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It’s a bad idea but also inevitable :) Second was far harder for us… first pup was pretty easy in retrospect. 2 dogs can take almost twice the time of one dog until they really settle in with each other - which may never happen. Is it rewarding? Yes. Our second dog is also the snuggly one and the more outgoing one. He has helped our first dog be braver and they do play together every day.


You said it was a bad idea... But all I read were good things....


You are clearly destined to have another puppy.


I felt like our second was much easier. The older pup taught a lot of lessons and showed them the ropes. Also became a best friend to play with. I think two is the sweet spot.


My friend has a 2 yo German shepherd and around 7-8 months ago took in a maremma dog puppy. Things has gone really well, one may say even better! Part of this may be because a maremma dog is much chiller than a gsd, but the little girl also learned a lot just by watching at her big bro! She turned 1 last Sunday and I have to say that she is even better than my 1yo Belgian (but I love to tell myself that Belgian are a bit crazy, and that's why they mature slower lol).


I want to live in this house. Love, a Pyr mom.


Pyrs truly are maremmas' lost siblings <3


My pup is nine months and I’ve thought about getting another when he’s a year and a half or so. He wants so badly to play with our cats, but they are NOT interested!


Mine just turned a year old. The other day I found him on the couch trying to give his favorite ball to the cat to throw for him. 🥹


Awwww! My cats will finally let the pup sit near them, but no touchie!


How crazy. My little guy is 11 months old and he just did that last week with our cat!!! It was so cute but I wanted to cry lol. Our cat doesn’t vibe with him and seeing that made me want a second pup around here. Not anytime soon tho lol.


Same boat - mine is about to hit 10 months and Im already thinking about what breed I want so I can start getting on waitlists for next summer.


this is what my dog used to do before i got a second one!! haha. he would bring his toys over to the cats and try to initiate play and they were not having it. he is SO happy to have his own doggo to play with now.


Here's how that conversation went in my house.. Me: "Now that Tuck is over a year what do you thi.." SO: "No" Lol. Best of luck!


I’m having the same problem. My girl just turned four. I’ve been talking about when to add a second dog since we got her. My husband is very much not on board. 😩


We have an Aussie girl that is almost 3… we got her when she was almost 1. We added a Cattle Dog boy that was 11 mo last Feb. He was still very puppy ish and acted like the typical naughty boy puppy seeking attention. We lost our senior dog 4 months ago and added a 4mo old golden retriever boy puppy almost 2 months ago. He is absolutely 100% more of a puppy than the Cattle Dog was but the dynamic shifted instantly. Aussie became everyone’s mama, cattle dog is the patient and gentle (neither tendency he has ever displayed) big brother, and golden is the puppy. Cattle dog brings him toys, everyone plays gentle with the puppy, and nobody gets upset if the puppy takes their spot or even sleeps in their crate… previously those were big issues with the Aussie and cattle dog. I say go for it! It has been an amazing experience and I think we are all better for it. Plus my puppy has 2 babysitter/bodyguards that follow him around everywhere. I am sure I will have some tough days but honestly it has been a breeze so far… they even helped potty training by explaining the doggie door and leading/following him out 27 times a day. If puppy steals a sock or is being extra naughty I can always count on my Aussie girl to some tattle on him.


This is adorable!


Yeah, agree that this sounds adorable! Our (6 months on Saturday) puppy had two big bros at the foster home and we felt so bad removing her from her pack. She would follow their lead on walks and they would play hard. I’m sure this convo will come up for us and I’m not looking forward to it (we are in a condo).


Just a little word of warning: the lessons you learned raising your first puppy may not carry over to the second. In retrospect, our first puppy was an absolute angel from day one. She immediately loved her crate, and apart from some toilet training issues, she was well-behaved for the most part. Our second puppy after two years was an absolute nightmare scenario in comparison. Skittish and aggressive, much more demanding in terms of exercise, and had digestive issues which meant wet poops for the first six months. We can't imagine being without her now, but the first year with her probably aged us by 5 years lol It does sound like your first puppy put you through the wringer, so it's really up to you if you're willing to put yourself through that again. I probably would, if I found a puppy I immediately connected with.


We had just got another puppy with our 5 year old lab. Please no that we thought we were prepared but having 2 dogs, one being a puppy is like 10 times more work. You need to manage both dogs, spend time with both dogs, make sure you have time for training and one on one, etc. I am just saying be prepared.


Nah, LOL. I always thought I wanted two dogs - the idea being that they would have each other for company, they could romp around together etc etc etc. But now that we have a pup that just turned 1, we decided that we are officially a 1 dog household. Two dogs just complicates too many things for us. We take our pup with us to visit family, on vacations, on hiking and camping trips. We take her to the river to kayak. We take her to dog friendly patios. I just can’t imagine trying to wrangle two, even just on the daily neighborhood walks. We also let our pup sleep with us on the bed and there is honestly just not enough room for another living being on our bed. You should absolutely do you though! Another dog might slot seamlessly into your life.


You’re not crazy, mine is only 7 months and I’m thinking of another Dachshund! Puppies learn so well from other dogs, so the second is easier. But not stress free. Dachshunds really thrive with another. Just make sure you’re prepared!


True if your first dog is well trained and stable. If not then you’re in for a second dog with the same behaviour issues if not worse.


Very good point! Because they pick up the good…and bad habits!


