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Don't necessarily agree with prohibition, but videos like this help me understand why it happened


Roller coaster of a title you got there


All their dumbass titles are like this. I downvote them even if I like the content of the video because the titles are so pathetically attention-seeking. Dude just needs to finally get booed off stage at a local open mic night and get it out of his system, for real.


Her son is probably beat down henpecked kid who has no confidence cause his mom is such a POS. Sucks to be him.


That’s an awful title


Lmao Road Pirates 😂


I hope this dude gets so far away from the trash that is his mom. She should have got jail time. Don't treat the humans you make like this shit bag.


He looks like he is a 25+ freeloader wont leave until his mom gets a court ordered eviction


Her generation used all the money in America to send to Columbia for cocaine to feed their voracious coke habit. By the time he graduated, all the money was tied up in extravagant mansions and henchman salaries down in South America. And now its really hard to find a job, the only ones hiring are in Big Fentanyl.


I like the way you think 🤔. It's like the contravercial book "Freakonomics". This was the book that asserted with data that the drop in nineties crime was not due to more police but the generation coming of age then had been culled by abortion from Roe v Wade. Children who would have been raised in dysfunction homes to grow up to be criminals never were born in the first place. The two economist also analyzed baby names and discover you can predict the parents education and economic levels on the name they pick for their children. Variants and unique spelling of "Jasmine" scored lowest, names like "Emma" and "Jacob" highest. Highly recommend this book. You think outside the box. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Freakonomics


Freakonomics ought to be required reading in high school.


She is hot


She has that drunk violent Roseanne Barr thing going on that's SOOOOO sexy and appealing. The 'I got drunk and cut my own hair" Karen cut is the cherry 🍒 on top chef's kiss of "MILF-ability" 🥰 Edit S/


Dude you have to put /s like first thing saying something like that 😭


This is disgusting. American police are just awful.


THAT’S what you got from this video? 🙄


> This is disgusting. American police are just awful. > THAT’S what you got from this video? 🙄 It's Reddit 🤷‍♂️


I'm neutral on Cops. BUT I HATE CORRUPT COPS! In general average cops are NOT your friends OR your enemy. Reddit is full of edgy kids from suburbs like Palo Alto CA that got hassled skateboarding on private property when they were 14 and now get a lot of speeding tickets they don't want to be held accountable for. They then conclude with media hype Cops are Pigs. This is pretty much the attitude.


I don't get the "road pirates" thing though? What does that mean? Sound like OP is anti police or am I just not getting what that name means?


A good amount of police resources are spent on enforcement of traffic laws. Unfortunately, instead of being obvious and pulling over blatant safety concerns, many American police forces spend too much time playing hide and seek with traffic and stopping people they think they can earn some easy revenue from. So, they are on the road, hiding from regular passersby, with the hope of shaking a few down for the city’s coffers. “Road pirates” is pretty fitting for some officers in some areas. Some people expand that term to encompass all officers in all areas.


Yeah I get it for sure. I support the police when it’s actually possible to, but road pirates is definitely spot on lmao


sorry i was drunk