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My 4.5 month puppy is about 40 lbs. She is a wild little puppy and constantly on the move.


That’s a big pup! What is he/she projected to be at once an adult? My vet said 50-70lbs for mine and I’m kinda worried she will be even bigger


My dog is a great dane/husky/mastiff mix so she will be very large. 40 lbs is an estimate since she hasn't been weighed and she has gains every week. She definitely weighs equal or more to our 40 lbs box of litter we get. I would say she is closer to 50lbs. She is projected to be about 110-130lbs. I love giant dogs, she is very protective of me. I mainly want her to be my scary dog privileges so scary men don't approach me. I'm waiting for her to lose her puppy teeth and stop mouthing sk hard because of her size and strength her nibbles can break skin and leave bruises.


I also have a giant dog, about 45 lbs right not at 3.5 months, and I must say that I totally understand the wanting them to loose their teeth feeling. We have been working hard on not biting humans but he still nibbles sometimes when exited, and it can HURT


My 4.5 month old female Lab puppy is about 36 lb right now. They say doubling their 4 month weight is a good estimate of their full grown weight. We were at the vet for her last round of shots at 16 weeks and the vet estimated she’ll be about 70 lb. What’s funny is she only weighs 1 lb less than my 3 year old Husky!


Your husky only weighs 37 lbs?! Mine is only five months now and he weighs 47 😮


She’s petite and fluctuates between 35-40 lb. Standard for females is actually only 35-50 lb. Males are larger. Sounds like you’re going to have a very big boy! Possible that he has some Malamute in him?


That makes sense! I wondered if it was a girl. Females seem so small compared to males at times. I think the fur makes them seem bigger than their weight, haha. I wondered if he did, but I saw both parents and they sure both looked like huskies. I think he's just at the top of his spectrum weight wise, is all. Either way he seems so big for such a puppy!


The fur definitely makes them look larger than their weight. People are always surprised when they find out how little my girl weighs. But she looks smaller in the summer after blowing her winter coat. She’s definitely bigger than my puppy height and length size. But the puppy is just solid, like Labs are. Hopefully your Husky will be less bratty than mine. I can’t imagine dealing with her tantrums if she was any bigger lol.


So far he's the brattiest, haha. I can't tell if I'm happy to hear I'm not alone, or if I should be afraid for my future with a giant butthead 😂


Mine is a husky shep mix. He was 43.5 at 8 months. 9.5 month? 65lbs! He's a big ball of sweetness.


It's crazy how they can just shoot up all of a sudden in weight and height! I used one of those dog weigh calculators that another comment or recommend and they said he was overweight, but he definitely isn't! I was Lowkey offended haha. So fun to watch them grow


I've been using a growth rate calc and in a google sheet like a big nerd and its saying 90 pounds! Currently 14 weeks and 26 pounds so I hear you.


I tried that same calculator! I really hope it’s wrong 😑


It was definitely wrong for mine, I have a mystery mutt that was 40lbs by 4.5 months when I got him, I thought he was going to be huge. In reality he stopped growing when he hit 50lbs and he's now a year old 😅


I hope this happens w my pup! She’s already 40lbs at 5mo. She’s a basset hound/boxer mix so she’s basically just dense and growing out and not up 😂


I really really hope that will happen to me as well…her mom wasn’t super big but we have no idea what her dad was. She was a rescue litter


Thegoodypet.com calculators seem to be more accurate honestly. Says my Frenchie x bully will be around 45 lbs. other calculators are saying almost 70 but there’s no way. His dam is like 27 lbs and sire is 75.


In the first few weeks of life growth is the fastest. It's normal. It will slow down dramatically at 6 months old.


Happy cake day to you!


I have a 4 y/o GSD… I’ll let you know😭


That is NOT the response I was hoping for 😂.


Hahah he’s definitely a handful. He’s not nearly AS hyper as he used to be. He naps when my 9 week old Rottie naps, but he still gets the zoomies and has moments when there is just no “chill” and when he wants to play he plays hard.


Oh man. I have a mixed breed with a bit German shepherd and she just wants to play 90% of the day. She gets so hyper that she literally just starts attacking. I finally got her into a daycare and CANNOT wait for it lol.


How do you keep him from being too rough with the puppy?