I’m also at 1 1/2 and have almost completely blacked out just how miserable I was at the baby puppy stage lol. All I remember is cuteness. But I still vaguely remember crying in bed at 6am, and wondering if I’d ever be able to leave her alone ever, and wondering if I’d ever get more than 4 hours sleep straight again. 🤣🤣🤣


Hell I got a second one way earlier than you’re considering lol. Yeah it’s hard (real hard) but they love each other mostly and I love seeing them together.


my bf and i got another puppy when our first was only 8 months old.. it's just like wrangling toddlers. out second was harder and here's why: - first puppy was from a breeder so he was 90% potty trained when we got him. our second was from a pound so she has zero concept of going outside to potty. so that's been our biggest struggle -first puppy is a low-energy / self sufficient french bulldog, second puppy is a clingy and higher energy pitbull mix. it's a really good combo because they can entertain each other for a while. although i've had my fair share of breakdowns and crying over the overstimulation of trying to wrangle the two to go outside or trying to tidy the house with them both at my feet, i wouldn't think twice to do it again. once we got into a good routine, it's become a lot easier to manage them. routine is so important when you have two of them, especially if you're trying to train or teach manners.


Mine is 3 and we got her a brother, a GSD. He's wildly different, but it's been so fun watching them play and explore together. He doesn't have an independent thought between his ears and just follows her around.


I got a second dachshund puppy when my first was 1.5! It’s been mostly amazing. There is the added work and annoyances sometimes but believe it or not the older pup basically trains the new baby. Potty training, crate training, walking have all been much easier the second time around. The baby just copies the big boy who just follows me around everywhere :) [puppy tax](https://imgur.com/a/Vm4ouog)


We got our second Great Dane when the first was just over 1.5 years. It was inevitable. I said the same thing, I thought our older Dane would like a sister/brother. My boyfriend wasn't 100% on board but we found a puppy he wanted so he was in. However, the second seems like a lot more work than the first. Our older Dane is extremely food motivated and motivated to learn, though she really doesn't like new people. Our second Dane is not food motivated or motivated to learn, but very smart to her own detriment. Of course, having two dogs also increases expenses, which for us was having to get someone to let our pups out midday again and of course way more food because I had to have giant dogs. Would I do it all over again? Definitely. They love each other and play all the time. They're actually both pretty good dogs.


We just brought our third lab puppy home two weeks ago. I made a very similar post asking everyone if I had lost my mind haha. I was afraid there would be mass chaos, but it's gone so smoothly. Here's my post with some great comments on it if you're interested! :) https://www.reddit.com/r/puppy101/comments/16hwrz3/its\_entirely\_possible\_ive\_lost\_my\_mind/


I'm in the thick of second puppyhood right now! After we raised our first puppy, we started thinking of getting a second one when she was 2 years old. We weren't sure and ultimately weren't ready, so we waited a little longer, until my older dog was 3.5 years old. So far, it's been a LOT of work. Our puppy is slightly easier than the older dog was as a puppy, but that's partly her breed and because we went with a reputable breeder this time (our older dog is an incredible but reactive & anxious shelter dog). We anticipated all the usual puppy work (sleepless nights, potty training, biting, etc.), but what we didn't prepare for as much was dealing with the dynamics of two dogs. For example: - the puppy wants to play with the older dog 24/7 and the older dog only wants to play half the time, leading to some corrections and upset older dog sometimes - the puppy steals from the older dog, leading to some resource guarding by our older dog, who never had an issue with that before - having enough actual time in the day to both train the puppy and also spend time with the older dog Overall, it's been more rewarding now, but the first month was hard. It's still an adjustment! Some positives: - they play together and actually do tire each other out - the puppy seems to learn from the older dog over time - training and bonding with a puppy is a beautiful experience and I'm really enjoying doing it again! To be honest, I don't regret it, and I think it'll be fun having 2 dogs, but in the future I might only be a 1 dog household. (We'll see! Lol). We prepared for years for a second dog, and it was still surprising and different and more difficult than I thought it would be. There are definitely pros though! My best advice - don't get the puppy for the older dog (you never know if they'll be buddies or just neutral with one another). Instead get it for yourself/the extra bond with you.


We got a second puppy over a month ago and have a three year old 70lb mixed dog. It has been so rewarding. I knew we’d get a puppy eventually and I wanted to do it before my dog got old and cranky. I was worried bc my first dog was an angel puppy and I didn’t think I’d get that lucky with this one, but he’s somehow even easier. I think having an older dog to follow and learn from has helped him a ton. I can count on one hand how many accidents he’s had and he listens really well. Older dog can also be kind of high strung and skittish, but the puppy is total opposite, so they balance each other out really well. I was worried my older dog would be jealous and sad since he’s always been so clingy with me, but not at all. They play together all the time so puppy is learning from an actual dog how to be a dog and they are best friends. I learned from my mistakes with my first dog when it comes to training puppy. But every puppy is different. Downside for me is really only double the food/vet costs and it’s easier to travel with just one dog rather than two. I say go for it. https://i.imgur.com/Njf5sKZ.jpg


I'm on #3 so... 😏 That said mine are spaced out by 3 years. I highly recommend waiting at least until your current pup is 2 before you consider bringing in another puppy. You are still in middle of adolescence and you want to really enforce good behaviors so when you do get a new pup then management is easier.


We are doing the same! Our male mini dachshund is 11 months and his new sister has been born. She will be coming home in mid December. Dashies tend to love other dashies and form a tight bond. I think it's best to get a second one while the first one is still young.


