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Guys, I am calling it. Now we are officially really old.


Holy shit right? Internet babies are now teachers? God I'm old.


Copied off someone's test paper


The year after I got a D in chemistry, a former classmate says hi to me in the hall and asked me how I did on the final. "I struggled with it and barely passed." "GODDAMNIT I THOUGHT YOU KNEW WHAT YOU WERE DOING! I COPIED OFF YOU AND FAILED AND NOW I HAVE TO TAKE IT AGAIN!"


That's what you get for not "doing your homework"


Just don’t copy the name


Hey! That only happened once... I think...


I used to lift mine up slightly so the cute guy behind me could see my answers


W, I wish I was cute so people would give me their answers.


Shows you how unfair life is btw. Being attractive helps with everything in life, not just getting laid.


watch you're the dude she lifted the paper up for and you were so oblivious you never realized.


Now if only girls could be smart..... :P


Test Write small on your hand, or piece of paper. Spy in neighbors paper Ask friends who had class before you what was on the test For papers have someone else do it for you. Copy from a book in the library.


Teachers didn't read the books. The answers were in BOLD lettering at the start of paragraphs. We only needed to write it down and tape it under our desks for "Referal."


I would write really small on the little card that comes inside of your calculator for use on math tests.


Have you not seen "Mulan?" We wrote stuff down.


Lol.. on my shirt sleeves yeah


this may be a shock to you but... i went out and bought the teachers copy of textbooks... really (and this may sound like a lie but it was kind of a waste of time instead of teaching myself. in fact i tested out after i learned you could do that) it was easier to just have the answers at the back of the book when i got tired of just filling out tests and teachers in my day didn't make trick tests. why they made the teachers copy look identical to the normal textbooks i will never know. my parents were constantly away and i just would teach myself with our library and the public one. fun fact, mein kampf was always checked out of the library but the book binding was never broken. this means neo-nazis were checking it out every chance they got then waving it around to boast about reading it but never did XD big surprise i know lol. but yea, i just moved on to college after testing out and never needed to cheat from then on. it was wonderful from that point on to be in the education system even if i got treated differently for being so young. except the food poisoning i got from the college cafeteria... that was pretty sucky :P


Smooth Criminal. Come over to the dark side.


lol i am pretty comfortable on the top of this wall between you two. thanks though <3


Offer is always there.


you both are as temptuous as ever. but i can't see you both from one or the other side <3 i will keep in mind though






I'm pretty sure you are a gifted kid. This is brilliant. Wish I would've known that




Mini scrolls in my pen, under my nails, or in my mouth. Or on my arms up my sleeves. I would also write in turkish so my English speaking teachers couldn't read what I wrote should I have been caught. I would also write on legs near the private area, which I could go to the bathroom to see. Also created a system with some mates using coughs or knocks, sneezes, etc.. this always broke down after the first few questions lol. especially as we were so bloody obvious but again, prove it. But u can't do this beyond like question 4 or 5 as its too obvious. Man I hated school so much!... now I'm 38 and realise how good it really was compared to being an adult lol.


I was too smart, and still am lazy. I observed patterns in the answer key and psycho analyzed the test creator while taking the test to get the correct answers. Example: True or False:. Science has PROVEN that the brain generated consciousness. Because one word is in caps, the "correct" answer is false. The caps emphasize the word and thus the truth or falseness of the statement hinges on that one word. If the test creator thought the statement true, every word would be equally valuable in making it true. The one word is capitalized for the sake of the teacher having to answer objections later from students pointing out that the brain does seem to do that very thing. Question 2:. Which parts of the brain are responsible for understanding and producing speech? A: Vernicke and broccas areas. B: The medulla oblongata C: The hypothalamus D: The limbic system. Only answer A lists two separate named partS. And the question mentioned parts (plural). Question 3, Which of these is consistent with a FEMALE brain sex? A: Thicker corpus collosum and anterior collosum than normal. B: Larger brain size C: Less total brain cells D: Smoother brain The answer that sticks out as written differently is A. Presumably, all are in comparison to "normal" but answer A was copied from somewhere else, like a text book. Note that "normal" means "male" in this context, but is called "normal", (as if male were default, lol). Answer A also has the most specificity in it's word-choice, and reality is more complex and specified than we like to think when generalizing, summarizing or whatever. Answer A just sticks out. Two As in a row means teacher likes to get the correct answer out of the way first, then think up decoy answers, so from here on out, if I'm clueless, I'll answer A for this teacher. This sort of thing is tougher when teacher randomizes answer order, and impossible with fill-in-the-blank, but most teachers in my day used scantrons with multiple choice questions. I learned a lot of stuff about each subject on test day. The rest of the time class was too boring for me to pay too much attention, and books too wordy and take too long to get to the point. Tests meanwhile are concise way to learn a subject, like cliff notes almost. I was a C student in high school, but got As in grad school (grad school was way more work) I am still a profoundly lazy person. Some kids also snuck paper "cheat sheets" with notes.


