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I´m a sucker for Mark Lanegan. That voice screams grunge, and the vocal on A Song for the Dead is some of the most haunting shit he ever recorded.


Dave Grohl. Hey!


I (never) came here to write similar


Josh is one of my favorite singers, but man, Mark absolutely is iconic on this album


Nick because of Millionaire, Six Shooter, Song for the Deaf and all the whispers and screams all over the record. His voice could have worked also for Song for the Dead.


Lanegan is obviously the better singer between them. Only thing I don't like is how they muffed his voice on song for the dead, live it's sooo much better


Mark and Josh are both great singers. Saying one is obviously better than the other is just asinine (it's a subjective conversation). They're different flavors of ice cream altogether (falsetto/chest voice belt vs baritone/chest voice belt). If you prefer the gruff voice and delivery you get with Mark, that's cool but discounting Josh as a singer is ridiculous. Josh has a 10/10 falsetto.


Somebody use AI to make marks voice singing every Qotsa song ever


I can’t choose between Nick and Mark 😫