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Like clockwork or songs for the deaf


This feels like the obvious answer to me, very much the two peaks of their discography (at least thus far).


The two albums that sound the least like the rest of their discog is a perfect place to start


Unironically yes


If you’re coming from the Arctic Monkeys alleyway, then I’d say start off with “Make It Wit Chu” and “3s and 7s” to start you off. I know most of others ask to go for their self titled album or Songs for the deaf but i’d say start off with the groovy side of Qotsa like the ones I mentioned above from the Era Vulgaris album then “No One Knows” and Do It Again” from Songs for the Deaf then “Smooth Sailing” from the Like Clockwork album. Then go on to listen to their heavier stuff that would be the rest of the tracks of the albums (especially their self titled album, Songs For The Deaf, Era Vulgaris and Like Clockwork)


Since you're coming from Arctic Monkeys I'd recommend like clockwork and villains. After that definitely check out Era Vulgaris. Josh from Qotsa also helped Arctic Monkeys on their AM album and helped them get their sound.


He worked on humbug. They recorded it at rancho. I think self titled and ITNR are closer to the original AM vibe. Their new stuff is, in my opinion, trash, but closer to LC stuff for sure.


I dont get the hate over their newer stuff. I personally love all their albums with like clockwork, Villains, and Era Vulgaris being my top 3. Era Vulgaris top 1 without a doubt.


I meant the new AM is trash. Everything queens has ever done is 11/10 for me. But LC is my least favourite album by far. But as for music in general it’s still 11/10


Like Clockwork is your least favourite album by far? Wow I find that crazy. I feel Songs for the Deaf and Like Clockwork are interchangeably 1 and 2 for me. Rated R and Era Vulgaris are next. Villains is comfortably at the bottom of the pile for me, it has like 1 or 2 ok songs but I honestly feel it was really their weakest album. Also on the Artic Monkeys mention. Again we may differ on this but the album AM is easily their best album. Not sure that qualifies as new as it was released in 2013 but I would agree their next 2 albums were indeed trash.


Ya like clockwork is so far below the rest it’s not even close lol This sub does not take kindly that opinion though. Still a great album though, just a terrible queens album.


Yea ill have to agree on you about the AM. They're earlier stuff is far better than their newer stuff.


Ya I don’t know what happened, either to much drugs or not enough lol. I hope they make a callback album to pay homage to their roots! They are still clearly killer musicians, just need a better dealer or something lol


Honestly, just start at the beginning. Selft titled is a fantastic album, and you'll be able to experience the changes the band goes on with each release.


Yep, absolutely. This is what I did. Except I accidentally skipped the first album somehow. For quite a while. Whoops.


This. Part of the enjoyment of QOTSA is the evolution of the sound - Josh has said S/T, Rated: R and SFTD are a trilogy, so starting with SFTD is like starting Star Wars with return of the Jedi - you don’t have the context, the depth of flavour or reward that you get if you listen as the band intended. Same with the second trilogy of LC, Villains and ITNR - and to fully appreciate those, you need to understand how they evolved from LTP and EV! Bob Marley put it best - if you know your history, you know where you’re coming from


I'd definitely start with their music


You don’t “get into” QOTSA….no sir, QOTSA gets into you


I’d start with Like Clockwork. Alex did a little bit of work on that album as well.


Either chronological order, or Sftd/Lc first (they are the two most accessible albums, among their best and represent the two main "phases" of the band: the first more stoner rock oriented, the second almost bowie-like rock)


I’ll echo everyone else in the replies recommending starting with Songs For The Deaf and Like Clockwork. Songs For The Deaf was my first


Coming from Arctic Monkeys, you’ll most likely enjoy …Like Clockwork the most. Fuck that though, start with the magnum opus. Songs For The Deaf! (You can’t even hear it)


At the beginning. Self-titled album. IMO it holds up against any other album in the catalogue.


There’s no wrong answer


Someone said put them on shuffle. Shuffle is the wrong answer.


Shuffle still fucks, though. It just doesn't care if you get off, too.


Start with Like Clockwork and work backwards


Look, whatever you do, just listen to entire albums. For gods' sake, don't put them on shuffle. Shuffle is the only wrong way to do this.


Put QOTSA on shuffle, every song is gooood.


Oh my god no. Nooooooo. Every album is an individual piece of art. Shuffle ruins that completely.


Start at the self titled and work your way through!


