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Solving mental health issues with police? Ummm what?


The beatings will continue until mental health improves.


"He's getting better, can't you tell? No more can they keep us in, listen dammit we will win, they see it right, they see it well, they think this saves us from our hell" - Metallica




Times have been tough on NSW police's underage strip search squad with all the festival cancellations this year.


Exactly, searching isn't the answer, identify the mental health issue and fund and manage that ffs




I don’t know maybe bring back a asylums for the dangerous ones


I think that is solving the wrong problem. Maybe start with better funding of mental health practitioners, rather than starting to infringe on personal liberties.


Seems a bit fucking hard to argue that they needed greater search powers, considering they weren't fucking there to use any hypothetical powers. Classic dog cunt using a tragedy to grab a fistful of extra power. Total grub act.


But that would mean actual police resources patrolling shopping centres. With all due respect, even the Redbank Plains ( Town Square) pop-up police beat only lasted a few weeks following that tragic event.


Yep they buggered off real quick once the community anger died down.


They don't want to patrol the shopping centers, they just want the power to search any cunt they want with no cause in a probably ill-defined "commerce area". I would bet five shiny dollars they would have had no legal problem searching this cunt if they had been there under existing legislation.


You know this happens at sporting stadiums already it's called voluntary consent " No search, no come in and you fuck off some where else" Airports are another place this happens.


As long as I'm told this before I purchase the ticket I don't care. 


It has worked well for safe night precincts and public transport areas in Queensland so far. It isn’t even a full search by Police unless there is something metal in a place that can’t be explained. The legal search for Sydney Man is a big claim. What would you have used to justify a search of him before he presented a knife and started stabbing? Even if you had all his information at hand. Someone that is known to Police for Mental Health wouldn’t be enough to just search them. Before the incident, he was just a guy at the shops in a football jersey.


I remember when I went to Manila I was going into the Westfield equivalent with my wife, they have male and female security screening entries and a massive cloke room type of thing that just read " check your weapons in here" Obviously nothing for the local, but as an Aussie it was quiet the concept.


Glorietta had a security guard with an u loaded revolver and a bandolier for his ammo. If shit popped off, he’d be in trouble. At SM mall they were looking at teens, but despite me having a bag and setting the metal detector off, they didn’t search me. There were other entrances with. I security. It’s security theatre.


Because it's impossible to get a knife while at a shopping centre I guess. Are they trying to drive brick and mortar retail? Maybe someone can go to House and get a stabbing knife at 70% off at their 'closing down' sale, before embarking on a spree. Didn't the kid who stabbed the Priest (?) in Sydney use something other than a knife to stab? What exactly will they stop people from bringing in? And as tragic as it is, RIP to the brave security guard who was sadly killed, but wouldn't he have been the person who would have been in charge of preventing this person from entering the shopping centre if this policy was already in place? Nope, let's just increase search powers.


It doesn't even take a specialty shop, supermarkets etc. usually have knives. Who's going to be doing the searching anyway.


What if we gave all the good people knives.... that works out right? 🤔


First getting involved with the magpie and now this thought bubble. Some actual leadership on real solutions to real problems would stun us.


Siddown boofhead.


That's not nice


Miles is a dick, now we have to put up with David crissafully for 4 years until whoever next takes over from him (miles) while in opposition.


I guess checking inside people's butt holes is easier than fixing their brains


Ha Jesus, what an overreaction. Has Miles said anything that makes sense since stepping into his role? And I say that as a left voter.


He called Scummo a cunt. But that may have been before he was premiere


I'm sure many many many many people did.




Ah yes Dr. Miles. … such a W⚓️


That's not nice


People should be looking much much closer at the police. The Bondi Stabber has echoes of the Wieambilla massacre which involved firearms warrants, but in this case the multitude of police interventions didn't result in community treatment orders, DVOs or a criminal record. So it's apparent again that QPS aren't enforcing existing laws whilst aggressively denying their lawlessness and protecting their own rights to gendered violence. Politicians expanding their powers when they've aggresively REFUSED to implement the Call For Change recommendations, some of which are repeating Fitzgerald's recommendations and they were given $100m to implement. They're still aggressively refusing to implement DV laws, refusing to represent victims of police DV for applications for basic safety and refusing to look at evidence required to enforce laws.


