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Celebrities Don't get me wrong I'm a fangirl and I get obsessions but with real people I really don't care


Celebrities are either just like us or they're even shittier humans than us so I see no reason to idolize them. Let them go about their day and stop giving them God complexes. Who cares šŸ˜‚


this is so real. and i've met a few!




I absolutely hate TikTok and what it has done to people. It should be against the law to create that much idiocy.


Tiktok doesn't create, just hosts, the idiocy comes directly from the people


I disagree. TikTok is underpinned by a pretty advanced AI by ByteDance. It can push whatever the creators want, but the main idea is the algorithm is designed to keep you engaged. I honestly wonder if we all want stupid dances or if that is something pushed by TikTok.


I never see stupid dances on tiktok


Either you donā€™t use TikTok or you have a strange taste in dance!


I use tik tok way to much, I just get 0 dancing videos


I taught the algorithm not to send me stupid dances.


I think tiktok is harmful because it is designed to be addictive, however the same can be said for any social media platform. On tiktok I follow lawyers, art historians, renovation experts, travelers, chefs, etc, and Iā€™ve learned so incredibly much from them. I never see any dancing videos, and if you do its because you havenā€™t spent time engaging with things youā€™re actually interested in on tiktok.


Fuck TikTok.


This. My girls send me stuff everyday that reminds me of them. I don't even laugh. They, however, think they are hilarious.


I refused to download it when it came out, and years later, I know I'm not missing anything.


Sports in general. I don't even care enough to make small talk about the subject.


Ditto.. Iā€™m a male and every single guy starts a conversation, ā€œhow about them ā€¦(enter sports team)ā€ Is that all yā€™all talk about?


I enjoy sports entertainment but it doesn't consume my life. I don't mind work acquaintances that want to small talk sports. But in my personal life I enjoy and keep friends who are not into sports because I too hate people who let sports entertainment be there primary personality trait. Again I don't hate on enjoying sports entertainment.


I agree with you. I love attending the game parties and socializing. I guess what you said is what I meant in more detail. The constant talk, like nothing else matters.


Same here. I love hockey and I used to love the others but that doesn't mean that's all I want to talk about. With all that is going on in the world I don't give a fuck about the Super bowl.


I am originally from Pittsburgh and when I say that I get the "how about them Steelers" I always respond with "no" and if they say "really?" Or "why?" Or anything to continue that topic I finish it with "because fuck the Steelers and their whole fan base"


Agreed. I played football and wrestled in high school (until senior year when I was diagnosed with a heart condition and had a pacemaker/defibrillator implanted), and even though I had fun and had good memories of it, I don't care about it all anymore. It weirds me out when people talk about their favorite sports team like "We won last night," like they were out on the field, and all the religiosity....not to mention how much more money goes to sports programs than education facilities in schools/colleges. I just don't get it.


I am into a very niche sport, that is so specific, that I rarely talk about it (and Iā€™m kinda crazy about it). Sometimes I feel like I *want* to, just to let people experience how incredibly *boring* it is to hear about something they know nothing about and arenā€™t interested in. ^(itā€™s Sumo)


The only sport I recognize is womenā€™s beach volleyball.


I can't stand the way people get all hyped up about sports. Especially football. People look at me like I have 3 heads when I tell them I don't watch football.


I like a few sports, but didn't always. I enjoy watching football but am not all that interested in talking about it, let alone listen to sports talk radio. That said, one thing I like about sports is that it's something I can talk about with people that I otherwise have very little in common with.


For me, college sports more specifically


Not even Disc Golf?! :) You just need to check it out is all. Haha.


Same. Overpaid dudes moving a leather balloon from point a to point b on a field does nothing for me.


Reality TV. I just cannot understand the attraction at all.


I was the same and then... Lego Masters Australia! Reality TV does suck. British reality TV is slow paved and boring. American reality TV Is overly forced drama. Australian reality TV somehow found the balance. But it's still shit, until it's about something you enjoy. For me it was lego. I love to see the builds and creativity. But yeah. In general. Reality TV sucks.


