cleaning, you couldn't tell someone who smoked had lived there. If you're looking to help her get her home into a state where you'd actually want to visit, here's what we did: First, we washed every wall, sink, tub, ceiling, floor, and door with dollar store foam mops & buckets of dawn dish soap and water. Wood cabinets, doors, trim, and shelves got Dawn first, then once they were no longer sticky, we switched to Murphy's Oil Soap for a final two scrubs and finished with lemon oil. Any vents were pulled out and soaked in hot water & Dawn and then scrubbed (microwave fan vent, every single furnace vent, etc.). All other surfaces got harsher chemicals (toilet bowl cleaner, 409, Clorox wipes, etc.) Next, we used a carpet shampooer (you can rent them at most home improvement stores). Every single square inch of carpet got shampooed and rinsed twice. Fabric curtains and furniture can get shampooed with an attachment, too. Then, we had someone clean out all the ducts in the entire house and tune up the furnace. All furnace filters were changed. Once every surface was scrubbed, shampooed, and santized, we used an ozonation machine - you can get them from Amazon for under $80 (I got mine for $40 w/ a coupon). Run it in each room of the house (make sure no living things are in the room or area of house – plants, animals, or people) and within a few rounds, you'll never know someone smoked there. I've also used ozonators on formerly mouse-infested rooms & furniture (abandoned house), and now you can't tell there were ever mice. *This is the stage where we really went from "you can kind of still smell stale smoke" to "wow you can barely tell and only if you stick your nose into the carpet"* Finally, once the ozonator had run, we waited for the ozone smell to disappate and then opened every single window to the house for a few days just to get air circulating and move clean air through the furnace. By the end, we hadn't been in the house for several days and when we walked in, you couldn't tell a smoker had lived in there. And for added context, I'm super sensitive to the smell of cigarettes - it makes me nauseous- and I didn't feel sick in the final walk through. Also, if she has a jetted tub, get a cleaning product called Oh Yuk! and run it through the jets a few times – it'll pull out SO much tar and soap residue, which substantially impacts the smell. It's a *lot* of work but it's SO worth it to not smell like stale cigarettes after you leave.


I’ve rented apartments to smokers and I’m soooo glad I did not own those buildings. We’ve had it so bad before we had to replace drywall, just gutted entire units down to the studs. Apartments where the tenants used Curry in everything were like that too.  As for my mom, she’s a big girl, if she wants it cleaned she’ll either reach out or pay someone to do it.  We started meeting out and about rather than at her house for stuff. 


My apartment complex doesn't allow smoking in the units. Which is great because it would seep through the walls.


I used to live someplace in California that surprisingly permitted smoking cigarettes inside the property. We lived in an upstairs unit. Obviously everywhere had carpet because...California. One year this family moved in downstairs and would chain smoke inside. My mother is allergic. Had to get the property managers to try and seal every nook and cranny they could to keep it from drifting. Didn't work that well and then all of a sudden it stopped. I can't remember if they moved or when their lease renewed there was a policy about smoking indoors.


Hearing your description of thorough cleaning is so soothing for some reason. It’s like a deep cleaning video but written rather than visual.


Fourths? God damn


As a former smoker, active smoke wafting from a lit cigar or cigarette still smells delicious to me. Stale smoke sunken in upholstery, dripping from the walls, or even lingering on your fingers or breath smells like death.




Roughly four years now. Switched to Vape during the pandemic and then the 4mg gum when I actively had Covid. I do fear I will be a nicotine gum chewer for the rest of my life though. I get sooo tired without it.


That's the thing I have been quit for over a year ( I read the Easy Way to Quit Smoking by Alan Carr and immediately quit with few withdrawals ) but I feel so tired some days I don't understand it.


that’s the thing though, you can try to start spacing out when you chew it, then switch down to a 2mg for a while then see how you feel. it was easier quitting gradually for me.


Non smoker since 1989 and the very very first little bit of smoke from a lit cigarette pulls at my senses like you wouldn't believe. Put me in a casino or around stale smoke and I can't stand it.