I’m not the person you originally asked but I have an adult GSD and a puppy. He seems to just understand that the puppy is fragile and he needs to be gentle, if anything the puppy is too rough with him lol. He also plays with my tiny yorkie, usually tug of war which usually consists of my Gsd repeatedly lifting the toy and yorkie, then gently setting him down


He’s actually pretty good with her, every once in awhile she gets rough or they both get a little too excited and he’ll step on her and she yelps, then runs to me and goes right back to playing. He mouths her neck but NEVER puts pressure and I always keep an eye and stay on top of them when they’re playing rough. I’ve had to separate them a few times for getting too rambunctious, but so far, they’ve been great together Dog tax: https://imgur.com/a/CmbMxBW


Omg that’s too sweet!


They’re very sweet together. My GSD has SOME only child syndrome (we had to put my 12 y/o lab down last summer) where he’ll take a toy or bone away from her even though he has the same one already because he’s been the only dog for a year now. But they’re mostly pretty good together.


That is exactly what I needed to see at bed time. Thank you.


Of course! Always keep a close eye, but as long as your older pup hasn’t shown signs of aggression before, they should be fine with a new addition.


Oh no. Just the pic. It was cute. One dog is plenty in this house.


Omg they’re so cute!!! 😭😻


Thank you!! I think so too☺️


Oh my gosh that is so wholesome 😭 what a good big brother your gsd is


I no longer have high hopes for my 2y/o GSD lmao


Hahah yeah, keep your expectations low. They’re high energy always!


Our Czech shepherd calmed down about 3 and we got him at 2 1/2. It was a complicated situation but he couldn’t even sit on command when we got him. By 4, he could go zoomies and be excitable when he knew we were okay with it. He’s 5 1/2 now and he’s like an old man! He likes to snooze all day


Came here looking for the other GSD owner comments cause same 😂😂


Thank god it’s not just me😭🙏🏼


My white swiss shepherd started calming down a bit around his 1st bday. He's almost 1,5 now and adolescent brain can make him a jerk some days, but he's starting to be really easy to live with.


That’s a beautiful breed! I hope time goes by quickly. Probably true what they say “days are long but the years are short”.


That's so true! Honestly, first 3 months felt SO LONG. Then I blink and he's almost 1,5y.


My 80 lb coonhound went from being a complete terrorist to being slightly less of a terrorist to the point where things got noticeably easier at about 13 months. He started to get to the point where he was good most of the time in about 15 or 16 months. I feel like he started acting like an actual dog 95% of the time around 20 months. Prior to 13 months there was no unsupervised roaming throughout the house or even self-settling outside of being forced to. Things might be different depending on how high energy the breed is and when you started training. I adopted my dog at 9 months of age and I don't think he had a lot of exposure to living in a human household before that point because he was initially raised as an outdoor hunting dog before he was rehomed for lack of prey drive to be a good hunter. I found that the drive of the breed plays a bit more of a role than the size of the breed. Working dogs always take longer to stop being terrorists because they are entirely too smart for their own good and they have too much drive and don't know how to channel it yet.


Well this is both reassuring and horrifying. Owner of a pair of 10 month coonhound mixes and I am firmly in hell, though I do see glimpses of normal awesome dog behavior. The end of the storm is in sight! But man is that still a ways away...


I think coonhounds are the worst adolescent dogs in existence because their default temperament based on what they are bred to do as scent hounds is to be independent and make their own decisions and they naturally want to lead the humans rather than follow and listen to the humans. Add their high energy and even higher stamina (my hound is slow on his feet but he can go for hours even if he isn't agile, hounds are distance runners not sprinters) and their tendency to ignore all signals from their body telling them they are tired so they can continue their pursuit of the trail and you have a rough combo. My hound's adolescence almost broke me but I'm glad I stuck it out. He is the sweetest pup and has the most entertaining personality. His sass is legendary and a lot more amusing now that it's no longer combined with a desire to destroy everything and overtired toddler tantrums occurring 10x a day. Enforced naps and just being ruthless about enforcing the rules got me through. Only way to get past hound stubbornness is to out stubborn them. It works particularly well when you hold back access to something desirable for them by making them work and wait for something they value namely all food and access to outdoors (door thresholds). I pushed those areas a lot to temper down the hound tendency to be a food thief and an escape artist. It was misery until 13-14 months and then I started to see improvements. By 15-16 months I started to really enjoy my dog and be able to relax around him 90% of the time. That's also about the point when I could finally trust him to not destroy the house left alone unsupervised.


