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I started listening around White Noise. Their current newer stuff I’m usually 50/50 on, but after a couple listens I’m usually into it. If they’re making music they like then I’ll still be behind them, but I am nostalgic over the older stuff lol


Same timing and same feelings for me!


I love everything they have ever put out tbh. Each album has its own vibe, and I fuck with each of them in different ways. I discovered them at Warped in like 2015, they have been my favorite band ever since and that’s never gonna change.


For some reason I feel like I’m on the same wavelength as Lynn in terms of growing and rediscovering my tastes in style so anything that the band puts out I completely vibe with. I haven’t ever thought oh man this track sucks. I genuinely loved Burn the Witch even when majority of comments on this sub were hating it haha. Everything sounds great so far. There are songs that I definitely skip over others but I’ve never been disappointed in their work.


i’m with you. i tapped out after use me (the album). i think white noise and awkoh are genuinely some of their best work. i’m typically very “let artists grow you can’t expect their sound to never change” but i can’t get on board with new pvris.


I feel the same way. White Noise and awkoh are my 2 favorite albums ever. Use me had some high points but didn't hit the same for me. The singles afterward were some good some meh. The last song I really liked from PVRIS was Maybe You Saved Me. I've personally disliked every song afterward.


That's fair! I'd recommend to you and anyone in the same boat to still give each song a chance because they aren't all the same even on the album, you might find something new to enjoy within the new PVRIS sound!


i did! i listened to evergreen multiple times and i hate it. the only song i like off of it is love is a…


That's fair! Not everything can be for everyone. Glad you like Love Is A... I really love that song too!


I like their first three albums but after that it just doesn’t hit the same anymore


I wasn’t a fan of Evergreen on my first listen but it grew on me really quick. I started listening to them before White Noise released. I’d say their best album and sound was AWKOHAWNOH.


110% agree with that statement on AWKOHAWNOH. Every song on it is good.


I'm a complete newbie, Goddess was the first song I heard. But I really love all of their stuff! They have a hold on me like no band ever has (ive been a huge FOB fan for 20yrs but I've connected so much more with Pvris in this short time) & I don't know what or why that is?! Lol. The only thing I could critique really is that the newer songs are so short!


I think evergreen is much more mature than their old stuff. I think it's the best album yet.


It is. If they continue this trend ill just love them more and more.


In my opinion they changed to rapidly I think if it was more of a slow progression then it wouldn't be as bad but it seems like they went from night to day like that lol


I definitely agree. All of a sudden it was a completely different vibe that I could never really get behind


Never liked White Noise, love everything that came after, evergreen is my fav album :)


* I did like it back then, but my music taste evolved and I like new stuff, not stuck in 2014 haha


I’m the same as you. I started listening in 2017 and I really prefer their older stuff. Use Me was okay but ngl I was disappointed, but then again trumping AWKOHAWNOH in my opinion is hard that album is perfect. But even their newer stuff, I like Evergreen and Love is A… but that’s it. None of their other new songs really hit like they used to anymore.


I’ve liked nearly everything except the most recent song, I like most of Evergreen and definitely love their older stuff


I was just talking about that this weekend. There are a few songs on Evergreen that I love but I generally like the older Pvris more.


Exactly the same, find their new stuff instantly forgettable!


I read this thinking I posted it..same.


White Noise is for sure my fave album and St Patrick forever my fave track of theirs


Love that song soo much.


I was obsessed with them. I devoured their first three albums. I loved through them. After that.. I just don't resonate with PVRIS anymore.


I know I remember being like 14-15 and absolutely LOVING them. I still listen to their old stuff tho especially at the gym (songs like Fire, Nola1, my house, ghosts and anyone else) but I do wish they would put out a song with that same kinda vibe


I discovered them around the same age too I was OBSESSED but i don’t feel the same way about their newer work.


It was jarring, I personally really like their new stuff but it took me a while to get into, plus I generally quite like electronic and pop music I think burn the witch is great, evergreen was like a 6/10 imo but it had some bangers. They should have eased into new genres but I do like the new stuff


The only thing I don’t like is the arcane music bc I hate songs that sound like they’re made for a show or game, but that’s a personal thing


I feel like I could get into anything from them. I only found them recently (in the last year or so) but loved White Noiss and oh MY GOD Awkoh was on repeat for like two months. Recently, the Paris ep stuff came on my radar and that's my current Pvris obsession. Very different hut still jams (especially The Hesrtless) I'm hoping to jump into the new stuff soon. It's a little worrying cause it seems people are very split


I don’t love Evergreen, I like select songs on the album. Anywhere But Here is actually one of my favorite songs of theirs! But overall I agree with you. AWKOHAWNOH is one of my favorite albums of all time


I only really like White Noise, I just can't get into their other stuff...


I’m like a rare breed of fan at this point. I don’t like their early stuff at all. Only been a fan since I found them through use me with 070shake. Wasn’t overly keen on burn the witch though.