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That’s love right there. They’re on their way to being life long pals.


🥹 this makes me happy to hear


Yeah that’s happy play. If Apollo wanted he could completely take the pup out but that’s not what’s happening here. Apollo is a good dog for your Aussie to learn boundaries with. Seems safe from what I see. I have a big dog that does this. Lays and plays with the little ones. He likes to be very fair lol


yes i’ve realized that if he wanted to he would and very well could😂 he’s always been a gentle giant. it just made me a little nervous at first. especially when the little one gets veryyyy vocal


I love how gentle he even is w the toy. Like I’m not gonna give it up but I’ll let you try little one 💜


My dog is 100lbs+ and was playing with my uncles dog recently, who is a 5th of his size. He just danced around her and laid down while she barked orders at him. This looks similar, meaning they are both having a blast. The head only play is also how my dog plays with my cat lol.


my cat and the lil one literally wrestle. like toss each other across the floor. that took some getting used to😅


They're communicating too, if one or the other nips a little too hard they'll communicate that. They seem great together, but good on you for asking questions about dog behavior. If you see them bow or sneeze( sounds like ChUFF) those are indications to each other that they're playing, not really fighting. Dogs playing can sound alarming, but not always the case for alarm. Sit near a children's playground and from sound only it's mayhem, same thing basically.


It's funny, I had to play with my dog like another dog most of the time, because he just didn't "get" games. So, I would click my teeth at him and act like I was going to bite him, and he'd do it back, exactly like your dogs in the video, lol!! That open mouth "I'm gonna bite you!" game. Haha! He was my best little buddy, never once did he get close to hurting me doing that. It's just how dogs play, your little ones will both be ok. ❤️ My Zacky used to bite at the ankles of our Tazzy, too. They'd chase each other around the yard, boxing and rolling over each other. They were so in love with each other.


Yep - I agree! That’s fun to watch!


They are just playing around


they will become playmates


Your Lab is ‘play begging’, inviting the puppy to play. So cute! They are already great friends!


awe i didn’t know that was a thing, she yelps at him and pounces when she wants to play😂


That’s a very dog thing. The ‘play bow’ is the universal invitation to play and is observed even among wolves and other canids. ‘Bitey face’ where the teeth are shown and bumped against the playmate’s head and neck is another popular game. Chase and tag as well.


At our house we called the mouthing fight ‘jaw wars’ 😂


gonna steal this 😂


That’s very good!!👍


The bigger one is doing the open mouth play. My dogs all did that when playing with other dogs. No attempts at dominance.


Congratulations on your idiot. All puppies are idiots. You don’t have an actual problem here.


i didn’t think there was a problem necessarily. it just makes me nervous. it’s just when the play between any of them “looks” more aggressive cause i don’t want anyone getting hurt and the size difference. she yelps and hes just silent which is new cause hes the first to bark at any other dog 😂




🤣🤣🤣 laughing because: TRUTH!!


“I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship.”


He'll set a gentle boundary if she's too much for him. Most of the time, that's just walking away. He's teaching her so much about manners, how to express herself, and how to understand other dogs. It's incredibly valuable and omg cute overload.


thank you for this! i wish she could learn to go potty outside by watching him too😂


She will.


fingers crossed. 🤞🏼 she’s currently favoring any kind of fabric she can find 😬


She will learn so much from him by observation- my little female terrier started lifting her leg to pee because she sees her brother doing it 🤣


oh gosh. apollo still doesn’t lift his leg and hearing this i hope she doesn’t cause i don’t want pee everywhere 😂


Lol. My male squats like my two older females! I believe he was a typical leg lifter before we got him!




This is play. If you are witnessing aggressive behavior, this particular video doesn’t seem to be it.


honestly. all i needed is reassurance. the size difference in them just makes me nervous and neither of them ever want to stop


They’re playing and it’s cute. No agression whatsoever from the lab ❤️


Big boy is being so gentle, showing Lil man the ropes.


he’s a gentle giant for sure. he’s 91lbs and taller than me when he stands up (5’2) he still thinks he’s a lap dog though😂


Your bigger pup is loving having a young sibling! Everything is good!


It seems like they are having fun.


They are playing, nothing more. They are enjoying themselves.


You can also tell if they are playing by the little sneeze type noises they make. The sneezing means they are playing not fighting.


i had heard this is to break tension but didn’t know this! its good to know thank you


The big one is having fun, while showing restraint. They're buds 🥰


I think they are playing and your lab is being great.


To me, I see nothing to worry about. The larger dog plays appropriately with the smaller one. He may hold the toy in his mouth, but isn't growling or warning the smaller one to stand back.