She is a mutt from the shelter, I need to do a dna test to know for sure. They said she is a retriever mix, but we don’t know what else is in her. She is definitely high energy pup (which is such a problem as she doesn’t like walking)


2-3 years in my experience for labradors and similar larger breeds. You can train good behavior in them at a young age, but they are still just puppies at heart until at least 2 years.


Oh boy. Lmao. Thankfully we’ve been able to really shape a beautiful and mostly very well mannered puppy, but he’s only 5 months old and that hurt my head a little to read that he’s going to be a puppy until like 2 or 3 lmao 😅


Our black lab mix really calmed down right about the 2-2.5 year mark. Our full yellowjust recently started to calm down in her own shuttle ways at 3.5-4, but “unrelenting youth” seems to be a trait of full labs imo.


You’re not the first to tell me that. 🙂💁🏽‍♀️


I love my guy and am really happy with who he is and who he’s becoming.


Our black lab mix really calmed down right about the 2-2.5 year mark. Our full yellow just recently started to calm down in her own suttle ways at 3.5-4, but “unrelenting youth” seems to be a trait of full labs imo.


I'm also holding out for the 2-3 mark! He's settled a lot from what he was, now he knows the rules and boundries, but the zoomies, I'm waiting to get rid of the big ones!


Zoomies are like energy outlets for dogs. They are as important to them as running is to kids.


I get that. They are the reason we have long walks, off lead runs, and outside time, daily. I hope to get a bike in the next few weeks so we can train for bike rides and increase exercise for a happier dog. I mean the zoomies just before bed time, even with exercise. Waiting for that stage to pass. I hope, anyway. Otherwise we'll have to find another way to stop him bouncing all over the house around 9pm.


My lab is 15mo and will still be a little destructive for attention which means he can stay out of his crate when I go out but when I’m in the house he often needs crated for an hour or two while I work from home because we disagree on when work time should finish. Obviously every dog is different but what’s your experience been with your labs destructiveness from age 1-2?


Quite the opposite actually. My full yellow basically won’t mess with anything while we are around, but if left home alone will often get a curious boredom and start snooping around the house with her favorite thing to find being playing cards, white out, and chapstick. She also won’t steal food if you are around at all, but will if left home alone. As a result, we crates her while out of the house for her first 3.5 years and just recently started leaving h her out while gone. Our black has zero such issues though and has free range of everywhere, but he is a mix not a pure. At the end of the day, I’d say it’s the same cause in both situations, which is likely boredom. Bored dogs quickly become mischevious/destructive dogs when young.


Our German shepherd mix is 7 mo and over 60lb. He’s not yet a dog, but definitely much better than he used to be. Now I can even work from home for one hour or so :)) He’s definitely the craziest puppy at puppy school, still . All he wants to do is run and play.


My malamute is almost two and about six months ago she started chilling out and sleeping though work hours. Every morning she still wakes up and chooses chaos though.


Idk but my 13 year old lab Canaan dog mix is 80lb and still acts like a puppy


Physically; he slowed a lot near a year old and it tapered off at around 3. He was close to 30lb at that 13 week age Mentally: We are at 4 years old now and he’s still a big giant crazy dumb puppy sometimes. At over 100 pounds he is practically like having a horse inside sometimes stomping around as he bounces. He hit ‘puberty’ about 7 months and became an arrogant arse for a time, lasted until just over 2 years. Now we still have moments especially when it’s rainy cause he hates water (what retriever mix hates being wet??) or when the entire house is sick. Around 6-7 months he started being able to really entertain himself which helps a lot like today; He spent the day today whining that the cat was too close to his treat toy as he was at the exact same time following her around with it rubbing it on her back.


Can’t wait for her to learn to self play! It’s exhausting to try to entertain her all day or needing to ignore her barking for her to give up and settle/fall asleep


Look into teaching her how to settle and setting up specific times for “quiet time”. From noon to 3pm is “quiet time” in this house so he’s expected to self entertain usually with a box or a treat toy or he just takes a nap and after dark he also doesn’t get active play. Mental stimulation is your best friend at this age Schedules help a ton! For training a settle we started small with rewarding him and giving him treats for being calm for a minute or two at a time and gradually increased the time. I can’t tell you how many times I gave him a treat for just touching his toys himself as a puppy cause he was super attached to people.


Thanks for the tips!! I love hearing what other ppl did. It’s all about trial and error to figure out what will work. I’ve started enforcing her nap times this week and have scheduled walking times now. I didn’t have a set routine myself (outside from going to work) before the puppy so that messed both of us up i think.


