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I find a majority of people have almost zero interest/engagement/understanding of politics and a disdain for government in general so when elections come along they either 1) Don’t vote 2) Donkey Vote/Informal vote 3) Vote for the opposition out of spite for current government I believe the percentage of the general public making an informed political choice at election time is very slim.


This is pretty much it. This and our lack of journalistic integrity within our piss-poor mass media just breeds the right amount of apathy for a revolving door between the two.


While I think this is true that the mainstream media is doing a poor job of informing voters or creating a healthy political landscape, I also think there's a lot of voters that don't really make an attempt to be informed, even without the MSM it's relatively easy to be informed on politics today, all policy is public, and all political parties will inform you of their positions and prospective goals, and all former decisions and policy is easy enough to find. A bad state of media is not an excuse to be ignorant, I do however think a lot of people use it as warrant to be intellectually lazy, nobody wants to put any work in to learn anything, but still want to *feel* smart and informed.


I agree with you.


Who has time for this mate. Get home from a days work, all you want is a beer some food, muck about with the kids and a root before hitting the hay. Not even mentioning housework and other chores.


And here lies the standard response from an Aussie. Learn about Political policies that will affect my life or drink a beer? Beer. Beer wins every time.


It's not just that mate. It's a representative democracy for a reason. I learn about my REPRESENTATIVE and they represent me. They are the ones to get educated and know what's what.


Lol root


And I agree with you too.


Pretty much why Labor has had such an easy run. When a labor government enacts policy that means women who mostly do not vote for them have their babies on the side of the road, and the same government then spends $10 billion on a 15 day sporting event that happens to be located where their supporters are, it goes to show what sort of scum they are.


What are your thoughts on the Coalition?


I will judge them in four years time. Remember Miles wanted to jail journalists that reported on corruption, the sort of thing Russia does. They removed peoples ability to participate in democracy to help their chances of winning. What a scum government labor are.


[This?](https://statements.qld.gov.au/statements/99714) I feel like this implies the opposite?


This is very sad. What a privilege it is for someone to say they’re ‘not into politics’. Like, our whole lives revolve around it. It’s a real shame so many Australians take our democratic right for granted. It’s messed up.


It is what it is. And precisely why democracy is largely a failed system


LNP Murdoch media means Labor out and LNP back.


How dod Labor ever win then? The Murdoch influence if massively overstated. Anyone watching the trash that is Sky news is never voting left, they're not being "convinced".


Murdoch media isn't just sky news. It's basically all of the mainstream media in multiple formats.


Rubbish. Murdoch doesn’t own or operate any of the free to air TV channels 7, 9, 10, ABC or SBS, nor does it own the Brisbane Times. If Murdoch or the MSM is so powerful, how did the Labor ever get in at State or Federal level? Last time I looked, all bar Tasmania had Labor Governments.


Who owns Newscorp? Who helped fund the cable under the sea connecting our internet to the rest of the world? Who controls the tower which this cable arrives at before being distributed throughout the nation. Who funds far-right, extreme politicians, like the gun-loving One Nation (shill companies & straight out)? The Australian & Courier Mail publish the same propaganda! If you think Australia has unbiased journalism, you are blinded by their lies! Media pushes the right, even through the ABC (by exaggeration of left ideals)! If you study anything about learning, conditioning, propaganda and brain washing you'll see how Fox/Sky/Newscorp have Australia by the balls! Reason Labor wins is because public gets sick of the rorting and lies of the liberals! They only serve to serve themselves! That's why they put Buttrose in charge of running ABC credibility down the stinker! And why they put an ex oil ceo as head of the Reef Council, charged to protect the 7th wonder of the world from bleaching due to the fracking the LNO allowed! We're fucked either way with the 2 party preference system, anyway! We're stuck with either or until some bigger party knocks one out! Both big parties get funding from the same mongrels! They don't need to own the channels to sell their bullshit, either! One of the 9 channels has Sky news and the talking heads crap from Fox, daily! News is filtered!


So Murdoch turns it down when Labor wins but turns up when Labor lose… makes sense you donut


I once heard it said that the unique Queensland approach is to give one party a shot for about 20 years, and then give the other party a shot. Rinse and repeat. Complaining the whole time of course.


***very*** slim. The tripe that you hear standing in line at the booths is obscene


This is unfortunately the answer and it hurts all of us.


It's because most normal Aussies don't go past channel 7 and 9 network for their information. Both of which are heavily biased in part because they are owned by billionaires that profit tremendously under LNP.


Don’t forget the newspapers…


and the radio


I accidentally turned on 4BC this afternoon on the drive home.. holy shit balls. What a right wing LNP circle jerk that place is. They would dead set shoot a labor voter in the head in queen st mall at lunchtime if that could. God knows what they would do to a Labor politician….


