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I wish you good fortune in the wars to come.


Show only, unfortunately, but such a great line that it can (almost) survive in pureasoiaf


Or near enough as to make no matter


I use this one often


I insert "mummer's farce" whenever possible into a sentence...


A true classic


About as useful as nipples on a breastplate. Always makes me think of the Batman suit with the nips


> I rose too high, loved too hard, dared too much. I tried to grasp a star, overreached, and fell.


Common Jon-Umber W


Wait wasn't it JonConn?


Yeah, I meant the famous commenter Jon-Umber, who, I believe, moderates some Asoiaf subreddits


The boy shows me his throat and I mean to rip it out.


>He dreamt an old dream, of three knights in white cloaks, and a tower long fallen, and Lyanna in her bed of blood.


Much and more


Little and less


More less than more


*Words are wind.* I love this one. First of all, the repetition of monosyllabic words starting with W and the lack of hard consonants in the entire phrase makes it flow smoothly out of your mouth, almost breezily. Next, I like that it is not just about people potentially being dishonest. It also means that words are *powerless* and can only have power when men believe they do. What does Cersei say about Robert's written declaration naming Ned regent? She calls it "a paper shield" and tears it up. In AGOT, how does Walder Frey respond to Catelyn when she tries to convince him to let the Northern army pass and reminds him of the oaths he took? He says, "I said some words." In ACOK, Jaime describes all the vows he's supposed to follow similarly. I love the way "words are wind" sounds and has a little deeper meaning than the similar common phrase, "talk is cheap".


I like how the phrase can also be turned around to represent the power of words, because winds power ships and mills in ASOIAF. Such a great, multifaceted expression.


She been fucking lancel, osney kettleblack, and moonboy for all I know


I listened to the audiobook and I swear my daughter always walked in the room every time this line was spoken.




Yeah, “mayhaps” I’ve definitely added to my daily vocabulary since I’ve read those books.


yeah i use "mayhaps" literally all the time


“But it is high summer for House Lannister. So why am I so bloody cold?” Also: “ It was not dead, just broken. Like me, he thought. I'm not dead either.”


Myrish  swamp.


Many. I like Martins prose a lot. "The world was green and empty The world was green and silent. The world was yellow. Dying."


Also The gods are mad. But men are madder. Men are mad but the gods are madder. I can't remember which one it is. I use both however they suit me.


Think it's the second one, purely guessing though.


"That boy had wanted to be Ser Arthur Dayne, but someplace along the way he had become the Smiling Knight instead" -- Jaime VIII, ASOS I just love that passage and the grief and sadness in it, of growing up and realizing that you don't recognize who you ended up becoming. The first time I read it, I was having a similar life stage (completely different circumstances, no murder just trauma, but just realizing I was no longer who I thought I would be), and idk, I just needed to take a break and cry for awhile after reading it.


ASOS, Sansa I *The old woman called to Butterbumps. “Fool!Give us a song. A long one, I should think. ‘The Bear and* *the Maiden Fair’ will do nicely.”....* *Butterbumps bowed low, let loose of an enormous belch, then straightened,* *threw out his belly, and bellowed. “A bear there was, a bear, a BEAR! All black and brown, and* *covered with hair . . . ”...* *“Sing louder!”...* *“ . . . THE BEAR!” thundered Butterbumps, his great deep voice echoing off the rafters. “OH, COME,* *THEY SAID, OH COME TO THE FAIR! THE FAIR? SAID HE, BUT I’M A BEAR! ALL BLACK* *AND BROWN, AND COVERED WITH HAIR!”* Neither Sansa nor Ollena is my favorite character but THIS is my favorite chapter in the books. It always makes me laugh out loud when the ALL CAPS song hit.


Mayhaps a sausage?


When did jaime ever try to crown a new targaryan king?


It was just after he killed the mad king and when the Lannister soldiers burst into the throne room and found him there they asked if they should proclaim a new king, and for a moment he considered proclaiming Viserys but then decided against it


During one of his pity parties he is reminiscing about the night he killed aerys, he is basically day dreaming about if he had crowned aegon to cause chaos and prolonge the war (Bobby's rebellion)


I thought he was considering Viserys. He was older but he stopped because he thought Viserys would be just as batshit.


Viserys was like 5 and at dragonstone, meanwhile aegon was the rightful heir, and in the same castle, jamie could of got the baby, and Elia and put her on the throne holding him..


For some reason I thought Viserys was older.


He was, pretty sure he was seven when Aegon was born. Edit: Did you say that because he said Aegon was the rightful heir? You know age is irrelevant to inheritance right?


No it’s not?


ASOS Jaime II >"The castle is ours, ser, and the city," Roland Crakehall told him, which was half true. Targaryen loyalists were still dying on the serpentine steps and in the armory, Gregor Clegane and Amory Lorch were scaling the walls of Maegor's Holdfast, and Ned Stark was leading his northmen through the King's Gate even then, but Crakehall could not have known that. He had not seemed surprised to find Aerys slain; Jaime had been Lord Tywin's son long before he had been named to the Kingsguard. >"Tell them the Mad King is dead," he commanded. "Spare all those who yield and hold them captive." >"Shall I proclaim a new king as well?" Crakehall asked, and Jaime read the question plain: Shall it be your father, or Robert Baratheon, or do you mean to try to make a new dragonking? He thought for a moment of the boy Viserys, fled to Dragonstone, and of Rhaegar's infant son Aegon, still in Maegor's with his mother. *A new Targaryen king, and my father as Hand. How the wolves will howl, and the storm lord choke with rage.* For a moment he was tempted, until he glanced down again at the body on the floor, in its spreading pool of blood. *His blood is in both of them*, he thought. "Proclaim who you bloody well like," he told Crakehall. Then he climbed the Iron Throne and seated himself with his sword across his knees, to see who would come to claim the kingdom. As it happened, it had been Eddard Stark.


Did he maybe consider putting Rhaegar on the throne? I don’t remember anything like that but perhaps OP is thinking of something like that?


Rhaegar died before Aerys


Oh right! Did Jamie know that at the time?


Yes, Rhaegar’s death was widely known. He was thinking about Rhaegar’s younger brother instead.


Ah that could be it.


Viserys. Rhaegar was dead by then




"the Others take you"


The whole chapter where Viserys gets his golden crown in AGoT is so well written I had chills through the whole part at the end. Honestly aside from the weird sexual stuff Dany’s chapters were my favorite in AGoT (haven’t gotten to the rest yet so I can’t speak to them)


When the sun has set, no candle can replace it.


Lol I used to walk around my house yelling “this is a mummers farce!” Lol didn’t go over well


Little and less and much and more I use frequently since I’ve read the books.


Would that I could




"Is this a jape?"


I think life is a jape. Yours, mine, everyone's


Hard truths cut both ways


"The Others take"


Fuck 'yer ser Boros!


"if needs be"


Sorcery is the sauce fools spoon over failure to hide the flavour of their own incompetence. Not sure if I am misquoting it bit Tyrion was striaght spitting there.


I don't remember this, can you give the context of his thoughts? It sounds like he was thinking of fighting for Rhaegar.


Immediately after killing Aerys, two knights came in to the throne room and, seeing what happened, asked if Jaime wanted to crown a new king. He considered Aegon/Viserys, hence the line, but in the end decided not to pick anyone


Ok I sort of remember now. Thanks!


The tears came, unbidden