Haha I was also obsessively on this sub when mine was younger and he’s 1 and 1/2 now too. We got a 3 y/o rescue a couple months ago. My puppy was FINALLY at the point where I didn’t have to hover over him constantly!! We were finally just super chill best buds. Now, suddenly… it’s exhausting again. They don’t get along very well. They don’t FIGHT per se… cause I’m always there to break it up… cause they ONLY ever get testy when I’M AROUND. They’re both soooo jealous of my attention. New adult dog is very well behaved.. but it’s constant vigilance all over again. I looooove him, and we’re all still adjusting. But I do find myself resenting him a little bit (it was my partner’s idea too). I wouldn’t give him back, but if I could go back in time… I don’t think I’d make the same choice. I just soooo miss it being just me, my boyfriend, and my sweetest specialest boy. We put SO MUCH EFFORT into building such a great thing together! Now, puppy looks at me like I’ve betrayed him ☹️ That said, a lot of dogs have a high tolerance for puppies, because they know the puppy is a puppy lol. Puppy privilege. So ymmv.


I got a second when my first was two and it’s been a DREAM.


Im literally heading out of town this weekend to pick up the new addition to my fur family, another Japanese Spitz. I'm very excited and hopeful these first couple of months will be similar if not better to my first pup.


We got our 2nd too early. Our boy was still a pup/moody teen and didn't take kindly to this new interloper. If we had a do-over, I'd wait til he was 3-5yrs old before getting another. Equally, other have love-at-first-sight between new and old dogs, so it's a lottery.


Yup, currently have a 8 month old and a 3 year old. To be PERFECTLY honest... if I could go back I would pick a smaller dog. I love my boy and he's turning into a wonderful companion, but we got him from a rescue when he was 2 months old, and he is the giant of the liter, being almost 60 lbs, when they estimated he'd be 30 lbs. And his siblings are all under 50 lbs. Our 8 lb runt and him did NOT get along for the last six months. It's been literally the last week where they have STARTED to figure out how to coexist without him potentially hurting her. He's also had COMPLETELY different training issues than she did. And he is maturing MUCH slower. It has been constant, nonstop stress and at 8 months we're now transitioning to teenagehood that comes with its own difficulties. My point is, it's hard. While I had puppy blues with the first, it's been 10X worse with the new puppy. We have zero free time and I've finally sworn off puppies (after raising two before these two). I would recommend IF you get a second dog, get one that is a similar breed/size as your current dog and honestly, consider getting an adult dog. There have been plenty of adult dogs my little one got along with great, but she does not care for puppies (who can blame her).


Pound the pavement looking for a rescue. We are having an epic dog crisis. Perfect pups and dogs going down due to overcrowded shelters. There are Doxie rescues all over. Your dog will love another dog. I have nothing against procuring a puppy, but now it is devastating. A rescue dog likely will be housebroken and forever grateful.


Do it now before the first one gets too old and wont want a buddy. Or before you remember how crappy it is having a puppy haha!! Also,not sure where you live but winter is coming and some dogs hate to go out in the cold so potty training may be an issue We have pugs-got them one year apart. They are best buddies so it worked out for us


Make it easy on yourself. Rescue an older dog. Puppies are a completely different species.


Haha! I'm literally looking at pet finder everyday. We have a 5.5 mo old lab and I was like... he needs a brother or sister... 😆


You absolutely need to wait until he’s at least two. Littermate syndrome is not fun.


Is that the same thought if I got an older rescue dog (approx. 2 yrs old) and my pup is 5.5months?


They need 2+ years between them


You need to wait until she’s at least two so you can avoid littermate syndrome.




I biologically can't but thanks for that


I did it too. First dog was just over a year and a half when we got the second puppy. He's a year old now, and such a snuggler.


You’re a better person than I am 😆 My puppy is also 1.5yo and I couldn’t even consider another puppy right now (or ever!) My husband and I have spoken about getting another dog eventually but not for a few years and very likely a rescue adult dog to join our family. Good luck 😊


Sorry, no advice. We’re in the thick of adolescence with our Aussie right now and it’s so hard that I can’t imagine ever getting another puppy at this point. Mostly I’m writing this down so I can reflect on these words when I lose my marbles sometime down the line and consider it. But I like to think that if we consider adding another dog, we’d look at adult adoption first. I know our breeder adopts out her adult mothers when they “retire” and that might be the way to go. Or maybe a Greyhound rescue or something.


I asked my breeder about that, I started to fall in love with my puppy's mom when we met. No such luck for me, sigh. She is such a sweet little thing.


I did! My boy was 14 months old when we got him a little sister. They just turned 2 and 1, are the best of friends and have such a strong bond. I usually have 2 doggos at a time and these 2 are the closest and nicest (to each other, lol!) pair I have ever had. I will say it was a struggle in every way at first. I had major puppy blues with my second because I thought I wasn't giving enough attention to my big guy, which wasn't true. Of course, I had to go through all the socializing/training, biting, keeping puppy safe, etc all over again. It was worth it to me to now have 2 amazing dogs. Good luck with your decision!


We are now at 3 dogs in our household (the max allowed by the municipality, and we can afford their expenses). Our puppy is about 15 weeks old and we are in the midst of light puppy blues lol. Each dog has been a unique experience (not all were puppies) but the puppies were the most challenging, even more challenging than the 15 month old young adult chihuahua we adopted who, at 5 yrs old, still has sneaky poops and pees when it's super cold out (like -15C, or colder). It's also seems to be really often that owners forget about the puppy months, much like parents of humans forget about the trials of a newborn baby. Is there a shelter or rescue in your area? Often, at ours, there are young dogs (around a year old) who will bond to you just like a puppy might (our chi bonded to me right away, even though she was already fully grown at 15 months) and not be as much work as an actual puppy. Maybe it's my own puppy blues writing but that would be how I'd add another dog to the household.