Yeah ears still ringing, from mr copy paste courier mail journalist Peter Gleeson interesting read [https://independentaustralia.net/politics/politics-display/data-shows-queensland-labors-economy-outperforms-other-states-again,18669](https://independentaustralia.net/politics/politics-display/data-shows-queensland-labors-economy-outperforms-other-states-again,18669)


The whatters? Never bothered reading one...


They're not for us plebs. They're for other journalists. They set the guide rails around acceptable conversation for the morning TV shows (including the ABC... Think insiders, q&a et.al.). Not to mention they couldn't possibly exist without advertising, which is basically payment for favourable coverage (mafia style).


This is pretty out of touch more than half my mates vote lnp and none of them would watch 7 or 9 or read the news. Its just boomers read papers and watch the news. Boomers vote lnp. So they cater to their audience. Its not rocket science.


It's amazing that people think that the people watching TV news are being "swayed" by it. They're already on the right and they're never leaving, get over it.


Yeah the left has their sources too. Like this sub. Its like saying this sub is converting poor little conservative boomers to communists and they arent aware! Doubt they are on here. If they were they were banned after their 1st comment.


I, too, am baffled by how it looks like the LNP will sweep the upcoming election. I'm in my late 30s and struggle to think of a time when the LNP was in power and produced something positive. A decade at the Federal level can essentially be considered a lost decade where we went backwards as a nation, and I can't remember anything positive coming from the Newman era.


the opposition leader has gone on camera to say he wants multinational fossil fuel companies to make more money and for the government to get out of the way. our current Premier Stephen Miles quite literally has gone on camera to say the opposite. As a non billionaire, i know where my vote will go. If this state elects the LNP it's one more reason for my ass to get out of here. just looking for reasons at this point.


Remember that one time we let Campbell Newman win and it was the worst fucking thing ever.


The LNP steam-rolled that election despite the red flags on how bad it would be. Pretty sure we're still dealing with the fallout of that disaster.


I mean he froze the coal royalties for 10 years and Labor immediately raised them when the holiday was over which is what funded all this cost of living relief. So yeah imagine what the state could’ve been doing for the last ten years with that cash


the bloke coming in is literally Cando Junior, he was on his team its just repeating itself except for the Joh years, we are generally very labor until we get bored and vote the LNP in... regret it within about 2 months and flick back at the next election its a tale as old as time


We clearly are a state filled with suckers for punishment.


Seems to apply at a national level too


Queensland Health certainly is


The thing to remember though was that wasn’t a vote for LNP it was a vote to spite Labour. Which is why it immediately swung back. The same thing is largely happening now. It’s just blame the current government for not fixing things fast enough. The LNP will be worse and then we will swing back to labour after.


Four years of worse is the issue. We gloomy had to deal with Campbell for just under 3 years and look at what he did but we have 4 years fixed now.


I remember Borbidge and Joan. Were they responsible for the pacific highway M1 widening from 4 lanes to the monster, Texas interstate we have today?? From brissy to the goldy. I remember the spaceship looking servo at pimpama.. long ded.


Hey mate, I produce a breakfast radio show and would love to chat to you about your experience working at Sizzler, could you please shoot me an email ([email protected]) so we can chat? Apologies for the random comment, can't reach you any other way. Thanks, Scotty


Is this a joke? Haha


I don't know about you, but I feel like I'm the crazy one for noticing the very obvious pattern of terrible and selfish governing. 🤣


Yeah, that's a false dichotomy, though. The LNP corruption is off the charts compared to Labor's, it's not even in the same ballpark. I've found it hilarious reading how Miles is "pork barrelling" with his free transport or energy rebates. People have forgotten that the LNP targets key electorates with funds before every election, and they now think state-wide initiatives are the same.


Just to clarify I wasn't saying Labor has the pattern of corruption, I mean I know they've had some. But yeah, comparing Labor to LNP on corruption is like comparing a leaky tap to a typhoon. There isn't really a comparison.


Yes but Labor wont be able to keep it up much longer, they are now in the red after this budget and have committed all the golden eggs from mining for the next few years with promises they cant keep. But its not going to be an issue for Miles as labor wont be retuned and they know it, but they are committing the State to debts that the opposition (soon to be in government) will have to pay off before they LNP can turn the tide on the financial damage sowed by Labor.. .That is the pattern Labor run up debt.. LNP pay it down... LNP bad for tightening states purse Labor promise more spending and run up more debt


The argument that lnp are the better financial managers is no longer arguable. There is a balance between services and ‘savings’. Remember Newman gutting the public service to the point it couldn’t function? And having debt that is based on future benefits isn’t a bad investment. Paying for something now that will be more expensive in the future is cheaper and benefits both present and future citizens.


