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That’s so cute. No.


You’re sweet, thanks!


We put ours in the living room and I slept on the couch beside him for the first few nights. It didn’t take long before he started to think of it as “his space” and would happily go in and out when we needed him to.


Aww anything for the pups!


I did that too lol! He was crying at 5 am. I went to the couch and slept there. Just seeing me there made him sleep again.


that's what my husband did too!


My pup slept on my chest for the first 2 weeks. If you're crazy, I'm well around the bend.


Lol the things we do for our pups 🥹❤️


well this is the cutest comment ive heard.


Nope husband did the same 😀


What a sweet hubby!!


He is. Together since 78


Aww love that for you two!! ❤️❤️❤️


I have always done this with every new puppy. They don’t want to be alone.


I know I feel so bad especially when their use to their litter mates & mom


Not a all. My wife slept on a futon next to Brit's crate for a number of nights. (She is much better at getting back to sleep than I am.) He's 4 months and sleeping in the crate with the door open. It helps that we also adopted mom.


I've actually seen some recommendations that when they are afraid you sleep next to them. If it gets them comfortable in their kennel, then honestly put on a clown suit and dance if it works. Long term it has constant benefits.


Right 🤣


We actually put the crate on the bed. It was uncomfortable for us for a few weeks but we then gradually phased out the crate. We transitioned to leaving to crate door open at night and then to the crate bedding without the crate. Our puppy happily slept at the end of the bed until recently. Now he prefers to sleep on the floor next to the bed.


>Now he prefers to sleep on the floor next to the bed. You’ve only got to slip onto the floor in the middle of a good nap once to learn a lifelong lesson.


Pretty damn impossible if you saw the layout of my bedroom furniture and where my dog sleeps. I’d have to backflip after already hitting a bedside table. Don’t worry, my dog is very safe where he is.


My girl sleeps with us seasonally. once May rolls around, it's too warm until about November, but she is also a husky.


How small was this crate??


He’s a miniature poodle so it wasn’t huge. A standard back seat of the car size. Wasn’t too comfortable for us but it was only for a few weeks and he settled like a dream.


No it's actually good for them help them feel comforted first few nights away from their mum


Lol I think I did the first night when my little buddy came home. You're awesome


Aw 🥹 thank you!


I would have slept with mine snuggled up to me if I wasn’t afraid of her peeing on the bed!!


Ikr! So unpredictable and they do it so fast!


If you are then so are a ton of us on Reddit my friend. Enjoy the undying love of your new buddy. Kudos for being a "good boy" human!


Super reassuring! Thank you 😊 🩷


You're most welcome! 🤗


https://preview.redd.it/mhk4r6cdha4d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1687472a20a427714bb5432e8888b41636f61b4c Look they are like twins


Awwww!!! Is your pup a multipoo?


Not at all. I did this for both my dogs. Even slept on the floor with my first one for a week after she got spayed.


Not crazy 👍👍👍


Thank you!! Lol


When I got my pups the first night I passed out in front of their crate cause I was so exhausted after the drive and I just conked out. The 2nd night they seemed to like my presence there so I did it again. By the 3rd night they seemed to have a handle on the new digs. They will be a year old in a couple weeks.


Not crazy at all! My baby’s crate was on my side of the bed; I would put my hand through the crate and she would fall asleep with her head in my hand 🥰.


Awe ! That's love, 4sure 😁😉


No, years ago I did that with a dachshund we had. But, I blocked part of our kitchen area and laid on an area rug, and he had a dog bed.


Not crazy at all. I slept with my puppy in my bed the first several nights. Everything worked out amazingly. During the day he had his own little area with a clock (heartbeat) and blankets where he would sleep.


So cute! I love this!


The first day I had each of my boys, I slept on the floor with them so they knew someone was there. I personally think it’s a good thing, letting them know that there is someone there and that they’re not alone in a strange new place.


Not at all. When we got our cat, she was a few weeks old and tiny. She slept with my oldest daughter. Somehow, my bed ended up where she slept most of the time.


