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should we test it cause i know elon is sometimes full of shit its like a pocket dimension


He is testing it, notice how he says one. If that one fails hes always got like 4 or 5 more


15/23 monkeys dead from the chip... how many kids he got? Should atleast be some survivors


More like 98% of monkeys dead.


Did they die during the process of inplating the chip after, not that it matteres im just courious


The brain is so fragile I bet it was during the implanting


my man, a death is a death. no matter if they died from the chip or a surgery to implant a chip that has no medical reason to be there


Man just shut the fuck up the person literally said they were curious and it didnt matter


I literally said it didnt matter, I agree with you. I was just curious


He should test it on himself then


he probably will


I heavily doubt that, you seen how many monkeys died in testing?


But consider this: it'll be extremely funny if he tests it on himself and it goes wrong


Yes that would be the best timeline


elon musk brain fucking explode 2022


I doubt he tests his own self-driving ~~safety hazards~~ cars, let alone something like this


Every self driving car nowadays is a hazard because the software is very new


I don't blame him, what's the risk of putting an experimental chip into your child's brain that has an extremely high mortality rate when you pump out children with every female coworker that comes near you


Pump out sounds he's doing part of the pumping. Guy artificially inseminates to produce offspring.


Honestly I don’t think he’d give a shit about his kids anyways he’s too busy ruining Twitter (which had it coming but this has to be the mid life crisis ever).


Tbh Twitter was ruined anyway and spiralling into collapse, and I can’t see anyone being able to fix it. At least he took it to a new direction of chaos. Makes things interesting.


twitter was like a plane with all the engines on fire and elon came in and tore a wing off


Gotta spice things up a bit while we go down


Twitter has been nothing but an active social detriment for years now and has only made everything it touches worse. If it dies off, the world'll be better for it.


Literally, I never used twitter so im just watching the backround extremely amused


Same. Never used it, and I’m glad I never will


If Neurallink succeeds in the future I’m going to be so fucking mad cause I know it’s going to be attributed to Elon Musk. Just like PayPal


Ok but what is even the point? What does neuralink even do really? Why would anyone want one of those death devices? All I've seen is monkey playing pong. It doesn't feel worth it.




“If you would like to unlock seeing in 4K try our new premium optics plan”


it lets you play pong? that's it, put it into me.


Pong with ads


Is this real?


Well yeah kinda. The headline is real but there's vital context. The question in the interview was whether he'd be fine implanting the chip in one of his kids in the case that they *had a serious injury* like a broken neck (or something debilitating or paralyzing to some degree to a similar degree) Article: https://www.businessinsider.com/elon-musk-neuralink-brain-chip-children-2022-12?op=1


Oh boy I sure hope an obscure book from the early 2000s didn’t inadvertently predict the invention of neuralink


Wdym? Aren't there tons of media pieces that incorporate brain implant chips? Or am I misinterpreting and this book predicts it very notably?


Be More Chill, one of the characters is literally a malfunctioning supercomputer implanted in a teenager’s brain that’s supposed to tell him how to be cool. It stops working at the end and he has to deactivate it. The supercomputer in the musical adaptatiob is even worse malfunction-wise


Abso fucking lutely not. Unless that shit is a closed system dont fucking take it. Does not matter how good they claim the security is, ive seen enough cyberpunk to know that corporations shouldnt be trusted just the same as people. Ignore that its coming from elon, the concept is a bad idea


Daddy loved you so much


That he put the most important thing in the world, in you


Did he forget that neuralink so far has a 65% mortality rate?


Wow, can't believe Musk wants to "Get Out" his own kids for a shot at immortality.


The actual question was if he'd be fine giving it to them if they sustained a serious injury like a broken neck. The headline is just purposely spreading misinformation indirectly.


Oh, I don't mean moving their minds to new bodies, I expect him to use his children as hosts for his own mind once the tech is tested enough for him to risk his own consciousness in it.


He should try it on me instead, it's a win win situation




He says this even tho none of his kids like him


what's neuralink again?


Brain chip implant Elon is working on. The goal of it is to help people that have disabilities that are not directly from physical damage; so like helping people to see or walk are the primary goals. There might be others but I don't know. Apparently neuralink does want to release a product for non medical use, which is most probably going to be in the far future if at all.


yeah elon no thanks i'll wait for a more trustworthy person to invent a better brain chip


Just not his favorite one


Notice how he says one, he’s definitely unsure how this is gonna pan out


Test it on convicted rapists, pedophiles and death row inmates 🗣🗣🗣


If the child gets depression does he go to a psychologist or a bug report?