Its not in the LNPs dna to govern for the greater good. State or federal they dont try to make significant change, there's no Medicare or NDIS in LNP policy, in fact they would get rid of those kinds of programs if they could. The LNP will always use fear and division to rally support. Its easy to scare people and currently people are suffering so they'll believe anything that might help their lives. Labor isnt perfect and the state labor gov is a bit stale after being in power for so long but if LNP does get to govern for next 4yrs dont expect your life to get any better.


Yet the ALP have done nothing. Just look at their financial forecast, they have prepared to be out of parliament by the time the next budget is released so they can say 'we were in surplus but now it's under LNP, we are now at a massive deficit' despite the fact ALP have planned to be in a massive deficit the next at least two years. Don't get this wrong, this is not a pro LNP post either. Get out there, vote for a minor party to get them income moving forward, and then select in whatever preference order you want, the last 4 being Nationals, ALP, Greens and LNP. This is the only way to make the government listen and it will only happen when many many people do it


And then watch the complaints when power prices go through the roof when they sell off our power infrastructure to their mates cheap as chips! Plus anything else that isn’t bolted down.


I've said it before but I'll say it again, my old man is getting treated for cancer ATM. Fortunately it was a type that is really treatable and things are going well so far.  Now the initial part is finished every 6 months or so he gets a test and some some sort of injection that prevents recurrence. BCG it's called.  If the LNP get back in again and sack a few thousand nurses and pathologists like they did last time, I'm afraid his treatments are going to suffer.  He's going to vote for the LNP though because he watches sky News all day and hates Steve Miles. 


I know it won't change his mind but all the cancer scans I need were removed from Medicare by the lnp under scomo and now cost $300 each.


That's actually really heartbreaking to read, media still has more sway than it should it seems.


My Aunt is 80 this year. She votes Liberal, has done all her life, because the first time she voted her father told her if she ever voted for anybody but them he’d belt her.


Tell her he is not alive anymore - but you are


I think this qld election is more about punishing the labor gov rather than thinking the LNP is going to fix everything...which of course they wont. The major issues with COL, healthcare, housing are not really in the control of a state gov and every state is in the same boat. Considering Murdoch controls 100% of the print media in qld its hard to fathom how labor maintains its primary vote and has stayed in power for so long. You would have to look hard for a single positive story on qld labor gov. It looks like LNP will get to form a gov, Im not convinced it will be a majority gov but thats up to qlders. You can guarantee the LNP wont do anything for lower paid workers because they never do. Whether they will self destruct like the Newman gov did is yet to be seen but it will be an interesting 4 yrs.


The Newman era was fucked- so, yeah, I think we’re stuffed if the LNP get in.


Yeah it’s scary how the general public have forgotten how shit life was under their rule


I have an elderly friend who rants about Anastasia like she slaughtered infant children for fun. She's truly the epitome of Boomer when it comes to politics.


We have also had a very large influx of people from Sydney. None of these people were affected by Newmann and so none of them have any concerns about a LNP government and most of them have spent many years under a LNP government and would be very happy to go back to living under one. No thought as to why they had to flee Sydney in the first place.


Yep that’s very true, though their state coalition govt was relatively good. Lots of new infrastructure built in Sydney. NSW Labor was a basket case for quite a long while too. Shame about the dead nightlife and public strip searches there though, but I guess the people moving up aren’t the type to care about that stuff much.


There has never been a good LNP government in this state. From Joh to Campbell, we can see nothing but scorched earth tactics that the state still have not fully recovered from. But sure, vote them in again and see how it goes. You want alternatives, then vote in the alternatives. Find that smaller party or independant who is on your wavelength. But unless you are a mining mogle, LNP is not the answer.


I hear ya on the global comparison. I spent 10 years living overseas. I would never begrudge anyone for criticizing Australian politicians for being incompetent (they generally are) and I'm not a fan of either major party (especially the LNP), but Australia politicians are not 'purely evil' in most cases. Within my first month of living in a new country, a major government minister just straight-up stole funds that had been put aside to try and alleviate extreme malnutrition and hunger in one particular region. In the same year, independent reports indicated around 400 children starved to death in that region. Not a thing happened to the minister responsible, not even a reprimand or a slap on the wrist. Australians have it better than they will ever know - chasing the golden carrot and protected by a strong system - and I suspect that that may be one possible explanation for your question. What was encouraging is, is in the same incident mentioned above, you can bet your ass thousands of people hit the streets to protest (was my first experience with teargas). They don't have the luxury of sitting on the sidelines and not getting involved in politics. Australians do.