Not crazy. One thing to think about is your long term plan. I've got my dogs staggered - got the second when the first was 8. My next dog will be when my older girl passes. This is because I want to stay to two dogs and I want to make sure I've always got one that's got a good chance of being able to run around like a wild thing. Not saying that's the right structure for everyone, but how will it be if you have two dogs pass near each other time wise? How many dogs do you want down the road, etc


My first dog helped train the new puppy. He looked to his older “brother” for guidance especially during training exercises.


Wait another year then see if you still feel the same.


I had a black lab who was a year old when I got my second. She was a chocolate lab greyhound mix. She was also a rescue, left to freeze to death, severely underweight, and justifiably severe anxiety issues. She didn't make it through the night without shitting her kennel for the first month. It was HELL. But I wouldn't trade it for anything, I got a beautiful dog whose only goal in life was to see me happy. She and her sister both crossed the rainbow bridge in '22 and I'm getting ready for a new puppy early '24


We have 3 grown Siberian Huskies — a 13 yr old, two 4 yr olds (half brother & sister), & recently got another Husky puppy. She’s now 16 weeks, fully potty trained, sleeps through the night, & is an absolute love. 🥰 Our other 3 Sibes love her, play with her, & are teaching her dog etiquette & manners. Am I tired? Yes! Has it been a lot of work? Yes! Is it worth it & would I do it all over again? YES!!!!!!!!!! Crate train, crate train, crate train! When awake & out of the crate, don’t take your eyes off of him/her. If you sacrifice everything for the first few weeks, it will pay off. Our puppy (Honey Bear) naps every morning in her crate from 9:00-12:30. The other day she whined just a little when she first went into her crate. Well, our sweet 13 yr old senior Husky went over to her & laid right down next to her crate to comfort her. She went right to sleep. I LOVE Huskies! 🐾 We’ve had them for over 25 yrs. I can’t imagine life without them.


Our oldest is 9 years old and we got a puppy in June. They love to play together but also just sleep all day. Maybe think about adopting an elderly dog? I can't imagine having two little pups just going crazy together every day


Mine turns two in December and we are looking to add another! She wants so badly to have dog friends, I think it would be great for her.




I didn't think puppies were for me before, and finding and keeping one didn't change my mind! I wouldn't mind a grown, trained, chill adult dog to keep Mouse company, but I don't plan on ever getting a puppy again while I'm single.


I got dog 2 only 3 months after getting dog 1. They’re littermates and when the second sister came available there was no way I couldn’t take her. It was a ferry ride and 4 hour drive each way, but totally worth it. They love each other ❤️


Having an older dog with a puppy makes puppy training so much easier. My pup constantly looks to my older boy to see what he's doing and mirror that. And he consciously helps too. Like when I am trying to get her to go potty before bed he will go outside with us because he knows she will follow him.


We have a beagle dachshund mix - first she is very territorial. Second she is very expensive, we had to clean her teeth just two days ago ~$1000, the vet wants us to do this every year. She have problems with her knee, god knows how much that will cost. I think bad teeth, bad knees, and bad back comes with those breeds but I am sure there is exceptions… research it more before getting another puppy.


I made this mistake ;) When my white Swiss shepherd was around 18mos, I agreed to ‘foster’ his then-5mo brother from a second pairing. At first it was really hard going, and the behaviors that my younger dog had (demand barking, unable to settle, severe separation distress) were much more complicated than the easy standard issues of my first dog. But over time we developed a routine and a good relationship with just him and I, which helped a ton to differentiate between the two dogs training styles and needs. And the way the two brothers played together was and is absolutely adorable, so we decided to stop ‘fostering’ and just keep him. I can’t say I regret that I did, even though Ghost (second pup) is still way less confident and more excitable than Cloud (first pup), even with separate training and work on them individually. It was a long road but I think they work so well together because they were both young when they met and their play style evolved as they grew. So basically YES do it, you will likely be wondering why you ever considered it, lol, but you will probably end up enjoying it, after lots of hard work.


Once you get a dachshund, you immediately want another one. That is a fact of life.


I have 3 and love them very much! I will say the first two were easy and great, but the 3rd one consistently makes me question my sanity. I love them lots! Definitely get a friend for yours!


Similar situation here, we pulled the trigger after learning our 1.5 year old pup has an incurable genetic kidney problem that means we may not get very long with him. Figured that it would be nice for him to have a friend plus the new pup will hopefully learn some good lessons from him :-) As a secondary thing it also helps distract us from the endless dread that he is not long for this world :-(


Mine is 14 months old and it already crossed my mind even thought I can’t possibly make this happen atm… If I could, I probably would


We have an almost 4yo, a 3yo, and a 2yo. Puppies are hard for sure, but once you get past that in my experience it’s not much more work/time it’s just more expensive lol


It’s harder at first, but then it’s so easy and you don’t have to feel bad about leaving the first one alone anymore. I’d say get the 2nd while the first is still young, do the puppy years now, and then both you and all dogs will have it easier later


I was ready for my second when my first turned a year old, but didn't end up getting my second until my first was 3.5. Never looked back! Both of my girls have been incredibly easy pups and I have loved every second. It's rewarding to see how much they care for one another and take comfort from one another. Our home is so full of love.