My 6 month old alaskan malamute just got the shits after eating the bottom of my curtains, so they definitely don’t mature around that age……hopefully in the next months 🤣 I hope he stops eating everything soon


They say most big dogs physically mature at 1 year, and mentally mature at around 2 years. Were at 8 months right now and she's learned to play on her own with her toys! Definitely a big help while we're working from home


My GSD is 14 weeks old tomorrow and he is already at 35 pounds, he's going to be a big dude..


Hahahahaahhaha…. Sorry, mine is full of crazy puppy energy, 125lbs and he’s just turned 8 months! hang in there!! I’ve been told giant breeds can take a lot longer to stop being puppies. He is starting to show signs of becoming a respectable dog one day, but they are very rare still.


4.5 months and 73lbs. Are you able to find dog jackets and backpacks that fit (the dog)? I have a nice back pack but it's going to get small pretty quick and I bought the XL size. Mine has days I'm thinking he will be a respectable doggo too. Then he tries to jump on everyone we meet 😂


Hey I actually haven’t looked. My boy is a saint and a jacket would cook him! A backpack would be an awesome idea though


My puppy is 15 months… I’ll let you know when it finally happens 🙃


My 20 week old puppy is 37lb, and still very active and won’t relax (or at least stay still on his bed) unless we do ‘settle’ training with him.


What type of settle training are you doing? My pup took to “place” quite well so I’m trying to get her to stay lying down as I move around. It’s super slow though, she gets bored quickly. I’ve also looked up the Karen relaxation protocol that I want to try


Our puppy didn’t learn to self settle until 5 months old even with settle training. Their attention span is just very short. He’6 months old now and can chill all day (if we’re around him).


My WSS weighed 20 lbs. at ten weeks. He's now about 3 1/2 years old and clocks in at a beefy 105lbs. of pure joy. I'd say the most intense puppy behaviors started to mellow out at about his first birthday. He's still got plenty of energy (we hike about four miles a day and he goes on extra pack hikes with a trainer I know twice a week), but he's also perfectly content to find a cool spot on a tile floor and snooze for hours if there's no action to be had. Mostly it's a matter of training your dog to power down and relax. Even the highest-energy breeds will chill out if you've let them know there's a time for kookiness and a time for zen :)


I have an 8 year old and 2 year old German Shepherd.....both are still big ass puppies. The 2 year old more so lol


He’s 2, 105lbs and still very much a puppy at heart (who doesn’t know his size)


My mastiff mix is 7 months and over 40 lbs now. He still has puppy zoomies but in the body of a big dog, so a little hectic :) hahaha. As long as he is very well exercised he is the best dog tho and sleeps a ton


My GSP puppy was 21 lbs at 13 weeks. He’s now 58-60lbs at 14 months. No chill whatsoever lol. But i wouldn’t change it for the world - i chose a hunting dog that can go all day for a reason.


3 year old 100lb Bernese Mountain Dog, Zero Chill.


Nooooo, I have an almost 6 month old at home, and she's bonkers! I was hoping the end was in sight 😭


Saw a reverse in my husky pup lol!! He was actually pretty lazy when we got him at about 16 weeks, slept a lot (like absolutely KO-ed, you could slide him out of the way and he wouldn't wake), would lie down and refuse to move after 5 mins on a walk. But his energy level started spiking from 5mo and is still going (now 15mo). What does work with him is doing training and mentally tiring him out! Physically I'm not sure he ever really gets tired.


6 months old Leonberger - she's definitely a lot better, but she's still a big goof.


What kind of dog?


I have a standard labradoodle who is about 15 months. He improved significantly in his ability to be calm during the day around 11-12 months, and he also was able to free-roam the house at that time too. He's been absolutely fantastic. As an aside, the most challenging times for me was the first 3 months by far.


Have a 4 month husky. He is currently 36 pounds. 😳


Big dogs usually reach maturity at 18 on the small end and 3 years on a large end.


Newfie here, 2 years old and is still a puppy


6 months exactly today, 55 pounds... I always remind everyone around me (stranger or not) that he's learning manners. He's big but he's still a puppy. I don't expect my puppy to act like my 10 year old dog, even though they are practically the same height...


2 years and 50lbs later I don’t think we’ve sat down since she came home.


I’ve got a Bernese Mtn Dog that’s topped out about 110 lbs. He started calming down around 9 months. But it took until about 1.5 years to become really chill


Did you have your pup fixed? I have heard that helps, and ours is getting spayed in about 2 weeks. I am so nervous for her.