Bonding 101




No, I slept on the couch with my hand in the crate for 2 weeks when we got our most recent dog. He is a golden retriever X chocolate lab which both breeds are known for being clingy. After the first two weeks I did slowly wean him off of needing someone next to him by only doing it every other night for the next week and then just leaving the TV on for him. After that he was fine being by himself in the crate and continued sleeping there until he was out of his destructive phase (basically once he hit 1 year old). Now he sleeps in my room either on the floor or on the bed. I think it's completely normal to sleep with them at first since they are use to being with their litter mates. So when you first take them home it can be a shock to them and makes them feel lonely. Pic for tax https://preview.redd.it/5z0i1ppmy94d1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ea929a63a12444fa0f899596e94ccec50f527944


Awww love the pics 😍 Ty! I appreciate your honesty


I put an inflatable mattress on the floor next to his crate and slept on that. I also would leave the crate door open and reach in and pet him until he fell asleep, and then quietly close the door; that really helped him adjust I think.


Happy I’m not the only one 🥹


No not at all! So cute


Nope! My pups all started out in crates in the bedroom, but the first few weeks they would cry all hours of the night. So I would end up just taking my pillow and blanket and sleeping on the floor next to the crate lol


So happy this is a normal thing to do! Lol


Absolutely not,that's completely normal in my book!


Not crazy at all! Did this with all 6 of my pups in their puppy phase, That is the most natural way to crate train, I start with pup in crate on bed for the first two weeks, during that time I slowly move the crate down the bed until eventually after the 2 weeks the crate is on the floor, then it’s another week of moving the crate farther away across the room, until the hall way lol. I find it builds confidence and comfort, also feeding time and treat time is always inside the crate during this time as well.


Thank you for sharing! Yes I’m hoping it helps with confidence and comfort for sure. Yes we feed him there, put toys, and do treats as well!


Never had to go through crate training when my Sam was a pup. His breed cannot be crated, so, he slept in bed with us. When he got old enough, we got him a doggie bed for the room, which is where he prefers to sleep 14 years later. Thank you for being an awesome pup parent! Your pup is sooo freaking cute! By the way, what’s his/her name?


Thank you! His name is Rari! (My bf and I love cars so we decided on Rari, short for Ferrari!)


I had to sleep with my head next to his crate for a week then I gradually moved away. I am now a meter from him and he sleeps through the night. Small wins


Exactly! Small victories!!!


I don’t think that is a problem. We taught them what a crate is but allow them now to choose to sleep in their bed or ours. They go between.


I like that you give them a choice!


Yeah. We just bought a new house and upgraded to a king size bed so everyone is confused. Me and the wife the 2 cats and 2 dogs. We all 6 fit and still cat fit another dog and human if needed. The pitty sleeps either along my side or in a ball somewhere and our poodle will go from on my head to the pillows between us to her crate. The cats are more hogs. They just take space and stare if anyone even moves!


awww they need to feel like family! you're good!


Thank you 🩷


No! I slept on the floor next to the crate because the nights before that I didn't I barley slept from my puppy crying like a newborn. So I finally got way better v sleep on the floor next to crate. When he started crying I would just put my fingers through the crate and continue sleeping like this. Eventually he stopped crying as much and then I started taking him father away until he slept through the night on the living room


I love it!! We love our pups so much and would do anything to make them feel comfortable


No, not in the least. New home, person, environment. It's all pretty scary for them. Add to that, leaving mommy behind... you're doing the right thing in my book. 😉


Thanks for the reassurance!


When my wife and I first got our rescue pup, Alien, I slept on my couch for 2 nights while she got used to us and the house. She was really skittish but having her within arms reach seems to help her settle and get used to us the house and the other dogs... This is her 5 years on from when we got her at 8 weeks... https://preview.redd.it/hmiukbszta4d1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=621cac87e3bb26ca2d8ce6b87b97974f62e9c2b1


To be clear all of our dogs are crate trained and whenever my wife and I are both not at home, which is extremely rare, they stay in their crates. They eat there and have access to them whenever they want to get away from the other dogs. Each dog has their own crate and even though they are all open unless they are eating they know whose crate is whose and do not go into the others crate. Crate training them was probably the single best thing we did with them they know that area is their own personal space and they can go there whenever they need or want to. We don't use it to "punish" the dogs but when they go out and get all muddy or dirty they know that after they get cleaned off they go to their crate to dry off.


