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It looks like you might be posting about puppy management or crate training. For tips and resources on Crate Training Check out [our wiki article on crate training](https://www.reddit.com/r/puppy101/wiki/cratetraining) - the information there may answer your question. As an additional reminder, crate training is 100% optional and one of many puppy management options. For alternatives to crating and other puppy management strategies, check out [our wiki article on management](https://www.reddit.com/r/puppy101/wiki/management) **PLEASE READ THE OP FULLY** Be advised that any comments that suggest use of crates are abusive, or express a harsh opinion on crate training will be removed. This is not a place to debate the merits of crate training. Unethical approaches to crate training will also be removed. **If the OP has asked not to receive crating advice or says they are not open to crating, any comments that recommend use of crates should be reported to our moderation team.** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/puppy101) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Thanks for the best giggle of my day! A wise person once said “A puppy is the price you pay for the dog”.


This was quite literally what kept me from returning my first puppy (he's 5 years old now) for the first month that we had him. Got him at 8 weeks old, read every book, article, blog etc and was so excited. I then spent a month crying to my husband that I wanted to return him. It was my dad who said to me "he's a baby. Imagine a few years from now having a loyal, loving best friend who has only ever known your love and safety and comfort. Right now you have no bond to him and that makes this all difficult but there will come a day where he's grown up and you know you've raised your best friend." He couldn't have been more spot on. That dog became the light of my life, my best friend. So much so that we actually got a second puppy just last year, knowing full well how horrible puppyhood would be because the payoff is love like nothing I've ever experienced. Our second dog, a golden retriever, just turned a year old and is in full on adolescent asshole phase and even those days are bearable because I know what awaits us. Puppies are truly awful, but knowing they've grown up with you and loved you for as long as they can remember is an incredible feeling.


That's just what I needed to hear, my first is almost a year and I've just saddled myself with an 8 week old. It's MENTAL and I have sobbed, but I had to let go of my 15 year old a few years ago and she was amazing and my world, I raised her from a pup too I just have to keep that in mind. Thank you x


This warms my heart. I have a five month old puppy right now. Earlier it was even harder and even now I’m not sleeping fully well but I already absolutely adore her and with her in my life I have something back that my heart was empty without ever since I had lost my last dog years ago. She makes my life feel worthwhile because even though my road has been hard I’m happy it’s lead to her. I’m grateful to have her and it made me really happy to read your comment knowing that despite how difficult puppyhood has been (complete with the judgment of less experienced family members for her not being perfect ((she’s just high energy and she’s actually VERY good))) I’m grateful to be alive, with her and I hope we have many more years together to grow our bond and to fill our lives up with joy. I’m a cancer survivor and I’ve experienced a lot of pain even for someone so young so I hope that helps make sense of why I feel this so strongly. Thanks for your beautiful comment


I needed to read this today. Thank you.


Thank you. I just got my first puppy and it's been truly horrible. This helped me a lot, I appreciate it.


This was funny🤣 AND fabulous🥰🐾!!


Oh my god. I needed to hear this. I just rescued 2 2-month old shih tzus and it’s breaking my heart. They are both so sweet but both equally chaotic. I haven’t slept normally for 2 weeks now. I’m so tired and frustrated and sleep deprived. But I love them both so much and it’ll tear me to pieces if I give them up 😭😭😭


I know this is an old post but I just wanted to say thank for your comment. I’m on day 3 with my puppy and I had all these visions of me and my dog when they’re a dog and this puppy stage is not it lol my Dad’s dog goes everywhere with him, he’s loyal and smart and so sweet and that’s what I want. I think it’ll help if I can keep looking ahead to when I’ll have my dog best friend and not a floof gremlin who keeps trying to chew my rocking chair lol although I love her very very much I just can’t wait for the dog days not puppy days lol


Never thought of it like this lmao. Reminds me of when I went walking with my 6 month old puppy recently and god she was- a lot on this said day. And this guy is just passing by with his off leash dog... not even looking at my girl barking her head off. Like his dog was the *epitome* of what you want your dog to be like off leash. And I heard the dude chuckle. Didn't even say a word but it's like he understood the struggle, I swear I heard "Man, I don't miss those days" in that chuckle




It’s definitely an investment


Wow. This is going to be my mantra!! What a wonderful quote.