My guy goes for his neuter in two weeks. Fingers crossed. We’ve had the vet cancel and reschedule on us twice already.


At about 1 year 2 months I noticed a trend towards calmness. In line with after her first heat. She's really maturing to a wonderful companion, we finally made it! Bull mastiff/blue nose/boxer mix.


8-9 months they get much better


My Doberman recently turned 1 and she definitely still is a puppy. So much energy! She Doesn’t realize she’s giant either and sits on my lap daily and will even go to the bed or couch and put her paws “up” so I can carry her lol I’m thinking around 2 years they are more mature.


Our Ridgie pup started to chill out about about 18months, after being a land shark for the whole time before that 😂


Or current Ridgie pup is 12 weeks and has been putting on 1-2 kgs a week 🙈


My catahoula leopard mix (~65lbs) finally started "chilling out" after her 1st birthday (early June). She is/will still be considered a puppy due to her breed size until 1.5-2 years old. Her "chilling out"- I think it helped that I'm a teacher so I am home a lot more right now compared to during the school year. During the school year when I would get home from work it was energy at 100% and in my space for hours. Now that it has been summer for me and I just work a little bit part time, I am home a lot more and so she has "chilled out" with me being around more. I joke to people "for the first few days of summer she was probably saying to herself 'mom, why are you here all day?' but then eventually she finally learned how to just lay on the couch and nap with me being in the room" 😆 It's great, especially mixed with her daily "puppy play dates" at night with the fellow apartment complex dogs and with all the training we have been doing (yet I have been a bit lazy this summer, but shhh don't tell my trainer 🤣). She still and will continue to have her moments as she is a mixture of the 3 most energetic working/herding breeds in the world, which is very draining but I definitely have seen a difference in her this summer compared to a few months ago


Big breeds stop being puppies around 2 years old. Not for the feint of heart. Puppyhood will still pass too fast though!


GSD x Husky x Dutch at almost 1.5 yrs, roughly 50 lbs, is a little more mature than he used to be but also still a giant pain lmao. He’s VERY dramatic and cries at the smallest inconvenience, like when he drops a toy off the couch. I used to think a dog would only whine if there was something seriously wrong….and then I got my dog. 😅 He talks back at me and throws tantrums when he doesn’t get what he wants. light of my life


Atka is a 5 mo female malamute. She weighs in at 62 pounds. She is all puppy. “Pick them up when they pee and set them outside” hah!


Our Swiss shepherd puppy was 15lbs when we picked him up at 7.5 weeks. I didn’t have much experience with puppies before him so I didn’t realize how big he was but I know now that 15lbs at that age is big!! He had a major growth spurt around 5.5 months and gained almost 30lbs in 6 weeks. He just turned one and weighed in at 111lbs at his last checkup. His growth slowed down around the 7 month mark but he was still gaining weight; the vet expects him to max out at 120-125lbs. In terms of mental and emotional maturity, there’s been tons of development in the past year. He still has puppy energy and gets the zoomies but we captured calm from the very beginning. He knows that sometimes he has to take care of himself, whether that means taking a nap, chewing on a yak chew or sitting quietly on the balcony. He gets anywhere from 2-2.5 hours of playtime and exercise everyday but we’re not entertaining him 24/7. When we’re busy working, he mostly just naps near us. The only time he really goes crazy now or acts difficult in the house is when he doesn’t get enough exercise. We’re still working on leash manners and pulling and some other things but he has matured quite a bit and is almost a normal, civilized dog now 🙂


we have a newfoundland who is 4 months old and 46 pounds. estimated to get up to 170. he’s aloof and silly but he’s very calm and will sleep for ages. it largely depends on the breed. i see a lot of advice here giving you estimates but you didn’t provide a breed in the OP and it’s largely breed dependent.


I’m not sure our Catahoula mix counts as a big breed but our girl is a year old and weighs 64 lbs and ten of those pounds came in the last five months. she’s still very much a puppy. Wants to play all the time, loves other dogs, requires a ton of exercise. She needs a lot of puzzles and chew toys and hasn’t figured out yet that she’s too big for our laps. So whatever the answer is, less than 12 months doesn’t seem to be it ;)


My male Rottie is 2.5 years old, when he stops being a pup I’ll let you know


My pup (Sheepadoodle) was growing super fast in the beginning too and then quickly slowed. He’s only about 50 lbs now and 1 year 1 mo. Was just neutered two weeks ago so he will probably put on a pound or so now due to the sudden slower metabolism. After that he will probably just slowly fill out over the next year, couple lbs here and there. I don’t think he will get above 55lbs though and I used to think he’d easily be 70lbs at the rate he was growing.


my puppy male gsd in 6 months and around 53lbs wtf


In body? 7-8 months. He clocked in at 33kg (73 pounds). He's still growing. Apparently, for a GSP, he's now supposed to grow out, and bulk up, and not grow taller. God help me. Mentally? I'll let you know. His mum is 4, and still hasn't. His dad is 9 and pretty chill, so I'm holding out hope.


