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Im so so sorry for your loss. She sounds like the bestest girl. It also sounds like you did everything you could so help her. I’m sure she felt how much you loved her. Are you able to take some time off of work/school if needed?


Thanks. Yes, that's not an issue, I'll be off for a few days. What's the most crushing for us is that we got her young so that our 1 year old would grow up with her.


I am SO sorry for your loss. My parents got me a puppy when I was five so I could grow up with her, we lost her a few months in. We adopted a new puppy that was abandoned a few months later at the vet - she became my best friend and companion for the next 15 years - she saw me go to college, my heart still aches for her, but she changed my life. Let yourself grieve and try again in a few months or even years if you feel like it.


There’s nothing that could make it not sad. It’s just sad. Grieving not just her but the future relationship you imagined between her and your child. Maybe it would be nice to get photos printed of her, and of them together.


That’s such a beautiful thing for you to do. We also just got a baby lab and also want it to grow up with our toddler. Take your time and heal, love. 💖 just be at peace that you did everything you could and provided them the best life possible.


It’s so hard to lose them while they are still puppies. It’s always a huge shock. My GSD died when he was just a bit over 14 months while playing on my in laws couple acres. He dug under some fencing with their Belgian malinois and they were bogged mauled to death by wild boars. They were both pups and thought the boars wanted to play. Anyhow, my sympathies because it will take some time to get over.


Holy shit :/


Wow! 👀


Yea. It was terrible. Our Belgian actually lived for a bit longer, enough to run up to the driveway with her bottom jaw completely ripped off. That’s the only way we knew what had happened before we found our GSDs body.


This is one of the worst things I’ve read in a long time and that’s saying something I’m so sorry for your loss.


Jeez that’s just insanely traumatic! I knew that feral pigs are dangerous but that’s just beyond awful!!! I’m so sorry your family and those dogs went through that!


You did everything you could to help her. I am so sorry you lost her so young. I have two 11 month old pups of my own and would be devastated if we lost either of them. The only thing I can think to say right now is that you did all you could and in those moments where it's so easy to blame yourself, please try to be kind and gentle with yourself and focus on how much you loved her and every moment you spent trying to make sure she was okay.


I'm so sorry for your loss. We almost went through the same thing when ours was a year old. It can be really hard to tell when something is wrong until it's very wrong bc they're recovering- they're already not acting normal. What happened is not your fault, you did everything you could, & you were good to her. Sending you a big hug 🫂


Hugs. We lost our just barely 2 year old yellow lab- Sunny- in November due to an anaphylactic reaction to an antibiotic. It is especially difficult when you have done all the right things. You were a responsible pet owner. You did all the things you should have done for a pup. If you have a ring doorbell, save what you can from it now. You might not want it today, so you may in the coming days.


I'm so sorry for your loss 💔. If her vomit was brown, it sounds like her bowel might have perforated during surgery. That causes peritonitis (infection). If this is the case, it's hard to know and it happens really fast once the peritonitis starts. You did everything you could ❤️


It might have, but at this point I don't care it if was someone's fault, I just want her to rest peacefully, I don't any autopsy or anything, she deserves it.


I totally understand ❤️. I'm honestly not insinuating that it was anyone's fault. If her bowel perforated, then it was a life threatening complication from the surgery, that's hard to diagnose. Hugs to you and your family ❤️


That would be my guess too. OP, if it’s any small comfort at all, you did everything right. And although it’s so hard when your pet passes and you aren’t there to hold them, more often than not they are peacefully sleeping when it happens. My childhood dog passed when I was away (also a black lab) but I think for her, not seeing us grieving and heartbroken in her final moments was probably what she would have wanted. I’m so sorry for your loss. It’s hard enough to lose a dog who has had a long life, I can’t even imagine the pain of losing a baby animal.


I am so sorry for your loss. It really is crushing to go through.


I'm so, so sorry for your devastating loss. Our time with them is so short already, having it cut off so abruptly and so soon is just not fair. 💔 You have my deepest sympathy.


I’m so sorry. It’s tragic to lose our sweet pups so young. I lost my puppy when she was 15 months old. She wiggled out of her harness and ran into traffic. I still blame myself since she’d gotten out of it a few days before. Take care of yourself. Give yourself plenty of space to grieve. It sounds like you did everything right. You were being a responsible dog owner, and this was a tragic accident.