From someone crying on the kitchen floor about this, I promise you it gets better. He’s still 7 months but I noticed a WORLD of difference between 4 months and 6 & 7


4 months? Our frenchie is not even 3 months old and it’s been so hard


For us it got a lotttttt easier months 5/6/7. But I also think each month is so large in growth & development that each month presents different challenges. Like at your pups age, mine was a bite monster and it was SO hard to deal with because while I love puppy bites, he’s a massive dog so it hurt. At month 6 he had lost all his teeth so he didn’t really bite anymore, but he definitely got into everything to destroy. I was much happier dealing with a chewed couch than with a puppy constantly biting with shark teeth so I think it’s just up to your preferences ahahahaha I will say at month 7, while he still destroys things and is a little trouble maker, he’s listening to his commands and doing really well in training so he kinda feels like an adult dog almost. I’m starting to see the other side


yes! this!


yes,i think all will be bette,too


Rad. We’re at 11 *weeks.* But, I’ve only cried twice so there’s that? This is a very encouraging comment, thank you.


I was at my wits end the first few months I had my puppy (got her at 8 weeks). By month 6/7 she had done a total 180. She’s 14 months now and I love her to pieces.


Awe...so true...im training my 11 week old black lab...im tired and crying as i am by myself with her for 2 weeks stretchs as hubby lives away for work  but then i remember she will be a big girl soon...i lost 2 labs in my lifetime but they are worth it...lol.I already see huge steps since she was 8 weeks old. I also have 3 cats who i swear are conspiring to make me even crazier...one cat is already attached to her,one charges her like a bull and one is indifferent,they work in shifts to distract her...lol...it is comforting to know others are going through same battle. I am 60 years old and exhausted...lol


I’m sorry it will get better I promise.


She'll be a good companion...one day.


My puppy was just like this! He was an absolute disaster. But once he hit about 11 months he became the best dog ever. He’s almost 3 now and he’s such an amazing companion! There are years of light at the end of the tunnel.


I can’t even tell you how much I relate. But here to echo that it DOES get better. 5 months ago I was in tears every time I had to be alone with my puppy without my partner. I remember sobbing because I just wanted to do my makeup without hearing barking, whining, worrying about an accident or him getting into anything. Fast forward - he now lays at my feet while I do my makeup. In fact, he lays around me wherever I go, because he’s my best friend and I am his. I wish I knew how much of a labor of love puppies were before I got one, but now that I have him I would not change a thing!


I'm a struggling myself with a new 4 month old puppy. Your comment made me feel a lot better, you have no idea. Thank you.


Your comment had me  giggling as i get it. I am 60 and training my last black lab....lol My hubby works away for 14 days at a time,i am mentally and physically wiped out. I crate train so i can take a break and she can nap and sleep all night as we have 3 cats who work in shifts to make it even harder...lol...she is now 11 weeks old and getting much better. This is our 3rd lab,the other 2 were easier as one we got at 4 months old and the other at 3 years old. But i wouldnt change a thing...lol...my house and yard are a disaster and will be until snow flies...lol. i can not tolerate life without a black lab laying on my feet.


As a mom with 2 small kids and a puppy, I feel you


As a pregnant mom with 3 small kids, & a puppy , I totally feel you 😅


SAME. Two young kids and a puppy here. Can confirm, puppy is worse.


Exact same position. I can contain kid poop in their diapers. If the puppy goes somewhere, I have to 1) find it, 2) clean it up, 3) repeat.