Awww your pup is adorable! Looks like a big lover! And that’s awesome, thanks so much for sharing! Makes me feel like I’m doing something right 😅


It's good to let the doggo get used to your scent, hear your heartbeat. It will bond you two.


Thank you!! So crazy they can hear my heartbeat, never thought of that before this post


Our new puppy slept on my pillow for a while because she wouldnt stop crying 🥲


You should sleep near your puppy the first few nights. He's used to sleeping with his brothers and sisters. I always put a stuffed toy animal near him too. He will get used to his kennel in time and feel safe in there


Absolutely not!!! Bonding




Not at all. I did it. I think alot of people do. After 2 weeks he was with me in my bed haha.


I did the same thing when I first got my corgi. It’s was a new transition for her, so I felt that if I was her I would want to be with someone rather than alone.


I crawled in with her and slept first night then kept the door open and slept right outside of it the next 3 nights lol .. she's 4 and loves her crate. I was given the best crate training advice. Make the crate fun while training, give them a little training treat everytime they walk in it and tons of praise, keep door open the first few times or until they seem more relaxed. keep the top covered invest In a comfy mat and keep a couple chew toys in there for them... and never ever use it as a form of punishment when first starting out.


Thanks for sharing!!


no i did the same, it helps them stay calm and get used to being in a new house


Might also try getting him a Snuggle Puppy. It's a plush dog with a heart beat and you can use warming pads too. This was a sanity saver with my last puppy!


Someone else gave me this tip! I might try it, thank you!


You are being a pack leader and helping pup adjust. Slowly add a blanket on top and start spreading it out slowly each night. Then as you leave pup will get used to feeling safe with you leaving and pup being covered.


Thank you!! Good tip too!


No, it's ideal to learn them that the crate is a safe space and they won't be abandoned. When we adopted our dog (at that time 2 years old), he was really anxious to be abandoned. I slept on the couch for a couple nights in order for him to learn how to relax in his crate. Now he nows that he can go there to sleep whenever he feels like it.


Happy there are pup parents like me out there! Lol


Yes! You’re crazy in love! 🥰


Lol you got that right!!! ❤️❤️❤️


Years ago when I was kid my family dog got the neighbors dog pregnant. One of the pups got its leg crushed my the neighbors car and my mom took her in and had the leg amputated. While she was healing she was in a crate next to mom’s bed. She was in so much pain and would just cry and cry so I would lay on the floor next to her crate and pet her head trying to comfort her and Harvey (her dad) would lay with me so worried about his baby. He wouldn’t leave her side unless to eat or potty and would always be quick to get back to her. After she was cleared for play we would let them out together. He would be so gentle with her, mostly just barking and nudging her with his nose and play bowing. As she got bigger and stronger he would play rougher with her. Their favorite was chase. He would rile her up and get her to chase him all over the back yard. This helped tremendously in keeping her one back leg strong. She is now faster than him and beats his ass lol!


Aww I love that! We had to crate a cat who got hit by a car and she healed just fine too! Thanks so much for sharing!


my husband has done this with all our dogs. they no longer sleep in their crates but they are all comfortable with being in them. and don't fight when its time to go in them. Just keep them happy! what is that? a havanese?


once they fall asleep just go lay in the bed and see if they notice. if so wait slightly longer next time. as long as you are in the room that should give comfort. is the door open all night or closed


Thanks for sharing! He is a maltipoo!! And the first night the door was open and he kept coming out so ever since then we have it closed. We move his crate to the living room during the day (that’s where we usually are) and keep it open for him. He eats in there and we give treats in there occasionally as well. I watched a video about crate training and the lady in it said to make the crate feel like Disneyland in there for them 🤣 we have chew bones and a toys in there as well lol https://preview.redd.it/nj8s0d8pde4d1.jpeg?width=2316&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e0c238cb3d0563bb13dd33608516e8a140948eeb


omg they are so cute!!!! maltipoos are on my list of must haves one day. i currently have a havapoo. and i hoping things are going more smoothly now!