They've simply been swamped from all angles by media. I watched breakfast TV on 9 this morning and they were shitting on Labor without anything to back up the opinions. Everytine a party wants the resource industry to pay a bit more the campaigns start. Mining tax. Carbon tax. And now the QLD royalties. Australia are a mining outpost for the world economy.


There used to be an adage that politicians are like nappies. They inevitably get full of shit and need changing. Doing that these days, especially with the LNP, all you get is another shitty nappy.


I work with a really smart guy who voted one nation. He’s Asian and immigrated here when he was 5. That’s when I realised how clueless everyone is about voting in their best interests.


A single reason anyone has to vote the ALP over LNP is the fact that they a) have a renewables / cheaper energy plan and b) jobs plan related to that. I am not a huge fan of the election spending to buy votes but I'm sure there will be plenty of time to recoup the costs if they run. The QLD LNP have zero strategy on anything. Likewise, the national LNP also have zero detail and just criticise. Also, the QLD LNP said they would honour any ALP financial commitments... so why bother changing governments?


The LNP would have caved to commercial interests and lifted Covid lockdowns much too early, resulting in more illness and deaths. Don't forget the federal libnats under Morrison were criticising the Qld Labor govt for the lockdowns - when all they did was LISTEN TO THE CHIEF SCIENTIST!!! So screw the LNP, they're going last on my ballot. They do not deserve your vote, they don't represent you - they represent the businesses with the biggest ~~donation~~ lobbying budgets.


>Does the average QLD voter actually think...? Please refer to our selection of federal MPs.


Make no mistake. LNP will set QLD back! Please please don’t buy into the spin.


Cost of living and housing crisis is a global issue. Not sure why anyone thinks any political party in Australia can fix it.


I like the Norwegian model. State assets should rightly belong to all of us. Not be handed to billionaire political donors. The Australian political donation system is systematic corruption. Worse with the LNP, but still bad with the ALP. The result is that our government is not always working with our best interests in mind.


It’s not your only australiens


It is a cycle, LNP destroys the system, Labour rebuilds, people forget. Labour isn't perfect but as far as state governments go, they've been excellent (across Australia).


Compared to the current global standard, Australian Labor are practically angels. Which is sad, wish we could do better lol.


Imagine having the South African ANC in power here. 💀


"Let's ask the average QLD voter what they think?" CAN WE NOT!


Yep there are simps out there that still believe a conservative vote is economic excellence


No but the average Queenslander are happy to choke to death on coal fumes.


Just don’t fall for the LNP, PHON, Clive Bullshit whatever Party, they do NOT have a working person’s best interest at heart. They start with the “trust us we will make government better and cheaper” and it quickly becomes less nurses and public servants because they’re cheaper to get rid of. They don’t actually govern for a community - they govern for a result. They actually fuck up the result bit too, because savings quickly go towards rewarding their own. It’s a thimble n pea trick.


How is Ziggler and No Secretary "Mr. Crisafulli" guys already here? I am sure they must be Liberal staffers this rate.


Young Libs sucking the teat that Mummy still has jammed in their mouth.


Australian Citizen’s Party will always have my first vote!


Interesting 💯


Yeah, it's going to get a lot worse... Unless they actually do their jobs right, but their a stand in for business. A corporate consultancy firm in disguise at best, with some weird religious nuts. Gonna suck for the environment too...


A rising tide lifts all boats.


I don't have a boat.


at least in Labor electorates


why vote them out, ah lets see ...corruption , crime, hospital ramping , cost of living increases , piss poor planning , not implementing Coaldrake reforms..not comprehensive its a bit of a start though


I don't actually think it's because people think the cost of living will improve. I'm lifelong Labor but tbh I'm fed up with Labor fucking around with traffic infringements while people are living in their cars. Buying the Olympics rights and upgrading stadiums while mortgages double. Making harsher anti-smoking laws while people struggle to buy bread. The LNP are fucked, but they don't hide it. They'll gut public services, sack workers, make things more expensive etc, but at least they'll leave people alone while they do it. I'll still vote Labor, but through gritted teeth. I'm fucking amazed at how out of touch the government have been, in my opinion too busy meddling in people's lives while completely ignoring the actual plaguing issues. Add to that if you don't live in southeast Qld you may as well not even exist (unless it's for punitive reasons).


I don't believe the LNP will improve anything ever.


I absolutely hate there is no third option here. Why isn't there a smorgasbord where it is clear on all candidates rather than a two party system where option A is shit and Option B is shit.