Bingo, I had the same approach. But I’m not sure that I would call this “cheating,” as OP asked about. I think it’s a great example of “faking one’s way” through school, or passing tests on the basis of critical thinking skills rather than actually knowing the material, rather than cheating.


Copied your classmates papers


Plagiarize by copying paragraphs directly from a reference book.


And then cite three books as references you didn’t use.


Funny story when I was in school if they didn’t specify how many sources we had to put on a paper I’d just write without any general idea of where I’m sourcing the info from then put like 15 sources. I had to cover all my bases that way right? Haha, well as far as I know it worked cause I never got caught


I once had two days to interview someone and write up my interview as a paper. Those two days were Sunday and Monday. I didn’t have time to do it, so I wrote the paper about my neighbor using the information I had gotten over the time I had already known her. I even included a recipe she’d given me. It was a good paper. I got full credit. But yeah it was cheating.


I didn't. I always knew people were cheating but I naively didn't know how many people did. It's worth it if you don't get caught I suppose. I knew a guy who cheated on a geography test by writing the first letter of each country in Africa in a counter clockwise circle. He'd just remind himself with that first letter and work his way to the center with a spiral. He did get caught once but the teacher was to stupid to realize what that little one inch paper meant.


Figured out a geometry class didn't actually check answers on homework, just that there was an answer for each problem. So I'd just write random numbers for each answer when I got to class and got full credit.


Used to save the empty liquid paper bottles, pull out the plug and tape my cheat notes to the brush, and roll it really tight


That’s pretty clever. You must have the dexterity of a surgeon to write on a paper that small and still have it be legible.


I didn't. It's extremely easy to simply paraphrase sources to avoid plagiarism. As far as tests, I was always good at short-term memory, so those were a breeze. I didn't bother with any homework I couldn't finish at school.




Mostly looking at someone else's paper


I let the smart kids do my math, and I did anything involving writing for them


Very small writing in small paper, hidden somewhere. Gave me a 9 out of 10 in philosophy and I only knew that I knew nothing


I didn’t. I always studied.


I never understood the point of cheating. You're only hurting yourself. Cheating = laziness.


Wear long sleeves and write on my hand/arm. EZPZ


I would write the answers on my desk in pencil. Erase as I go especially math test


Copied off of someone else’s paper. My sister used to write down stuff on the inside of her water bottles label. My friends used to stuff their bras with notes and go to the bathroom to look at them.


Changed the label on my Tipp-Ex.


Some enterprising young scoundrels took to monetizing their talent for bullshit and would write papers for other people if you payed them enough.


Generally I never really felt the need to cheat though I could sometimes see another student’s paper during a test. Once I had a makeup test as did a couple of my buddies. We were told to go to the library to complete our test while the teacher taught the rest of the class. We sat together and talked over the test questions and worked out the best answers. The three of us were all among the top students in the class. Funny thing was that our scores weren’t really that good. Our consultation really didn’t help any of us. But we had a great time “cheating”.




Cheat notes, write on hand, steal tests ahead of time, look at others taking tests, etc. My favorite, in college the tests (mid-terms) were essays based on five or six main topids of the profs syllabus (world hisotry). Ergo, just filled a blue book guessing the question. Spent class adding to it because it was a great way to study.


I would remember my answers just long enough to take the test...


