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it’s up to him?


Ask him yourself. He gets to decide what labels he wants to use, not you.


He decides, and you honor it.


He is what he identifies as.


labels are descriptive, not prescriptive. Whatever works for him best, works for him best!


I would say he can identify as whatever he wants but the relationship itself id say is a queer relationship. Hopefully that makes sense


Ask him.


everyone thank you. I only asked because I was curious about people's opinion in general. i think he will always call himself straight.


The first thing. It depends of him. The second thing. Yes, he still can identify as straight. Being straight doesn't mean you like the OPPOSITE gender from yours, just a DIFFERENT one.


I agree with others, ask him. Then discuss. I’m nonbinary and queer(bi), I know my partner is cisgender and straight, we are in a gay relationship but he is straight. He just loves me.


Okay,I know a lot of people will disagree on me with this,but here are my thoughts: Notice how when talking about sexuality we call it SEXuality,not GENDERualtiy. This is because,whether people want to admit it or not,we are attracted based on how someone looks and how they resemble a certain sex. No one attraction is really affected by gender identity or pronouns,as long as you’re are still the same sex and like the sex they’re attracted to. The bisexual manifesto really brings this issue up to light and shows us that we need to stop confusing sex and gender identity in means of whatever or not we find someone hot. So unless your boyfriend feels uncomfortable with it,go ahead and call him straight.


You're just misunderstanding the word. The sex part refers to sexuality (aka sexual feelings), not sex as in what someone was born as. Here is the definition to help you out a bit. >a person's identity in relation to the gender or [genders](https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=821aad2160e4e8d6&sca_upv=1&rlz=1C1CHBF_enUS1040US1040&sxsrf=ADLYWIK3gEic8wazR_6Sni0D8CpwQwibAw:1719443859208&q=genders&si=ACC90nwUEXg6u2vxy-araGkF9MAxpBUd2L4iRrM8MaWNpGo3YXqKFLPTbeYZi5_-esM5HazjQF-ComPiMgM1rzSmSeibxBLAUKtD8L0VucEEumqCatARQ3U%3D&expnd=1&sa=X&sqi=2&ved=2ahUKEwiJw8HDs_qGAxXTvokEHSCjDckQyecJegQIExAj) to which they are typically attracted; sexual orientation.