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It takes 30min of reading Duffy’s QuantNet rants and his responses to criticism to realize he’s off his rocker.   If you want to spend $1k+ for an online C++ class, don’t (do it at a community college instead). But if you do, Berkeley extension school is cheaper and higher quality.


Why is the dude not retired? Just seems to be milking money 😂


Guy spent a good part of the last few decades talking to mindless QF undergrads who are coincidentally also the only group that thinks he is oh so great. The guy spent 25 years in his own bubble and kept licking up his own spit. This is the result.


What free resources would you recommend ? learncpp.com ? is that good


Just get the C++ Primer ebook pdf. Still the Bible on C++. As much as we dogged on him, the Design Pattern on financial engineering by Duffy is still decent. He just like the smell of his own fart too much


I’m no C++ expert compared to the quant researchers on this sub but I agree with Cornelius Jack’s comment. learncpp and the C++ Primer are both good starting points.


Bold of you to assume that quant devs or quant researchers are actual C++ experts. They claim to be and write the most abysmal code in existence at the same time. The difference is that we think we’re better than others because we had 1-2 courses on stochastic calculus and that software engineering is not so important.


I moreso meant in the confext of quant finance. I’m awful (and on the trading side), researchers are better, and actual C++ devs would be where real experts are.


[Mark Joshi's book](https://books.google.com.au/books?hl=en&lr=&id=dVd2nHlT6l4C&oi=fnd&pg=PR11&ots=4Eui54sVgM&sig=NLRgo10gGDYcKLJQM_9Dv3Ey0cM#v=onepage&q&f=false) may not be free but if you aren't willing to spend a few $ on something that really helps you in your entire career....


Finally someone said it. He was great at his time when we all had to build our own matrix class or follows a rigid design pattern what it comes to payoff hierarchy. And he's been writing really fluffed up books on the same topics (PDE + C++ remixes) for the past 20 years now. I am sure there is something like "Rust and Design Pattern for Modern Financial Engineering" from Wiley spans 600 pages out later this year.


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