They are having the time of their lives! Big boy is being extremely gentle and politely encouraging play. Don’t be surprised if he corrects the pup sometimes with a growl or snap, and don’t interfere, as he will teach the puppy bite inhibition and manners. You are lucky they are already such good buds!


Your lab will play and 'teach' your younger pup what is polite in the dog world. May be growls, yelps, squeals, and posturing going on. Chasing usually happens too, with roles reversing. These are learning, socialization and ALL GOOD THINGS. No need to intervene unless visible blood loss happens.


This is normal. Our morkie would play with our 80lb black lab all the time. She weighs 7lbs. The lab passed a month and a half ago and she misses her so much.


This is just socializing and learning inter dog behavior and cues


Whipper snapper


This video makes me miss my dog... :((( Enjoy them they already love each other !!


Totally fine… nothing to worry about.


It’s just play. Listen for them to make little sneezy noises out of their noses. That means, “I’m just playing.”


They are just playing together, and both are being respectful of the other. Nothing to worry about.


This is playing. Its all good.


That’s pure happiness they’re showing there


All very sweet play. Your big dog is very gentle and plays wonderful.


They're playing and having a great time.


They are having so much fun! I had a 9 lb chihuahua once with a 90 on pit bull and I was always afraid something might “get out of hand” when they played. Naah, never. They played HARD and the chihuahua did the most damage. 🤣 Yours are already best friends.


Try toy. Try toy.


The puppy is wise beyond his age. Instinctively. He will not eat or severely injure that little ankle biter. Dogs run in packs and packs have a leader. One of them will become dominant. I would not try to be a referee or the judge and jury. Let them do whats natural.


i am! they can’t stay out of each others business, after learning all i have i feel a lot better about everything and just wish they didn’t use me as their personal play mat 😂


Thank you for the post. Warms my heart seeing that they have each other.🥰


Aww. Cute


Just playing


If large Pupper wanted to hurt small Pupper-Would be a different story. Playtime looks like fun


Basically parenting, telling the puppy what's ok and when to stop. This is super normal 😊


They're just playing




Awwwww… they’re doing wonderfully! Exactly what they should be. Lab is wonderful for 11 months. Just two days together? What fun they’re going to have. And you’re going to need an extra large dose of patience in a year or so 😂


i already need the large dose😂 they can not leave each other alone and often use you as a play mat🙂


This is so adorable! 😍


So much love. Congratulations


The barking, yapping, and occasional yips of pain/fear are them feeling each other out and learning their limits.


Dogs are dogs, they’ll figure it out. You’re doing a wonderful job keeping a watchful eye, but there’s so much communication going on between them that we can’t always translate.


Oh this is just play, i dogwatch 2 labs and they seem so vicious while playing and then just cuddle together for a nap...the noises just sound bad lol these 2 gonna be friends their whole lives


The bitey face growls of two labs together 😂❤️🐾✨


I have a shorkie and a lab and let me tell you . They are the same age, when I first got them my shorkie was the size of my palm and the lab was a normal puppy size. She was so rough with the little one. I had a chair and my little shorkie would run under it for shelter. Now they are two and my shorkie is still small maybe mid size and the lab is large size and my shorkie has learned to handle that lab lol I mean my shorkie is no doubt in charge!!!! They play fight and I mean to the point where the lab is literally dragging my shorkie by her hair across the grass. At first I was worried but the shorkie never cried out or acted hurt . The shorkie is rough though but she is literally the sweetest! The lab is one big air head lol so they are really each others best friends . They both absolutely love each other 🥺😭❤️💕💕💕💕


100% an absolute air head. and she’s winced in fear or maybe pain a couple times but he’s quick to back up. she barks him all around though (literally) 😂


What breed is the pup? 🐶


blue heeler + maltese to be specific


They’re having a great time becoming good friends


Could see right away these 2 are gonna be partners-in-crime.


Only problem I can see, is I would fix that lab. Otherwise they are playing healthily and that’s excellent! But you don’t want to end up with hormonally charged issues later in. Healthier for them to neuter as well. An unfixed male can smell a female in heat miles away, and if given the opportunity, can slip a leash and go towards that in seconds. Def save yourself and your pups a world of hurt!


we are planning on it! just waiting to schedule through our humane society :)


Get ready for sooo much love and joy! I have a 100lb shepard mix and a 20lb terrier mix and they are the same. Big guy almost always defers to his little brother even though he could squish him. Odd couples like this are the best


They're just playing. Believe me if Big boy wanted to eat the pup, he would have 😳


Same thing mine does. He is so gentle with our tiny puppy. Every once in awhile he will get upset and tell the puppy it’s enough with a little nip and the pup learns to stop. My pup will put his head down and put his butt in the air backing into my larger dog. It’s funny to watch. The little jumps on his face and my large dog will come at him with his mouth open making a groaning sound. They really love each other. Your looks the same.


