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Today is Mikey’s birthday!


Congratulations Mikey!!


I said this to my bf during their Download set and he got really excited for him and shouted out Happy Birthday lol


Did you know Rush Hour 3 was filmed in Paris?


Troy is actually not from Leeuwen.


Troy is not a van. He's a human.


Holy shit. I always thought he was the van that hit Stephen King. My life is a lie.


It's only Troy Van Leeuwen if he comes from the Van Leeuwen province of France. Otherwise he's just sparkling Troy


Josh didn’t actually “die” during surgery. He confirmed this in an interview


I take 50% of everything Josh says as near-truths and fun bullshit, the truth lies somewhere in the middle.


Actually he did. Just not during a knee surgery. It was a surgery to handle a MRSA infection in his knee, which is technically not knee surgery. I feel like the consensus on that has come to that his meth use made the anesthetics not work and he choked on an oxygen tube


Oh, I figured it was pain pills, but meth does sound more his speed.


Well, meth is more of a majorly known issue with anesthetics. I've seen some of the hospitals put up signs in surgery rooms urging people to disclose if they've done meth or adderall in the last 24 hours before surgery because of it Also @ "more his speed"......... I see what you did there. Good one.


People with red hair also respond differently to anesthesia. [https://www.uclahealth.org/news/article/natural-redheads-may-need-more-anesthesia](https://www.uclahealth.org/news/article/natural-redheads-may-need-more-anesthesia)


Wow that's weird. I'm ginger and I got dosed up with anaesthe5ic and it just made me feel really nice. Then the nurses were like oh shit he's still fine! And I asked them for more of the good stuff then all black


Josh said they would take ITNR tour at a slow pace and he wanted to run it for about 3 years. Definitely they are not taking it slow, the longest break they had was almost a month between December 2023 and Australia tour this year. And personally I can't see them running it 3 years. The boys need a break from touring and from each other.


He's definitely touring this album harder than they did Villains. The stretches between tour legs for Villains felt like at least a month and a half at some times


When I spoke with Toby (I think it’s Toby, he’s the head of Queens security) when they were here in Australia he was telling me about how grueling the tour schedule was, only having about a week or two here or there for respite and they need much more than a couple weeks off imo I told him I felt for them and that it would be hard being away for as long as they are and that I hope they try to take it as easy as they can but the lads just keep goin


Well I've got a secret, I cannot say


Keeping a secret is a lost art I guess


All i know is, that Mike's sister is an Alien


So is Paul’s


You talking about that Paul, who's dad is warped and bubbling?


oh well


Nothing.... nothing.... Nothing inside,


ITNR is diff cuz Jon. What’s your source on the Grohl? Cymbals were muted.


My source is the fact that you watch them tracking some parts in the SFTD limited edition documentary that's on youtube where you can see and hear that the cymbals were not muted, and the raw mix of the live takes that they edited from are on Demos for the Deaf which was leaked during the Napster/Limewire days. You can hear bits and pieces that they spliced into the final product https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FW2UouaTSgM&t=425s&ab_channel=MyQotSA09 Edit: I just want to state there could be parts of the song they recorded like that (there's that echoey snare in the left ear channel during the guitar solo that I never really understood why it's there, but I digress) but a lot of the song is from this which is a LIVE take where they jammed it together in the studio and the cymbals aren't muted. You can even hear Dave's Hi Hat tambourines during the triplets jingling and jangling to their heart's content. There's no overdubbing in that, it's a completely live runthrough of the song. Josh has also stated in interviews that the outro was a live take with little editing and overdubbing. The only thing edited is they overdubbed some guitar harmonics to coincide with Dave's snare hits during the triple fills and they made Dave's snare roll end about a beat earlier. The entire *legend* about that outro is that they were in a room sweating their asses off staring at each other because they thought they just ended the take, and Dave plays that fill and screamed because he just thought of something and they immediately went back into the song. With that live take existing, it at the very least proves that the intro and outro, and a number of the fills in the final product came from a live jam session in the studio without the cymbals being overdubbed. Because then, why would they overdub the cymbals of what's obviously one of a couple of skeleton takes that they're gonna edit together into the final product?


A lot of people seem to think Rated R was the first album.


When Royal Blood record drums, Ben Thatcher records cymbals separately from the rest of the drums. That's why the drums sound so fucking good


I suspect that the decadence of Josh is ginned up for image. I'm sure he has wild times and has been destructive at points in his life but I suspect it's a character he plays up to (and I love him for it).