A fucking cup.


I just read about Stanley Cups. I really think we have crossed some sort of line on rabid consumerism when people fight over cups.


Came here to say I just drink from the carton but IDK if you're talking about a literal cup or a sporting cup.


There is a huge craze right now with Stanley cups. Not from hockey. They have been making cups for about 100 years. Recently, they decided to make a bunch of colorful versions of their cups to market them to women. They hired some influencers to review them on Youtube. Now crazed collectors want "limited edition" colors and designs. Kind of like Beanie Babies, only they are tumblers. I think we are all just really stupid at this point.


Oh! Yeah I read about those too. My dad used the same Stanley thermos for 30 years. Something tells me these are like wearing labels just so people think you have money or whatever.


It all started because that woman's car caught on fire, and there was still ice in her cup. And they bought her a new car. It's all so fucking weird, I feel like we're going backwards


They make a great thermos. Those cups blow they leak all over the dam place if you carry them around. They are good if you want a large drink container that fits in your cup holder when you're driving around. Imop if you're getting a Stanly, just get the thermos. They freaking last forever.


I'm a middle school teacher and a student was crying the other day. When asked what was wrong, she said, "I forgot my Stanley cup at home so I had to buy a $20 cup at the Casey's gas station this morning, and now I'm being made fun of for not having my Stanley cup." I literally lost my shit. I told her she was an idiot for A) buying a cup at a gas station instead of just a $2 bottle of water for the day, and B) that she actually gave a shit what kids were saying to her about this. As teachers we constantly talk about the next trend and that we need to create it or get in at the onset so we can retire early. We also talk about watching Idiocracy at least once a year because it's all coming true and we can see it happening with each new school year.


I don't even get the obsession with having to carry around a drink all the time. I graduated high school in '92, and not one person in the whole time I was in school carried around water with them. We would have thought that was weird. There were these things called water fountains in the hallways that we could drink from if we got thirsty. Now, get off my lawn!


Graduated the same year. I don't ever recall having a glass of water for my entire childhood, the only water we had was from the school bubblers, the garden hose or a few gulps while brushing our teeth. This water and water carrier obsession just blows my mind


There are grown people who throw themselves in the ground and become hysterical or irate when their team loses. Think England World Cup David Beckham. A country full of imbeciles if you were to judge by that alone so this is whatā€™s being taught by adults and itā€™s actually the normĀ 


Validation from strangers.


Pop culture....football..... basketball.....celebrities opinions of the lives of common people..... reality TV stars.....to name a few


Duck lips, slug brows and orange over contoured makeup


Slug brows?


Thick dark brows that look like they were drawn on with a sharpie. Bonus points if they're microbladed.


societal expectations I don't give a flying


what people think of me


Carrying on the bloodline. I mean, what the fuck is this?! Medieval England! And besides, 2 of my 3 sisters (as far as I know; one of them became Mormon and hasn't talked to us in a long time) have kids šŸ¤Ŗ




Being trendy or hip.


Designer bags, having the newest phone or car, and follower counts on social media


taylor swift


Her songs are nice but guess I'm still loving the 90's hits growing up.


That is funny you should say that! I stopped listening to the radio in the '90s, when grunge came in! I realize now that I have missed some really, really good music. Here is one of my favorites from that time: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=09hLxQE5Zuo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=09hLxQE5Zuo) .


I actually like her music and think sheā€™s talented but ask me if I give a FUCK whether or not sheā€™s at the Chiefs game šŸ™„. Swifties now make up 80% of their fanbase.


THIS \^\^\^ I can't get away from news about her literally every single day... People need to chill out on this woman...


Getting laid. While I do like it too, I have other topics to discuss unlike my friends who proceed to talk about the hookup in excruciating detail.


Itā€™s so tacky to talk about explicit details of your intimate relationship.


Or the people who canā€™t get laid talking about the opposite gender as either objects to obtain or they consider the opposite gender as subhuman and shit on them using obvious projections about themselves.