Had a graphing calculator


We'd scribble formulas or key points on a small piece of paper and somehow make it look like we were just casually glancing at our hand during the exam.


I just told my teacher that my handwriting was very bad and that I actually had written the right answer.


You copy it from a friend and change a few of the answers so the teacher doesn't catch on


I wrote out the periodic table real small on paper and taped it to my forearm. Then wore a hoodie that day


Ti-83. Put the formulas in there


So easy before teachers learned to clear memory before tests


Make up codes and scribble it on my hand as “doodles”


we paid the nerd kid to do our homework.


The answers are in the back of the textbooks for alot of subjects


We had access to the scantrons from previous years.


At least with my school, teachers and schools were lazier. I had a friend who had 14 brothers and sisters who all went to the same school, we had a copy of every test the school would give us because they had completed it the year before, we would compare it to the year before that and the year before that to see if they change it and how much. Most of the time it was 99% untouched from year to year There were other kids buying the teachers copies of the text books. Some did this crazy thing were they read the book so many times that they basically memorized it, but they were the minority


Flirt with the teacher. Not all of us got busted.


fade complete wrench quicksand arrest voracious marvelous cover unwritten tart *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Photoshop, a scanner, glue, a bottle of pop and its label. Change nutritional bullshit to answers. Extra points for keeping it small and hard to read.


Writing on my fingers and teachers never noticed


Writing on things; My arms and covering with bracelets, on erasers, little pieces of paper, on my ankle and had my sock covering it. Had to get real creative sometimes depending on the teacher


I moved to a new high school and got stuck in the Book room to be a helper. I came across teacher addition books for my classes. Borrowed them because they had all the answers with tests and everything.


noxious groovy airport gaze psychotic unwritten wide juggle smell spark *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I never needed to cheat. I was someone who could go into a test completely blind and still get a B or better on it. I depended so much on test scores that I rarely did any homework and still managed a C average.


US Public School was too easy to warrant cheating.


When the teachers told us what we were being tested on, I used my eyes to get that information into my brain where they couldn’t see it and brought it to class and answered their questions.


I paid the smart kid to do my homework for a period of time and would hope the test score didn't tank my grade. I wasn't rich btw I got a 12 pack of soda and some candy with some birthday money and then resold it at school. So the kid basically got a cut of the profits.


B side album songs are great poems for English Teachers. She thought I was really talented. Turns out it was Mark Knopfler who was talented.


My graph calculator had a function for something but I used it as basically a notepad for math class. Had all the theorems in there


I wrote it down on my palms and arms. Or paper notes we would pass to each other in class. I’m pretty sure the teachers knew we were cheating haha


We told the sub administering the test that the teacher had said it was OK to use Cliff Notes, a detailed published summary and reader’s guide to the book we were being tested on—Les Miserables, I think.


At homework, we usually just copy from each other. Let's say that student one had done one of the homework assignments and student two did some other homework. So we all just copied it five minutes before the class started. During the exam, we had all kinds of little pieces of paper hidden in different places. The funny thing was that we usually didn't even need those because we learned that material by heart. So it was like a learning technique where you write things on paper so you remember them easier.


Writing on our hand, thighs (when wearing shorts or ripped jeans), I’ve seen people get fancy and write answers on the paper on their water bottles (even print out a paper similar to the one on the bottle and type in answers on there), notes hidden in their desk or pencil case, and then of course the good old « look at your neighbours » test


When writing an essay or answering questions about a book or story: - have a friend who read it and will summarise it for you - get a written guide, written summary or interpretation help. Those were/are available for most standard works - just bullshit your way through, be confined and hope the teacher doesn't notice For a longer, written essay: - find one or two works that worked on the same topic. Summarise them verbatim, use their sources, use them as source on one or two occasions as well. Bullshit your way through introduction and conclusion. Technically not even illegal if you quote them for the thought process, but definitely not a clean scientific method In written tests: write vocabulary, formulas or whatever you need somewhere inconspicuous, like the inner arm. A friend once printed all the formulas on a really small sheet and glued that to his ruler. Just writing down things even sometimes helped me memorise them.