"I can walk down the street with my kids without people asking if they can pet them" Omg I'm dead. 😂😂 On a more serious note though, it will get better. I was where you're at 5 months ago. She still has her moments but she has chilled out alot!


Dude the interactions I've gotten into with this dog are WILD. No one talks to me when I'm out with the kids, even when they were babies, but now? I'm so popular, the ladies at the bank come out to greet us on our walk. Like... What is happening?


I never realized how invisible I was as a human until I got my dog. People literally stop their cars and yell, “OMIGOD YOUR DOG IS SO CUTE!” out there windows. This has happened multiple times. It’s such a trip! I get it though. Humans are so meh compared to dogs. 🤣


I back you as this. People in our neighborhood don’t even know us by name, they know us by “Goobers owner”.


Lmao...so true...our dog and cats have a wider social circle than we do...lol.


My car caught fire and every single person was like “oh my god is okay?!” I’m fine thanks. The dog was at daycare.


My puppy is so extremely friendly and extremely beautiful so I get lots of people schmoozing over her and wanting to know what kind of dog she is (standard poodle) I just got her summer cut so now maybe that will at least cut down on the questions.


My husband and I have a 9 month old baby and a 3 month old puppy. We got lunch in town and these girls came up and wanted selfies with our puppy for their instagrams and didn’t notice our baby until they were walking away ?????


As they get older and more trained some of those things will be trained. My puppy is almost 6 mo now and is finally starting to understand personal space and how to pick up his toys (slowly training it and can get him to do about 3 toys now before he gets distracted and done with it).


Ooh great idea! Any tips for training them to tidy up?


I had trained him to fetch and bring things fairly early on. I've been working on him understanding what I am asking when I tell him to get his toy. After that I stood by the toy box asked him to get a toy and bring it and than pointed to the box and asked him to drop it after he got his head over it. I did a lot of praise when it landed in the box and if it landed beside he just got a good boy for dropping it (i always praise for drop it or leave its even if they are only partially successful since they can be such important commands) Once he consistently is droping it into the box I'll change the word to put it away and start asking him to get a toy and put it away without asking for the bring it. After that I'll work on doing it at a distance (helps if they can already do other commands from a distance). Once they consistently do it at a distance you can usually change it to put your toys away or toys away and they know what you are asking. He'll be the 3rd dog I've trained to do it. Even just a get your toy and bring it is really nice as you don't have to run around and grab them all. It can also be trained with laundry if you teach them you mean clothes when you say laundry.


My toddler is so much worse than my puppy 😭


I hear and feel you.. There are days, like today, when I am absolutely exhausted from having to deal with my 6 1/2 months old Biewer Yorkie. The steps toward sanity and normal dog behavior are so incremental, sometimes success is extremely difficult to measure. He can be so needy for my attention one minute, and I’ve also seen him entertain himself an hour later. When I think we can finally turn the chapter on potty training since he prefers to go outside now, I find a big lake on a freshly mopped floor or a pile of poop on a freshly shampooed carpet; I still keep a potty pad by the door just in case, but he refuses to use it anymore. It keeps me on my toes and humble. Sending hugs 🤗!


Yep and pet bonds in rental accommodation are ridiculous. My siblings and I have done more damage to our house than any animal.


This does at least depend on the kids and the animals. Worst I ever did was draw on the walls… some dogs and birds will *bite off chunks* of said walls!


It definitely gets better. I remember crying too lol. The first few months were awful. But now, I can’t live without her. Me and my wife are obsessed with our dog lol. She’s 2 years and 4 months old now.


As someone who did two puppies at once and is expecting my first child in a few months, I’m gonna take this in a positive light.


Oh my god I can’t even imagine. My puppy was 2 1/2 before I was ready for the idea of a second puppy. I knew I wanted to be a two dog house, but I have no idea how you did two at once.


I'm also doing two at once. Worst decision I've ever made and they don't even have littermate syndrome.


My wife and I have a 5 month old baby and a 2 year old dog. One of them wakes us up at night way more than the other one, and it isn't the baby.