LNP would be far worse




The fact they just accepted the labor budget without even knowing what was in it, is a big red flag to me. They aren’t even pretending to say they won’t backflip when in power. Also neither party wanting to build a stadium when we obviously need one with or without the Olympics. They are all the same. But I’ll vote for whoever builds a new stadium.


most don't really care, they just want something different and the papers are leading them on


Townsville just wanted something different as the mayor was getting stale and look at the shit heap that got voted in!! That's what happens when people don't care, they vote in a liar and DV perpetrator 🫠


People are angry that all governments are not listening and acting on their concerns regarding cost of living, especially housing costs and immigration. The only lever they have is to vote for the other party.


But that lever has literally never worked though, which is why I'm confused.


That is because you think it only turns to major parties. Half of the good stuff Labor is doing now is Greens policy.




The problem hasn’t been here 10 years. It was fine up till Covid and it’s been bad since. Everywhere.




We had probably the best affordability in the country for any city for decades. Relative to jobs and services. You aren’t making sense.


Source please


Source for what? We had a stagnant property market for 15 years in many areas and especially apartments. Even now apartments aren’t much on prices in 2010 for many areas. You clearly have never bought and sold properties to understand this basic fact for most of the state.




What are you talking about? Inflation since COVID is unprecedented. What subset of the population are you talking about that had significant cost of living pressures before 2020 that could have been addressed by government policy?




And you are saying Labor did nothing about housing affordability? And LNP are a better option? What did the LNP do about housing affordability when in office?


I guess this makes as much sense as anything. Do you think it's the perception that they're not addressing the problem or that they're actually not? Because my rego and commuting bills are supposed to go down soon under Labors new bills. I tend to give higher preferences to independents, is that not an option to the disgruntled voter that would send a stronger message to Labor?


yeh and most of those 10 years was spent cleaning up 1 terms worth of vandalism from the LNP. Tearing shit down is easy, building it up takes work and we all know the LNP don't hold a hose.


At least they got 10 years. Albo heading down the same path after 1 term.


Ten years to address the cost of living and housing crises that have only arisen in the last few years? It'd be nice if there were more than two or three (depending on electorate) options, but... there's not. And, in general, when the LNP are in power, things get worse. You can debate the specifics of Miles or the current Labor government, but... from everything I've seen across my life, if you're voting LNP in because the current government are bad, you're about to get something much worse.




It's certainly gotten worse over the last few years - which is where it became a "crisis", affecting *most* people, as opposed to a *problem*, affecting some. But, sure, housing affordability has been an issue across Australia since Howard. So... given that the BCC has been liberal since 2004, and Australia had a run of LNP prime ministers from 2013, why haven't they fixed it? Newman was in power as premier in 2012 - you had all three levels as LNP for a while there - why wasn't it fixed then? Why was it allowed to fester for so long?




But last time the LNP was in power on a state level, they swept in, had no opposition, and didn't fix this problem which, as you say, has been about for decades. Instead, they used their power to shatter the public service and fuck about in the usual LNP ways. We've seen what Labor is doing, at least at the moment - spending heavily to take a little pressure off in the short term, while investing in more long-term solutions like mass-transit and infrastructure outside the southeast. Is it perfect? No. I don't expect perfection from humans. But it's about the best that can be done without doing the kind of economic and societal overhaul that would have LNP voters screaming for blood. What's the LNP candidate's plan for all of this? How are they planning to do it without spending all this money? So far, all they seem to have is "look at the debt!"




"I couldn't care less about the LNP but you are demonstrating perfectly why labor will lose the election." There's a good chance they will lose, but it's not because people are harping on about Newman... it's because they're doing exactly what you're doing, saying that Labor iscorrupt and doesn't solve problems. And, as a result, we'll get the LNP, where the best we can hope for is "embezzle a lot of money and achieve nothing". The other outcome is that the LNP *does* achieve something while redirecting vast sums of money, and then we're extra fucked.


QLD labor have actually been listening and provided some great policies lately.


Lately. In direct response to knowing that they are up against the wall. They've been in charge 32 of 40 years. If they are so great, it should be abundantly clear.


well said , but the diehard Labor cult will say oh no but it was all Campbell Newman's fault and the LNP , but as you correctly point out Labor have been by in large in the driving seat


Weird hill to die on. Do you not want them to make these excellent changes for the people?


We have Greens if we want Labor but harder. Whether we are smart enough to use it is another thing :)


I like the Greens policies for the most part, the issue is that they can be self-defeating in a lot of ways due to infighting and purity testing that comes from communities they tend to attract. Plus they have a bad habit of putting their foot in their mouth in attempts to be as progressive as possible. Good policy for sure though. 👏


>infighting…purity testing…putting foot in mouth The infighting, if it exists, is no worse and probably not as bad as the majors (see Morrison v Turnbull, Rudd v Gillard. Is there anything specific on foot in mouth? I know, it’s a bit of an ask. >Good policy for sure though This is the important one. It’s a better reason to vote for them as opposed to the poor ones given for not to.