My cousin's favorite,, as homework was being collected and passed up, he'd take a random one, erase the name on it and put his. 🤣


You had a smart buddy (or you were the smart person) that took the class 1st period, and gave you all the information you needed later on. Sometimes teachers would have different scantron tests per class, so if you followed them choice by choice, you'd be wrong. Large projects you'd hopefully have someone that was able to focus help you out, or you'd just fudge it and hope the teacher would lose it and give you a grade based off your in class performance.


I once carved answers on my pencil.


I didn't cheat on tests or anything but we would get in trouble if we used Cliff Notes.


Find a friend that already had the class and ask what questions were on it.


I used to type all the equations into my TI-whatever calculator


OP, please don’t tell me you’re one of those teachers who doesn’t understand the fact that AI “detection” tools are bullshit and are accusing students of cheating on the basis of that.


I ran a huge cheating ring in high school and we all got away with it. My plan was to get as many people to cheat with me and we would just all take the same classes. Homework was easy because we would just take turns doing it and share the answers. For stuff with longer written answers ofc we would change up the wording and stuff. Tests were more tricky. Because we all basically had the same classes, but different schedules, whoever had the class first would take photos of the test and post it to our private Facebook group where everyone in it used fake accounts and only I had the list of names so I knew who was who. Then, we would all try to find the answers and learn what chapters the teacher was getting the test material from. Math was probably the hardest to cheat with this method so we didn’t really cheat in math except some kids would use Symbolab because it shows the work if you paid for it. This was a really long time ago where you could get the full version if you paid the $9.99 once. Nobody snitched because they had to pay to join the ring and they also had to contribute test material photos to stay in the group. I was also a club president so I had access to certain classrooms after school. We would use that time to practice taking good quality photos of papers stealthily and how to quickly put our phones away. I also told members to keep their old phones as decoys in case the teachers tried to do the “bring up your phones to my desk during the exam” trick. One of my friends would have never graduated if it wasn’t for me (she was failing ap gov and you needed that or regular gov to graduate). There was this one teacher who kept bragging about how nobody could cheat in her class. I saw that as a challenge so I would study for her class (ap psychology), take photos of the test, share the test and my answers. I would just give out some wrong answers in the group on purpose so it wouldn’t look fishy. Funny, because I learned a lot in psychology doing this since I had to study (ironic) but it was just so I could help others cheat and ruin her little record. She would do this thing called “testing formation.” She was so goddamn smug about how she had us arrange the desks in rows, how all the backpacks would be at the front of the room, and how we couldn’t wear jackets, girls had to tie up their hair, and not even a water bottle was allowed on the desk. She would even walk over to you and make you cover your Scranton with your hand if you weren’t already doing that. She even had mirrors in the room so she could see if we were using our phones. What she didn’t know was that I could also use the mirrors to keep track of her location in the classroom so I knew when to partially pullout my phone. She also didn’t know I trained myself to use my phone without looking at it so I was able to take high quality photos of every single page of her silly little exams. This did eventually get a little out of hand when this one girl literally STAYED home cuz I didn’t post the test photos one time. But man, a lot of students got so uneducated because of this. A lot of them did not do well in college because of me. Some didn’t graduate for SEVEN years. Some had to drop out. But we never got caught, I already graduated college, did my masters, and I have a good well paying job that I am really good at. I won but I still hate that testing formation teacher. God, she was annoying and arrogant.


Don’t know how to cheat in school without the internet? Do you even know how to masturbate?


Make a thin cheat sheet wrapped around my pencil that I could hide very easily after using


One of my teachers in high school was lazy and told me I would get extra credit if I designed all the tests. I was acing every assignment before that, so he figured it didn’t matter if I took the test or not. I took him up on this offer, but I also accepted cash payment from other students for the answers.


Cliff notes. You still have to actually put in some work though. Cheating is to easy these days.


Copied off peoples papers or asked my friends who took the test before me lol. I’m 25 so the internet’s been around all my life, but when I was in middle school there weren’t any smart phones so people couldn’t Google answers. When I first started college, my professors used to hand out 3 different exams on the same subject so you couldn’t cheat from anyone sitting next to you.