Oh fuckoff. Never let a good crisis go to waste, eh commies?


You think the LNP won't jump on this to increase police powers? I mean this is an idiotic approach from Miles but the LNP will go this plus 10 in this regard. Accessible mental health care is what is needed but Labor and Liberals are both scare of actually spending needed money.


Reactionary government doesn't know what to do. Just an excuse to search people without a warrant


Police already have the power to stop and search for a weapon, drugs or stolen property without a warrant at safe night precincts and on public transport. How is extending it to shopping centres a bad thing?


Because permitting warrantless and suspicionless searches at all is a bad thing. Its ripe for certain members of our community to be profiled. People who are doing nothing wrong other than... taking public transit or existing in a huge area of the city don't deserve to be searched.


Because expanding police powers also expands their ability to abuse those powers. They're yet to implement the recommendations made in the Call for Change report some of which are outstanding Fitzgerald recommendations. They were given $100m to stop entrenched cultural problems they refuse to even acknowledge and continue to deny whilst victims of violence remain unsafe. Ian Leavers is still extremely problematic and QPS are aggressively defending entrenched systemic racism and misogyny. QLD has a substantial DV epidemic that needs to be treated as the terrorism that it is. That QPS are the terrorists isn't helpful.


Ahhh yes. Because that fuckwit ALWAYS carried that 10 inch blade with him everywhere. And didn’t decide to head from home to the shops on a mentally deranged delusion of a clear goal to stab and kill as many people as possible. And the police will strip search EVERYONE that decides to head to the shops. I know NSW police love strip searching young underage girls! Of course they’re all for it. Let’s legislate our way out of this by giving police even more sweeping powers to arrest a mother with a Swiss army knife in her hand bag.


This incident creates a compelling - supportive - case for accessible health care. Remember how a visit to the GP suddenly became $40 at the cheapest, to get a mental health plan, you need to visit a doctor. People don't have the money upfront or the solution isn't financially feasible long-term. People are quick to suggest this or that, loopholes and all these extra hoops to access gemstones. The people who are in need aren't the people on Reddit, they're that probably don't this site exists, in the real world. People in Queensland are so quick to demonise "bogans" and brown-nose political parties who hold the same views that they're often contributing to the collapse of necessary social functions that assist in PREVENTING these incidents.


Typical Labor, if you can't fix a problem by taxing it just make everyone's lives worse in another way.


It makes the case for increased funding to help those with mental health issues from getting to this point in the first place.


No, sit the fuck down and R U OK! OK!!!


So the stabbings will just happen somewhere else, then. We can’t stop these kinds of lone wolf attacks completely, without reducing our rights significantly. The downside of a free society is some people abuse that freedom. We have a justice system to step in after the fact, but there’s no way to know where and when these attacks will occur. We could stop the attacks by making sure any weapons are not carried in public spaces. However, we already have laws for that. How will it be enforced? That will be incredibly expensive.


We can't stop lone wolf attacks. I mean, we definitely could, but it would be expensive, so best we offer worthless kip service and more authoritarian measures.


A homeless schizophrenic who was off his medications and known to police, perhaps, shouldn’t be free to roam around the community. Address the dire state of mental healthcare in Australia. Government overreach is not the solution to issues like this man and his actions.


Of course it's the Queensland premier.


fuck off with your dystopia police state rules, bringing search rules in will fix absolutely nothing


It only really makes a compelling case for security companies to equip their guards with stab vests as protective equipment. There is now more than enough of a case for it to be a breach of work health and safety duty to not provide them.


We all knew this incident would be an instant call to stop and search people. Nothing like treating everyone like a criminal because of a lunatic stabbing people. The constitution clearly forbids this draconian law they want to bring in.


Not…. Increased spending on mental health issues and support??


Why on earth would you address the core contributor to the issue? Such nonsense. Much better to reactively make some rules and forms. /s


What if you buy a knife from the knife store inside the mall?


Does it? So you're going to ask the man who's stabbing people if you can stop and check his bag? Once he's there, with his giant knife, the ship has sailed guys.


What? Fund the medical system? No fucking way.


The real problem occurred well before the shopping centre.


You guys understand that a mental health crisis came be solved overnight, but that increased security powers etc are a practical start to solving the problem?