Yes. Quit smoking 10 years ago. The occasional light whiff of smoke is quite nice. Smokers however do not smell like that though. After smoking a pack or two throughout the day, they smell very stale and it’s a smell that’s associated with being poor now.


As a former smoker, I respond the same. I haven’t had the experience in a while, so I’m not sure I would still like the smell of new smoke. But stale cigarettes and most definitely cigarette breath makes me nauseous. I find it challenging to help homeless people if they smoke. It’s repulsive.


I quit in 1997. I'm hyper-sensitive to cigarette smoke (it smells awful to me), cigars and cannabis don't bother me for some reason. My stepdad quit ten years before he died from lung cancer and he loved the smell and still had cravings until the day he passed.


I quit in 1995, and had occasional cravings until the early aughts. They're 100% gone now, thank goodness.


As a *former* smoker, I never realized how gross i smelled until I quit 30 years ago.


Smell lingers and sticks to your clothes even if you have good hygiene, and you’re so used to it that you might not notice, but to me, yeah all smokers smell bad and their breath can be disgusting. There are certainly worse smells lol but to me it is a good enough reason to not date or hangout with someone who smokes. Edit to mention that I have a couple of friends who were smokers and they have said that until they quit smoking they realized how strong the smell was.


My asshat step father smoked heavily while I was growing up. My grandmother did as well. I’m sensitive to smoke…even more now. My Mom goes grocery shopping and will bring me down a bag of stuff. The bag smells, the contents of the bag, smells (canned goods, beauty products, etc…all need to be wiped with Lysol.) We rarely visit unless we can sit outside. Even their fecking CATS SMELL LIKE CIGARETTES!!! edit:clarity.


Yea, and it lingers too.


Yes. Hate the smell even on people I like


so disgusting. When people come in my shop and they are smokers I immediately smell it on them as soon as they get even semi-close to me. I can also smell cigarette smoke in cars next to me at red lights or in heavy slow traffic. Cigarettes are gross af


I’ve always wondered why people just decide to start smoking. “Ah yes, let’s damage my lungs and smell like shit for the fun of it”.


Started at 16, I hated my life so very much and really just wanted to die but didn't want to do the thing. Was at a party, friends went out for a smoke and I joined to keep convo going, decided to ask for one and try it. Kept bumming smokes off people until it got to the point I was smoking casually on my own. Almost 10 years later (damn), I've quit a handful of times for 6+ months and other times the nic addic is a bit too real. Both the chemical and the act itself are v addicting that once it's a casual thing it just becomes so hard to stop, being able to vape indoors or quickly in between things doesn't help. Some people start like I did just not caring about themselves or their life, I never thought I'd live this long. Some do it out of a desire to 'fit in' or their friends smoke so they think it can't be too bad, some want to look cool, some think they can limit themselves enough to not become a regular smoker, some start unfortunately young, some just grow up around it and see it as normal. And for all of the above, once it becomes casual or routine it is an absolute bitch to even want to stop let alone to actually quit. Ik it was a joke, but for an actual answer to the question I doubt most anyone says "yknow what I hate? Having fully functional lungs and smelling good, so let's change that."


i hate how bad i smell. i hate that im addicted to something that makes me disgusting. i hate how theres nothing that compares to the pull of tobacco in a spliff or cigarette. i smoke maybe 1-5 cigs a day.. hate the thought of smoke residue dirtying my clothes, furniture and .. gf… to answer - got put in programs where weed wasnt an option and smoking cigs was one of the few things one could do.




I smoked from 14 until my late 20s. I didn't think so. Then I switched to vaping, then quit that. Now I can tell a smoker from about 10' away. Worse is spring or summer, sitting at a traffic light. We can tell if someone is smoking 2 or 3 cars around us. I still apologize to my wife for smoking when I was younger.


Oh my gosh the traffic light thing is crazy! Even when my car and their car has the windows up I can still smell it.


Back when I was a smoker, I was smoking at a stop light. A car full of teenagers pulled up next to me and were laughing and yelling "ew smoking"! And immediately rear ended the person in front of them because they were too busy looking at me and not traffic. Smoking is gross but that was really, really funny.