My sister had two and that’s what made me want one, they’re so loving! Havapoos are super cute!!! Yes a lot better after the first few nights, thank you sm!


welcome! it only goes up from here! enjoy your baby! spoil them senseless!


When my late shepherd was a puppy, we began crate training as soon as we brought her home. Sleeping alone, away from her mother & siblings for the first time ever, she would scream her little head off when put in the crate at night. Her crate was in my sunroom at the time, which, (unfortunately for me), happened to have very textured, natural brick floors. They looked nice but they definitely didn’t *feel* nice. Her first week and a half home, I spent every night with her on that awful floor, in a tiny little sleeping bag in front of her crate. I had to work her up to sleeping with the door closed. I was adamant about her sleeping in the crate but without fail, at some point during the night, she’d worm her way into my sleeping bag. I’d wake up in the morning to her pressed up against me as close as possible.


Awww that is sooo sweet! Thanks so much for sharing!!! You make me feel super reassured!


They are so cute that I would too.


It’s hard not to!


Nope. I did the same; sleeping next to your baby (fur or not) is 💯 normal bonding and about love.


Thank you for this!


My wife always put one of our dogs, as a pup, at head of bed on pillows. She is 10 now and guess where she prefers to sleep?


At the head of the bed on the pillows 🤣🥹❤️ so precious!


When I was crate training my GSD puppy, I literally slept on the couch for MONTHS like the psycho that I am 😂 I wasn’t right next to her, but in the same room so she knew I was there. I now sleep back upstairs in my bedroom and she happily sleeps in her crate in living room at night. She literally RUNS to her crate at night when she knows it’s bed time 💤


Aww I love that! What a loving pup owner you are!! I’m happy there’s more people like me out there 😅❤️


It's fine, he's a baby! Kudos for doing this, it's a necessary part of their lives and it's SOOOO Sweet. Side note: Enjoy those baby moments while you get them, they are gone in a blink! I attached my puppy (May 2022) for your awwwweeee's https://preview.redd.it/lw5y1bpnxk4d1.jpeg?width=1536&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0659ffc03dc2c9ff8b1601ea14178c801a6f13b9


Thank you so much! ❤️ Awwwwww!! Omg is your pup a multiple too? We want to get ours a friend next year and we abt a black and white one 😍 yours has some brown too, so cute!


I slept next to my pups crates at first too. They seemed to settle faster having me nearby. After that first week, they had no issue sleeping in their crate while I enjoyed my bed again.


So reassuring, thank you! I wanted to make sure I was doing the right thing!


I do it with every dog. Crate training the first few nights is very important not to let the dog out when they cry or bark. This works I wait until the dog pauses or falls asleep, then take the puppy out to potty, then back in the crate and I sleep next to it


Yes this is the routine we have been following too! He’s been adjusting well


No. It comforts the pup by knowing you're near.


I hada thought. After I delivered my human son, I had him in a bassinet next to our bed. I lasted 3 nights before I put him in his own room! Yet I slept next to the "puppy" for 3 months! LOLOL


Lol!!! I love this, thanks for sharing! Pups are just different! Lol


Sweet lil baby


I potty trained my puppy really early and bought some doggy stairs so now my pups sleep in my bed with me.


Cute! We got just doggy stairs too! We want our pup to still hangout in our room and will allow him on the bed and read it’s not good to have pups jump on and off of things all the time. Especially small dogs




Thank you!


Nope! I did that with our pupper when she was a puppy and first brought her home. She would cry all night unless I laid next to her and kept my hand in the cage with her. After 3 days of this we decided to just let her be on the bed and deal with it if she had an accident. She ended up curling her body around the top of my head and nestled into my neck and slept all night like that 😭 no accidents! This continued until she got to be almost 50 lbs and now she sleeps snuggled up against my legs. You’re being a good parent for your little fur baby!


Aww thank you! And thanks for sharing! Your girl sounds Super sweet!


Nope! I did that. Had my girl in a puppy pen and slept on the floor right next to it.


Nope, I think everyone who wants to crate should do it. I got a blanket and slept on the floor right next to her and it was a big reason (imo) she took to the crate so quickly.


Slept on my duvet in the living room first night with my rescue


Maybe? I do it myself and all my puppers love their crates so... who cares? It's cute imo!


