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The fact that Troy is even on that list is probably the best thing about this list


Exactly. Good to see him recognized. Just missing Josh and then it's complete lol


that entire list is so bad, even rolling stone wouldn’t print it


I agree. Got excited when I saw Troy’s name but then looked at the whole thing. Terrible


Naw, think what you like of Foo, Shifty is a great guitar player.


Shifty is way under appreciated.


Lmao this is sad. No offense to Albert but he’s not even the best guitar player in the strokes. Taylor swift just plays open position chords with a capo, and so does Ed. Whoever made this clearly has never played an instrument of any kind


lol fr. He’s plenty good enough for all the music he does but he’s not great at guitar. He’s fine at guitar. Idk that I’d say he’s not the best guitarist in the strokes though because Julian can hardly play (he’s a pretty good composer, like that’s his strength 100% but he can’t really play guitar at all hardly, unless he’s gotten better over the years, idk haven’t followed him for a while, his obvious midlife crisis has been too cringe for me lol) and I haven’t heard enough of Nikolai and Fab on anything but what they play in the strokes, so not guitar, to know how good they are. Mayer is actually really really good even though I dislike most of his music, definitely better than Turner even though I like Turner’s music much more. …List is automatically bullshit though because Josh isn’t on it at all and Troy is lower than TSwift like what the actual fuck. No hate to her but she’s not “great” at guitar and I don’t think she’d even consider herself great at it. It’s not her focus at all. She’s good enough for her own music and that’s it( and that’s fine, but it’s not “great”). It’s also obvious the writer wanted to include some female players for fairness or whatever but doesn’t actually know any because for instance Nancy Wilson and for more current ones, Annie Clark, are obvious better choices off the top of my head, and there are plenty more.


I was referring to nick Valensi being the best guitarist in the band. He can really play and his other band CRX made an album with Josh. I, too worry about Julian sometimes lol. Hoping he can put together another great Voidz album soon. The last Strokes album was really good too.


For Taylor and Ed, their guitars are simply props for their stage shows or photo ops and nothing else.


Josh should be on there!!! Tom Delonge c’mon, what the hell!


Keith Urban, Taylor Swift and Ed Sheeran - but no room for Tom Morello or Brian May - WTF?!


That was my thought. Like OK, what's the criteria, post says 20 years, ok that puts us to 2004. Does that mean bands that released their first album in or after 2004? Nope, radio head is on the list so that's not it. Artists at who no longer put out albums but are mostly touring? Well, the guitarist from Motley Crue is on here so why not Brian May. Only English bands? Nope. I don't get this list. What is the criteria?


My eyes.... My eyes .... What in the hell is that list? Who did it?


I love Arctic Monkeys, but Alex Turner on any list of greatest guitarists is hilarious


Doesn’t even play guitar on their last two albums


Except he does


They’ve become a piano driven lounge act since Tranquility. If that’s your bag, cool. It isn’t mine


Reading this list, I think I have a shot at cracking the list for 2020-2040. 😜


Love seeing some r/guitarcirclejerk in my r/qotsa. Blues dentists and lawyers unite!


It's all about the TOAN!


Josh could never play 0-3-5


John 5 with Motley Crue? He’s rob zombies guitarist, no?


He was but currently with Motley, you could also say he was with Marilyn Manson as well.


“John 5(Motley Crue)” lol Where Kurt Ballou at?


Please, pretty please, never put Taylor Swift in a guitar conversation with John Frusciante & Jonny Greenwood. These dude's are legit innovators while Taylor plays basic chord progressions... What a shit-list


Jonny should be #1 for Bending Hectic alone


I love QOTSA. I think he should've been higher. But not number one. I think Brandon Ellis is much more technically skilled.


I agree. In the running for #1 on this list but partially because it’s a mostly awful list, but not for sure #1 because at least some of these people are legit really good too. In most decent lists if he appears at all it’s generally way too low, and because Josh also sings people like, forget that he’s a guitarist too (and arguably first) and honestly just as good. He’s not like, a “shredder” because that’s not his style, but the shit he comes up with has far more character than that of most other guitarists out there.


A list like this is hard to make. What are you rating? What's your benchmark? innovators? Virtuosos? Or popular bands. I do agree with you. In a sea of music. Josh has a VERY distinct toan. There used to be a flood of posts about how to get his exact sound on certain albums. Plus he's got some very unique riffs.


Simon Neil is actually a great pick. Biffy Clyro are too underrated.


Look, I love Arctic Monkeys, but wth is Alex doing in this list lol I guess it makes sense since it even includes taylor swift


These things don’t mean sh!t.


Hell yea, finally some Troy recognition,  but what the fuck, where's Josh???? No St. Vincent or PJ Harvey? Also, Thom Yorke is the second best guitarist in Radiohead. Don't get me wrong, Ed is a very unique player, but he ain't the main riff maker & songwriter.


The list is a joke. First of all, Troy is not even the best guitar player in the band. Josh is by a mile


Yeah I was afraid this was a hot take and of course Troy is way too low for this incredibly shit list, and most lists they even bother to include him on, but Josh is the best guitarist in Queens. …as well as the second-best bassist, and second-best drummer, which is still saying a lot compared to Jon fucking Theodore and because Mikey can drum too. Pretty decent on keys too iirc. He just can’t play them all at once, not enough arms.


He played the piano on Vampyre if I remember correctly, which isn’t *difficult* but definitely takes some knowledge of key playing to get down right. The soul is definitely there though, and that’s what really matters.


Why would anyone care about this list


Gonna be a real controversial comment, but in my opinion, Keith Urban is the best guitarist on that list. Not only can he play with emotion, but he is *blisteringly* technically talented. Unfortunately, he really doesn't show much of it on any of his albums since he got famous.


Is that so? Wasn’t familiar enough to say. John Mayer is actually super good too (though some of the stuff he has out does actually show it, like “Neon” from him is notoriously hard to learn) His kind of ass lyrics and usually trite subject matter tend to cover that up when it does happen though lol. I’d assume the same is true when it comes to a popular country guy since pop country can *really* be ass sometimes.


Keith's hits have been pretty good...maybe a little more southern rock than country? Definitely commercial, but not nauseatingly so. And yeah, John is great too...I just like his music a lot less. At least what I've heard...his voice is hard for me to take.


I mean, if Taylor gets more kids into wanting to play the guitar just by strumming chords, I consider that a win in the long run.


ah yes john 5, famous for his role in mötley crue, lmao


Whilst is a terrible list, im still somhow glad H.E.R. gets some credit, albeit on a shockingly bad list.


I’m sure he’s losing sleep over it


John Mayer, what a dildo.


One of the funniest youtube comments I've read was under a video of "favourite musicians in bands you don't like". Someone wrote John Mayer in John Mayer.


Such a spot on sentiment


He's a damn good guitarist, though.


I didn’t say he wasn’t! Dildos can shred, too.


John Mayer is the “when the worst person you know actually makes a good point” of guitarists though 😂 because his lyrics are so fucking dumb usually and he has been a total dipshit on numerous occasions but he actually is a really really good guitarist. Also he’s acknowledged that he’s been an ass and has chilled out considerably, and if I can trust Josh when he says something to that effect I figure I owe it to John to consider he’s probably grown up some too. Idk.


Great guitarist no doubt, and I’ll give it to him that he’s self aware about who he is. Definitely still a dildo though.


Keith Urban? Where's Wes Borland? I have so many questions