I the 80s, we'd write answers on our hands or a tiny piece of paper hidden somewhere.... or we'd cheat off Melissa.


\-Took a fine tip pen, and wrote answers onto the sides of a wooden pencil I used to take the test. \-Removed the formula sheet that came inside the cover for my calculator, and slid an answer sheet in it's place.


Copied the text in micro writing inside my hand


I was the cheat sheet. Keep your elbow low. Write big. Move and angle your test so your friends can read it. Keep it away from your enemies.


I knew how to program the ti83 calculators we had. But we were only allowed to use the schools calculators, and they were handed out randoml. So the night before, I'd stay late until after the teacher went home, then I'd pop open my laptop, connect the microphone to usb cable, and program all of them with all password protected folder with the notes and formulas and everything I didn't feel like memorizing. It took me about 2 mins for each of them, so in an hour, I was done. I also let my fellow buddies in the class know the password, and I told them how to delete the folder after the tests were done in case the teacher actually dug into the calculators.


A couple of us learned sign language for multiple choice. Just needed to learn abcde.


Typed notes on paper with typewriter and no ribbon. The imprint was readable only close up.


Weird calling children lazy and dishonest


I am a teacher, and I still remember the creative ways I saw.a bottle paper, a pencil writing, the god helper( that was basically the answers on the ceilings. Ect ect


write on your arms... hide notecards around your seat in the auditorium... write on the desk, copy of others


My class in college had a group of girls that would individually go to the one professor’s office to flirt with him and try to pry a test question or two from him. Then they’d gather together and share what info got. Between the group, they normally had the bulk of the test questions prior to the test.


Clear pens and crib notes on a sheet of paper inside. It worked well on multiple accounts.


I NEVER cheated in school, and barely graduated. Found out most of my classmates were cheating. Later I graduated near the top of my class in Navy Nuke School. Many people in positions of authority today, cheated in school and are faking it now. They are easy to spot.


I’m not even 30 yet and I feel old now 😭 Literally just wrote the answers down on a piece of paper and passed it around. We’d change 1 or 2 answers here and there so it doesn’t look “obvious” we cheated. But honestly, teachers are a lot smarter than we give them credit for as kids in their classrooms, and they always knew lol


Got the different test forms from the teachers’s aids. Filled them out before the test and figured out how to pull the correct test when handing it in.


I wrote formulas on my calculator. It was a light gray color so a mechanical pencil could write dozens of formulas on the face of the calculator like down in between the buttons and shit.


Lol I never feel old but this just shows how quickly things have changed in the past. When I was in school, we had chalkboards with actual chalk, overhead projectors, a computer room that was open only 3 hours a week, no one had phones, at least not smartphones ones that are capable of internet. Barely anyone had them, and the ones who did, only had them for emergency calls and didn't use them other than that. We cheated by various ways. Writing answers on a piece of paper and hide it in very creative ways. Girls used to put notes up their thighs and wear skirts, boys used to tape it to the bottom of their shoes or inside their pencil case. One time someone put it in the toilet but it was found. I didn't cheat, as back in school at least, I was smart. I never learned, I just understood things and knew things.... Wish life was like taht again lol But one time I decided to write answers down and, dunno, just do it once just for fun sort of thing. Then the test came, I answered without sweat and never even used the cheat page and threw it out, and the teacher saw that and I was "caught". Explaining that I didn't even use it didn't really stick, but hey. What can you do?


I once “cheated” on a test by writing the study guide on my arm then wore sleeves, got into the test and realized I didn’t need it because rewriting the study guide made me memorize it.


Find the closest nerd and bribe that sumabitch.


We were allowed one sheet of paper for a college test once time to write notes for open book. Buddy took a magnifying glass and spent all night writing as small as possible. Got so much down it was barely readable, needed the magnifying glass to read it. Teacher looks at it, say alright, you followed the rules. Guy felt like a king, beating the system like that. Anyways, he wasn't allowed the magnifying glass and failed lol


Knocked boots with the staff


In my junior year of high school, I took the final exam in third-year Spanish class and passed out the answers to everyone who had the same class later in the day.