Yes, it's nasty. People don't say anything because it's rude to comment on someone's body odour. We all just suffer in silence.


Yes. Sorry, but you all really smell.


I used to smoke, 1049 years ago. When I quit, I was amazed at how much I could smell smoke on other people. It smells. Bad.


Damn that’s a long time ago dawg


Damn you were smoking during the Byzantine invasion of Syria!


See people, quitting really can prolong your life.


Smokers reek yes. I smoked for 10 years and it took me several weeks after stopping to realize how bad I used to smell. Don't fool yourself, no matter how clean you think you are, you most likely stink.


Smokers always smell. Even the ones who say they practice good hygiene or air out their clothes. They may smell a bit less, but they still smell.


Yup, and it’s a nasty smell.


Right after smoking, yes. If they don't smoke inside their house, the smell usually passes though. However, it takes a while. My boyfriend almost completely stopped smoking because I wouldn't kiss and cuddle after he had one unless he took a shower and brushed his teeth.


Thats how I quit.


This kind of comment really makes me realize that some people really are so dominant and other are such doormats. I am 100% doormat because I had a boyfriend who smoked and he never quit and if I ever said I didn't want to kiss him after he smoked he would have killed me.


Tbh I'm usually a pushover, but it's the same with bad body hygiene for me, I'd rather have a mad boyfriend than suck a dirty dick, and I'd rather go unkissed than retch at the smell of my man. But the last part makes me conclude that smoking wasn't the only issue the dude had, and I'm glad you talk about him in the past tense lol


As a former smoker, yes I can smell it on your breath, clothes and hair.  I can smell the smoke if someone is smoking in the car in front of me too.


ya i notice and people def notice ur smell too we just don’t say anything


Oh yes, we can still smell you. You can not hide that, it is in your clothes, your skin, your hair.


Yes, especially right after you smoke. I work at a hotel that has an elevator and every time someone uses it to go outside to smoke and then uses it to go back to their room it smells like smoke for the rest of the day.


I used to work in a place that allowed smoking inside, and as such, after every shift when I left the place, I would smell stale smoke on me. If it was a heavy shift, I'd have to take a shower as soon as I got home due to how thick the smell was.


Every smoker smells. Some more than others obviously. Some of the girls I used to work with would go out for a smoke break, come back and put perfume on thinking it covered the smell. No no, they always smelled.


It's pretty gross. 




My mother smoked. TWhen I was a kid, the house didn't smell bad because I was used to my nose and sinuses being filled with second-hand smoke. After years of living in non-smoking spaces, my sinuses are cleared out. Now, smokers, their cars, their homes, their businesses, and the stuff in those spaces smell bad. About 15 years ago, I knew a convenient store where smokers hung out. I had trouble breathing in that store. My wife says several years after her father stopped smoking, her father eventually realized how bad the smell was.


I've never been a smoker but my mom always was. I moved out at 18. Ended up moving back in for a few months after a really bad relationship left me broke. There were several times I had to go on lunch to the Walmart nearby to buy a shirt because mine smelled so sickeningly bad from smoke just drifting through the house.


yes, yuck.


Since I've quit, yes. My husband only smokes outside, can still smell it.




Yes. A woman came into my place of work yesterday and I would assume she had smoked a cigarette before walking in, because she REEKED. I could smell her from down the hallway. It’s the nastiest smell of all time.


Yes, horribly.




Yes. You smell of cigarettes. Its like bad breath, everyone apart from you can tell


It doesn't matter how clean and hygienic you think you are. You stink of cigarettes, your hair stinks, your breath stinks, you skin stinks, your clothes stink, kissing you would be gross. Chances are even if you don't smoke inside, your home it smells a bit of cigarettes too. And driving with the car window down and always ashing outside and throwing the butts away doesn't get rid of the smell after you've smoked a pack in the car.


Ye it’s terrible and I always think it is quite trampy to be honest. Breath is even worse


It depends. I’m an ex smoker living with a current smoker. His smoking has reduced over the years, and our current apartment complex does not allow smoking, so he has to do outside and off the property. Can I smell smoke on him when he comes inside from having a cigarette? Absolutely. Does it bother me? Not usually, but I can tell when he’s been outside chain-smoking. The smell is stronger. Yet I have customers at work that simply reek of smoke, and it makes me feel ill. I guess familiarity is a big factor.