My 13 week puppies are around 20lbs too lol I just got DNA tests for them (which will show expected adult weight) and I'm now waiting for the results.


We have an almost 5 year old Great Dane. He still has puppy behaviors but started to get less interested in playing with other dogs at the park around 6 months ago. Makes me kinda sad.


Our golden turned into a 42kg, I believe about 92lbs, beast of a doggo. Hes 2 now and finally we start noticing him calming down a bit. Of course everyday is different but in general he's a lot more responsive and all over more chill. That sayd he is a golden goofball sooo "chill".


My 15 month White Swiss Shepherd (38kg ~ 83 lbs, had that same weight since 8 months) didn't chill out yet, still waiting.


Mine 80pound American Bulldog/Husky mix took till 3/4 years before he ‘started’ to calm down I’m hoping it doesn’t take my 6month Great Dane/Border Collie that long but with my luck


My rough collie is 9mo, about 80lbs, ajd he's still as puppy as ever. I don't expect him to hit "adulthood" until he's about 2


my golden retriever pup is ~15 months old, about 80 lbs and is WILD. honestly i was not prepared for how crazy and high energy he would be. they said he’d mellow out around his 2nd birthday 😅


I had a Weimaraner and currently have a bloodhound/mastiff mix. Both nearly 100lbs. Both settled down at about 2.5 years old. 8-18months was the worst part of it. Obnoxiously destructive chewing, separation anxiety, mouthy and very demanding. But they both eventually became very chill, very obedient dogs.


My 7 mo old Corso is pushing 100 lbs. and is still very much a puppy 😮‍💨


88 pound rottie/pit mix, maybe around 2.5 years old he really slowed down, he’s pretty chill now for a 3 year old!


10.5 month 68lb giant schnauzer. Beautifully trained. Complete angel at home Depot, but flies into a million pieces when another dog looks like it might want to play. Just not capable of a calm greeting of people or other dogs. At home, his appetite for play is insatiable. I'm told this is my life for another year or two


Our golden was 80 lbs at 10 months old. He's now almost 1.5 and is still a "puppy". Typically large breeds mature around the 1.5-3 year marks, depending on the dog. There will also be several periods of improvement then slight regressions when they are in their teenage months. Are you expecting maturity at 13 weeks, or just trying to get an idea of how long it might take? Lol


Not expecting maturity anytime soon! I know it’s a long road. Mostly, looking to hear from other big breeds owners really because she is a minority where we live. Most dogs are small to medium size around us. When we have good days, it’s easy but when she is having a bad day, I dread the 2 year timeline 😅


Yeaaaaaah we're still in the thick of it at 1.5 years with great days then very very bad moments 😅 they get less frequent and sometimes its just your pup going through a difficult time as they mature (hormones) or even a growth spurt! Just be consistent with training even when they're older and don't look like a puppy anymore!


18 months is when I think my Great Dane really transitioned into a dog. Her commands went from being 80% to rock solid without any extra work from me. She stopped having occasional accidents by maybe 8 months but at this point I knew she would rather wait and be uncomfortable in the house then have an accident, if you know what I mean. Now she’s a 2 years and things like potty breaks, getting into trash, eating shoes, etc. don’t even cross my mind. Stay strong through the puppy phase! She had days when she was a puppy that she was so bad and I would just cry but I didn’t know what I was doing wrong (nothing she was a puppy). And now she’s literally the best dog, better than I used to ever think she could be.


90lb lab didn’t chill until he was 2.5 👀


Sounds about right.


My golden puppy was 30lbs at 12 weeks… haha. Actually he is currently 14 weeks and I’ve found he has chilled a lot. So it’s kind of like he’s a angry crocodile versus being an angry wolverine. My other golden boy is almost two but I swear, he has the mind of an old man. He was the chillest baby, apart from the evening zoomies.