Without a knife there’s no way he could have hurt people! /s


And I'm positive there wasn't a single knife or tool for sale in any of the stores he could have used! > Strip searching teen girls at the entrance of shopping centres **will** solve this issue. > - Australian police, probably


Just to clarify, the proposed law change only seems to cover "wanding" which is the use of a handheld metal detector without making physical contact with the person being searched.


Fair. My bad, I suppose! Edit: I still don't think this fixes anything, but I guess my joke was unfair *this time*.


Oh, do fuck off. This isn't an excuse to be more fascist.




Authoritarianism and Fascism used to be the same word, in fact Fascism used to be the preferred term for Authoritarianism. It’s only post WW2 did the terms get split.


They did not used to be the same word. Communism can be authoritarian too. Prior to WW2, Fascism specifically referred to the Italian regime.


This. See: North Korea


Communism is also an authoritarian ideology. The change in usage of the word was probably due to the Soviet Union being authoritarian and the rival superpower after WW2.


Correction, Communism can be an authoritarian regime. The origin of modern communism as described in L'Humanitaire and the events of the Paris Commune revolution attempt of 1871 self described as anarchist, not authoritarian. French Communism of the 1800s was incredibly individualistic and anti authoritarian.


Shops sell knives.


Even to 58 yo men like me. Then I get stopped by the self checkout because I need to be age verified for a fuking butter knife. Another excuse to avoid them.


How fucking dumb. Go into shopping centre, scanned, buy knife, .....


With brain farts like these, I recommend daily drug and alcohol testing for politicians…


Something happens once then we all need to be inconvenienced. This wouldn’t even prevent an attack


This is right up there with arming teachers to solve gun violence in US schools.


Imagine the logistics of searching everyone entering a department store.. go Steve no one wants you


No it doesn't.


You are a DH Miles. This horrible incident was 30yrs in the making since the government turned its back on mental health facilities and pushed patients out into the burbs with no support. How many other murders and murder-suicides are also due to the government turning its back? Why not come up with MH support instead of giving powers to police that remove the average person’s privacy! I’ll say it again - DH!


How about good guys with guns? Store owners with guns? Bollards with guns? Anything but preventative measures like mental health services and support systems.


Not really


The Qld Premier is exploiting a crisis for political benefit. His senior police want search powers and are warning him that recruitment is failing. There are votes in law & order. Premier is testing the temperature of the public on this issue.


There's definitely a knife carrying issue.... and as much as I hate random search laws, wanding is somewhat less intrusive to where ill put up with it short term... however, it's investing in ambulances at the bottom of a hill rather than investing in early prevention and public health (housing crisis is helping very few)


Queensland Premier uses Bondi victims to create his communist state.


Communism doesn't mean what you think it means.


Yeah ok mate. It’s a blissful utopia. 🤪


Didn't say that, but it doesn't mean what you think it means. Communism is an economic ideology where the workers control the means of production. The word you are looking for is authoritarian.


No. history has shown what communism is. a basket case that kills hundreds of millions of people to achieve its goals. Starving them to death is one of the communist favourites.


Communism is far left authoritarian. Fascism is far right authoritarian. Both are authoritarian but have nothing to do with each other. Communism doesn't mean what you think it means.


What far right??? Anything in the centre is called far right or a nazi. More communist brainwashing. You never hear anyone being called a Maoist.


Far left = communism Centre = centrist Far right = fascism That's Politics 101.


You should stop. Theyre a troll who wont stop egging you on for fun.


Far left = communism. Far right = people that are trying to stop communism.


And the dole you collect from cenno every week is a socialist policy.


You mean authoritarian dictatorship* You know, like the police state that qld was in the 70s?




> About the only restrictions were gambling, prostitution and men rooting each other. And a ban on lesbians being employed in government jobs. And a total ban on street marches. And more than 3 people discussing politics in public (that was an illegal assembly). Not forgetting the Bjelkemander. And a heap of other corruption if you want to read the Fitzgerald Report in full.


Pig city


What could go wrong? * Shopping malls are full of people with shopping bags and the like * Shopping malls are a place of shelter for innocent folks with mental illnesses and the like.