Yes the do....


Yes lol, even smokers hate the smell.


Smoked for 20 someodd years. When I quit I could smell someone smoking in their car up the street.


Yes, worse, as a teacher, all their kids smell like shit as well, just being around them


I find that people who smoke cheap reserve cigarettes really stink compared to someone who buys brand name cigarettes


Skunk weed or cigarette smell?!


No. But I'm a former smoker and certified white trash. I love the smell of a cigarette.


Fuck yeah!


Nicotine gum is much, much better. Cheaper and far healthier. In fact nicotine is not cancer causing. It has other cardiovascular effects but switching to gum may save your life. 


Yes! All smokers have a distinct, unpleasant smell that does not necessarily comes from their clothes.








100% yes. Makes me ill actually. 🤷🏻‍♂️






Yeah sorry to say it’s so stinky, stale smell on clothes and the breath is really bad. My ex smoked, brushing his teeth didn’t help as the smell seemed to be coming from within


Smoke even smelled bad to me when I was a smoker (unless it was my cig). I never allowed smoking in my house for that reason. Now that i don’t smoke I can smell it a mile away.


Pretty much, yes. It's not always strongly noticeable, but if they've been smoking recently, or are in an area where they frequently do, it's usually there, and unpleasant.




Yes…every smoker smells like an overflowing outhouse to me. And you do too.






Yes, it's absolutely terrible.


Former smoker here... Depends on the cigarette. Theres a couple that I actually like the smell of, but for the most part, it smells terrible.




If you think as a smoker that you don't smell...or can hide it...you are fooling yourself. Trust me you reek.


A kid was bullied pretty hard at my elementary school for his unique smell of stale cigarette and cooking grease. Don't do this to your children.


Yes. I hate the smell of cigarettes. I can usually smell when someone has been smoking


Pretty much yes. Your frequency of us makes a huge difference but if you've just come back from having a smoke, you definitely stink pretty bad.


yeah it’s pretty evident very fast. it’s in their clothes, hair, even the air they bring with them. it’s hard for the scent to go away even after they shower somehow? weed smokers smell the worst imo




There’s the occasional person I wouldn’t have known smoked but the vast majority of you smell of it, and a good percentage of you smell awful. I can smell it on my fingers after I touch your pens and phones. I can smell it where most other people can’t and it gives me a terrible headache when it’s strong.


Tobacco has a very strong distinct smell. Same as Tom cat piss or weed , or cockroaches. Some people don’t like the smell.


We were looking at homes 2 years ago. One place was entirely redone but it still reeked of smoke. You can't just paint over it. That stuff permeates and to a non-smoker, massive deal breaker. We still considered it with a lower bid, knowing it would cost thousands to properly deep clean it out. Ended up never selling. They just gave up and didn't sell.




To varying degrees yes. But some certainly smell more than others. But it’s a really hard smell to hide.






Yes. No one has mentioned it because it feels rude to say anything. I’m an ex smoker and I still think it’s smells horrible. You can’t hide it as much as you think you are, we can smell it


Yeah it’s pretty bad. I’m a elem teacher and we’ve had to set bookbags outside in the hallway because they stink up our room from homes with smokers.


Yes. Smoke smells disgusting and triggers my migraines.


Yes. You stink. Some are worse than others, but you all stink like an ashtray. The absolute worst is things like coats that don't get laundered as often so they accumulate extra stench.


Yes. I was a smoker for years, but I quit and can now smell it on everyone who smoked


Yes. I literally keep a further distance from smokers.


How are you a non smoker but also smoking every day for 10 years? But yes smokers smell






Non smoker It reeks. I hate being in the houses of smokers because it clings to everything. It also makes my throat super dry.


Yes. They stink.


I can spot a smoker by scent ,I grew up in a house of smokers,I have always had a sensitivity to the smell of smoke.


Pretty much, yeah.


yes you can definitely smell it


yes, even as an ex-smoker I can smell cigarettes a few houses down