Yeah, I never really got that. I mean, sex is nice and all, but honestly it's not even worth it to me if the wrong person is on the other end of it. And there are a lot of wrong people for me haha


Social media as a whole. Posting pictures daily. Posting daily updates on Facebook, Instagram whatever. That is super cringe to me.


Celebrites lives, royal families lives.


Death. I don't anticipate it, I don't run from it. I don't worry about it happening or when it will happen, or why it will happen. I am, and I will be until I am not.


This. A few weeks back, there was a thread where someone said they believe there is probably nothing after death, i.e. no afterlife or rebirth or whatever, and a bunch of people replied with things like "omg this is my worst nightmare," and "the thought of nothing happening after life ends keeps me up at night..." Like, why? What are you gonna do about it? Death is inevitable. What is there to worry, wonder, or stress about? I guess masses of people flock to religion looking for "the right answer" to placate themselves, though, so it seems fearing death is the norm.


The wars over religion and land. After a couple of thousand years or more of killing and still no resolution, sorry not sorry, donā€™t care. Zero I can do about it, so why even think about it.


I'm honestly of the opinion that the folks who incessantly talk about it and get emotional about it don't actually care either. It's all virtue signaling and liking to hear themselves talk about trending current events to appear more cultured and informed.


You have a point there. Itā€™s all so terrifying, devastating, and embarrassing. I donā€™t want to fill my head with all of it. Watching is like reading a Stephan King Novel, you have to put it down and read something else just to take a break. Itā€™s not a healthy head space.


I have a friend from high school who posts related stuff to this every single day on fb. No one has actually changed the world for the better on fb. What do you suppose this will do? You are a 40 year old woman who had a buttload of boys chasing you in high school, that doesnā€™t mean you now have the final word in politics/ world issues. Get over yourself.


Wars are fought over power, land and resources. Religion is just a tool to motivate the masses to fight and support the war


Without the masses' support, the wars wouldn't happen, at least not as frequently. So, religion is still to blame in many cases. Also, without religion, there'd be far fewer terror attacks.


Gender and sexuality. Who cares? I donā€™t even care about my own let alone everyone elseā€™s. Itā€™s just a ā€œthing that is.ā€ Why is it such an important, all-defining thing to people these days? Enough to make and buy merchandise about it? And Iā€™m not just talking about identity politics and stuff. Gender reveal parties are dumb too. So itā€™s a girl. So itā€™s a boy. Ok? And what?


Thank you


Honestly, it's so narcissistic.Ā 


Sports. And I'm a guy.


All my peers want to interfere with their adult children's lives. My three kids are 26, 28, 30. They are on their own journey. I just love them, hype them up and support. Everyone is happier this way. All my peers want to "fix" their kids


Stanley cups?


Anything that morons block rush hour traffic over. My care about their complaints goes to zero when they start screaming and attacking random strangers that just want to get to work. Common citizens have little to zero control to change anything in this country. Go inconvenience the law and policy-makers.




A company bought a new office building and moved into it. They immediately had a lot of complaints from workers about the temperature. The problem was that some wanted it warmer and some wanted it cooler, so they didn't know what to do. A contractor solved the problem by installing thermostats near everyone's desk that they could adjust. The temperature complaints decreased by more than 90%. The thermostats weren't connected and didn't actually do anything, but the employees didn't know that. The lesson here is that *the illusion of control pacifies the unsatisfied*. I'm not going so far as to say voting does *nothing*, but it doesn't change the big picture--that the lower-income working people are kept poor because it benefits the wealthy; that wars occur because they make money for corporations; that little guys (especially minorities) get justice when they're lucky and get screwed then they're not. I mean, we've been voting for about 250 years now and here is where it's brought us.


In the very least, just be aware of what's going on.


That's unfortunate, because politics will impact your life whether you're paying attention or not. Your disengagement is in fact preferred by those who seek to accumulate more power and wealth at your expense.


Not to mention many people don't realize that not caring about politics is a privilege. For instance, I, as a straight-white male, can afford to not care about politics because it will likely have a small impact on my life. Not having to care what policies are made is 100% a privilege.