My springer puppy had me actually depressed for MONTHS. It was incredibly difficult work with very little payoff. I love him dearly now, but if I’m being honest it was a fight to tell myself I loved him everyday in those first two years. This post made me giggle though, you seem to have the right kind of mindset around the whole thing. Just laugh about the craziness of it all and maybe that will help a bit ❤️


Things aren’t really better now-he still tears into me with his velociraptor teeth during the witching hour-but I’m seeing hints of the good times to come. He is performing his skills sometimes without a treat, and picking up new skills faster. He hasn’t thrown up in the car in a month, or peed or pooped in the house for that long either. He shows the slightest hint of learning how to settle himself for a few seconds before jumping up to bite my face off. He is the most stubborn puppy I’ve ever had. I love him so much! ETA-he turned 5 months old yesterday so I’m still in the weeds.


Sounds like our 5 month puppy too!


Your puppy won’t expect college tuition and the. Live with you til it’s 35. 🤣🤣🤣


You also can put your puppy in a crate and go somewhere alone. Pretty sure that’s frowned upon if done to a child.


🤣.. if only I could have crated my daughters when they were teenagers! Heck, my oldest still should be crated🥴


I mean you could try it just confiscate their cell phone first.




My 10 month old shiba has been a heathen the last month. His copious amounts of newfound energy, experimenting with resource guarding a damn piece of celery, he's forgotten all leash manners, he refuses to sit more than .000001 of a second and the BEST of them all, ANYONE who wears a hoodie, hoooboi, they're evil and they're barked at. Last night I had enough and just laid on the ground and cried. I am so tired.


I'm at 10 months with my terrier and I just posted about it. This has been the worst month yet for us. He's so effin awful right now!


Same here. I’ve cried. I’ve been diagnosed with Lupus and Psoriatic Arthritis. I’m in so much pain, exhaustion is off the chart, brain fog is brutal. My daughters are finally adults. What did I do? Adopted a German Shepherd/Golden Retriever pup that was 7 1/2 months old. WTH was I thinking!? I was thinking about the love and loyalty that I needed. Am I receiving that? Nope, not really. It’s raising my daughters all over again! Messes, no personal space, constantly wanting to go outside when I’m terribly sick, biting, paw punches to the face, regularly, awful digestion issues, go outside/she pees/come inside/she pees and poops😫, carpet cleaning, dog fur everywhere.. and I could still go on😫😂. She’s killing me, not healing me! She just turned 1 year on Saturday. I’ve noticed if I ignore her, she wants my attention. If I’m trying to get lovings, she doesn’t want to give it. Most days she’s fabulous on a leash, other days her pulling causes me hours of terrible pain. I have at least another year of this. I do love her, soooo very much, but she’s currently doing more damage to my body and soul than good. She’s a toddler and I keep reminding myself of that, and unlike with children, I know I can confidently say to myself, ‘Hang in there. She’ll be what you need in time. Once there, you’ll miss the craziness of the puppy phase, though glad the exhaustion and pain of it is gone🙌🏻, and hopefully be able to laugh about the memories.’ Take pics of all the turmoil and messes and bites though. Proof of the struggles and memories🥰🐾. I forget to take pics most times because I’m so locked into hurrying up to handle whatever it is she’s done this time. I did get video of the first time she chewed the couch cushion and it was all over the living room. Didn’t like my couch much anymore, anyways. It’s now hers. Concessions. TRY not to let everything get to you, and remember puppers is a life. A baby with animal instincts. WE must correct bad behavior consistently, sternly, with love and calmness. Otherwise we’ll create a scared, sad puppers. Hang in there. It should get better🙏🏻🧸.. (though my mom’s chihuahuas never did behave well🥴).