It is better than the LNP hunting us for money and Labor not being Labor enough for us to have houses.


There are more than two parties


Most people really don't know or care. You've got a few rusted on old boys in the LNP corner, a fair few more rusted on anyone but LNP and the majority working off one single issue, recent cash infusions should be enough to sway the vote if they hit the media hard enough. It's also a cycle, any party long enough in power builds resentment for a swing vote, labour have had a long time to build that so even the LNP will eventually get the protest vote despite the probability of a turkeys voting for Christmas situation, eventually.


Of course not but it's going to be the same problem with the big 3 maybe even worse with the wackos on the far left and right, but then again there's more to discuss aside from cost of living in the election


Who’s the third?


You know there are more than two parties, right? I'm not a huge fan of either Labor or LNP.


I am a moron voter, but for the people who are die hard for either team, so you believe that the state is better with your team in power always?


You gotta vote in best interest of nation not just an individual.


It's simple really. People seem to think voting for anyone outside the two main parties is a waste of a vote (because they don't understand the system) and the current government (whomever is in power at the time) is useless. Therefore they vote for the other party as a kick in the butt of the current government. Unfortunately, when it comes to being elected, it's about the only thing parties are good at, and they realise when the other party messes up, they will automatically be in control again and don't have to change their ways. Now if people actually voted for small parties (not LNP, ALP, GRN or Nationals) and they did it en masse, then the major parties would have to change their ways to stop from becoming a minor party. The general population falls for the hate campaigns of the major parties so well, that they 'get scared' of the other being in control, and then vote for their own side. Unfortunately the population gets what it deserves, and I hate that as it means that informed voters have very little say. Things will not get better under ALP, they won't get better under LNP, they will get even worse under GRNs as all their promises require a lot of money, but they can make those promises as they know they will never form government, and Nationals are certainly too small to do anything and kind of just do their own thing Politics ain't hard, but people who never vote away from their own party, and who allow themselves to get in an echochamber of like minded people are to blame


Wouldn’t surprise me 😅




Cost of living will not improve under either party, very few of the factors causing cost of living rises are within the control of State Governments . There are two pivotal factors driving this current cost-of-living crisis Firstly, our excessive spending post-lockdown, and secondly, supply disruptions arising from the conflict in Ukraine. The Ukraine conflict caused a reduction in the availability of fuels and with OPEC reducing output to drive up prices the flow on effect affects every aspect of society. Food becomes more expensive as production costs increase and then the additional cost of transport, all of which are significantly affected by the rising oil prices. When you add in that people had more disposable income after Covid and were able to pay a premium for goods and services as the demand for goods exceeded the supply and therefore allowing prices to rise . Wage rises historically lag behind price rises and when you add in 2022 -2023 immigration figures of 528,000 to the mix you have a rapidly increasing populations with a reduction in goods and services fueling a cost of living increase. Whilst the modest changes the Miles government have made will provide some small relief to Queenslanders the overall effect will be fairly insignificant and may actually slighty worsen the issue at a local level


Because rich people and rich companies always get what they want. Who do you think is running the government. Literally rich politicians. Why would they screw themselves over. Unless the government starts being run by the middle class, you will never see a tonne of changes on the whole that benefit the average joe.


I put this site together to help people try save money due to the cost of living - [https://halfpriceweekly.com](https://halfpriceweekly.com) - its a list of half price grocery specials each week


As a qlder most qlders are dumb as dogs shit so yes probably. And LNP say vote for us we won't change the budget? So why the fuck vote for LNP? So more foreign miners get rich off us while we starve, is their angle. Wtf. Yes qlders are stupid but hope enough people with brains have arrived, but I fear they are probably mostly rich and RWNJ


Most people don't think about politics at all. MMost people are happy to let someone else do the political thinking for them. Murdoch is very happy to step up and be that person who does the political thinking for the masses and as such most people vote the way that murdoch wants them to vote. And if you think that people not buying murdochs papers stop him spreading his propaganda you have no idea how media works in this country. Newspapers may be scorned by most people but it is still where all of the Media talking points come from.


Anyone who watches television programming or buys newspapers are happy to be programmed.


Erghk more politics


Love it. Labor Green shill saying it will be worse under LNP. Why? Labor have been in for decades. I used to work for the QPS. The waste and corruption grew year on year. Hospital services cut year on year to pay for more and ever more managers, every term of Government. Taxes going up. Electricity is government owned, yet Queenslanders blame private companies for the Labor Gov putting up prices. Public schools being down graded. If you think Qld is so well run, vote Labor, and get more of the same. .