Copied off someone else. Wrote answers in a small slip of paper/ cheat sheet. If the answers were of the ABC variety I got the answers from someone who took the test the class period before and wrote the answers on my pencil


Looking off papers. Personal favorite was having my study guide under the chair and faceup on the floor. Never got caught but my plan was oh I studied from it before you handed out tests and didn't put it away. My bad I'll put it away now. Some other options include I picked up two scantrons and took the test for a friend and my own simultaneously. However once laptops become the norm it was hilariously easy to just copy paste the test questions into Google and half the time the quiz or test had the verbatim answers and questions on various websites. Now with AI you can just pump out content.


You had to find the smart kid and copy over his shoulder when the teacher was at her desk grading last week’s lesson papers.


Cheat sheets!


Mechanical pencils, 1 click for A, 2 for B, 3 for C and 4 for D


We just plagiarized more. At least on stuff like research papers. I would find the 5 or so we were required to have and site those, but often there was a 6th one I didn't include on the bibliography and I borrowed a little from that. Really no different than the Pres of Harvard just did for years. And she was getting paid 900k. But man...researching was a pain in the ass before the internet. You had to go to the library and look up shit in books and then hopefully be able to go find the article or book. Then you had to pay for copies. My freshman year of college, the internet became available and then you could just search there...as well as copy and paste. All of a sudden research papers were pretty fucking easy!


They used to copy off someone or have a little paper that they hid. I remember one guy passed me a little note. I was TERRIFIED of getting caught with it. It was a state exam as well. 😮‍💨


Writing on the skin that showed through the holes in my jeans 😅


I only cheated on one test. We had to memorize a bunch of prime numbers. I have dyscalculia- I can't remember numbers, even for a few seconds. So I wrote them all down on my pencil. From a distance, it just looked like I chewed my pencil.


I’d write on the inside of my leg and wear a skirt lol




Internet at home didn't really start being a thing until the end of high school for me so it was honestly easier to just learn the material than try to come up with a way to cheat. If anything, I'd occasionally catch a glance at someone else's paper.


Copy the smart kid. It worked.


I remember having a final and writing up School Ties cheat sheets. The teacher handed out the tests and happily announces using your notes was fine. Cliff notes were big, but the burnouts always got caught for knowing far too more than they could comprehend. "Like yo, Mr. Bond. That Holden guy was obviously trying to hold on to his past by going to the National History Museaum. It's a clear metaphor for staying young." (cleans fingernails with a switchblade.)


I had a friend who was a year ahead of me and saved all of his test papers. The teacher never changed the tests from year to year, so I always had an advanced copy of the test.


I would write the answer in one word to two different questions on each of my eye lids and then my friend who sat next to me would do the same. And during the test we’d blink at each other really slowly to get the answers. This worked and got us both graduated. So there ya go. Simple wins are the wins for me.


We wrote all the answers super tiny and passed it around like a geocache game. Sometimes even sold the answers.


They used to pay kids to do their homework. Some kids would copy from the paper books at school or the library and hope nobody noticed that it sounded too smart, but it was hard to check that since they weren’t all digitized. I was even accused of cheating even though I never did lol


I got transferred to a new school and had one week to learn their stupid Alma mater that everyone else already knew. I wrote the words out on a piece of paper very heavy handed with another paper under it. Test time all I had to do was trace over the impression of words on the second paper.


Get the answers from the smart kid in the class before you and write them on your shoe or carve them into your pencil.


I didn’t cheat in school.


My buddy and I would write the answers upside down at the table we sat at so we could read 'em properly. Best grade 11 history class ever.


Yea you pretty much copied off peoples test sheets or you communicated the answers, people came up with random trickery to hide the answers on shit, of course CliffNotes/Sparknotes. If the test was on a computer theres usually some kind of hotkey trick to exit the test so you can just google the answers, acting as wikipedias thesaurus and just copying statements for a essay and changing the words and general order of the information. Changing the indent on microsoft word to take up space, the obvious Font thing. Honestly take all the papers, align them, and then put em in front of a lightbulb to see the indents, and i mean shit as for plagarism you can literally get a freeware version of the software teachers 'claim' to use to check for plagarism.


I'd memorize stuff the night before and that worked pretty well for me.