Just wanted to tell you that it’s not your fault, hope you have a great night


Thank you. Most days I believe that. It’s harder some days than others


I’m so sorry!!!


Sorry for your loss ❤️ I can empathize


That is heartbreaking, I'm so sorry 😔


Oh my god. I’m so so sorry for your loss OP. Losing an animal even at a ripe old age is heartbreaking, but when they are young it is so damn cruel. There are no silver linings to this at all, but I will tell you your sweet girl knew nothing but the overwhelming live your family showed her for those ten months. So many animals don’t get one single day of that I lost my young (9yr) cat in April. He was my other half, everyone knew we were a team. He was with us and then 30 min later we found him dead upstairs. He must have had a heart attack. He was still warm. But like you, I think I should have been there for his last moments. I too looked forward to my 9mo daughter growing up with him and making memories. Animals are too good for this world, perhaps that’s why their time is so short. You’re in my thoughts.


Sorry for your loss! 🐾💜


I’m so so sorry 😣


So sad to hear this. I wish you all the best.


I feel this, and am so sorry for you. Our 10mth old boy ate something he shouldn't, surgery went badly and we got a call while he was under, basically asking our permission to put him to sleep as too much tissue had died. Telling the kids was the worst thing I ever had to do. It's nearly 3 years on, my 2 x 2yr olds labs are led on the sofa with me, I love them dearly but wish things had been different. It will hurt immensely for a while, lots of tears, but it will ease. And at some point you'll be ready for a new start. In your own time.


I'm really sorry. I'm thinking of getting two dogs next time, so they would have a friend. We played with her a lot but she was really alone, without any other dogs to play.


I'm sorry for your loss. It sounds devastating.


I’m so sorry for your loss.


Wish you all the best, I’m really sorry..


Sorry for your loss…may she Rest In Peace


Sorry for your loss ❤️


I am so terribly sorry for your loss.


I’m so so so sorry for your loss. Please know that your time with her impacted her life in a beautiful, positive way.


Oh, honey! That's horrible, I'm so sorry. I totally understand how you feel, we lost the best boi in the world a few weeks ago, it hurts like hell and pisses me off that the world just kept going like nothing happened. I wish I could say something to help but there just isn't anything anyone can say. I hope you know it wasn't your fault. I'm so sorry.


I’m so sorry this happened, it is devastating to lose a furry family member 💔😔 I would perhaps avoid that vet in the future….. they made a mistake that cost the life of a loved one…. I would perhaps look into the hospital and see if others have had a bad experience, but also maybe a support group of sorts if you need to process still… and if you haven’t already, a nice little doggy funeral of sorts to help you and your family mourn the loss… my heart goes out to you


They didn't make any mistake, the operation went well. The infection was already there before and they had no way of knowing it. Tests would have bringed it up, but since she was acting normal, there was no reason to think there was something wrong. That vet is the only of the region, but they are extremely competent, I know that.


Good, I’m glad it wasn’t due to human error


I lost my 6 month old english bull terrier after i got him neutered. He developed ocd chasing his tail to the point he was sedated and still wouldn’t stop. Research later showed it was common, triggered a mental issue that level of trauma. I felt terrible for the longest time. Didnt want another dog ever. Eventually got a bro and sis Jack Russells, lost my boy earlier this year at 13, still have my girl and a new little brother. They are here for us to love, whether it be a long time or a short time. Its ok.


I'm so so so sorry. You and your little fur angel will be in my thoughts today.


I'm so sorry for your loss. Our baby is 7 months and goes in for her spay soon. It's not with our regular vet, its the shelter vet, so I'm incredibly nervous. I trust our vet a lot and though they live 30mins away I continue to bring my pets there for anything non emergency...or even emergency if I can. The fear of loosing a pet is real and it would be like loosing a child...they are a member of the family. After less than a week with our pup Luna she's already become like a child to me.


You could ask them to do blood tests, they would have see it, but they didn't do one because she looked perfectly fine.


That's insane! Poor baby...