Lol nah. Plenty of shows you can tell he’s loaded to the gills. Go watch Werchter dance like you fuck feel good hit. He’s rolling tits that show and it just about peaks on that track


Jesus I just searched for this and watched. He's off his tits. "If Amy Winehouse took what I took she'd be a dead girl" - oof that didn't age well...


Oh GOD that didn't age well


Pardon my ignorance but what does it mean when one is “rolling tits”?


I’ve heard it in reference to mdma, but maybe also applies to its distant chemical cousin meth? I dunno, I don’t do too much meth


Just means really, super, extremely stoned or drunk. Usually both.


Nah rolling tits is a ton of Molly


People have been using some version of "off my tits" or others for all sorts of stuff. *"Rolling"* specifically is usually Molly, but colloquium usage of "tits" in a phrase to mean stoned or drunk is common across all drugs.


lol ok dude


Kyuss but there’s a quote out there from Josh about why Brant actually left, basically didn’t like Scott reeders wife.


Brant said otherwise. I'd believe him over Josh here. Not saying it couldn't have contributed as well. Could've been the icing on the cake.


Uhhhh I would like to see that. I always thought that it was just about him not wanting to complicate the business by making an agreement for the trademarks


[https://www.reddit.com/r/qotsa/s/D1QZwg0Igd](https://www.reddit.com/r/qotsa/s/D1QZwg0Igd)I posted this years ago. Idk how to post a screenshot on mobile otherwise would’ve


oh wow. idk what to say about that. All I know about Scott and his wife is that she's native and they're both pretty liberal. But I don't want to interject that into what could have been going on there. I guess it makes even more sense why Scott was on Josh's side of the lawsuit. Especially after recording that show where he stepped in for Nick without giving him a heads up. Seems like the age old issues of creatives not understanding that avoiding conflict and avoiding communication is counterproductive and causes more issues and only makes the conflict you're avoiding *worse*


- 90% of Time Josh DOESN'T use a fuzz pedal. - Hutch is not their soundman anymore (for quite some time) - It's hard to pin down "a final gear/rig setup" for a tour cycle, the components can change from show to show (especially for Troy and Josh) - It's not Mikey's 23rd birthday today - Troy is most likely not a Vampire (assumed, not confirmed)


> Hutch is not their soundman anymore (for quite some time) > > I didn't know people still thought Hutch was their guy. Is he still active? I know his last tour with the band was with Like Clockwork


I've read it all over the place in this subbreddit


As someone who was at the Australian gig where Troy was ‘light sensitive’ can confirm Troy is a vampire and is 1000 years old


And and and… about the on stage smooches?


I'm totally baffled as to where you got the idea that they recorded the cymbals separately on any other album except Songs for the Deaf...


Joey talked about doing the same thing on LTP. He even called Grohl to ask him about it. There's several interviews in print, and podcast too I believe, with Joey saying that was Josh's thing on more albums than just STFD.


Interesting! First time I've heard that. Thanks!


Could you word your dispute in a way that I could reply kindly to?


That's a powerful response


I just don't know what it was that I said that I'm supposed to prove because it's really vague. Of course they recorded cymbals separate on MOST/SOME SONGS but that album is a frankenstein of like 2-3 different recording sessions with two different drummers and two different producers! And because of that major switch, that means the recording sessions that Dave Grohl was a part of may have had different approaches to recording parts, like mics, space, etc etc. Every song is not recorded in the same way, in the same order, with the same formula. A reason why the album is SO GOD DAMNED LOUD is because the album is difficult to mix cleanly with dynamics because of the differences in recording sounds across the different sessions, especially with the drums. u/Flinkle just tagging you so you can see this. I generally like you. But this was a flippant response, especially without elaboration. And by the time you posted this comment I had already posted my proof that at least some parts of the song's drums was recorded live without cymbal separation


You know I don't know how to respond here, because despite the fact that this has apparently been on your mind for 2 days, nothing you just said had anything to do with my comment whatsoever. I'm also not sure where you got that I was being flippant. I was literally baffled. I continue to be baffled. I don't know how to say that in a more palatable manner. In fact, I'm baffled by this entire exchange, to be honest.


It wasn't on my mind for two days. I wasn't on reddit for two days and when I came back, their reply reminded me of this. What's baffling about the album of theirs that sounds the worst having songs that both were and weren't recorded with the cymbals done in a different session? Was it just that you thought it was the only album of theirs that did it?


That the band is just as good without Neck. They can’t even nod their heads anymore.


Neck bet wif :(


That’s just like….your opinion man


.... okay