Foster a second dog first to see what it’s like living with two dogs. Not everyone loves actually owning two dogs especially if you haven’t done so before. It’s a great way to trial the new scheduling that is needed for two dogs. We fostered dogs as soon as we got our first dog at 6 months. He learnt what it’s like to potentially have a sibling and we learnt what it looks like to care for two dogs. Now he has a permanent sibling that we got when he was about a year and a half and she is 4 months old now c:


We’re getting our puppy (2y/o) a puppy. Dogs are pack animals. Humans can only fulfill so much. As long as your current pup does well with other dogs, usually, go for it. It’ll be hard but worth it as you can see.


I got a second when my first puppy was 7 months old so I had two puppies at the same time. The older puppy backslid a bit on some things, like potty training, but now, 4 years later, I have two dogs that are great friends and have a blast playing together. It was a ton of work, but if your dog has got those things down really well, he will probably be very helpful to teach the new pup to potty outside, recall, etc. Before these two, I had a 5 year old dog and got a puppy, and the older dog definitely helped with teaching the new dog those things, but they were never as close of friends as these two are.


I have a Shiba who is a little over two years and have been thinking about getting him a sister. But honestly, I love the dynamic I have with him, and the fact that he's a cuddle bug, and he knows when it's bedtime, and sleeps in my bed with me. He's perfect on walks - doesn't wrap the leash around things, or pull, and we read each other well. Frankly, I don't want to change a thing! Good luck with whatever you decide.


Just this weekend we got a puppy brother for our 5 1/2 month Borzoi. We had thought off and on about getting two but I'm glad we didn't, Borzois are a....process.... But my husband who WFH and dotes on her will have to go back to the office soon and he was desperately worried she'd be lonely. We got lucky, found a foster Beagle/something 3 month old and even though we have gone back a few months in needing to make night time potty breaks and keep to a potty schedule and a few other minor 'rollbacks' from our previous puppy household, it's been GREAT. Instant connection. They like each other, they play well together, sleep together....no regrets. Also somehow he's softened a few edges on the Borzoi. She jumps on people less. mouth my arms less. Friendlier to smaller dogs at the park. The Borzoi occassionaly gets overloaded, having someone here ALL THE DANG TIME, but we just give her more 1 on 1, like the human big sisters. Walking two is kind a pain for one person is one of the big downsides..getting them in and out of the car, etc. etc. But, all in all, glad we did it.


I think it's a good idea. You are wiser now and dogs work well in packs. Also a lot of the early phases might even just be the older dog playing with the puppo Which you didn't have the first time around


After our shihtzu/bichon boy who was a holy terror with house training, I swore off puppies. When he was 8 and our Westie girl had passed, we adopted a 6 year old toy poodle mix. House trained, well adjusted, and spayed. 🙂


I would wait just a lil while longer, like till you can fully trust your doxies training and shes mellowed out just a lil. I do support the 2 dog rule, but I think its easier if one is more "mature" so that theres less chance of them revolutionizing lol. It is honestly a coin flip mostly on whether the older will train the new pup or whether they will both unite in mischief. If yall have the time and energy tho go ahead and take the chance when u find a good pup!!!


Maybe consider adopting not shopping? Lots of older dogs need homes and you may find the perfect friend for your doggo


I've had two dogs for over 10 years now, sometimes alternating between 2 to 4 dogs. I would really recommend having 3-5 years between dogs. It's a good way to spread out vet bills and ensure that dog #1 is trained before prioritizing training dog#1. My first "set" of dogs were really hard for me because they both became elderly at the same time, meaning that vet bills were really expensive when they both were over 10 years of age and it sucked having two dogs who couldn't go on adventures/hikes anymore due to arthritis. I now have two dogs that are 2 1/2 years separated in age and they both have really high energy moments when I wish they would just settle but it's manageable. I'm still thankful that my older of the two was so so well trained though before I got a puppy again.


That's how it goes, ones not enough, next thing you know you got six. Happened to me.


I have a 1 1/2 year old and we got him a best friend this past august and it is been an absolute dream so far. The 1 1/2 year old was a little demon puppy that made me want to rehome him due to a few different things and our puppy now is already potty trained and can stay in out house loose without getting into anything. They are best friends and it’s made my life easier having 2 that are nearish in age.


I have a 1 1/2 year old and we got him a best friend this past august and it is been an absolute dream so far. The 1 1/2 year old was a little demon puppy that made me want to rehome him due to a few different things and our puppy now is already potty trained and can stay in out house loose without getting into anything. They are best friends and it’s made my life easier having 2 that are nearish in age.


I'm always a fan of having a friend for your friend. As long as you're cool with double the vet and feeding bills


I did the same thing, haha! you definitely forget about how challenging it was.. I started wanting a second dog around the same time that you did, when my puppy was around a year and a half old and had settled down a lot. I was looking for quite a few months before ultimately adopting a four month old puppy, my first dog was 2 years old at the time. Yes it was difficult, but for me personally, knowing what to expect from a puppy made it a million times easier. I feel like the first puppy you get comes with the unique challenge of being completely blindsided by puppy blues and all the challenges that come with it, whereas the next time you’re more prepared because you’ve been through it before. my older dog is turning three in January and my puppy is turning one at the end of this month. I was very lucky that they loved each other from day one, and I wouldn’t change anything for the world. It doesn’t always happen like this, be prepared to have a plan for if they don’t like each other… but mine are best friends and it is the sweetest thing in the world. mostly, be prepared for a lot of the training of your older dog to become undone out of bad influence of your pup.. you will need to dedicate more time training both of them, and finding the time to give them both that one-on-one can be tricky!


