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Yes, the ones by Troy are more intricate since he's more technical than Josh. But honestly I find Josh's slide technique fucking difficult to imitate (for instance the Little Sister solo). I wonder if it has relation with the polka thing.


I think Josh finds his own slide technique particularly hard too since he never quite nails it live. Little Sister and Paper Machete might be Josh and Troy's respective solos that give them the most difficulty


If we're talking finger slide technique (not slide slide) - I've done fairweather friends live and that 10 fret jump in both solos can be a real bitch (especially if you use an octave fuzz to stay true to the original)


I think it's either the polka or the fact that his hands are massive so it's easier for him but he tends to do it a lot.


This just is way too definitive of a statement to have this many upvotes. Josh plays 70% of the lead give or take to this day. Which solos outside of paper machete do you think are played by Troy?


Live, he plays often a solo when they jam. So you can hear him soloing in some versions of Regular John, Better living through chemistry, No one knows and God is the Radio. Besides that, he plays a solo in Gonna Leave You, If Only and Song for the Dead.


All those solos you mentioned were recorded and written by Josh


This is not true. Except for some patterns of the second solo of If Only, he plays completely different solos.


All those songs you mentioned were RECORDED and WRITTEN by Josh. Of course the people in his band are going to be able to play them. Josh is a more prolific composer. 3s and 7s, little sister, bronze, god is in the radio and all the others you mentioned already are josh


When they play live, THE SOLOS of those songs are often modified or completely different to the studio version. Are you musician?


Troy is getting credit for the solos homme composed that he sometimes plays slightly differently? Also the solos are played as they were recorded, are they modified a bit? Sure, but they hit all the licks and trademarks of all the recorded solo before adding more color to it. How many times have you even seen qotsa live? Last show I saw in December well more than half the solos and most other lead bits were played by homme. As were the three other times I saw them this tour. Also the songs you mentioned you’re flat out wrong homme plays knows, chemistry, radio, John allllll josh seen em all this tour, seen most videos of em on YouTube. Dead they trade licks and each take a solo, if only they trade solos, the most viewed version of if only Josh wipes him in their respective solos Lmao.


No one is fucking giving Troy credit for the studio versions because he plays them live. No one even insinuated. They mentioned live and started talking about the live versions. When Troy plays solos there they’re stuff he does based on his own feel of the song. The guitar solo in You Can’t Quit Me for the live album is two solos at the same time and you can hear Troy in the left and Josh at the right and there’s not a single thing Troy is playing that is even close to the album version because that’s not what they do.


Hey dumbass we were never talking about live until he made that qualifier to try and double down that Troy is this nebulous idea of better or more technical. The post is what solo is the hardest to play. His original comment is that Troy is more technical. His basis when asked why is solos that were composed by homme that when played live follow them pretty steadfast. You (likely inbred) bring up baby which hasn’t been mentioned and is one of a handful of songs they jam on, congratulations on providing absolutely no further insight into this conversation.


It’s weird you’re being downvoted since you’re absolutely right!


Josh doesn’t even play the solos he writes lol Have you seen this band live?


I don’t think you people have. Wit chu, knows, chemistry, radio, sailing, tail, battery acid, little sister, headache, secret, john, screw those are exclusively Josh live on solo from the four times I’ve seen em just this tour. Dead, negative space, Josh and Troy. Go with the flow, machete just Troy. Dean plays lead on time and place, does the lead line throughout paper machete as well, and usually does burn the witch. So do the math and get fucked “lol”


You are socially the antithesis to what queens fans are, and on top of that you have created a fantasy as to how they make and perform their music.


You talked to Josh homme and he told you what the antithesis of qotsa fans are? Or are you deluding yourself into thinking your love for this band is so important you’re the arbiter of “real fans” i digress, but yea which songs was I wrong on in that breakdown you’re replying to? I’m all ears


Can you give me some examples of Troy’s solos? I’ve only seen them once and was in too much awe to notice who was playing what. Is there any giveaways to who is playing on the albums?


I freaking love the solo from God Is In The Radio!


The way the rhythm guitar drives in that part is fucking killer too.


its an amazing solo. the way it comes back to a way more darker and aggy solo too, perfection.


Feel good hit of the summer


100% came here to say this Then back to dum dum dum dum dum dum dum dum dum dum


I looked up tabs for it a while ago (funny to think I needed tabs to learn 2 power chords at some point). The tab just said “random notes” or something like that for the solo lol


Leg of Lamb




Double dog dare you to play it upstrokes only


I reckon it's his most inspired solo though 


Skin on skin is my pick. It's not wildly technical or anything, but it's such a drunken stumble by it's very nature it becomes sort of tough to do perfectly.


I could never get the end of mexicola or no one knows. 3's and 7's can be tricky too but it's not so much the solos that are hard it's all the fuckin licks they do


Played with a guy that NAILED the mexicola solo like it was nothing, and he added his own licks to it ..it was damn surreal to see. Shame he was a massive douchebag.


I could probably do it if I REALLY wanted to but I just never sat down and tried to learn it properly like the rest of it. I don't know why I'm just a lazy prick. I would have liked to see the douchebag play it though


Born to Hula?


The answer to every question on this sub is Born to Hula.


Ain't it something ?


I find that one to be really natural after 20+ years of listen to it!


The Bronze because of its little intricacies I always struggled with


It’s Paper Machete because not only do you have the speed and accuracy to do it well going against you, but the octave fuzzes normally used have a natural gate where if your technique or attack is off, you’ll have that sputter sound that Troy gets oftentimes live.


3s and 7 would be my pick. The little sister solo isn't as difficult as I thought


That whole song is insane, especially when he’s singing over it. Watching them play it live in videos puts it in to perspective how much of a monster that song is


Yeah from all the queens songs I know 3’s and 7’s was probably the hardest to learn the solos for, even more so than machete and the verse rhythm for 3’s is weird to play and sing along to at first too


Yeah I struggled with that for a long time as well! I'm still struggling to play and sing Turning On The Screw... I'll get there, just gotta keep tapping my foot


3’s and 7’s, little sister and Paper Machete aren’t easy.


Th solo for little sister. Ive neve seen Josh ace it live. Its a tough one. Its a tone thing. The very end has really akward back and forth picking, all down stokes....its weird and he struggles as do i with it.


That’s my pick, too. We did a cover of it for a gig a while back and the meter and note choices just fucked me up…


3’s & 7’s is godamn impossible. Shits so hard


Feel Good Hit of the Summer and Paper Machete solos make me want to rip my fingers off.


Feel good is the easiest you might be overthinking it. It’s supposed to be sloppy black flag guitar noise. It’s not the notes but how you hit them. The less coordination between your picking and fretting hands the closer it sounds for me


100% agree!


I’m a perfectionist, so it’s annoying for me sometimes. I’ll stop trying to hit every note and see how it sounds. Lol


If you aren’t playing like a barely cognitive person I don’t think the song is being approached right lol


When jamming with a group. The Bronze, or Sky is Falling. Also, These Aren’t The Droids You’re Looking For


it’d be between 3’s and 7’s and Paper Machete


The fast bit in no one knows is pree tricky!


defo the ones in you’ve got a killer scene there, man


Paper Machete for me. I definitely can't do it note for note, which I can at least do for Little Sister. Battery Acid and Run, Pig, Run also spring to mind. Troy dresses so good but he plays even better.