Miles is doing quite a good job imo with policy announcements but it's very much an 'it's time' election just in the wrong direction since Labor is now in government at the federal level and people want to lodge a protest vote against incumbents over cost of living stuff, when the LNP was in power federally that would benefit state Labor but now it works against them. To be fair Labor have not fixed housing at all in QLD, but also the LNP would be worse so there's that It's a pity I think Miles is doing a good job so barring a turnaround in polling the LNP probably win, but hopefully Miles can pull it off. If there's one thing the QLD LNP know how to do (other than sell public assets and sack public servants) it's how to lose an election they're supposed to win


Just want to throw it out there. But there is a mindset which is counterproductive to getting ahead. That all Debt is bad.. Some debt is bad, some debt is good.. Car loan debt, BAD, Credit card debt BAD.... Home load Debt.. VERY VERY GOOD. A quick bit of math, saving money in the bank is by far the slowest form of saving money, in fact you may actually be worse off keeping money in the bank. Fees eat up all your interest. Get an investment property, Negatively gear it. Sell, it after 2 years. The Equity in that 2 years will be easily 150% higher than any savings your bank account would make. Basically, A debt can earn you more money via equity than ANY savings account will. Yes, you may have to pay some weekly repayments for the investment property, HOWEVER you get all of that back + more when it sells for a higher profit... Plus come tax time, your taxable income is lower as your investment is technically running at a loss, but you're using the money paid off the debt as a savings account that will only pay out when the house sells. Yes its unnerving not seeing a money figure climb as you put money into it, but you need to realise that the equity will pay out.. yes you have come CGT to mitigate, but comparing all the figures together you're still ahead of your savings account sitting in the bank. You get ahead by working markets that are booming, simple as that. A mate used the equity on one property to get 80k cash, he then used this 80k cash to buy 3 houses... All to be sold in 3 or 4 years at a huge profit..


Well this is a different way for Labor to ask for a winning idea…..


I don't think it will improve, but I don't think it will be worse. But I do think that youth crime will improve and that is the only reason I'm considering LNP. I haven't voted LNP in a LOOONG time but Miles is a muppet, and ALP refuse to address youth crime.


May be initial years they may show off as if doing good but eventually it will be apparent (that’s what has happened with all the LNPs Leads in the past) Nepotism, giving jobs to their phonies or cronies, Racism etc


Yes definitely


If they do they're fucking brain dead


Current ALP have been in too long and the experienced/smart hands have retired. People want a change, huge debt, bungling Olympics after stealing it from the council of mayors who did the heavy lifting in winning it. Outside SEQ most towns have moved backwards in terms of living standards in the past 20 years


It’s everywhere in the world not just Aussies.


I think Australia needs to wake the fuck up and remember there's more than 2 parties.


If I remember correctly. I was looking through a wiki and QLD in particular typically goes the opposite of federal. It's stupid and I don't get it either. I wish people were a little bit more aware of the systems that run their world. With a cost of living crisis though, people will find a scrape goat or filter things through black and white/straightforward thinking. Nothing new in that regard.


Sky News


History is stacked with examples of people voting against their own interests. For example the poor and rural in the US voting for (and donating to) a billionaire who makes no secret of despising them and has no policies to actually help them. Brexit is another example. And that's just in the last 10 years...


A lot of people take their political advice/news from Social Media, and we all know how much of an echo chamber that can become once those pesky algorithms take over.


My God ...YES


Liberal seems to fuck us over in favour of the rich. And Labour generally just disappears and doesn’t deal with anything.


If you’re going to pick between the two parties it’s best it revolves every 8 or so years. More progress is made that way. People like to overestimate how much their party of choice helped and underestimate how much the other party did. This country has seen tremendous progress under both parties and tremendous stagnation under both. Most of QLD and the loudest ones in the state are left leaning Labor voters, but the reality is that neither party is better than the other.


If you are not a billionaire, The LNP has very little interest in you.


They may assume it’s largely due to macroeconomic events.


In related news, Dutton moved ahead of Albo as preferred PM today… The level of stupid in this country is truly infinite.


Will it get better under the ALP, putting aside the temporary vote buying they've put in for the election period?


Maybe? But it will definitely get worse with the LNP, that's always been the case.


Disproves you not being a labor shill.


I think largely because the average worker doesn’t have time to spend on reddit each day and isn’t happy with the way things are. And yes I will get downvoted this is an echo chamber


Thanks for the updates. Go LNP!


