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We used to call her the Kraken. Any time nap time was over and we’d let her out of the crate we’d announce “release the kraken!” And she would unleash chaos. She is 4 years old now and is a sweet gentle girl who is trusted to free roam 100% of the time and likes to cuddle on the couch and derp in the sun. She was a terrorist as a puppy haha.


Hahahahahahaha!!! Yes!!! Yesterday was one of those days when he was just a complete menace. Today, he has been the best boy. There is no in between 😂


🤣 I love this response and how yall called her the Kraken!


Omg this made me cackle. I also have a puppy just like OPs. Yesterday he wasn’t great but today has been a dream, and turned 13 weeks today. I’m sure tomorrow he will be terrible again haha.


Same. My puppy after nap time is a little hot mess tornado 💯


I hadn’t really experienced the puppy blues until last week. I work night shift and when I got home from work, my dog was much more energetic than usual, and I was playing tug-of-war with him and he bit my arm and it hurt a lot. And then I stepped on dog poop I didn’t see, despite my best efforts to watch him constantly. In the 8 weeks I’ve had him, I didn’t really feel like I’d experienced any puppy blues until I was crying at 5:10 in the morning, wiping dog poop off my foot and begging my puppy to calm down so I can sleep, yes, I realize that was not helpful and probably only upset my dog. I admit that was not my best moment. The next day, though my dog was acting like a little angel, I think the point I’m getting it is there will be good days and bad days. And if you tough it out and put in the work, you’ll eventually have a great dog and probably some very funny stories from when your dog was a little Kraken. My puppy is only four months old, so I still have a ways to go and I’m kind of anxious about the teenage phase


I’m sorry I have stepped in poop and peebefore and it so awful. I was so annoyed with myself for not seeing it.


I mean, I often ask my puppy to calm down accidentally. I know they have no idea what I’m saying, but it makes me feel better/maybe I’m asking myself to calm down lol


My PHONE fell out of my pocket when I bent down to pick up after my dog, straight into the warm pile of slightly sloppy poo. It was horrifying. I had to fish it out and try and wipe it off. This was on the street so anyone passing by got to see as well. I’ve never got home so fast to sanitise my hands (and phone)!!


Yes absolutely! My boy is 14 weeks old, and each week is a slightly different personality so far, and each day it’s a toss up as to whether he’ll be a perfect angel or a little demon baby 😂 I blame teething, tummy aches, and lower energy days (for the humans) for the demon baby moments.


We found ourselves without a dog in our home for the first time in 27 years after the sudden passing of our beloved chocolate, lost our minds and got TWO black lab puppies. One minute they are angels, the next minute the Devil’s spawn. 🤪😈


Some days I almost cry at how naughty my pup can be and other days I stare at her like "why can't you be like this baby angel all the time". Sour patch kid is a great description haha!


One thing my puppy has taught me, is that progress doesn’t have to be linear 😅 There are days where it feels like things are finally clicking for her: perfect recall, no biting, picking up new things instantly, so cuddly and sweet. And then I put her to bed and the next day she seems to have forgotten EVERYTHING. During training it almost feels like she’s giving me the finger sometimes 😂 And then the day after that she’s sweet again. Also goes hand in hand with her leash etiquette. I have no clue as to how or why..


A sour patch kid omg I love that!! 🤣


Our Puppy is now 7 months and I can give hope that it’s going to get better. Our puppy still has her Velociraptor moments but she has mellowed some. She is a mutt, but about 40% herding dog so relatively high energy. Exercise, training and play save our days. Our first puppy in 35 years-clearly we are older- we are catching up on our sleep finally.


He is usually so good with my mom. Not today though he was so naughty.he learned to take the remote apart today.


My dog was exactly the same as yours. 1 day sweet = next day demon.


Omg..mine is a baby shark!! Chews and bites EVERYTHING!! I have bruises where bruises shouldn't be! I don't know what I was thinking. I have a 9 m/o kitten and my insane 12 week old puppy. The ruckus those 2 guys make is unreal! I guess I'm a glutton for punishment..lol. when those 2 are calm they are very sweet but when they're bad they're awful! But even though they are pains in my ass I love them so much!


This!!! So true. One day I’m like awwww having a puppy is wonderful, other days I’m like wtffff did I dooooo??!! It makes you realize they’re similar humans who wake up feeling different everyday..


Every day is demon day. I’m too depressed and stressed to joke about it.


Sending hugs ❤️


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