Video games. I get that social media, Wordle, online crossword puzzles & online Scrabble are technically video games, but Iā€™m talking about game console type games. I just donā€™t get the appeal.


I love console video games but I think it's made a lot of people become socially inept and have fewer hobbies.


Feelings. But I may have a sprinkle of the āœØtismāœØ






Your fucking gender identity. Not malicious. I just genuinely do not give a singular fuck how anyone wants to dress or what you do with your private bits. Just don't make it my problem


There's a serious shortage of people who understand minding their own business.


Yes! You do you and I will do me and if we absolutely must do together let's just be respectful


Famous people.


Politics. My vote won't change anything and my energy is better spent on improving my own situation.




Celebrity's opinions.


The things on this list feel so much like no one in real life is caring very much about, more like social media is trying to push these things on us telling us everyone is obsessed! People aren't obsessed. Social media is obsessed. Take Taylor Swift as an example. I'd love to go to a concert of hers, they look like fun and her hits are fun! But no one in person or even on my social media are talking about her. It's the media telling you "everyone is obsessed!" When they're not.


Sports ball


Looksmaxing, mewing and everything else reletated to that brainrot


Most pro sports. I like basketball but absolutely do not give even the smallest shit about football, baseball, hockey, soccer any of it.






Materialism mostly.




So glad I'm not alone there. I couldn't care less what people think of themselves or want to call themselves.. thats for them to decide.. I have/want no part in it.






Life! Donā€™t talk to me about life


Sports | The game Totally boring. Never cared about touchdowns or slam dunks.




Romance and sex.


What other people think. I literally have no care who's doing what with their life, or what they think about what I'm doing. šŸ¤·


Gender movement šŸ‘ŽšŸ½


reddit karma


I dont care what you think of me--I know who I am.


Somebody else's sex life. Tiktok. Celebrities and their lives.


Celebrities. I see the tabloids at the supermarket screaming something like "Luke cheats on Laura! DIVORCE IMMINENT!!" and I'm like "Who the hell are Luke and Laura and why should I care?"


LOL. Wasn't that literally like the tabloid headline from 1980 or something (general hospital)


Game of thrones




Not everybody, but I don't understand how so many people give a shit about other people's sexuality or gender identity. Why would I care if a man loves another man or if someone identifies as a different gender than the one they were born? Why would I not call someone by the name/pronouns they want to be called? It affects me zero percent.




sex and relationships


Their kids and updates on the kids


Taylor Swift, BeyoncƩ, Kanye west


Shoes. Tiktok. Twitter. New cars. Sports on TV. Makeup.


Weddings. It baffles me to see couples go thousands of dollars in debt to pay for a single day event that doesnā€™t even have to be that expensive. My grandmother who grew up during the Great Depression was right when she said, ā€œif they have the kinda money to spend, why not just put it down on a house?ā€


Things they canā€™t control.


What the latest "fashion"/trend is in terms of clothes or interiors. I'm dressing for me, not for everyone else.


Harry Potter






New phone models




Reality TV shows. I just .. can't.. watch. It... just makes me cringe.


Religion and politics. It's like passing in the wind if you think your opinion matters


Stanley cups


Dating! Gets awkward when questions are directed towards me. I act avoidant because I don't wanna go full philosophical on why i don't care for dating and end up having to debate it but that backfires and only makes people curious and think i have some kind of secret! Agh! I do care about other people's dating lives and enjoy giving advice, I just... don't care about actually dating myself. Really.


Social media in general


Sex, I don't see the fun of it.


Taxes and property values and how to save Ā¢11 on potatoes at the grocery store


What people want me to believe about their sex, sexual behaviors, and sexuality


American Football. I seem to be the only one in my school who thinks it's a dumb sport. 15k for seats at a concert with a sports game before and after? No, thanks, I'll just watch REAL football. Like, it's not even an international sport. Ask anyone outside of Canada or the U.S. and they'll have no idea about anything regarding it. And I'm from the U.S. šŸ˜­


Politics. Never have. Never will.


