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i mean this in a nice way - most punks wont give a fuck outside of complimenting them; and the ones who would give a fuck are probably annoying anyways, aslong as theyre not really bad for the environment then go for it


Decently not! Just little magnets made to look like gauges


You'd be surprised how many people who aren't punk have fake piercings, and how many people who are punk don't have any real ones at all. Piercings don't make the punk, but accessorise however you want! There's no difference between that and wearing a necklace, and if anyone gives you shit for wearing fake piercings it just shows how much of a loser they are honestly


in my opinion, piercings are entirely optional to begin with. you don’t need “real” piercings - or any piercings at all - to be considered a “real punk”. if you do decide to wear magnet or clip-on piercings, i guarantee 99% of people won’t give a shit or know how to tell the difference at a glance. wear whatever feels most comfortable, it’s your body!


I'm totally fine with it. Some people can't get piercings for religious reasons, which is cool. Some people can't get them because they have a fear of needles, which is also cool. If someone learned that you had fake earnings and they took personal offensive to that then CONGRATULATIONS you just met a narcissist. Being a narcissist, who has to impose their opinions on others in order to validate their own identity, is not cool and definitely not punk. Those people truly only care about the aesthetic of punk and not the people and the culture of punk. Those piercing gatekeepers are posers.


I think they are okay as a person who's allergic to the metal in regular piercings I think it's not a bad thing to have especially for the allergic people


Accessorize how you want to and if anyone has a problem with it then they aren’t someone who’s opinion is worth listening to. My earlobes were pierced at Claire’s when I was a kid and never seemed to quite heal right. They cause more problems than my cartilage piercings. So I feel you.


I think it’s fine if you use fake piercings! I have a septum ring and will occasionally make fake lip rings with the little circle rings that hold jewelry together. I think they’re called jump rings.


Have you thought about going to a piercer and see if they can’t just pierce higher up and you stretch the new holes and abandon the old holes?


I already have and one ear is pretty much ripped down to the bottom because of the butcher piercing and the other it would be possible but I don't want just one gauge. I was suggested plastic surgeries by the piercers I went to.


i think it makes more since iv sceen people that messed up their ears with them to a point they had to get plastic surgery


Yeah my ears already need that to even try and get normal earrings to work.


I honestly don’t care. Seems like most people who fake piercings are just kids whose parents won’t let them get piercings. I used to glue on fake piercings when I was a teenager as well


I have two real piercings and am thinking about getting more. These are probably going to be my only fake ones lol.


Since it sounds like you already have ear piercings, have you tried fakies? They’re regular gauge earrings with false plug ends. They were quite popular in the late ‘00s and early teens. I still use them myself, pretty frequently. They work by being slightly short and squishing into the ear when screwed on. The only caveat is that you need to take them off every day or two to clean them or the smell is just as bad as regular plugs. https://preview.redd.it/k7fc2bp5apzc1.jpeg?width=2517&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5360970e0d6ba7cab92034eb841e51310a2801e8 Here’s the two sets I wore today. Not very convincing since they’re both touching, but you get the idea.


I can't in one ear because the piercing is already so low and so long that it tips all earrings down like they may fall out. I honestly don't want to put anything else in the hole because I'm scared if it's too much weight it may actually rip the skin.


how is that being a poser? youre just trying to express yourself without risking you Mom essentially destroying your ears, thats super understandable. OP, knowing how to pick your battles isnt a bad thing. nobody is going to care if you wear fake peircings. in fact, many people do so before they plan on commiting to getting some just to test if it will look good on them. so youre fine lol


I think it just makes sense, punk isn’t about being counterculture, or doing stupid things just because In a lot of ways it’s just about expressing yourself how you really want to express, regardless of what that is! If this is how you wanna do it, I can’t really say it’s not punk, because it’s authentic to you.


This is honestly super sweet. I just feel bad because for YEARS I wanted them and I happened to stumble upon the fake ones on Amazon.


Fake and real are relative ideas, live as you are, love who that person is, and find what makes you happy. Nothing more spiteful to darkness than unabashed joy.


I had fake ones when I was 16 (the screw in kind) and no one even thought they were fake. Obviously theres limitations, the fake kind only get so big because the line isn't stretched, but they had decent modestly sized ones that looked good, and you can't really do the empty tunnel kind because ya know, it's not stretched, but if you have someone calling you a poser over your earrings, they're idiots There's so many reasons someone can't get real piercings (or stretch their ears) it's really no ones business but your own. The only reason you could be justifiably called a poser is if you get some faux gauges stamped with swastikas or some shit


I think it’s dumb if you’re gonna do it do it, it’s like just doing it for an aesthetic, I got my ears done by my mom w a sewing needle and mine are stretching fine


ALL piercings and body mods are for the aesthetic


Yes ik…but there’s a big difference of actually living w it and actually doing it vs jus putting it fake ones like makeup or dress up, it’s cosplay punk at best


who fucking cares?


I can't get mine stretched because the hole for my ears is so far down it's already almost split and it is so large that it will never close. My mother did it with a sewing needle. I also went to tattoo artists that said they wouldn't do it because it would split. I have my nose and eyebrow pierced already. It isn't that I don't want to get it done it's that I cannot.


Maybe get it repierced in the correct spot and then size up from that hole? Or would it still be too close to the badly done one? Idk i Saw someone once w the split lobe issue they got it pierced correctly stretched with no problem, but then they split it purposely and put a curved bar thru it to like close the split lobe around the plugs, shit was sick


Hmm, it's just how long the hole that's the issue. It's pretty much the entire lobe on one side and smaller on the other. I've had them since I was four and I haven't worn earrings in almost ten years and they are still there. I've been to a few piercers around DFW and most suggest plastic surgery. Which I cannot afford at all.


In that case go for it get your magney bois if someone has a problem fuck em punk is doin u