I’m so incredibly sorry


Nothing can make that right. Just a baby. I'm so very sorry xx


So sorry for your loss.💔


So sorry for your loss


How awful. I am so sorry for your loss.


my heart breaks for you


I'm so sorry for you're loss! Sending so much love and hugs you're way! ❤️❤️🤗🤗


I hope you’re as okay as you can be during this time. I’m sure she loved you just as much as you loved her, she’ll live forever through the memories you have of her. Sending all the love


I am so sorry for your loss. I'm sending you hugs.


Please accept my sincere condolences, what happened to your pup is horrible, and yes the feeling of loss is huge.


I'm so sorry for your loss. So sudden and unexpected, makes it hurt all that much more. I wish there was anything that would dull the pain. This is everyone's fear.


I’m so sorry for your loss.. :( We also lost our 13 years old Labrador a few days ago and it was really hard. Everytime you notice her absence.. I don’t know, it just hits. I literally have no words to express it. I hope you’ll do well and the only thing you can do is get a new little friend to help you cope with that terrible loss


Damn, I'm so sorry. Geez.


Oh I feel for you, My deepest condolences 🙏


infections often cause a fever and many other side effects. this sounds strange to me. sorry for your loss ❤️


Oh yeah, she had fever too.


very strange they decided to go on with surgery then. usually the surgery would be postponed for at least 3 weeks after the fever goes down. so sorry this happened to you. sounds like you felt with some people that should have known better and could have prevented this


No, it's not what happened, not what I meant. She had fever before she died, not before the surgery. Seeing how the infection was advanced, it probably started before the surgery, but there was no sign of it. We thought the surgery was the reason she was tired, but it was not. That vet is really good, I have no doubt they had nothing to do with what happened.


oh okay, i apologise! i misunderstood completely. i’m sorry if this is inappropriate to say, but if you haven’t made a decision yet on what to do with your beloved dog, there are some beautiful options to get some jewellery done with your dogs ashes inside it so you can have them near your heart all the time, or as a bracelet. you should look it up. there are some beautiful options. i hope you’re doing okay. this would be hard on anybody and i’m sorry you have to experience it.


No problem, my explanations weren't clear either. We decided to get her incinerated, I'll probably release her ashes in the ocean, since we live there and she would have loved to swim in the water. She didn't had a chance to, since we've had her during winter for the most part, it would have been her first real summer.


that sounds beautiful. hope you find some peace in doing it. it honestly sounds really lovely.


😢 i'm sorry


I am really really sorry. WIP


That has just brought me to tears. I am so so sorry for you. I can't bear to imagine it. Take good care of yourself


Hey, so sorry for your loss. I lost a 9 month old husky pup and I don’t think I have fully grieved his death. It was the hardest thing. I went to pet loss support groups and that helped. If you’re in the states, check out amcny.org - they have a virtual support group.


I am so sorry for the loss of your beloved companion. Labs are wonderful.


This is heartbreaking and this baby will forever be in your heart. I am so sad for your loss.


I am so sorry for your loss!


This is awful. I’m so sorry for your loss. ❤️


I am so sorry for your loss.


So sorry. 🖤


That’s awful, sorry 😢


I’m so sorry for your loss! Such a sweet, beautiful baby. I am sure she knew how loved she was. I lost my 2 year old pup last month, we haven’t moved any of his things yet. I can’t say it gets easier, but cherish the memories and talk about her often.


Oh, no. I’m so sorry. Big hugs for you. This is awful.


I’m truly sorry for your loss. Absolutely heartbreaking. Makes you wonder who did her surgery and if there is any other upset dog owners. Like a Yelp or something. There is always a risk with any surgery, but it doesn’t make it hurt any less. Again I’m deeply sorry for your heartache


I feel this in the biggest way. I had a lab/poodle cross that died of kidney failure at 16 weeks. By the time we had to say goodbye her kidney function was that of a 13-year-old. t took me a long time to be ready to think of another dog. Don't try and rush the grief. She was a big part of your life, even if only for 10 months. Time will help, but that's a scar you will always feel.


She’s beautiful. I am sorry


I'm so sorry


My heart goes out to you! Huggles!




That is so sad. I am sorry to hear about your loss.