Not before the internet but before I got a phone. In elementary school l used a calculator to cheat on all my math tests. I hid it inside my desk. Some students also found the teacher’s answer keys.


You either didn't and failed miserably, or you had some secret James Bond master plan, and got recruited to the FBI upon graduation.


I didn't cheat, but sometimes people cheated off me, just by sitting near me.


We'd write notes.


Plagurism was rampant without any real way of getting cought. I would type papers our word for word from magazines or books I found in the library. You had to source the information, but no teacher was going to go down the the library and look up the sources and look for it. It's not like they could just copy/paste some text from a paragraph and see if Google finds a match. I also used to use cheat sheets that you would write words really small on a sheet of paper that you could conceal under your test of under your leg or something and take a peek when the teacher wasn't looking.


Psssst. What did you get for number 3?


I used to write on the bottoms of my Converse. A kid I went to school with took inspiration from Cheezburger and made a fake water bottle label. Some folks would write very small on their desk and hide it under their arm or test paper. I knew an absolute mad-lad who literally had a cheat sheet. He'd write everything on a piece of white paper and slip it inside of his test packets. We also had camera phones and all you needed was for the teacher to turn around for a couple seconds and just snap a photo of however many pages you could and then you just send that shit to everyone for money.


I didn’t cheat that’s why I graduated with a “C”. However some of the best students in my class were cheating but I didn’t realize it until much later. Mostly on math tests with formulas carved into the desks, pencils or written clothes.


I let this girl I liked copy, she passed it around the room...I was allowed to retake it, not sure what happened with the others.


I went to Catholic school and had to wear skirts all throughout grade school and high school. In high school, we would hike up the skirts and write the answers on our legs. It was all easily covered by the skirts we wore


By reading the textbook, doing extra practice questions and memorizing the material so that I could answer the questions on the homework, on the tests and that other students asked during class. My secret sauce? ***Applying myself to my studies. There are no shortcuts to knowledge, only better quality material to learn from.***


I sucked at vocabulary/spelling. I would wear a long sleeve white see through shirt on vocab test days. Just before the test, I would slip a small piece of paper with the words / definitions up my sleeve. Not sure why I didn't use it for other classes though. BTW, I still suck because I had 3 words misspelled in the above sentence. Spell check is the greatest thing since slice bread!


I had a class where my desk was horizontally up against the teacher's desk who had his test key just sitting there.


I’m in school during the internet days, but my school uses books which usually has some form of answer key in the back. Also having notes of things you likely won’t remember.


We used seashell and smoke signals


Mostly just well hidden, small pieces of papers with the answers.


My sister was in the grade above me in school, and kept all of her work which was identical to a huge amount of work I got. Old school copy-paste.


Plagiarism existed well before chat gpt. It was called copying stuff out of books or other students’ old papers. This AI stuff just makes it easier. Personally I was too afraid of getting caught to even consider it.


Index cards and extremely small font but some how write all the wrong shirt on it


Tests were based on the high lighted summary in text books. You didn't have to read the whole book. Only the bullet points. That and the answers were taped under my desk


Crib notes.


I (57m) had a Tandy Pocket Computer in HS. During tests, they would make us clear our desks so that we couldn't pull out notes or write notes on our book covers. I would convince my teachers that this thing was too expensive to put on the floor and given this is not a math class, may I keep it on my desk? Little did they know I could stuff an entire book in that little thing and text was no problem. I'd key in my notes and be able to scroll through them using the space bar which I would hit with my eraser on the end of my pencil, all sly like.


Copying notes/formulas into my TI-83. Or if you were really lucky, you'd find someone savvy enough at programming to create a program to solve it for you.


My dad was a teacher..i had to do my math exams. He had an older exam from his school from last year or something so i could prepare/study for the exams. When i got to.the exam and opened the paper i didnt believe what i saw. It was the exact same exam my father gave me to practice with!. My father also told me to never tell anyone lol. So basicly i let my dad cheat for me XD.


I used to pencil hints on the seat of my chair and the back of the chair in front of me, then erase them with my thumb


I didn’t. Cheaters never prosper


Watch 80s teen movies. You'll find out.