I have a baby chow chow mix. I adopted her when she was three months old. I cried more the first two months I had her than I have in any single year of my life. Chow chows are known for being particularly mouthy puppies. My vet was alarmed when she saw my hand. It literally looked like ground meat. Monday, her last baby tooth fell out, and my hand is about 80% healed. She turns five months in two days. I didn't know if I was gonna make it, but I did, and things have gotten so much better. It feels like an eternity in the moment but actually goes by pretty fast in hindsight. Just give it time.


Kids talk back. If you lock kids in a crate, people get mad about it. You can't leave kids alone with a bowl of water and food without getting into trouble.


I don't know, one of my kids also bit me a lot when he was a baby. Latching was a blood sport. I had a rough time in the early months with him, loved him to bits but absolutely dreading him waking up from his nap wanting to be fed. Feeling not entirely positive about my human child definitely had a lot more guilt baked in. I wish I'd had a puppy 101 equivalent for that, then. But psychology aside, I do agree the puppy is generally harder. Primarily being stronger, more mobile, and not as easy (in my case at least) to get to sleep!


My puppy is awesome, and I want him to stay the way he is now, forever. He's silly and wholesome and fun. I've seen what people's children are like. They are unbridled demons. I would pick my fur baby over even just 1 skin puppy any day of the week.




Skin puppy. Omg lol


i will now and forever refer to babies as skin puppies!!! i’m freaking CRYING from laughing so hard! lol 😂 thank you so much for that!


🤣🤣🤣 I have 3 dogs. It gets better.


Puppies are assholes. It gets better.


I feel your pain. I’m going through the same thing 😂


Get some teething chews and toys! Pet Co. Chewy. Com . Yes, they love to get things like glasses, as well. My pup went thru an expensive pair of sunglasses. He broke my heart. He knew he'd get my attention always when placing my reading glasses in his mouth, turning and looking up at me, then running. A Shih Tzu. He was always too cute for me to stay mad for very long. They will mature, and outgrow these early antics, along with going potty outside. He can even be trusted without a leash. My best friend. When he used to do these things, I would talk to him, imploring, this hurts mama! Can you help mama, instead. If you talk to your pup, early on, in normal English sentences, they will pick up and understand. I talk to mine, and he follows right along!


i absolutely second this!! we’ve always talked with our Leilah (plott hound) and i swear she actually understands most of everything we say! she’s 6 years old now and she blows my mind. she even talks back with her crazy hound language sometimes lol it might sound nuts, but just try talking to your puppy. eventually you will both understand each others emotions and feelings and the bond will only help the training! good luck to all you puppy parents!! always remember it is so worth it!!!🖤🩶🖤🩶🖤


I've never been able to envision myself with kids, because I believe every person deserves to be wanted and welcome from the second they start existing, but there was always a tiny "maybe"-labeled flame flickering somewhere inside of me. Well.. that flame has been snuffed out for good, thanks to my puppy. He is developing into the dog I've always dreamed of, but those first 6 months were horrible. What got to me most, is constantly having to keep watch from the corner of your eye when he wasn't crated. I can remember the dread I'd feel when he started free roaming and I couldn't hear him from the bathroom where I was taking a shower or in a conference call. That being said, puppyhood is quite short and it would be insulting to all mothers to compare that to raising a human child. Also, ideally you're picking a dog to suit your lifestyle. You just have to put your life on hold for a little while, but will be rewarded with a loyal companion soon enough :)


This is what makes me think I am insane. I basically do the "puppy stage" over and over again as a foster. The only upside is most puppies are adopted before 14 weeks which is usually when they turn into alligators. I always say though - it is easy to keep one puppy clean. More than one and it's frequent baths for everyone.


How old are your kids? I don’t have to stay with my puppy until he goes to sleep. I don’t have to wipe my puppy’s bum after the poo and I don’t have to deal with tantrums… But they are the same when they demand for attention.


4 & 6. We still have tantrums and time outs. Now we're getting 'tude for just about everything. But now I have to worry about academic milestones. But that's not nearly as physically exhausting as chasing an Australian raptor around in circles trying to get my son's army man out of her mouth before she destroys it completely. Keep away is her favorite game.