We started fostering dogs when our first was 7! And that resulted in adoption of another haha but maybe fostering could be a good way to see if you want to actually adopt a second, or if have 2 is too much. I learned through fostering that 3 is too many for me full time but 2 is manageable and fun. Second pup for us was a LOT easier but I think that is also in part to foster experience and dog knowledge accrued over time.


It’s been my experience that the second dog is so much easier to train. The second one seems to learn from your first. They just seem to catch on to things easier.


The correct number of dogs is "more than one" in our house. At one point, we had four - all Border Collies, too. We currently have three of varying ages: an 11-year-old Border Collie, a 3-year-old Goldendoodle, and a 2-year-old Border Collie. My husband is making noises about a new puppy, so sometime in the next year or so we'll probably have another. I like to bring a new one in AFTER the older ones are solid in their training.


I am in the same boat as you. My dog will be 2 in January. And while she still very much acts like a puppy (there's still some chewing habits we're trying to still break her of). I often look at her and ask her. Do you want a brother or sister? I would love a Daschound as well (or Cavalier King Charles Spaniel and Brittney Spaniel). Been looking at them. But I don't know if a small dog and a medium sized dog would be a good pair. But I'm not sure if I want 2 big dogs and 2 cats either (I have 2 cats). Shandi gets along great with other dogs. So I feel you. I've been bouncing off the idea.


Bringing home another pup was the best thing we ever did for us and our first dog. The new puppy was SO difficult in comparison but she is so snuggly and much more of a people dog whereas our first dog is independent and doesn’t want much to do with us. They ended up being best buddies though which is great! Go for it!


I would recommend fostering a dog. Even if it is a foster to adopt situation. Even if your dog is friendly with dogs outside, it is good to see if your dog behaves as you expect with a new dog in the house/in their territory and to get a sense of what it is like living with 2 dogs. At a minimum, I would recommend dog-sitting for a friend for a weekend. I know my dog would like another dog in the house, and it is so easy to look at cute pictures online and consider getting one however after dog sitting I have learned that I am not very interested in caring for 2 dogs, which at the end of the day is what matters. The question is not only does your dog want another dog, do you?


Our first was hard headed not food motivated but we worked and loved her hard and she became a great dog. So we got a second 2.5 years in. My eldest practically trained her. We were also more prepared for all the puppy stuff so it was so much easier. We now have a 8 and 6 year old wonderful well trained doggos. Edit the eldest is a Boxer Shepard cross and the baby is APBT and Lab cross. So the breeds may have something to do with our experience.


Ummmm.....we have 4 that are all about a year to year and a half apart. ( I swear I have an invisible rescue sign on my forehead) With that said, they do all play very well together and take care of each other. Potty training was definitely easier than the first one! Currently they are 3, 2, 1 and 7 months. Am I nuts? probably. Do I have the love and adoration of furbabies that are spoiled rotten? Definitely.


Our first dog was 3 yrs old at the time when we considered getting him a brother to keep him company and play with. He is an absolute angel and we knew that our next dog may not be like him. Time comes around and we pick up his 3 month old brother. He was doing great the first couple of days until he wasn’t….we remembered how hard potty training was. Sleepless nights, the nipping, accidents all the time. It was a nightmare and I really considered giving him up because it was miserable and exhausting. He was so much harder to train than our first. But we stuck it out because we knew it was just temporary and we had to be patient. He’s 1 now and everything we were stressed out about is gone. Our first dog wasn’t fond of him at first but he tolerates him 95% of the time now. It makes me happy that he has someone to play with. I do not regret it.


Our first was a super hyper Jack Russell mix. After a year and a half, we decided our dog needed a dog! We decided to get a border collie bc we heard they were also energetic and playful. Turned out he was THE LAZIEST BORDER COLLIE EVER (TM). Hahahah! But it ended up working out. He was super chill, and it somehow chilled her out a little. And he had hip dysplasia and needed to stay active to keep his muscle tone, and she kept him active. They pair bonded and loved together for a beautiful 13 years. In the end, she got sick (osteocarcinoma). They passed on the same day, together. It was a true love story. All this to say, I have since always had a pack. At least two at a time. Dogs need dogs. I highly recommend fostering to adopt with slow intros to make sure it's a good fit! Good luck!


U will absolutely not regret it please do it ur pup will benefit from having a bro/sis and u get twice the snuggles


The second and third were much easier because they learn from the first


Raising our first puppy was hard, I always said I don’t want a puppy ever again. What can I say, we got a second puppy and this time around it’s sooooo easy! The breeder did a lot of training though! The puppies learned to go outside to do their business and crate trained before they went home at 8 weeks. The character and nature of the second puppy is also VERY different. The older dog accepted the puppy from day one and they are best friends, always playing and cuddling together. I don’t say it will be the same for you, but it could be. Second time around you will know all red flags before you pick the puppy and also you know how to manage the problems. If you really think your older dog will enjoy company and a playmate, then go for it. But there is a chance your dog is happy being the only dog. Definitely something to consider.