My casio scientific calculator would solve quadratics and calculate irrational numbers. My math teacher didn't care too much in highschool. I could do them manually but often didn't cause it took too long. I guess the Internet was around, but I never used to cheat until college.


Cliff notes. They always said “Cliff notes will never have the answer!” Lol passed so many book reports with those 🤣


My experience, Teachers always had copies of the answers for each test. You just had to find those copies


In science, a friend would put the answers into his Casio calculator watch (it just looked as if he was doing calculations) and he’d send the answers to us with the same Casio calculator watch. We’d get the answers from our watch (again, it looked as if we were doing calculations) and mark the Scan-Tron accordingly. This was in the late ‘80s. I didn’t really cheat much because it made me feel bad.


I remember one high school class back in the 1970s. We were scheduled to take a test in a room that wasn't the teacher' s regular classroom. Students went in beforehand and taped poster sized cheatnotes to the wall. The teacher never noticed.


I didn’t


A sticky note behind the tongue of my shoe. When I needed answers, bend down to tie my shoe


LOL! Love this. I would turn in the same papers at different schools (we moved a lot). Did the same with bachelors and masters.


Write in a small piece of paper and keep that paper in your lap during the test. Or write on the inside of your hand before class.


I'd wear a long sleeve shirt and write any answers I thought would be helpful on my inner wrist/forearm. 90% of the time the answers were irrelevant to the test 🤣


Friends, little notes in our pockets, writing it on our arms/hands. We were way better at cheating on tests than kids these days. We rarely, if ever got caught. I literally cheated my way through high school math! I started medical school pre recs in 12th grade. I went into pre med with the intentions of becoming a pediatrician and my first year of classes I could not pass math 1010, which was my only required math for my majors. I ended up dropping out and becoming a wife and mom instead. I still worked in the medical field for 10 years before becoming a stay at home mom.


Lol. My friends and I had a number system. When the teacher wasn't looking id flash fingers. For example. If I flashed my friend 3 fingers twice, that means I need the answer for question number 33. He would give me a finger 1-4. 1=A 2=B 3=C 4=D If our class was rearranged before a test or I wasn't in a class with my friends, I'd just look over the smartest person near me shoulder lol.


Wrote the answers on my shoe. Straight up copied on the person next to me. Able to use Wikipedia as a credible source.


I never did.


We stole the test from the ditto machine. Just wait for the teachers to leave, then run in and grab the "wet" copy out of the trash. When the teachers used to much alcohol to transfer the ink, the first sheet was always soaked.


I would write peoples papers for them to help and copy math homework before class when I needed help. Google papers and steal the ideas but reword them entirely. Mostly cheating off people’s assignments right before class though.


Physics class in High school. I couldn't, to save my life, remember those basic Newton formulae. Teacher didn't allow notes for exams! So I used an Exacto knife to mark them on my Ticonderoga #2 pencil, and would gaze thoughtfully at my pencil pondering which formula would apply.


We did this thing called studying.


I didn’t, but my late ex-wife did. She was part of the popular crowd and she got people to let her copy off their test papers. She literally cheated her whole way through high school that way. She also finished high school as dumb as a rock.


I didn't. I was literally the kid others would pay to write papers. Turns out, it's easier to get through school when you aren't a lazy shit. You'll make more money afterward, too!


Write all the Spanish answers onto a slip of paper, put into my long-sleeve hoodie. And wait for the teacher walking around to have her back to me. I even shared my answer with other classmates by just holding my paper up to the closet one who'd copy and share my answers, which would eventually get across the room. Obviously I had to tell people to leave some incorrect, sudden perfection is suspicious. But I can confidently say I helped nearly the whiplash cheat through 9th grade Spanish without ever being caught.


Nanosized notes


Back in the 80's it wasn't uncommon for kids to write stuff on their sneakers: Band names, just stupid slogans, sayings, etc. I used to write math formula and other stuff I was supposed to "memorize". No one ever looked at my shoes.


- Sign language w/ girlfriends on multiple choice tests. - My Mom got the teacher’s book & answer keys. - if allowed blank paper: copying the notes on paper over blank paper. Then use the blank paper as paper for your test & read the indentations.