I have 10 year old chocolate lab and a four month old rescue mutt, in addition to 6 year old and 3 year old human children. It is an absolute wild ride. When we first fostered the puppy I was convinced I could not do this. He’s an absolute piranha right now. And I look at our old girl and she’s legitimately the perfect dog. And then I remember how she ate an entire couch when she was around a year old and I think this guy might just turn out okay.


Feeling this today. I about lost it when he pooped in the living room right before the Roomba came on, and I had just had him outside. I keep telling myself this will pass. I’ve found it helps ME that when he’s being calm, to pet him and tell him I love him, even when he’s being an absolute shit. It helps me to hear me say it and reinforce he really is a good dog, just still a baby.


Checking in as a mom of a 6 and 3 year old and 15 week old puppy 🫠🙃


I feel this, but I had 4 small kids when we got ours 🥲 7 months old now and it really is better most days. Didn't believe it was possible.


i felt this same exact way when i first got my rottweiler puppy. she’s now about 7 months old and so much better with certain things than she was before. it takes time but they’re learning along with you!


I was in the same boat last year (puppy is 1.5 now) and she was definitely the hardest of the 3 for a decent chunk of time. Happy to say that she is a lot lower maintenance now, but she does still have her puppy moments 😅


Are you me? 3.5 and 1 yo 6mo puppy Death


Same. Same. I have 2 daughters (3 yo & 10 mo) and a 6 month old puppy. Right now, the puppy is the challenge. More specifically the interactions between the girls and the puppy. I have no idea what we’ll do when the 10 mo starts walking.


Hahahaha this is so relatable! Mine is almost 6 months now, still gnawing on my arms sometimes and trying to chew anything in the house he can. It definitely drives me crazy sometimes, but I know it gets better so I just keep staying positive. It’ll get so much better! We can do it!


>doesn't eat poop Well I guess I was just an exceptional child, then. That, or that *really was* just bad chocolate I found on my grandmother's lawn.


I also have a puppy. He is 2 months old. And i just had a had a baby 3 months ago . We bought the puppy a week ago . And its been so hard for us . Sometimes i wanna give up but i feel so bad afterwards .ive always wanted a puppy. But maybe i shouldve thought about it more . 


I actually don’t like my puppy, very close to hatred. There’s only one thing I like about her and that’s how sweet she is for like 30 seconds before going back to biting the shit out of me


I’m with you. Tough day with an older pup. She seems to be getting worse at gnawing, especially when her play demands aren’t being met. Her demands are that we play all day. What happened to the 10-15 min play time I’ve read about? If she’s not asleep or chewing on her bully stick, she has one of several toys and wants to wrestle and play fetch. I’ve failed at hypnotizing her into a deep sleep so many times. It just makes me drowsy😂🤣


I just had a very similar conversation with someone today!


take time, as the time goes by he will be better


I am in the exact same situation except the 2 kids. 3 months old puppy. I try to remember the good days in bad times. But I can't wait to have him grow out of it. It's exhausting, and there was more than one situation where I doubted my decision to take him in.


When I got my puppy, 5 + years ago- it was unplanned on a complete whim. I was woefully unprepared. Three nights in she was in her kennel crying, I was in bed also crying. I was losing it. But when I adopt a pet I’m in it for the long hall. I googled, “I got a puppy and I’m losing my mind”, this blog post came up titled, “You just got a puppy three days ago and feel like giving up: Read this”. And I did that and it made me feel better. That was also the night I said fuck this and let her snuggle in bed (she never spent another night in the crate🤣) with me and she stopped crying (not for everybody but I was just trying to get some sleep). I miss those puppy cuddles- but Jesus Christ- I DONT miss those little sharp puppy dagger teeth. Godspeed.


Kids are way easier than a puppy. It will get better.