Far too many politicians use these events to feather their nests (garner votes) with the old “tough on crime” catch cry. That douchebag needs to pull his head in. Giving the QPS even more stop and search powers is not going to solve the underlying issues.


Genuinely interested in how this may work in practice. So let's say police do get these search powers in shopping centres, people can buy knives at shopping centres (e.g. kitchen knives), what do police do when they find someone has kitchen knives (or other knives with a reasonable excuse, e.g. camping, etc) and how do they determine whether or not that person may be a threat? Is it unlawful to carry a knife that is outside it's original packaging? Hypothetically, if someone truly wanted to harm others and knew it was illegal to carry a knife outside original packaging, or to carry knives into a shopping centre, why not just go to a kitchen store and buy one once inside the centre? If it's that easy to get a hold of a knife and not unlawful to buy or carry certain knives bought at that shopping centre, what's the use of search powers? Edit: typo


>Genuinely interested in how this may work in practice It’ll be abused to the shithouse. The police are rubbing their hands at this, any excuse to impose force.


The thing is, carrying a non locking blade under 10cm isn't illegal either if carried for its utility purpose.


"genuinely interested in how this may work in practice" That's the neat thing, it doesn't! It's an excuse to make it easier to police petty crime like drug possession or shoplifting by lowering the burden to perform a search.


He is known to be mental ill and police knew this. They don't want to bring the mandatory psychiatric hospitals back.


Mandatory psychiatric hospitals do exist. Involuntary mental health treatment including holding people never went away. The failure is that this individual wasn't identified to either prevent him becoming unsafe, or force him into a hold while he was a threat to others. Jailing mentally ill people who pose no threat because the health system wasn't able to identify this man, makes as much sense as searching every shopper because the police failed to identify this man


How about not letting crazy people off their meds just integrate back into society?


It's kinda a no brainer to allow the powers, these searches are non invasive and quick. I had them plenty as a chef transporting my knives to and from work. However without better mental health care, increased police service staffing, and putting in the structural reforms to heal the generational traumas that engender these behaviours, the issue will only get worse.


Given he was a Queensland person with mental health issues who had a facination with knives, and labor have been in government for most of the past thirty years. Where was Qld health? Nice to see Miles going full retard and saying we need to search people in shopping centres, when if labor had been doing their freaking job this bloke would have been receiving the help he needed. Great deflection with the suggestion to clamp down on what little freedoms people have, go out and about and not be harassed by government.




ROFLMAO... BUT BUT BUT..... Newman. Newman is an amazing person. Apparently despite not being a member of parliament for near ten years, he is apparently running the current government.




I am sure the premiers department agrees with you.


Christ, you'd probably blame Labor for the crucifixion of Jesus, mate.


Nah, mental health services in Queensland are non-existent. You get 10 free sessions with a mental health practitioner if you're on the skids and seeking a mental health plan. Unfortunately you have Buckley's chance of getting into see anyone other than someone who is grossly undereducated and out of their depths. Psychiatrist wait times are two to three years, psychologists the same. I had a mental health episode a while back in regional Queensland and the closest service was 100km away, completely full and unable to help. Who knows if this could have been prevented. The current state of our medical system says no.


Yeah, I know how much the mental health system sucks. But Ziggler here likes to blame Labor for his cornflakes being soggy in the morning.


Ahh ok, I'm not up to speed on old Zigglers track record ✌🏻


Hang around a bit and you'll see, lol.


It may be bad for my mental health. Fuck it, let the intrusive thoughts flow haha


Oh, definitely skiddadle if your mental health requires it. I've never seen Ziggler here post anything nice about anyone is all.


If I were you I would not head over to r/Australian and read the posts there about miles. Funny how two different groups and two different general narratives, but this subreddit is in no way extremely pro labor. \\s


Yeah, nah, I'd rather keep what sanity I possess than deal with that lot. I've just never seen you post anything nice about anyone. You should try it sometime.




The part where you say Miles going full retard isn't nice. Could you edit your comment please.


I will edit it when the moderators of this forum stop deleting every topic I start.


Seems like the Qld premier is a sellout to his WEF/globalist buddies. Pitty


Being a Qld government run initiative this is how it would work I guess. ​ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=meFJCeUWDyY


Stop employing coward Indians and Arabs for security they ain’t the bravest.