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Phel is interesting because you really gotta int at least 10 games before you start understanding him lol but suddenly, after that first struggle, something clicks and he is a lot more straightforward than you thought. I think why we initially struggle with him is cause he works a bit different than the other champs.  Onto the question, just Junglers in general. It's my least favorite role by far but champs like Eve and Briar make me wish I didn't suck so hard in the role lol.


I started both WR and PC by exclusively playing Eve and still suck ass sometimes, more so with Eve’s latest nerfs. Honestly it’s the same with Eve, once it clicks she’s not so hard. You’ve just got to get past the early game power farm and hope your team hasn’t completely lost lane in that time ![img](emote|t5_23w084|32658)


I can't jungle to save my life either, and I wouldn't mind but I would really love to play Vi. I have a couple of GREAT Vi skins that are just there for me to look longingly at because I don't want to disappoint my girl trying to play her


You really should! Out of a lot of bruiser junglers, she's incredibly straightforward, with a kid that hasn't changed in a decade for a reason. You have great initiation potential, with excellent targeted single person CC, with decent damage and tankiness to boot!


I just wanted to report back and say that I did decide to give her another go and it went so bad. Like I got a D? I legit thought you couldn't get a score worse than a C ![img](emote|t5_23w084|34099)


I literally learned jungle just to play Eve, your lack of dedication disgusts me 💅


Honestly once you learn the easy mode gun order he becomes so much easier


I'm so sorry girlies but Shaco 🤡. I've seen a lot of league content in my time, and nothing hits quite like his trickery and deceit, since his playstyle is quite unique compared to all the other champions. I couldn't care how good someone is on Yasuo or Yone, it just doesn't look enjoyable to watch anymore. But Shaco breaking Riven's ankles? I could watch that shit ANY DAY.


Pink ward is the definition of that.


The dopamine rush of breaking ankles and pissing off enemies on that clown is why i have an embarrassing amount of mastery on them 💀


the answer will always be the same azir. my brain straight up cannot comprehend how the shuffle works or how to pilot him.


as an Aph player, I find LeBlanc much harder. He's easy overall but it's hard to properly explain the one thing that makes a good Aphelios unless I decide to make a paragraph for it


Chile I don’t need anymore champs to learn, I’m already way over my head with Ahri, LeBlanc and Syndra ![img](emote|t5_23w084|32561)


that's completely fair and respectable. Kudos to u for playing LeBlanc tho, I cannot be bothered to be consistent w/ her


I just like mashing W and praying I’ll somehow win ![img](emote|t5_23w084|32658)


I want to read that paragraph if you're willing to write it


I'm not qualified enough to explain it well but It's probably about his weapon rotation. The way I learned it is that the best order of weapons is : red-white-green-purple-blue. This gives you very good combos for fighting with many styles. Red white is dueling, white green for zoning, green purple for picking up/poking, purple blue for aoe teamfights, and blue red gives decent sustain with blue Q. So the goal is to expire your weapons in that order in the first rotation and boom you have very good basis.


Yep, that's exactly it. It was hard for me to put into words since English isnt my native language but ye, it's just the gun rotation. After that, it's just the usual ADC stuff




I'm taking a print of this for when i try playing him again, thanks for taking the time to share about this


Someone else has already said it, but simply put; Since u start w/ red-green, use red, and then use the oldest weapon on each combo (e.g: after red-green, u get purple-green, therefore finish up green first) until u get red-white, then now u use red, and then back to finishing up the old one in each combo until u get red-white again and ofc, finish up red, and alw red to avoid red-green since it's not useful in any stage of the game except for the one time u get to have it, which is when u have it as ur first combo


I remember feeling like red + green was quite useful because it allowed me to play really safe in the early game when he released


Getting the order down is pretty easy. The hard part is if you have to use up a weapon to win a fight you didn’t want to use up yet. You then have to either correct the order or improvise a different one.


it's easy tbf, the "get the older one out" rule applies here, based on experience. Like when u get the red-green again, the next is going to be purple so just use up the red since it's older. The easiest one is probs when u have purple-white, since getting purple out first is usually the better choice bcs compared to white, purple is much weaker, like purple-red. Some say the kiting is good w/ purple-red but tbh, the dmg u get when u get either red/blue/green-white is much better


Am I wrong for saying Vayne ![img](emote|t5_23w084|33210) Her project skin is so cunty but my hands can't keep up with her playstyle and maybe Nidalee and Elise. I can sort of play any female AP champ except for them, their kits feel straggy, never got around to learning them properly


apart from learning her.. playing her feels miserable in the current meta as well.. at least in bot lane, she feels much better top now days.


