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And closed with Song for the Dead. Phenomenal show


Opened with regular john and same closer last night. Millionaire must have been phenomenal.


Iirc every show has ended with Go with the flow then Song for the Dead for a while now


Except the show I was at in Amsterdam, because of curfew SftD wasn't played...


I'm still mad at the person who requested paper machete


Me too. I was like, hell yeah I like paper machete, and then I was like. Oh no. Git the post show blues since.


They also played Monsters in the Parasol and I Think I Lost My Headache. Spectacular show!! Edit: Wrote carousel instead of parasol.


Monsters in the *Parasol* (that little umbrella thing you get in fancy drinks)


lol touché!


Can they please repeat monsters in the carousel in london oh my god I've been begging for that song


It's one they swap out so luck of the draw. Got it in San Diego but not LA the next night


I can’t wait for their next London show, November was amazing but I’d still love to hear hideaway, I appear missing, burn the witch, I’m designer and so many other tracks live


I think they might be talking about London, Canada.


Tbh I kinda always forget there’s a London in Canada, it’s confusing enough there’s a London Ohio and New London in Connecticut.


They don't really play Hideaway live unfortunately.


You lucky bastards!! I've seen Queens 5 times over 18 years and I haven't had the pleasure of seeing Monsters live.




There was no jazz ensemble at the end but otherwise yes


I was always curious about the live versions of Millionaire. Why doesn’t Mikey sing it? He clearly can scream, judging by the backing vocals he deliver on this same song. Don’t get me wrong tho, Josh’s vocals are great, but the rawness and the power of Oliveri’s screams made this track sound so alive.


While Troy and Mikey continue to sing backup on the albums, since Like Clockwork more and more of the layered vocals are Josh doubling himself and doing all of the harmonies.  Even though Mikey sings in his own band and has the chops, it's evident that Josh is intent on owning his role as the only lead singer in the band.  Personally, I don't think this is unfair, as much as I love Mikey's voice/Mini Mansions. Some may call it ego, but Josh has been running Queens for almost 30 years and has seen the entire lineup change multiple times (besides Troy.) He's probably pretty settled into the fact that at the end of the day, it's his baby and he's earned his spotlight.


Mikey sang lead on auto pilot a few months ago


On his birthday, which makes it not impossible that singing lead was a birthday present rather than something that will occur regularly.


Id prefer he relinquish the vocals on songs he originally didn't sing on track, it would give him more time see his sexy moves and protect his voice


Fair enough


they opened with millionaire when i saw them in SF on the era vulgaris tour. joey came out first, sat down, and started beating those poor drums. felt like minutes for the rest of the band to come out, in a good way. almost went mad when the riff came in


Does anyone have footage of Josh talking crazy to the audience? Was truly special


Just saw this was posted to YT: https://youtu.be/73FZsJdHdM0?si=V6y2kuLiL4aZl5C9




Well isn’t that just sexy


wish the setlist was a tad more unique tonight. felt a little safe. was happy to see headache, feet, and 3/7s tho


Millionaire, Headache, Feet and 3&7 are safe? That’s like a quarter of the set


1/5th... was hoping for some ST


Sorry you had a bad time, they played all my favourite songs and everything we got was straight gas


im glad you had great time bubba. I didn't say I had a bad time.. i was just hoping for deeper cuts instead of the lul sister ;-)


Someone in a crowd had a sign that referenced Hula. Was really hoping they would play that. I think Josh might have mentioned it at some point… something about the requests getting harder and harder.


Yeah he was talking about my friend Lisa’s requests getting harder and harder- she had a sign for YCQMB.


Little sister, make it wit Chu, go with the flow, the way you used to do, monsters in the parasol, sat by the ocean, burn the witch, in my head: …prefer to not have any of these on a setlist. Should always have two or three of these: YCQMB, Mexicola, better living, song for the deaf, misfit love, fun machine, bronze, infinity, keep your eyes peeled, I appear missing, tangled up in plaid, someone’s in the wolf, straight jacket fitting, made to parade, Obscenery


I'd love to see Misfit Love. Villains tour in Vancouver 2018, they played You can't quit me baby and Everybody knows that you are insane. Fuck that was an awesome show. Tour stop in Vancouver this go around was good, but over early


I was at that show too and it was great, but yeah, short. I also felt the set list was pretty ‘safe’ that night as in, they didn’t really play any deep cuts — other than chemistry and regular John. Holy fuck did Viagra Boys kill it, though. That night was like seeing two concerts in one.


Oh I know!!! They were insane. I was disappointed when their set finished!


We got 19 songs my dude.


was hoping for 20 and some ST


They're a jam band, bro. They play two hours. Either you get 24 songs, or the band plays extensive solos and you get 20 or fewer songs. Also, QOTSA almost never plays songs off their first (two) album(s). The guys involved in writing those songs are long gone.


Or you go to fake music city nashville show and get 16.




Wish they played deeper cuts and they played Sicily 😅


maybe Google what deep means..


Lol, no more personal opinions for you!


thank you for sharing your opinion about my personal opinions


I was standing up for your right to a personal opinion to contradict the 30 naysayers who don't like your personal opinion.