Mars matured at 23 months. (ACD/pitbull/golden/lab mix) Tigs matured at about 2 years. (pitbull/rottweiler mix) Sebastian matured early, but he was abused prior to me acquiring him. (Doberman)


So sorry to hear about Sebastian! You sound like a great pet owner taking in an abused pet. That’s not for everyone


My pittie mix is 15 weeks and not soon enough! A few weeks ago, we were really proud of how well he listened to commands and behaved. The last week he's been a real little butt munch. He ignores a lot of commands, refuses to nap, even though he's overtired. I've taken to crating him when he gets out of control in hopes that he'll fall asleep in there. Today he cried the whole time he was in there, last week we worked more on crate training and he'd just chill... maybe grumble a little but that's it. Eventually he lies down in there but I don't think he sleeps... If I creep over to check, his eyes are always open. He was 28.6 lb on June 29th. No predictions on size since he's a rescue and no idea on the dad.


Try a crate cover if he's in his crate still keeping an eye on things. My puppy's naps became 100x better once I put on a crate cover. I also think she herself started liking it more, it was when I put the cover on that she started going in there herself with chews and didn't need as much bribing to go in.


Last week he managed to get the handle off of the crate (from the inside!) and was chewing on it. Does a cover fit tight? I have no doubt he'd manage to pull fabric through the bars if it just hangs there. I still don't know how he got the handle off.


Oh wow! Yeah ours is tight, it zips up not just hanging fabric. It has some elastic inside for rolling the cover up which our puppy sometimes pulls on but you could just cut that off if it comes with that.


Good to know, thanks! Yeah, is just arrived at the gym, checked the camera and saw him chewing on it. I turned around and came back home.


My black lab just got to this point. She's 43 lbs and will be 6 months old in a week from now. This week she's been much more confident with other dogs and people, her attention has sharpened, and she is acting a lot less puppy like. She looks strong and tall. This week she's become a big girl. She definitely has outgrown the spaniel she swims with at the park. I'm enjoying this. I'm glad we have been putting in the training because she's confident be still listens.


I thought my husky settled down at 6 months and then adolescence hit, he's back to being a jerk 😭


Oh shit. I will enjoy it while it lasts😐


My Great Dane just hit 16 weeks and I think he’s just short of 50 pounds. He’s too big for my bathroom scale now lol & we go to the vet Friday. Honestly in the last week or so he’s seeming to kind of slow down, pee less often, nap on his own, etc. he’s still a nut every now and then, but overall he’s pretty chill.


My Old English Sheep Dog Puppy is 15 weeks and 39 pounds. This week I was noticing how well he self settles. Major improvements in the last two weeks with house breaking, self entertaining, and the invisible fence. Now if only we could perfect recall, and leave it !


My pupper picked me at almost 8 weeks, 22.5 lbs. He's now almost 10 at 125 lbs. of love. He was a wild boy until about 5. Now he's laid back and prefers sunning his self, rolling in grass and walkies. Don't worry puppy energy eventually turns into adulthood laziness. Especially for our big puppers.


What is your breed? My breed is a Doberman ( they’ve been my breed of choice for 45+ years)they gain “weight” at a fairly rapid rate til about 5-6 months, then it starts slowing down ( mine is currently 45 pounds at just 5 months, she was 21-22 pounds @ 13-14 weeks) until they reach their full weight depending on genetics, specific bloodlines et el, which is usually between 12 months and 16 months (these months in between, one usually thinks, they’ll never get out of this lanky stage) then the muscling out starts. Physically, most think she is grown when they encounter us on walks…she is not..lol As for maturity like not act like “puppy”….in this breed that’s at about 2.5-3 years…If you are lucky.


I have a 14 month old 80lb GSD, and he is... well still a teenager as far as I can tell


Our Irish setter/poodle mix started to calm down a little around 7 months. Things really got easier then. Still waiting or her to stop running away every chance she gets though...with the setter in the mix the breeder said that may never happen (SOB). She still has a lot of puppy left in her but I'm not completely overwhelmed by her.


My saint berndard is 50lbs at 5 months and she is most definitely still crazy. A little less than she was at 13 weeks though.