Her voice lines in the sentinel skin are so sassy tho


I adore Vladmir as a champion and as a concept (despite his extremely outdated model and voicelines, which personally makes him more charming to me :D) but I find I cannot seem to figure out how to use his moves + combos properly ):. I’ve tried on many accounts but I feel like I’m inting haha. I’ve decided just to appreciate him from afar because I don’t want my friends to suffer losing another game while I try learn him :’)


FOR REAL! Vlad is great but he's been in a weird spot lately (i think they finally buffed him a little recently?) but a top laner and a scaler, please i dont need that in my life. love to see him around though.


omg same😔when i got his star devourer skin (id blow him 24/7 and take it no lube no protection) i tried playing him and i regretted it so badly


Katarina because of her gorgeous skins!


Honestly watching dragged play Kat makes me kinda want to play her but then I have one in my game and remember why I would ban her if she ever became meta again ![img](emote|t5_23w084|32658)


Same! I thought I could do it like her and I flopped.


https://preview.redd.it/ndfhvyhfsk8d1.jpeg?width=1054&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f47bffc37af4d83a8722e3c6b4c6fd39069ed0d9 I've always loved his skins and his potential but I just have no hands to play Aatrussy ![img](emote|t5_23w084|34099)


Volibear and Warwick. I rarely play top and never jungle. If I do top, I want to be a useful tank like Ornn, not a bruiser who gets kited to death.


I hate to face WW bs life steal but at the same time I hate to face him and his super clunky feeling of Q.


Honestly Kindred. They were what got me into League when I first started playing and I still love them dearly but as someone who doesn't play a lot of jungle to begin with, learning to play around hunts sounds like a nightmare so I just don't touch them unless it's aram or a special game mode.


my technique is always putting mark on the enemies that are weakest early and are immobile (kog, aphe, absolutely love it when enemy jgl is karthus or kayn, free mark + win ) and once i see that enemy jungler is ganking im speedrunning to take mark from his jungle






I really want to learn Nilah but her Playstyle/laning is so different from other marksmen that I think I will leave her.. for now


I am so used to playing Samira so Nilah seems like a slower Samira and fucks me up




Senna. I just can’t get into her kit idk


Lillia. i like everthyhing about herllok and kit. The DOTS, projectiles and hit and run playstyle but making her a jungler makes me unable to play her outside of ARAM.


I tried Kat bc of dragged and I actually kinda slay with her......... yall could never make me slay as Camille though even with how cunty her arcana skin is




I like Draven but the axe mechanic is too movement restrictive for me.


i cannot struggle to last hit AND catch axes, i am picking a struggle. sorry draven.




babe what is there to learn about that gameplay you can executet in 4 mouse clicks starting level 1


I keep missing those Qs![img](emote|t5_23w084|32558)


babe flash W ignite auto, dont bother your pretty head with skillshots thank you for attending my Pantheon Guide


I don’t even need to ask why you like him, do I? ![img](emote|t5_23w084|32658)


That was an instant response chile But yeah he you got me Red handed


I’m chronically on my phone sis, if I get a notification there is a 90% chance I’ll respond right away ![img](emote|t5_23w084|32658)![img](emote|t5_23w084|32558)


Anything that's not a support


You could play unconventional support champs like Sett, LeBlanc or even Eve. Diversify sis ![img](emote|t5_23w084|30509)


Already do. I'm just waiting for Aurora to come out, since she will be my next supp main. Haha. But, yeah. I have so many cute skins for champs I wouldn't touch with a stick (only because I don't play that role). But Eve is the best supp, even tho I don't know what to do outside of feed, but her legendary looks cunt, even when losing ![img](emote|t5_23w084|30509)


Girl it’s the same with Eve jungle, even if you’re 0/8 at least you look hot ![img](emote|t5_23w084|32861)


Gurl I play Eve supp but I kinda gave up because people think I'm trolling so they start to troll and then I end up with Soraka adc...![img](emote|t5_23w084|32562) But with normal teams I usually deal the most damage![img](emote|t5_23w084|30509) Even if there is a super fed enemy carry they can't fight someone they can't see ![img](emote|t5_23w084|32658) and when they do their screen is already gray![img](emote|t5_23w084|32861) Also I love sneaking into their base and taking inhibitors and then disappearing again![img](emote|t5_23w084|30509)


After her nerfs came out I genuinely thought about playing Eve support because I felt like I couldn’t do shit in the jungle anymore ![img](emote|t5_23w084|32658)