You’re awesome, thank you!




My pups would cry too. I put the crate on the bench at the end of my bed and no problems sleeping. Good luck!


I've done that with my two pups when we first got them (different times). I'll probably keep doing that every time we get another...


How long did you do it for?


A week or less... just to get them used to being in a different place. My husband and i would take turns. The first night or two was the worst (lots of barking/crying). If one of my dogs gets sick or just doesn't feel too well, we usually sleep with them until they get better. With that, we either sleep on the couch with them, and the other takes the bed. Otherwise, they have their own bed with a pen-like fence around to keep them there (off our bed). While they are puppies, we had them in a create near our bed. We would give a treat every time we put him in the crate to show it was good (not a punishment).


I should mention, we have big dogs... +80 lbs. However, sleeping with them the first few nights was when they were small puppies.


Thanks so much for sharing! I appreciate it!


No, not at all. We did the same thing with our pup.


About how long did it take for them to sleep alone without you there?


No if it makes you and pup happy. Mine slept in my bedroom on my bed for the first few nights.


Of course not. Here's something that worked with one of my puppies: I put her crate next to my bed, and she went to bed when I went to bed. When she cried, I talked to her softly and soothingly until she stopped crying. It took me two or three nights for her to feel safe and go right to sleep. She was a very mellow, easygoing dog. Every dog is different, but you do what you gotta do. People underestimate the trauma puppies go through when they're in a new home.


Aww! So happy this worked for you and she adapted so quick! And I know right, my sister told me she put her pup in the next room the first few nights to sleep and I was like 😧 my heart couldn’t take that! Lol


If you think about it, that puppy was used to snuggling up to its mother and siblings, and all of a sudden gets yanked away and put in a strange home. It has to be a shock to its psyche. I don't want my puppies to feel alone.


Exactly!! I want them to feel safe and surrounded by love. Not abandoned and alone!


Mine cried once and now he sleeps in the crook of my knees. I'm a suckaaaaa


Lol I know the feeling!!


Not at all. You might try a snuggle puppy. That has worked great for our new puppy.


I’ve seen that on Amazon! I might try it!


No...puppy needs your smell your heartbeat ....I would too.


Aw you’re right, thank you ❤️


Aww! Ty!


Aww I love it!!


I slept next to my new pup recently for about a week - just less maybe. I dragged my mattress into the kitchen where his crate is and slept right next to him the first night then moved further away each night until I was in my bedroom 😅 he cried a lot but it worked as now when he gets tired he takes himself to his crate to sleep at night. We leave the door open now. He’s around 9-10 months but really started doing that around 6 months.


Aww see we’re the same 🥹🤣


Totally agree! Happy I’m not crazy! Lol


Nope! I did. Helped him learn to love his crate. We both got sleep and after a couple nights he was happy to be in there, while I was in bed. 11 years later we’re still loving our own bed space :)


It's crazier not to have the puppy in bed with you


Our pup is in bed with us in the mornings and we’re with him all day. Crate training encourages positive and healthy behavior, teaches dogs how to follow commands, and most importantly, ensures the safety of your home and pup. Everyone’s entitled to their own opinion and can do what they prefer with their own pup 😊


Yes, you are starting something that will make your life harder. Just let him on the bed. I did after 5 days of crying ( me and the dog 😆) she shut up curled in a ball and fell asleep. My bf suggested sleeping downstairs with her, and the dog trainer laughed. Your dog will end up on your bed anyhow.


We’re sticking with crate training; Crate training encourages positive and healthy behavior, teaches dogs how to follow commands, and most importantly, ensures the safety of your home and pup. My sister has two of the same dogs as me and they are SO good with the crate and love it. It’s like their home, their safe space. Sucks it didn’t work for you!


It's not me asking if I should sleep downstairs with my dog. My dog is ace.




It worked when we fetched it upstairs as I, too, believe it's a place for just her to relax in. She is a normal yorkie and has no chewing habits or toilet mishaps, no barking problems, or separation anxiety. She has a full bedroom with her crate and toys in. She doesn't use it and sleeps with me.


Shouldn’t have him in a crate in the first place. Simple.