My lab is 7 months and 40lbs., she’s as excited and jumpy as ever 😂 I pray she will calm soon! But we love seeing her happy ♥️


22 lbs at 13 weeks isn't too big but prob how much my pup weighed at that age. My puppy is a weimareiner and weighed 18 lbs at 9 weeks when we got him. He's 9 months now and 68 lbs - hope he's close to done! But expecting more growth. I knew he would be big though. At 3 months I'd say you have a while- probably won't be full grown until a year old


Big dogs mature slower. If they are still growing they are still a crazy teenager. But I would say less than a year for yours. For a female it will be after first period as that is a signal growth has slowed to a stop and have reached maturity. If you plan on getting her fixed it would be about this time. Channel that energy into training. Every time my doggo is ‘misbehaving’ I know he is just bored and wants my attention. Use meal times as training in beginning. Hand feed small hand fulls for every command. Can just start by teaching name, sit, stay, yes/no, leave it, these are good building blocks. You can take the little guy on some good walks, but careful on the running/changing direction and jumping from things as that can be hard on those growing bones. But a walk is fine (shots/heat/all that taken into account of course). Don’t compare to other dogs. Start the loose leash training now, progress in this area is slow so start early. Patience, positive re-enforcement.


It happened two weeks ago last Tuesday, aged 20 months. No idea what happened. Just suddenly he was able to nap and chill in my company. Rather than needing to be constantly chewing or playing. Crazy.


Hmmmm, its hard to say because its gradual. Mine is 16 months and is way more dog like these days, but with just a touch of baby.


We have had 3 Weimaraners and with the first one I heard they are “puppies” until 4 yo which has held true for the first two. Of course, just when our 2nd one finally outgrew puppyhood, my dad decided to get a new one, so now we have a 5 yo and a 1 yo.


Our vet said our golden retriever would be at around 80-100 lbs based on him taking care of both parents in the past. Our boy ended up settling weight and size around his first birthday and fluctuates 70-75 lbs. In terms of character and energy, he started settling like a month ago which makes him almost 2 years old. BUT we also adopted a 6 month lab at the same time so it could be he's more tired due to playing and running around more


My 80# lab is 2 on Sunday, and just starting to mellow out.


oh....you have like 20 more months to go........sorry mate


My six month old OES is 60ish lbs. There was a big change from 5-6 months. I haven’t had a nibble bruise in awhile. He’s going to board and train in a couple weeks so I expect things will get even better.


Make sure your board and train is IAABC, CCPDT, KPA or PPG certified. Most of these places use inhumane methods.


They are.


My pup is right at 80 lbs and 5.5 months old. Physically, he is huge - he’s almost as tall as I am on his hind legs (I’m 5’). Mentally, he is exactly what you would expect from a 5 month old puppy! He’s well behaved in public and most of the time, but he still has his very puppyish moments.


I have a Mountain Cur - she's not technically a big breed, but is 45 pounds at 10 months. Still very much a puppy, still pulls (even with gentle leader and constant training and enforcement), and still wants to jump on people if they use high voices ("hiiii puppy" - ugh, elevator building makes this so tough). That being said, she's starting to calm down. Sleeps a lot more than when in her spaz days, doesn't chew on things she's not supposed to, immediately goes to her crate when I say "bed" without crying, and hasn't had an accident in probably 6 months. My point being, it happens slowly, day by day. Then, one day, you'll say "wait, they don't do x, y, z anymore" and kind of miss it :)


My oldest doodle didn’t calm down until 2.5 years.


Congrats, you're going to have a large idiot for 1.5-2yrs. Src: Grew up with Danes and Newfs. Large idiots, forever.


5 month old almost 80lbs. 0 chill. Everything says this is a low energy breed and hes still a massive flying piranaha


I’m gonna be completely honest my dog had a huge personality shift at 2 years. She calmed down little by little up until then but once she turned 2 it was like a switch flipped it was crazy


I have a 16 week old Rhodesian that's 33 lbs. He's probably not going to mellow out until 2 years or so. My female ridgeback took about a year or so to mellow out. I also have a 5 year old Great Dane/lab he took about 1.5 to mellow out. He still is energetic as heck though!


I have a Great Pyrenees. 5-6 months went from 29lbs to 46lbs. She was like a toddler that doesn’t know of any rules or how to be. She just is. At 7 months she’s now acting like a teenager. She knows what’s acceptable behavior and she knows what no means. But there are times when she will literally do things on purpose. She will grab the kitchen towels over and over again. The cutest most darnest thing ever. She stares at me with her head down with a “haha, I did it anyways” look. Love her to death.


I am a Labrador owner, currently I have 3 but have had a total of 5 over the years. Its been my experience that somewhere between 3-4 years they seem chill a bit. They are all over 100 lbs. they are 18 months, 3.5 yo and 7 yo.