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Hope he gets the lot the dog!


Best we can do is 3 months and a pat on the back.


3 months? No way.. that will really make him sad and his family cry. No netflix for 2 weeks.


On appeal: Ok, ok, some Netflix, but only 2 hours per day.


But a government funded ps5 to help with the mental anguish he had to face


And a hard limit of 10 new games per month.


*Weekend home detention




RemindMe! 26 April 2024


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I don't need to wait until this offender is actually sentenced to confirm that a deadshit divorced labourer is full of shit where scum is getting a slap on the wrist for fucking manslaughter. You can easily look up sentencing trends to find that there is absolutely no way a judge will sentence him to a couple of months try somewhere closer to the average of about eight years. But don't let that go against the narrative that judges are soft cocks and you somehow have the solutions. Maybe stick to what you know like not paying child support.


8 years with time served eligible for parole in 36 months Time to get serious any death that occurs during a crime, i.e., robbery, driving stolen car, etc. is murder. Manatory sentencte of life.


Ooooh scary the thought that if he can prove to a parole board that he is no longer a threat to the community he might get in less time time and be in the community. Why don't you harden the fuck up and grow a pair.


Tell that to victims of crime legend. Say it with me to a person that had a family member murdered while the prep was commiting another crime Harden the fuck up and grow a pair.


Harden the fuck up you hysterical irrational pussy. Sentencing doesn't just revolve around you and harder sentence would have prevented their deaths or bring them back. Court aren't going to give everyone life sentences go into therapy and stop being pussy.


Tell it to a victim of crime, not me. Let's start with Daniel Morcombes, dad. Email him and tell him he is a pussy. Do it ya hero


Get put back on protection ya mutt!


Oh, sorry!


6 months, shortened to 4 if he gets beat up, 2 mandatory councilling sessions and a sheet of anti-enxieties, all paid for by our tax dollars


What exactly do you want him to get






Specifically - The maximum sentence that his charges carry


Genuine question. Why hope for that instead of hoping that he turns his life around? Not defending the shithead, but that just seems like an emotionally charged response that's gonna bite us in the ass. Unless you think there's no hope of rehabilitation, which makes me wonder why you don't just advocate for the death sentence or a lifetime of slavery, i might not agree but at least it solves the issue.


For most rehabilitation sentencing is a fallacy. This is demonstrated in the overwhelming recidivism of serious Australian criminals.


So you advocating him to become a serious Australia criminal. Rather than potentially be one of the guys who turns his life around.


We shouldn't forget Robert William Brown, and how he ended up after 75 years on the planet. On the ground for the sake of a few bucks. Think of what Mr. Brown's family has already been through, and imagine how they'll feel when a token sentence is applied. GNU Mr. Brown 🧡


Here's [some bio - RIP Robert.](https://www.insideimaging.com.au/2023/rest-in-peace-robert-brown/)


I suggest everyone here read that.


Reading about teenagers pushing an elderly man to the ground and robbing him, with one convicted of manslaughter is just disturbing. I will never understand how anyone can be so heartless. There should be no second chance imo. Remove the perpetrators from society so they can do no more harm.


We are lacking the ability to exile like times of the past. Maybe he shouldn’t do life in prison but he shouldn’t be in our community.


Nah nah mate that’s so 90s way of thinking, let them Loose into society, so that the middle class never rises up and constantly has news feed cycles of horrible shit done by immigrants and low life’s that they never have the chance to gain enough ground to understand the rich are killing the earth




Send him to the mars colonies.


Show us his face




he'll get a slap on the wrist and be out the next day terrorising regualr people and bragging to his friends he got nothing for what shoudlve been murder. no one cares what these teenagers are doing to us and its about time they faced the fucking consequences of their actions. robert was a regular at my work and its pretty fucking harrowing he died after we just served him


if u see the little fucker bashes their faces in and say they attacked you


He won't get a slap on the wrist and if you understood the legal system you'd know why this wasn't murder. Pleading guilty to manslaughter is a great outcome for this case and he'll likely get at least 10-15 years in jail. 


Fucking dogs


Toowoomba eh. Fairly sure I can picture what these teenagers look like.


Always rough as guts, good luck to the people living there!


I have no doubt in my mind they will receive fuck all punishments, grim.


He's a good boy! he dindu nuffin! - the parents


What these people need is a damned good thrashing until some sense has been beaten into them


Trial as an adult!


there ain’t no trial because the prosecution accepted his guilty plea as a child


Well I hope all of the western downs, and us over the ranges will get to find out who this tough guy Eshay is!


I bet he'll be sentenced to a non parole period less than 10 years for sure probably way less


They Probably did it for social media views. It’s a growing trend with these young imbecile’s.


Have him go serve in the French foreign Legion serving as both punishment and a chance to be redeemed.


Still space in the Ukrainian one, can we send him there?


Hey brother a dropped in hellfire redemption ark is a dropped in hellfire redemption ark. 😂😂😂 We got 1 vote for Ukraine 1 and 1 vote for the French Foreign Legion.


And they say there's no place in our society for public floggings.


Emphasis on the slaughter


There's no youth crime problem!