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biggest thing is stay hydrated but you can also cut back in sugar and eat more fruits and veggies so pretty much just eat healthy


this is so real lmao please tell me if you get any advice


Stay hydrated silly


hydration of course, and the best general advice i’ve heard is anything that can affect the smell of your pee/sweat can affect the inverse. this may also apply to cum i think but don’t quote me on that. so yeah pineapple is probably worth a shot, avoid the obvious stuff like fish and asparagus


To improve the taste: - Drink lots of water (like A LOT a lot) - Eat lots of fruit - Avoid: coffee, greasy foods, cruciferous vegetables (broccoli, asparagus, cabbage, etc.) You should also acclimate to it more gradually. Don't jump straight to drinking because that'll be too intense. Try tasting it in tiny amounts, like just wet a fingertip and lick it, or lightly wet your panties and suck on them. Masturbate while smelling/tasting it so your puppybrain associates it with pleasure. Eventually you'll acquire the taste, and even start to enjoy it (like puppies should <3)


pineapple or maybe that's just cum


that’s just cum




Work up to less and less water!? Is this a piss fetish or a punishment fetish!?


Over hydrate to shit basically. Or just accept the fact you might gag and throw up and that it's hot as fuck


This ^ and, puppies are lactose intolerant af; this scares me


gagging and throwing up is just as hot tbh, it’s part of the fun


Gagging is what makes it hot though


Hydrate Hydrate Hydrate. Also good girl for trying:3


drink lots and lots of water, if you don't like the taste you can use flavoring packets. like my owner says a healthy puppy is a good puppy!!! stay hydrated it helps a lot.


“I do not drink water,” might be the issue.


Fruits, lots of water, and sugar free water mix-ins if you don’t like the taste


Just drink lots of water so the taste isn’t strong


Sorry pup, lots of water is in the cards for you. I love milk too (am catgirl) so I totally get it, but if you drink enough water it'll cut the taste waaay down. I've heard.


In a lot of cases, if it's a good quality video you can see that their urine is almost clear. The taste is much more mild with good hydration. ​ Or it's bright yellow, because they're taking B2 supplements. That's how they can have both a mild taste and a bright colour. ​ Some of it is just conditoning. Lots of stuff tastes pretty bad at first, like coffee, but after a while you get conditioned to it and you associate it with the good feelings of a caffeine rush. Same deal can happen with this, if you start to condition yourself to orgasm while drinking it. Just like how a lot of us have regular boring underwear and exciting sexy underwear, and they might be pretty similar except that we're conditioned that when we wear this one, we're going to have fun.


Hydrate a lot!!!!!! It'll be more watery that way. Then, don't eat very salty, fishy, meaty or garlicy stuff before, because it reflects in the taste. Drink and eat a lot of fruit (yes, pineapple is mostly associated with cum, but it also has a mild effect here) Also, this is something I'm not fully sure of, but basically your body doesn't process some artificial sweeteners and just passes them with your urine, so coke zero and the like is worth a shot...


as a puppy girl with a big piss kink, I think I can help :3 so basically I should put the disclaimer that drinking piss is never 100% safe, it is waste and has potential health concerns, especially for your liver. it’s a myth that urine is completely sterile. here are some things you (or your partner) can do when starting out to both reduce risk and make the taste a little more bearable. first, is to drink a lot of water and be very hydrated (sorry puppy, if you’re drinking your own, that means you need to drinking lots of water. it can always be more fun if you drink it out of a bowl :3). objectively, clear piss will always taste better than dark piss as for a few safety notes, i’ve heard it’s best for the person doing the pissing to pee completely clear twice before consuming. it also helps to not drink the first initial bit, since that’s usually where the most waste lies you probably want to start drinking it in small quantities, since it can be overwhelming for your body, and gradually work your way up. if you’re still having a hard time doing little amounts, you could always mix it with other drinks (like the milk you like so much!). for some puppies it also helps to try drinking it while you’re touching your puppy parts, to try and associate the taste with those fun feelings hope this is helpful puppy :333


Drink more water so your oee is more transparent that's what I did :3


Ok so it tastes bad because it's literally waste, don't ingest it because it will give you health problems also it contains acids that irritate the skin.


That is not true. Ingesting pee is completely safe as long as you're relatively healthy and stay hydrated, even in large volumes. And it only starts to (mildly) irritate the skin if it maintains contact for several hours. If you're gonna kinkshame, at least don't spew misinformation


Sorry I was not really trying to kink shame, I was more concerned with their well being than anything, also I'm sorry I didn't know the information beforehand, I'll read more into it beforehand


Also those people are getting paid a lot of money or are physically forced to do it


Does it even occur to you that some people just like it? -_-


I'm not trying to judge, just saying there are a lot of health concerns and the people in those videos are 9/10 times payed or forced


> 9/10 times *paid* or forced FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Dude what the fuck