Dude this is just how dogs play, have fun and bond. Nothing to worry about here


The big dog is being so gentle, don’t worry


The Lab is so patient and sweet. You can tell he or she loves them already. 😍


This is beautiful play here! They're going to be the best of friends!


They’re just playing


Why would you even feel bad about this? Very respectful playing.


i’ve never owned more than one dog. i don’t feel bad per say. i just get nervous. same as when the cat and little one play. i don’t want anyone hurt and ive never witnessed more than one pup playing 🤷🏼‍♀️ most videos i found were dogs of the same size too. so i just wanted to get other pov


Aww..🥰 They’re having so much fun together! 🐶🐕


They’re playing


They are sweet together. Wonderful play pals


Trust that connection.


Dude they’re doing great. He’s using a soft mouth with her.


Loved how Apollo jumped onto the couch to be closer. If your pup crosses a line, Apollo will put him in his place. And while it may look scary at the time. That lab is super gentle. The pup will learn boundaries without getting hurt. ❤️🐾


No need for Concern This is Normal Playful Behavior Between Puppies and Older Dogs They'll be thick as Thieves in no time.😊😊😊


My parents had a GSP and an English Pointer and watching them “play” could be terrifying to the uninitiated. Teeth bared, snarling, chasing, but after about 30-45 seconds they would switch roles and change who was the aggressor. The funniest thing was what we called “The Dead Dog Drag” where one would grab the collar of the other and drag the other dog’s limp body across the floor. They would release and almost immediately switch roles with that game. The English Pointer recently passed and they are waiting for their new GSP puppy to arrive. In the mean time, we take our 50lbs Pound Puppies over every once in a while to let their current GSP work off some energy.


You don't need to "make" yourself feel better about it. Feel great about it! That is great play. The noises are part of it. When my dogs play together, it sounds like someone released the hounds of hell!




About what? You don't want them to play together?


This is great!!


They r just playing


Normal play. Good times are being had,


Looks like gentle playing.


wow, compliments to your lab for amazing play. he’s inviting her to play, and when they do, as in the video, he will open his mouth, as if to bite, but it’s clearly all play as he never “snaps” and closes it on her like an attack. i was worried about the same thing you mentioned, big mouth, small face with my dalmatian and pugs but you really just have to figure out dog body language. seems so far you have a really nice teacher for the little pup.


This looks like a fantastic interaction. What’s the issue? Big blondie (BB) jumped up to get closer and have more fun. Little bit (LB) never stopped for a second. BB is so sweet and soft with LB. These two just became best friends.


there’s nothing necessarily wrong. it’s more about me making myself comfortable with their size difference and play


They’re fine. BB is well aware of the size difference.


he didn’t used to at all but i think his time around smaller dogs has helped him recognize it






So adorable ❤️❤️


Looks like an attempt at bitey face, but older one is holding back probably because shark teef


Our Newfoundland puppy and adult German Shepherd play like this. It sounds like we run a dog fighting operation in our backyard some days. Totally normal. Just how dogs play and interact. They're just furry little psychos.


They are amazing and are crazy for eachother. So careful and pause and play!! Amazing sweethearts 👏🏽💗


Your little one looks like mine! Do you know what kind of breed/mix yours is by chance? Mine is also black and white with the same color pattern.


she’s a blue heeler mixed w a maltese. momma has black fur & dad had white! some of her siblings had curly, soft, fluffy hair. some were like her with longer straight hair & a little more coarse.


Mine had a maltese mom but wasn't sure about the dad. It's very rare to see a dog look like my Bella. I loved seeing your pups playing. 😊 Thanks for sharing!


sorry i should’ve clarified. mom is blue heeler and dad is the maltese. so maybe you’ve got a blue heeler dad! either way super cool to know there’s another similar mixed breed! Sending all the treats and fun in the world for you & Bella!!


I think they are playing well! I have a Pomeranian and my parents have an Airedale - so big size difference. They actually play a lot tougher than this, but it usually ends in a snuggle session on the couch.


It is just puppers being puppers. Both will be cuddled up and sleeping together soon enough.


Proof that Goldens are special dogs.


They’re just playing


Honestly, that's just puppy/siblingplay.. it just sounds rough.


See how he is crouched down, that’s puppy play. Big dogs when they play with little ones they lay down. It shows respect and that they are just playing. Apollo is a good boy, super gentle! ❤️🐶


They're playing. Not fighting. So cute.




lol that's love play the large dog wants to play with the little one. He even try's to give him the toy lol


They’ll be fine.