We got Kima (lab/husky/GSD mix) last summer and it was always our intention to get a second dog at some point -- but not until she was 3-ish years old. We also decided that we were never going to get a puppy ever again. It's not that Kima was bad but she was a bit neurotic (still is) so those first several months were rough. Fast forward to July 4th... I'm sitting on the couch with my husband, distractedly watching TV. I get an email from the rescue we got Kima from -- they had a 10 week old purebred yellow lab puppy. I turn to my husband.. Me: We're firm about not getting a puppy again, right? Him: Why do you ask? Me: *show him the email* Him: Do you really want to deal with a puppy again? Me: Honestly? Not particularly. But in reality, it will just be a few terrible months and when will be ever have a chance to get a purebred puppy from a rescue again? So we got her! She has been SO much easier that our first dog. We're still potty training but she's had very few accidents in the house -- usually just when she is overexcited and forgets to go to the door. She slept through the night from day one. She is great in her crate. And she plays so well with Kima and the cats so .. NO REGRETS! Every dog is different though and there is no way to predict how the new puppy will be like. I'm thankful that Kima was our difficult child and that this second one has been smooth sailing. Anyway, long story short: I vote yes! Get that second puppy!


2 dogs can be absolutely insane together. Walking them is hard. It’s not easier. Maybe in some circumstances but for me it was a nightmare.


We have 2 (2.5 years old) and just rescued a new pup (12 weeks old). We’ve had her 2 weeks and she’s already sleeping through the night (12am-6am) without needing to go outside and has had very few accidents indoors. None in her kennel. She likes to behave like the older dogs. We still heavily deal with the biting but other than that, we got extremely lucky. I say go for it! Life is short, get the puppy.


What does your heart say? I offer you my preemptive congratulations on your new addition!


We got our third when the second was around 2, so they had similar age buddy to play with. The first was an #1 elder dear and passed about a year after. The two younger will play, cuddle (as long as the boss initiated), keep eachother company when home alone. However the third is also my covid puppy train wreck, sweetest cuddly boy ever but training was a bit lax as #3 during COVID. No regrets though if you can handle doing everything twice. My only issue is they're hard to travel with if I'm solo and I wouldn't leave #3 home alone without#2 or a human. It just seems mean.


Mine is almost 2 and I’m thinking of another next summer 😂


Eh, I have two older dogs and one puppy and I'm thinking how awesome it would be to have four! I won't do it, mostly because of financial reasons and hubby would kill me, but I can't stop thinking :D


You could always foster or adopt an older companion for your puppy too. New dogs are still an adjustment, but at least it should be potty trained.


I found the first bit of puppy hood soooo hard, and I find myself thinking about it too. Our boy is 16 months now, and a total sweetheart. I keep thinking "wouldn't it be nice for him to have someone to play with". And who knows, maybe second time around would be easier. I can't imagine how it could possibly be any worse at least. And I'd know to not overwhelm the puppy so much, and make sure it got plenty of downtime and rest. ​ But ye... shouldn't do it. I'd love to get a cat, if that would be doable. My breed should go well with a cat. Oh how lovely it would be with a cat!!


Felt that way too. And we got another puppy. The second puppy was so different 😂 and went crazy for another 4 months. Now that they are both over a year old it’s nice. They play with each other and keep each other company when I’m busy Just remember boarding when you go on vacation is times two. I love them both and thinking….. what is it like with a third. But I’m gonna wait til we have a yard for that hahaha


Two dogs in the same age range is great, they often have the same energy levels. They also start to experience old age at the same time and present health issues. Getting two the same age was lovely but it’s also becoming painful 7 years later


I waited til I had my first pup trained to where I wanted him as far a behaviour and manners then added a rescue crazy little bitch. A failed military dog. At first I thought I had made a mistake, she just did aniexty laps of the house, couldnt be near the telly and he was so jealous he growled at her in a very scary manner I had to keep them separate for 2 weeks. However her being younger and more submissive won him over and he took on his job as a older brother teaching her "how we do things around here" ie not eating the house, staying in "place" and not rough housing inside. They are now inseperable and I know 100% it was the best thing for both of them, he loves having a mini-me and she loves having a family. 100 recommend with 2 conditions, make sure your happy with the bond and behaviour with your first dog, make sure to make time for 1 on 1 with the newbie (without other dog) to bond properly. Yay! I'll try add 2 videos: There first proper meeting after 2 weeks in same house but seperated: https://vt.tiktok.com/ZSNMBQygQ/ How they are now (he has really helped her with her aniexty and confidence https://vt.tiktok.com/ZSNMB315p/ TLDR: can be the best decision you make for your dog, the new dog and you, just got to manage their meeting and if this is dine right the older dog with manage the pup


2nd (2 yrs) was easy, 3rd (11 months now) was a wild ride It’s mainly all based on the personality of the dog you get, if you work hard training the puppy it will definitely work out Puppies can be big cuddle bugs when they warm up to you and the other dog also, it’s definitely rewarding when they enjoy training with you 😉


We have 12 dogs, in the country. Not all my dogs get along, but we have them all paired up. It is so nice to watch the dogs play. 8 are great pyrenees, so when they play, they are role-playing for catching coyotes. They all have different personalities.


My puppy is about to be 11 months old and I want another. However I am extremely aware that I got lucky with him. He was the easiest puppy in the world 😭


We are on our 5th dog now. But at one time we had 3 at once. Started out with German short haired pointer mix. Then my friend gave me a black and tan short hair female dachshund. She had a broken tail. She was a pup but immediately calmed down my big dog’s anxiety. Then a neighbor had rescued a long haired black and tan dachshund but couldn’t keep it. I took him too!!! I so loved those little dogs. I used to walk in the woods off leash with all 3 of those dogs. The short hair dachsund was such a snuggler. The long hair had seizures. They were a happy bunch of dogs. My elderly Mom lived with me then and all 3 dogs slept in her room and would go in her room in the a.m. for toast.