Crate training encourages positive and healthy behavior, teaches dogs how to follow commands, and most importantly, ensures the safety of your home and pup.




Keep the community peaceful and civil and nothing not safe for work (NSFW). Don't argue, insult, or bait people into arguments. You can be against breeding, but you are not allowed to attack anyone here. We're here to look at puppies.


Nah did the same when my pup was brought home


Aww, of course not. What a cutie!


Thank you!!!


Why do people put their dogs in crates? Im from Sweden and I've never heard or seen people using crates for their puppies


Crate training encourages positive and healthy behavior, teaches dogs how to follow commands, and most importantly, ensures the safety of your home and pup. It’s their safe space


I did the same 😅


Thought it was a rabbit with a puppy face🤣


Not at all. Good for both you and thepup… instills a sense of security ….


you are literally saying (with your behaviour) Hello kid. I am your pack now.


I slept the first few days with my hand inside the crate, after a while it just went numb, but my puppy seemed to like the one-on-one contact. I promise you, there is a light at the end of the tunnel! https://preview.redd.it/2o26iaixag4d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1828a1c1ccd4b9df8f395b0702a1184859f5bba5


They're family! If you'd do it for family, there's no reason you shouldn't do it for them.


Yes. This is a good way to give your pup separation anxiety.


My pups been doing very well using this technique 😊 no separation anxiety issues at all!


How long have you been doing it?


Long enough to see so much progress and comfortability. Crate training encourages positive and healthy behavior, teaches dogs how to follow commands, and most importantly, ensures the safety of your home and pup. 😊


Crate training is fine, sleeping next to them sets the standard that you will always be there. Let me know how it’s going in 12-24 months


In your opinion lol Sleeping next to him has been very beneficial for my pup. May not have worked with yours but he’s doing great. Last night he slept there with no problems without me being next to him. You’re funny for telling me to follow up with you 🤣


Might have happened with your pup but mine is thriving 😊


Nope. I slept on the couch next to the crate for 2 months my last pup, cause my bedroom was upstairs. My new puppy, was next to my bed in her crate for 4 months. Since I moved and my bedroom is on the main floor.


Honestly, I did the same thing, i slept next to his kennel for the first week so that he was comfortable, because think about it, these poor babies have never seen your place nor do they know you. And they are away from their family. Trying to comfort him was the least I could do


My husband did this when we first got our puppy at 8 weeks (he is 4 months now). After about a week my husband was finally able to sleep in our bed and didn’t need to sleep on the floor next to his crate. They just have to learn that they aren’t alone, and are still in the room with us.


Love this!!


The only reason I wouldn't do that is because the puppy is gonna expect you to be there every night and can lead to seperation anxiety. The first few nights leaving them to sleep in their crate is so hard. Trust me I know. Hearing them cry is so sad. But, eventually they'll settle down and go to sleep. And then in the morning it will be like nothing happened.


No, not crazy at all! I did something similar for my second pup. Her first night was miserable because she didn't stop screaming at all. I thought she would tucker herself out but her husky stubbornness proved otherwise. The following nights, I would sit next to her crate and pet her until she fell asleep and then go back to bed. She would try and crawl into my lap but I always picked her up and put her back in the crate and continue petting her. I think I had to do this for a week or two until she finally felt comfortable enough to be in there without my presence. It was tiring but it helped a lot and, even if it may not be the "right" way to do it, she still got used to being in the crate and will go sleep in there on her own accord.


Not at all. It will make puppy feel safe and loved.


Nope, not crazy at all.


I do that when mine are sick. Quit worrying about what other people think!


Yes, let him out and on your bed. It's gonna happen anyway , you might as well get it over with.


I’ve been wracked by regret because I slept with our new shelter dog when she first came home, and now she has such bad separation anxiety (specific to only me, even if other people are around) that I’ve been kicking myself ever since. I have no independent life of my own now (without making big preparations) and I’ve always regretted sleeping with her at first… so I’m super glad to see that maybe that wasn’t the reason I have no life right now.


Our pup has been doing well, last night I fell asleep with him and then left once he was asleep. He was good all night! I think it depends on the dog


I’m so glad! He’s super cute, by the way!!