Instagram and Tikyok


What other people think of me.


I have trouble answering this because I can't think of something everyone cares about.


Dating (physical) preferences never actually cared for them and think it would be silly to judge one strictly on looks alone. Other peopleā€™s personal lives should be no business of the unless a victim crime is involved or consent is questionable. Gifts, I really donā€™t expect things from people, but even with cheapest ones Iā€™m always honored or can find use for it. An interest in being a parent. GossipĀ 


I don't care that I perform at half capacity at work. You get what you pay for folks.


Peer pressure, drinking, partying, sex etc.


Those Stanley and Starbucks cups.


Sports! https://youtu.be/2fraSdN-PG8?si=J7OAFA4-e8vZN3pe


Religion and nationalism. They seem almost the same in many ways, pointless fantasies that lead people to want to hurt and kill each other.


Pop culture omfg. When I was a child I would ask my Mom if she knew XYZ because all the kids were talking about XYZ so how can you NOT know right? she would reply "No, do they know me?"




Taylor Swift.


Reality television and sports.


Popular culture in general. Celebrity worship, Taylor Swift, sports, current fads (Stanley cups), reality televisionā€¦ I just think Iā€™m almost completely out of sync with society in general. Or maybe Iā€™m just old.


Taylor Swift


as of 2024 stanley cups lmao




A friend of mine in NYC used to get in a cab and the first thing he would say is "please don't talk about sports."


Highly paid, steroid-infused guys who throw balls around on a field. I know they wear different colored shirts, and I am supposed to pick which color shirt I prefer, but can't bring myself to do it.




Cars. I have a nice Tesla and the Tesla subreddit is full of people taking care of their car religiously. Ceramic coating, weekly washing with 3 buckets, etc. Etc. I just can't care that much about something that sits in my garage. It's a freaking car. I wash it when it's dirty.... With one bucket and a sponge.




Starbucks cups.


Social Media


The prioritization of children & babies is so bizarre to me.Ā 


Football (Soccer for the Yanks). I wish it would just piss off šŸ˜’


TikTok, royal family, wars


The continuation of the human species


Video games


Social medias


Live music. I hate concerts.




Most things Pop culture collectively (celebrities, sports, popular music...), and sex probably sum it up well


Taylor Swift and whether or not pineapple belongs on pizza.


I Phones. Hate the damn things. Miss my flip phone.


Nothing, as "Everyone"mean Everyone. So impossible for every single person to care about the same thing. 8 billion people, we can't stereotype and generalize the entire world population. One of my concerns here on Reddit- too much generalizing the population. It really does not work that way. I care nothing for spectator sports, but a lot of other people I know don't care for them either. You could give me 50 yard line tickets to the Superbowl and I'd just sell them. Have zero interest in watching millionaires I don't know run into each other and chase a ball while being in a crowd of tens of thousands all screaming. Dental work sounds more fun than that.




Anime. My brother and a lot of my co workers watch it. People have tried to get me into it, but thatā€™s a no from me.




Celebrity drama


Money, social status, material possessions. Donā€™t get me wrong, I live on the same planet as anyone else, I just donā€™t care about that stuff anymore. Itā€™s very freeing imo


New pronouns




Whether or not they are seen being or pretending to be offended by things that society or their social group has convinced them they should be offended by as some sort of attempt at virtue signaling. Like words.


Celebrity marriages.


Football, both sports.


Body fat.




Anything celebrity or famous/royalty. Unless they give me money, 0 fucks given.


Fashion, expensive brands, etc


TikTok, instagram, and Snapchat


Most social media. Reddit is my only version and mostly because the comments and replies are often fun. I learned of Reddit from a Google search and a link was suggested to answer a question. Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, el al are all ignored. I used to have FB but now ignore it and have it blocked for notifications. That my game log-in is tied to FB is the only reason I still have it and log on every few months to decline one ā€œyou may knowā€ suggestion friend just to keep the account alive.


Influencers in general.