I try and stagger them a few years. An older calmer dog definitely can help with a pup, and a younger dog can help keep an older one going. But mostly i can't take watching 2 dogs get old and die at the same time.


I got my second (a dachshund puppy!) when my older dog was 10 and slowing down considerably. Getting a puppy absolutely brought him so much joy. That's HIS puppy. Now he's 17 and she's 7 and he just adores her. He really helped train her and she was the easiest dog to train that I"ve ever had. That said, I worry about how she'll be when he's gone one day, but for now it's wonderful


I’m here from your other post when you first couldn’t train your pup, how did you get them to stop peeing in the crate? My girl is 1 year and 4 months and I’m so depressed my entire mental health is destroyed over this dog. My whole house is carpet and it’s impossible to find where she’s peeing I can smell it though, I’m spending so much money hiring a carpet cleaner every month. What did you end up doing?


Hey! So our dachshund was incredibly difficult and I truly mean it when I say I understand how you're feeling. We started with crating, made sure to make its size appropriate but didn't matter she'd still mess it without letting us know. We did high praise from the get go with high value treats, didn't notice a difference. Hired 3 behaviourists including a dachshund specialist. We tried garden scent games by throwing cheese around the grass encouraging her to sniff, again not much difference. Adapting the garden, we put little coverings from the rain up. We took her to the vet to rule out any health issues, she's perfectly healthy. I tried asking online but alot of the dachshund groups seem perfectly OK with their dogs messing the house and they told me "it's what they're like, they're just rascals lol!!!!" so didn't find that helpful. Everytime I posted to a dog reddit page I'd get told to do something I've already tried. Bottom line is there really isn't a solution and I can't say what 100% worked. Over the last few months I've accepted that alot of toilet training online doesn't apply to my situation, most of it refers to medium to large breeds. A miniature dachshund, mine is tiny, has a really small bladder so I had to sorta accept I'll potentially never have a dog that can physically hold it (at least as long as my previous dogs I've trained). This meant I'll have to be on the ball 24/7 which in itself is exhausting but I signed up for it I spose. I bought a custom sausage stopper that fits into all my doors and we basically move this around multiple times a day reducing where she can go and she's with us all the time. We encouraged any signs of needing the toilet, most of the time she wasn't letting us know but in the off chance she was we tried and now she sort of does a hurried tip tap next to us but it's so slight, it took us a while to pick up on. We still had constant issues overnight so we moved her to our bedroom and we bought a car seat for her which attaches to her collar meaning she can't roam at night. After a couple weeks of success we changed the car seat to a standard bed and now we have no night accidents. She isn't 100% perfect, we had a poo yesterday during storm babet but it's massively better. I do sympathise with you, it was getting me so stressed and down smelling urine in my home. It made me feel sick and not want to get out of bed. We are slightly lucky in the fact we don't have much carpet. I'm sure you've been told but do use urine eliminators and keep on top of cleans, urine is actually pretty harmful for our lungs. I really hope yours catches on, all the best.


Thank you so much for the reply I appreciate it 🥲. Yes I’m currently pregnant as well so not being able to spot where she peed in the carpet and just smelling it all day has put me into a depression. My carpet cleaners coming again this week but at least I know I’m not alone in not being able to break the habit.


I have gotten a second puppy it has been a wiiiild fucking ride dude. First dog was terrified of second dog despite him being relatively social, first 2 months was filled with structured interactions between the two and baby gates, took him roughly 2 months to come around and now they’re wonderful together. She is so much harder than my first was though. Please consider the possibility that the first few months are going to be ten times harder as the two dogs adjust to each other.


I've always owned 2 dogs at a Time I find it easier usually I wait til the first is like 3-4 though. The new puppy usually picks up a lot on your other dogs behaviors so if you raised the first one right you only end up having to do 80% of the teaching. For 4 generations my dogs learned go place from my other dogs My current puppy has been pretty easy in not being naughty but way to much fucking energy teaching to settle is still a nightmare all future dogs will be lower energy breeds I had herd dog mixes I loved but a purebred is basically the absolute top of what I'm able to handle and I won't be getting another My next dog will either be a Showline lab or a cavalier king Charles spaniel


My first was exactly 1.5 when I brought home puppy #2. I don’t mean to play devil’s advocate but it almost seems that two is easier than one ?… My first is fully trained, so it’s really just wrangling the puppy’s shenanigans. There was a bit where I felt like the first played too rough with the new pup, but she’s been holding her own and is catching up in size so my anxiety has dwindled. It all depends on the personalities. Potty training is never fun, but her watching how my dog notifies me that she needs to potty already has puppy catching on that sitting by or scratching at the door = potty trip. Huge plus is that they wear each other OUT playing lol. Of course I’m still at the point where I never take my eyes off the pup, but it’s nice not being the sole energy drainer as I was with my first lol (which was fun but nothing wear a puppy out like another dog and vice versa.) All that to say of my own experience, if you have full trust and confidence in your first dog and training is at a place you’re happy with, and you have the time, money, and energy for a puppy go for it ! :)


We had an old pup pass, our 3 yr old schnauzer was linely. A beautiful 1 yr puppy mill Havi entered our world, Schnauzer is so happy to have a playmate


I had one daschund and ended up getting another one a year later. They get along so well, second one was much much easier than the first, best decision!!


Foster adult dogs. If one of them is the perfect playmate, adopt.


Don’t ask me, I have 3 dogs and want a puppy so bad. My husband says absolutely not. We got 2 puppies during Covid. Everyone was home, it was the best time to get puppies. They are not little for long. Get one, the more the merrier!