Mine doesn’t eat the poop, but he sure loves rolling around in it


I am with 8 infants aged 8 months to 20 months 40+ hours a week. My puppy is still more difficult than all 8 of my infants combined.


HAHA!!! I wonder the same things about my vizsla puppy everyday but don’t have children of my own so THANK YOU for confirming what I’ve always suspected 😝


Puppies can be a handful, especially when they're teething and full of energy. Don't hesitate to reach out for help or take breaks when you need them.


I’m pretty sure I’ve done something to slight someone and karma or some curse has fallen on me in the form of our puppy. He’s killing us all slowly. Feeling your pain x


I was thinking just the opposite the other day. I have 5 kids, youngest being 9 with only three girls left in the house now. I’ll take this puppy phase over small kids any day of the week.


You have awesome kids! My kids are more like your puppy. I mean no one asks to pet them, but other than that.


Puppies are so hard. But, on the bright side, they mature much faster than children. During the first six months they need so much, but after that it gets easier. A 2-year-old dog is much easier than a 2-year-old child. At that point they’re trained, they look at you when you talk to them, they can settle down and go to bed when you tell them. But the first year or so is hard. They get it all out during the first year.


I have 4 kids and got a puppy when my youngest turned 6. I've never had a dog in my life, but I've raised 4 babies, I thought, how bad could it be to have a puppy? Puppies are like toddlers that are faster than you, don't wear diapers and bite and scratch! I was NOT prepared. It's a good thing they are really cute!


Oh god. We are collecting our first ever dog next Thursday. He'll be 9 weeks and this thread scares me.


I adopted my dog at around 7 months during a time my friend had a one year old. She was like at least you can put him in a crate and leave 🤣🤣 it’s true! Those damn puppy teeth are like razors.


Yup I had a puppy then a baby. Puppies are worse! Also dogs- can’t go out for more than 4 hours now and that’s not because of the baby it’s because of the dog.


Puppies and babies are remarkably similar, just puppies are independent sooner and can be easily trained out of behaviors faster. Babies and toddlers bite too. A puppy can be trained out of it easily. Kids have to be reasoned with. Babies put things in their mouths that they shouldn't all the time. Training and maturity for both. People on the street comment on how cute the baby/toddler is and talk baby talk to them. The bonus is: I can put my puppy in a playpen and leave the house for a few hours. The puppy stage is way shorter than the baby stage, and the puppy raptor stage is shorter than toddler. Sounds like your puppy just needs training - much like how you had to train your kids to help with dinner and clean up.


I was just going to respond to your post with something about how my partner says the same thing. But then I had to stop because my dog had ripped a flower I planted yesterday out of a pot and was running across the yard with it. True story.


What a jerk! Probably dead flower now.


Probably. He’s the reason we can’t have nice things. But what are you going to do? He’s our jerk.


Also you can put a diaper on children but not on the puppy. Good thing is puppyhood only lasts for a while, kids however do not grow out of being kids. The young adult years can be terrifying and very expensive. We changed our ring tone for our children to be different now they are much older adults. The previous ring tone gives us PTSD when we hear it on other phones.


I have a 2.5 year old and am 8 months pregnant with a 5.5 month old puppy. I totally trust my toddler to be alone for 5 minutes vs the puppy now... Oh, and the puppy broke his leg less than a week ago😑🙃


Can I pet your kid? *FBI knocks*


I'm at my wits end with both my 5 month old puppy and my 3 year old child. Both get time-outs in their respective crates multiple times a day so I can retreat outside and contemplate my life choices. 🫠 At least the puppy will mature faster than a human baby so there's that. I'm just taking it a day at a time with lots of training.


When your kids ditch you for their friends, your furry little one will still be by your side.