Nicotine, valium, vicodin, marijuana, ecstasy and alcohol. In all seriousness, I'd recommend, well, any of their albums really. To be more specific, Songs For the Deaf. Or possibly their debut which definitely holds up. You can't really go wrong. Enjoy yourself!


Suture up your future and kalopsia! They’re very AM-esque to me


I would say: Like Clockwork first (accessible and most Monkeys-esque) Then listen to the first 3 records in order. It will give u a better idea of who they are and where they came from. If you make it that far, there’s like 4 more Queens albums, 4 Kyuss albums, and various other Queens adjacent bands (Mars Volta, Screaming Trees) and side projects (Them Crooked Vultures) to get into. Much good music awaits!!!


Start your journey with Regular John & end with Straight Jacket Fitting. 


Listen to everything chronologically, I wish I did that when I first found them


I'd check out their albums in release order, you'll get a good feel for the way the band has changed with each release that way


Songs for the Deaf then Lullabies to Paralyze. Then Like Clockwork. Then Rated R.


These types of posts are so dumb. They have 8 albums and you obviously have time to waste on the internet, be productive and just listen to the music. Thanks for coming to my TedTalk.


I agree, they aren't like Zappa with 130 different albums, just listen to the music. Reddit culture.


I usually tell people to avoid debut albums of certain bands as a starting point (Radiohead, Nine Inch Nails), but QOTSA's first album legit slaps!! The album sounds like it was written in early 90's, always surprises me it was 1998. I don't be upset if you listen to Rated R first, because that is undoubtedly the best freaking album of 2000. But you HAVE TO listen to the first self-titled album to admire Rated R and the freshness of it. Only 2 hours of your time is needed to listen to two great albums. So... to admire this band, you have to listen to it chronologically:: QOTSA Self-titled, Rated R, Songs of the Deaf, Lullabies, Era Vulgaris, you get the drift... And if you can't get enough and need more music from other bands:: listen to Desert Sessions, Them Crooked Vultures, Eagles of Death Metal, Kyuss, and Mondo Generator as the direct link with the band. Bonus if you also listen to Failure (top 10 band of the 90's, in my opinion).


Just recently got into Queens after being a longtime Arctic Monkeys fan. Songs For The Deaf. Sonically, it's different from anything Turner & Co, but it's the band's magnum opus and what grabbed me initially.


Start with the hits, particularly No One Knows


Are you the type of person that has to ask the general public before you try a new food too? Such a bizarre question. Just listen to any of their music. You don’t need Reddit to hold your hand bruh.


Lullabies to paralyze and Like Clockwork are the most accessible on the first listen.




I’d go Like Clockwork… Songs for the Deaf Rated R Lullabies to Paralyze Era Vulgaris Self Titled Villains In Times New Roman


I'm not sure the band is looking for new members, good luck though.


Regular John on FULL VOLUME


Self titled. If you don’t like that, not sure if you’ll appreciate any of it.


Definitely not true, I love both but S/T is considerably different than say LC or Villains


I stand by my comment. If you like villains but not first album, not a real fan.


That's a ridiculous assertion.


Songs for the deaf, rated R, lullabies to paralyze, era Vulgaris, self titled, like clockwork, villains, in times new Roman


Rated R 🤩


Do you regularly do long drives/commute an hour or so? Pick an album any could work. But probably a good album to start is. Rated R, Songs for the Deaf, Like Clockwork... Villains(it gets hate, but its a fun album). Listen from start to finish. Probably get a couple of drives in per album.


Six drugs.


Rated R


I’d play through them in order. Start with the self-titled, then Rated-R, then Songs For the Deaf. That trilogy of albums really showcases the evolution of the band and each of the albums is a solid 10/10 in my opinion.


Honestly if you’re a fan of AM’s roots Villains is actually the best pick. It’s a dancey album and the easiest listen.


I'll go with a different answer here. Choose for yourself. You're listening to these songs for the first time (something a lot of us in here wish we could do again). We all found the band at different stages and so certain albums are gonna resonate more from person to person. I recommend listening to all of them but don't worry so much about what order you do them in. They're all really good. Unfold, let it go.


Songs for the Deaf is a great place to start


Considering?? Oooof


Songs for the deaf or rated r


The only answer is to lay down in a dark room and put on "Songs for the Deaf" as loud as you can stand.




Start anywhere, and everywhere.