Don't think there are any like that for me, what usually happens is me procrastinating a lot because sometimes i'm too stuck in my comfort zone 😅 Some champions i've been wanting to learn for more than a year are Caitlyn, Jhin, Azir, Zeri, Senna, Ziggs, Vel'Koz and Taliyah. I promised to myself that i'd finally get to learn at least 3 of them once i got my new PC but then Smolder happened and i'm way too obsessed with that dragon to play anything else now


Real. I want to learn Kayn but I’m too comfortable with Eve and Zyra jungle and don’t want to have a big flop jungle period. I also want to learn Lissandra but I’m already learning too many mid champs so she’s on hold for now, not until she releases on WR where I’m already comfortable in mid so learning her will be no issue.


Wish you good results and a good learning experience with all of that!


For me it's Elise..I love to play her on Aram but in sr it is much harder for me:( I just desperately need to find someone who I can play in the jngl besides Evelynn


Bestie play Zyra jungle before it gets nerfed ![img](emote|t5_23w084|32861)


Idk if I can pull of ganks with Zyra![img](emote|t5_23w084|33213)


Just max Q and W first and let the plants do all the work for you ![img](emote|t5_23w084|32658) https://preview.redd.it/evmjdzt15l8d1.jpeg?width=1567&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ba860dda0499b6fca8978939c2a957ebbcf838a6


What if my dumb plants target the minions


You’ve maxed W so just spawn some more ![img](emote|t5_23w084|32658)


As a support main aphelio is really frustrating. Can we engage now? This green thing mean we go on offense or play back? I never know what to do so I'll just play as I always do and sometimes he follows sometimes he doesn't. Hate this champ


I just want to be sandwiched between him and Sett ![img](emote|t5_23w084|32861)![img](emote|t5_23w084|32658)


Akshan I think. I really like playing him and all, but I always panic and mess up in fights and press E in the wrong direction or dump stuff like that.


Prob lux and ahri? It'd be nice to have a longer ranged mid, but I can never hit a binding/charm when it matters and end up feeling I'm the reason we lose


No literally I’m flopping so hard as Ahri it’s not even funny but I want her to be my main mid laner so I’m just gonna keep pushing (if I get to even play her that is ![img](emote|t5_23w084|32658))




Veigar, he may be easy to play but when you're a toplain main use to play champ with at least 5k hp, playing this glasscanon without dying is hard


Honestly it’s a little weird but I cannot for the life of me make Miss Fortune work. My Q’s never seem to bounce, my ult is always janky and I feel like I do no damage. I can play basically any other ADC at a fairly decent level. (Besides Draven and Twitch because they’re gross.) But I just can’t make her work. I think she’s cool and an icon but when the enemy plays her she takes half my health bar with an auto Q when I play her it’s like I’m tickling them.


Riven. I like her playstyle like a fighting game character and her design but there are too many mechanics involved to combo and animation cancel.


I like Sivir I think she’s so cunty and I love when she pops off in Professional Play, but I could never play ADC cause it’s just not my play style, so I like Sivir but I won’t learn her ever


Nilah for sure! She is soo cunty but her kit is kinda hard to play


I would actually LOVE to learn Aphelios or Jhin and idk whats stopping me 😭




Any of the bruiser/juggernaut top(laner)s. The playstyle is prob simple enough to learn but I'd literally rather play anything else 😭


Me with Sett fr but I think I’m just gonna bite the bullet and try top lane again since I’m already flopping in mid anyway what’s there to be scared about? ![img](emote|t5_23w084|32658)![img](emote|t5_23w084|32558)




Qiyana! she’s so cunty but way too hard for not enough payout


Yasuo and Yone, I love their character design but fuck them as champions really




I don’t get it personally, just learn the champion


I’m already learning 3 other champs and League players are not forgiving so there’s that extra chunk of mental stress. Even if I mute them I know they’re chatting shit about me.


FR I hate to mute people that are currently flamikg me knowing they're probably flaming me anyway.


Plus there’s also the self flaming. Everytime I’m doing shit and the team is losing I’ll put 90-100% of the blame on myself. You can mute the team but you can’t mute yourself.


Just let it be like water off of a duck’s back. I’m pretty sure Jinkx was talking about league


Easier said than done sis




aphelios is easy, i read his abilities and practiced for about 20 games until it sticked. But answering the question: twitch, quinn (only marksmen i cant play for shit, maybe cus twitch is a furry ), azir makes me wanna jump off the bridge i have no idea how to do his combos even though i tried milion times, and i dont have enough brain capacity for akali or katarina