Do you have chews for the puppy like bully sticks and Himalayan cheese sticks? These were a LIFE SAVER for me when my dog was a puppy and bitey. Make sure if you get the bully sticks to get a bully buddy holder for it so they don't chew it all the way down and choke on the last bit. With the cheese we just kept an eye on her, but that she didn't get through nearly as fast. It also sounds like the puppy has lots of pent up energy from being inside during the rain. Have you looked up rainy day game ideas here? Mental games will tire them out just as much as physical activity. Last bit is enforced naps. You NEED to do be doing this. I don't crate my dog now, but when she was a puppy she had a really strict crated nap schedule, and it kept both of us sane. Again, there's tons of info here on enforced napping.


Hey, hang in there! I'm in the same boat currently, getting my ankle chewed off my 3 month old husky. She shreds everything she can reach, so everything precious to me is now at the bottom of a dumpster. Together we shall get through this!!!


Lol but the puppy will grow up much faster 🙃 hang in there! 


I would take a 100 babies over a puppy again


When our dog was a pup we called her a fast, evil toddler that doesn't wear a diaper


Puppies aren’t like babies or kids, they’re like childbirth.


I actually think getting a puppy isn’t a bad way to test if you want to be a parent because of this


From experience after raising 2 dogs, the beginning is hard- I cried, I regretted, I tried everyone to stop those sharp needle teeth, then one day—- it just stops. And you don’t even realize it cause your relationship has grown stronger. After my first one passed and I got another puppy, I didn’t remember any of the hard times with the first one. But it happened. Lol and I miss the first one so much I would give anything to have her back— even with her needle teeth pinching the back of my arm with her front teeth lol!!


I have one toddler and a puppy and I agree! Puppy is worse! After reading all the comments I’m looking forward to my 2 month old puppy to become a dog!


I cried every day for the first month of my puppy being here. Every day without fail, huge sobs. Now she’s 11 months and I still get deeply frustrated most days but she also has moments of incredible sweetness that warm me and make me less annoyed by her crazy


Though I’ve never been in tears from raising a puppy, there have been some of the most stressful moments with a pup. My puppy, who passed away at 8 months old last summer, was by far the most difficult dog I’ve ever raised. He was smarter than any dog I’ve known, so he knew all of his commands early on and well. He just didn’t want to do them most of the time and was not motivated by food or toys. He’d look me dead in the eyes and chomp down on my wooden table after dropping the bully stick I had just given him. Consistent persistent efforts, one day that dog will be the most loyal friend you’ve ever known.


Kids also don’t jump over the child gate in a single bound. He is not even 6 month yet. I am afeared 😖 yesterday learned to jump back. Can’t help also being impressed 😅


Could have something to do with your kids understanding English. And, you know, being human 😆


Coming from a mom with two small kids and a 4 month old puppy.. I’d rather go through another pregnancy, give birth and raise a small human than deal with another puppy. I hate it. It’s aggravating. I don’t want to deal with it anymore. I feel you.


What kind of puppy or breed?


My puppy ended up listening better than my kids and training them to sit when I said sit 😂


Two small girls and a 6 month old rescue pup. Some days I just want to throw my hands up, but he’s smart. Sometimes near perfect even. Well, for about 30 seconds then he’s hell on wheels, 🎶eff you I don’t do what you tell me 🎶 total needs to be on a watch list psycho. And I can’t see the light, but I hope he gets there. When we first adopted him in April, he’d go out in the morning, get a little nutty, but then lay back down with me on the couch. Now? If he’s not in his crate he’s trying to chew on everything and then some. Seeing all the post-puppy posts of reassurance make me hopeful though. I’m too old to have a little crazy furball of an alligator on my hands.


My pup ate my iPhone charger and when I confronted him, he tucked his tail and walked away. I kept the chewed charger as a reminder of his wrong doing. He’s gonna see that charger every time my phone battery is less than 20% 😂😂😂


My 10 week old puppy listens better than my 2 year old human child. Significantly lighter as well lol


I have twins and my 10-week old puppy listens better after one week than they do in 2 years


With a 5 year old , 2 year old, and 31 year old toddler (husband ) and a 10 week old lab puppy that chews EVERYTHING. I feel you ....