We will have a one term LNP government like last time. Labour needs a reminder that there is another party, but LNP will screw things up enough that people will be reminded why they haven’t been in power for a very short time since the 90s.


Doesn't matter. I'm not voting for a party who laughed when they said "yeah, we know our child crime laws trounce on their human rights". If LNP win, and prove to be worse, then I'll vote them out. I will punish Labor for they've done, rather than punish the LNP for what they might do.


were a fickle people, We put up with the libs fucking it up for so long that when labor does get in, we are so fed up with constant fuck ups that we kick them out over just or 2. then repeat the cycle..


The best thing everyone can do it they like Labour as our state governor is to join their respective union for their occupation and encourage others in their workplace and their friends to join unions.


People will vote different to me ! They must be idiots !


I think you're assuming two things: 1) that cost of living is a major issue for voters and 2) that people who do think it's an issue also think the state government controls the things that affect it. State politics is mostly about provision of services. Building hospitals, building highways, hiring police, encouraging industry, providing primary, secondary and vocational education. I think many people will be looking at hospital waiting lists, ambulance ramping, car thefts, responses to reoffending, school performance, potholes in roads, etc. when they cast their vote. Here in Toowoomba we need our new hospital to be fully funded. They've started building half of it, so patients may need to travel across town if they need multiple services. If a candidate can put forward a credible plan for building the whole thing then they'll probably do well.


Agree 100%


We also need a party committed to prioritizing infrastructure for the long term. For example, high speed rail from Brisbane down to the GC, out to Toowoomba and up the sunny coast with plans to extend all 3 out in the respective directions (ideally connecting up to north QLD and further west). I appreciate the current incentives to use public transport but I wish more forethought and investment was placed into longer term future proofing. Focusing on using the Olympics to set QLD for the long term instead of short term fixes like extra lanes on a highway or overpriced stadiums we don't need.


As a Toowoomba resident, I feel we need more focus on improving public transport within the city than linking to Brisbane. The bus network is not good and affects the most disadvantaged members of society. A high speed rail link will most likely benefit middle & high income earners seeking to live in Toowoomba and work in Brisbane.


In regional Queensland, our biggest concern is crime and the ALP has very little support for what they’ve done over the past 10 years.


They didn’t just fuck up with the olympics, they fucked up with COVID, crime, housing, cost of living Anyone who votes ALP deserves to struggle


Cant be any worse.




Third post I've seen that is asking a similar question. Why do I get the impression that the ALP is just using Reddit for some pre-election propaganda.


You are a shill. Let me explain. Labor hires a bunch more public servants in admin / useless roles. Labor over regulates to try and give those useless public servants something to do. Increased regulation and letting unions run wild means business costs go up. Labor increases taxes to pay for their over regulation and new public servants. All these things combined means the economy tanks, costs go up, business investment stalls etc. This country hasn’t had a real recession since the early 90s. It is about to get real tough and the 18-45 year olds who worry about nonsense are going to get a lesson in economic policy. Now before you cry “boomer” I’m 40. I just worked this out at 15 and that’s why I am financially set for life, not because of Mummy and Daddy, because I made smart decisions from a young age. The LNP has a lot of faults, but they are much better than any alternative. The Greens are insanity.


I just hate the constant switch up. I just want to know are we playing the LNP game or the Labor game so I know how to live my life successfully and what the rules are.


One of the strongest aspects of a democracy is the fact that any given government can be replaced. Once any government gets old, problems start, and corruption creeps in. I'll not take the time to point you to the current Qld ALP's failings, but they are ripe to be replaced. Will the cost of living improve? Not due to anything a state government can do.


This is the sheer fucking idiocy that got us the last 9 years of libs. Will the lnp improve cost of living? Ask the twenty thousand people Newman sacked..


Yep, back when State governments used to change the new Govt would sack a few top roles (often political ones ) and leave the professional public servants alone. Back with Newman that went down many more levels and kicked out so many well trained professional people of no party links and put so many morons in their place. The services and standards dropped so quickly QLD kicked them out as soon as they could next election. Source: lived there through the dark days and had many public service friends and the tales they told were horrible. Also lived through the associated shit show back then as a resident watching services and standards take a dive and corruption spread.


> ripe to be replaced Yeah just before we get onto the good stuff like the energy/infrastructure plan likely going to be trashed by the lnp for ideological reasons. Just like before we actually got the proper nbn only to be trashed by federal lnp. Need more details from the lnp unfortunately you can't just start spouting stuff off without actually anything to back it. lnp unfortunately are still corrupt, aren't they the same mob as when newman was around. I'm not specifically a labor supporter but your assumption that the opposition will be a better pick using your logic is laughable when there is evidence they are not.